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Originally Posted by baseman:


Actually Bindergate is not as bad as Benghazigate.

Why dont you tell us about the infamous Weapons of Mass Destructions.  Thanks to this billions of dollars were wasted, hundreds of thousands of people killed, and the Christian community of Iraq destroyed.


This is relevant because the same clowns who advised  Bush are now advaising Romney, and seem eager for wars in Syria and Iran.


You have to admit that Benghazi is very different.





Barack Obama is the most anti-christian president in the history of the United States. Christians in Ohio must vote accordingly in 2012.






Romney 47% Obama 47%


Keep in mind--Suffolk is the outfit that stopped polling in Florida, Virginia and North Carolina recently---they claim Romney will win those states.


Suffolk has it tied in Ohio(47/47)---but Romney has the advantage with undecideds.







Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:


You ought to use the poll of polls.  That shows a dead heat.




Poll of polls are for folks who are numerically challenged and incapable of doing their own analysis.


Listen up youngman!


* Romney has the BIG MO.


* Romney has a healthy lead among independents in nealy every poll.


* Enthusiasm among republicans is greater than than among democrats.


* Undecideds historically have broken for the challenger 3/1





R 53% O 47%



Originally Posted by Rev Al:


R 53% O 47%





Polls have all sorts of built in assumptions.  This is why your rassmussen is loved only by Fox News.  Poll of polls reduces the degree of built in bias.


You and Kari might both ended up crying come Nov 6 when tghe election comes in too close suggesting that Americans like neither candidate.


Face it we have two weak candidates.  The problem is one of them, Romney, is Bush on steriods so must be stopped.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Actually Bindergate is not as bad as Benghazigate.

Why dont you tell us about the infamous Weapons of Mass Destructions.  Thanks to this billions of dollars were wasted, hundreds of thousands of people killed, and the Christian community of Iraq destroyed.


This is relevant because the same clowns who advised  Bush are now advaising Romney, and seem eager for wars in Syria and Iran.


You have to admit that Benghazi is very different.

Did Romney do that?  Wasn't Obama's supporter Colin Power the joker who sold the story to the UN?  Besides, almost no one is using that in their decision-making.  The Economy is king-maker and Obama has failed miserably.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Did Romney do that?  Wasn't Obama's supporter Colin Power the joker who sold the story to the UN?  Besides, almost no one is using that in their decision-making.  The Economy is king-maker and Obama has failed miserably.

Collin Powell told Bush not to.  Bush insisted.  Powellthen had to follow the orders issued by the Bush Administration.  His face when voicing such nonsense looked as if he was forced to fecal matter.


So do not blame Powell.  Blame Bush.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Did Romney do that?  Wasn't Obama's supporter Colin Power the joker who sold the story to the UN?  Besides, almost no one is using that in their decision-making.  The Economy is king-maker and Obama has failed miserably.

Collin Powell told Bush not to.  Bush insisted.  Powellthen had to follow the orders issued by the Bush Administration.  His face when voicing such nonsense looked as if he was forced to fecal matter.


So do not blame Powell.  Blame Bush.

That is one clown, a poodle.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Did Romney do that?  Wasn't Obama's supporter Colin Power the joker who sold the story to the UN?  Besides, almost no one is using that in their decision-making.  The Economy is king-maker and Obama has failed miserably.

Collin Powell told Bush not to.  Bush insisted.  Powellthen had to follow the orders issued by the Bush Administration.  His face when voicing such nonsense looked as if he was forced to fecal matter.


So do not blame Powell.  Blame Bush.

That is one clown, a poodle.

Why is he a poodle.  If you work within an organization, you offer your views.  Powell said no to the war.  When the war savages, who Romney is using...screamed for blood Powell told them "if you break it you have to fix it". They disregarded his viewss, despite his warnings, and the Bush team went to war based on a lie.



Is he expected to disobey orders, because that is what you are telling him to do whe he was Secretary of State?


Why do you blame Powell and not Romney, who is peddling the same nonsense?



The Romney camp knows it will be difficult to win Ohio. And Nevada is already in Obama’s camp. That’s 24 for Obama with current trends and 2 weeks to go.


Right now you have to give Romney No Carolina for sure. Florida is leaning Romney and Virginia is leaning Obama. Colorado is also leaning Obama.


I would say that Wisconsin and Iowa are now firming up for Obama. New Hampshire can stay Obama if he continues working there – and he’s due to visit soon.


So what all this means? With a solid starting tally of 217 Electoral College votes, Obama need 53 more to win. Ohio and Nevada means he now needs 29. Wisconsin, Iowa and New Hampshire mean Obama needs 9 more. Virginia and Colorado give him 22. Bingo!

His magic number is 283 to Romney’s 255. BTW all these States I just put in his column voted for him in 2008.


As the "dust" is settling and issues are being focused, it appears that the results indeed will be close.


My prediction is that President Barack Obama will win with a small majority, with his current focus on the noted northern states and Nevada.


A part of the challenges for Mitt Romney rests on how the untra-right wing and other groups will react as he-Romney has shown in the last debate that he is moving ( or already moved ) to the center.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Did Romney do that?  Wasn't Obama's supporter Colin Power the joker who sold the story to the UN?  Besides, almost no one is using that in their decision-making.  The Economy is king-maker and Obama has failed miserably.

Collin Powell told Bush not to.  Bush insisted.  Powellthen had to follow the orders issued by the Bush Administration.  His face when voicing such nonsense looked as if he was forced to fecal matter.


So do not blame Powell.  Blame Bush.

That is one clown, a poodle.

Why is he a poodle.  If you work within an organization, you offer your views.  Powell said no to the war.  When the war savages, who Romney is using...screamed for blood Powell told them "if you break it you have to fix it". They disregarded his viewss, despite his warnings, and the Bush team went to war based on a lie.



Is he expected to disobey orders, because that is what you are telling him to do whe he was Secretary of State?


Why do you blame Powell and not Romney, who is peddling the same nonsense?


No one is to blame, that's why all like you are innocent of the PNC crimes against humanity.


But Powell has NO credibility.

Originally Posted by Kari:

The Romney camp knows it will be difficult to win Ohio.







Here's the bad news for Obama:


* In Ohio's early/absentee voting, Obama is underperforming compared to 2008.


* 28% of the voters in Ohio are catholics---Catholics will dump Obama in 2012.


* Every poll has Romney leading among independents.


* Republicans in Ohio are more enthusiastic than Democrats.








Originally Posted by Kari:

The Romney camp knows it will be difficult to win Ohio. And Nevada is already in Obama’s camp. That’s 24 for Obama with current trends and 2 weeks to go.


Right now you have to give Romney No Carolina for sure. Florida is leaning Romney and Virginia is leaning Obama. Colorado is also leaning Obama.


I would say that Wisconsin and Iowa are now firming up for Obama. New Hampshire can stay Obama if he continues working there – and he’s due to visit soon.


So what all this means? With a solid starting tally of 217 Electoral College votes, Obama need 53 more to win. Ohio and Nevada means he now needs 29. Wisconsin, Iowa and New Hampshire mean Obama needs 9 more. Virginia and Colorado give him 22. Bingo!

His magic number is 283 to Romney’s 255. BTW all these States I just put in his column voted for him in 2008.

Kari do not count your eggs before the chickens lay them.  There are still many votes to be cast in OH and reports are that more of those who are yet to vote are GOP leaning...this frim MSNBC....clearly not a pro Romney source.


VA,CO,FL, and NