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He said that any reference to Guyana becoming like Qatar or Norway is totally misleading, and perhaps, even delusional as such nations ensured that they got a good deal for their resource.
Ramson was also keen to remind citizens that the behaviour of the government since 2015 in handling the oil industry reeked of incompetence and opaqueness


PPP skewers gov’t on management of oil sector

-hails ‘visionary’ leadership of Janet Jagan in engaging ExxonMobil

Janet Jagan
Janet Jagan

A day after the announcement of first oil and hailing what it said was visionary leadership by the late President Janet Jagan in engaging ExxonMobil, the opposition PPP yesterday flayed the government’s handling of the petroleum sector and pledged to have the necessary legislative framework installed in six months were it to win the March 2 general elections.


In a statement, the PPP also excoriated Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman for his role in the severely criticized Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) which was negotiated in 2016 with ExxonMobil subsidiary, Esso Exploration and Production and Guyana Limited.

“Under the former People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) government, it was Janet Jagan who moved to engage the oil company and signed the initial contract in 1999â€ĶDespite the naysayers, the result of visionary leadership is clear. Our nation owes a debt of gratitude to Janet Jagan”, the party said.



skeldon_man posted:

He said that any reference to Guyana becoming like Qatar or Norway is totally misleading, and perhaps, even delusional as such nations ensured that they got a good deal for their resource.
Ramson was also keen to remind citizens that the behaviour of the government since 2015 in handling the oil industry reeked of incompetence and opaqueness

Oil Contracts
How to Read and Understand a Petroleum Contract

I have this book [pdf copy] written in 2012. Any one interested i can give a copy.

Baseman posted:

We must remember Ms Jagan’s role here.

 She was criticized by the PNC for giving Exxon such a large allotment!  I’m sure she had valid reasons!

 Anyway there were not many takers!

That's true , Guyanese are like that , criticize each other ,confronting each other who are better. Some of the blocks have time span to give up.

kp posted:

Can we now say the oil boom is a seed planted by the PPP/ Janet Jagan since 1999 and today the PNC are the beneficiary.

I always believed she did the correct thing and in the large allotment!  She knew she had to make it juicy for Exxon!

Even at the height of various oil crises, the PNC was never able to attract a company like Exxon!

Baseman posted:
kp posted:

Can we now say the oil boom is a seed planted by the PPP/ Janet Jagan since 1999 and today the PNC are the beneficiary.

I always believed she did the correct thing and in the large allotment!  She knew she had to make it juicy for Exxon!

Even at the height of various oil crises, the PNC was never able to attract a company like Exxon!

It took an American woman.

kp posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

Can we now say the oil boom is a seed planted by the PPP/ Janet Jagan since 1999 and today the PNC are the beneficiary.

I always believed she did the correct thing and in the large allotment!  She knew she had to make it juicy for Exxon!

Even at the height of various oil crises, the PNC was never able to attract a company like Exxon!

It took an American woman.

I always thought she was Russian!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Can we now say the oil boom is a seed planted by the PPP/ Janet Jagan since 1999 and today the PNC are the beneficiary.

No political party are beneficiaries , natural resources belongs to the people.

No one saying that. But she was visionary!

Oil was in Guyana , probably the time was right due to new exploration and upstream technologies.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Can we now say the oil boom is a seed planted by the PPP/ Janet Jagan since 1999 and today the PNC are the beneficiary.

No political party are beneficiaries , natural resources belongs to the people.

No one saying that. But she was visionary!

Oil was in Guyana , probably the time was right due to new exploration and upstream technologies.

Just a few years ago oil was $120 a barrel , today hovering about $50 a barrel. Not timing, is desperation, with solar power, wind energy, and electric cars, is to take whatever you get.

kp posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:

No political party are beneficiaries , natural resources belongs to the people.

No one saying that. But she was visionary!

Oil was in Guyana , probably the time was right due to new exploration and upstream technologies.

Just a few years ago oil was $120 a barrel , today hovering about $50 a barrel. Not timing, is desperation, with solar power, wind energy, and electric cars, is to take whatever you get.

So you believe Exxon was poonch-paanching for a decade off the coast of Guyana until the heard of Elon Musk?

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Can we now say the oil boom is a seed planted by the PPP/ Janet Jagan since 1999 and today the PNC are the beneficiary.

No political party are beneficiaries , natural resources belongs to the people.

No one saying that. But she was visionary!

Oil was in Guyana , probably the time was right due to new exploration and upstream technologies.

Just a few years ago oil was $120 a barrel , today hovering about $50 a barrel. Not timing, is desperation, with solar power, wind energy, and electric cars, is to take whatever you get.

There are still a few decades ,before green technology kicks in . Guyana windfall with current oil exploration amount will be about 20 yrs. If more are found better for the country.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:

The reason why it’s always tit for tat, Guyana don’t include the other side in decision-making!

Seeing it’s of such national and strategic importance, the PPP should have included the PNC!  Also, why didn’t the PNC include the PPP in the updated contract negotiations?

The PNC was only interested in slo fiah mo fiah.

Baseman posted:

We must remember Ms Jagan’s role here.  She was criticized by the PNC for giving Exxon such a large allotment!  I’m sure she had valid reasons!  Anyway there were not many takers!

Who else could she have given it to. Exxon is a world leader in getting oil to the surface. Exxon gambled and it is going payoff handsomely.

A timely investment was the Marriott, I complained about it. Looking back it was visionary, wondering if Jagdeo knew oil was under the ocean bed.

Django posted:
kp posted:

Can we now say the oil boom is a seed planted by the PPP/ Janet Jagan since 1999 and today the PNC are the beneficiary.

No political party are beneficiaries , natural resources belongs to the people.

That's the theory. The practice is contrary. Read up on who are the beneficiaries of oil $$$$ in Nigeria, Angola and other countries.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Can we now say the oil boom is a seed planted by the PPP/ Janet Jagan since 1999 and today the PNC are the beneficiary.

No political party are beneficiaries , natural resources belongs to the people.

No one saying that. But she was visionary!

And a rabid communist to boot. 😁


It was Janet Jargon and her husband C. Jargon that released David HILL AKA RABBI SOMETHING from Prison. It was Janet Jargon and her husband C. Jargon who gave critical support to H. Greene that played a crucial role in rescuing that antikoolie beast from the kahalari desert that Hoyte had put him in. These two should be dumped into the Koolie latrine of history.

Last edited by Prashad
Gilbakka posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Can we now say the oil boom is a seed planted by the PPP/ Janet Jagan since 1999 and today the PNC are the beneficiary.

No political party are beneficiaries , natural resources belongs to the people.

No one saying that. But she was visionary!

And a rabid communist to boot. 😁

If she had a dislike for anyone, that person was dead meat. One of a great many reasons Guyana is in a mess. 

Prashad posted:

It was Janet Jargon and her husband C. Jargon that released David HILL AKA RABBI SOMETHING from Prison. It was Janet Jargon and her husband C. Jargon who gave critical support to H. Greene that played a crucial role in rescuing that antikoolie beast from the kahalari desert that Hoyte had put him in. These two should be dumped into the Koolie latrine of history.

To join you? No way. 😀

seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Can we now say the oil boom is a seed planted by the PPP/ Janet Jagan since 1999 and today the PNC are the beneficiary.

No political party are beneficiaries , natural resources belongs to the people.

No one saying that. But she was visionary!

And a rabid communist to boot. 😁

If she had a dislike for anyone, that person was dead meat. One of a great many reasons Guyana is in a mess. 

Jagdeo has balls of steel.  He is the only East Indian politician from the PPP to survive her wrath.  Everyone else from Balram to Boysie went down for the count.


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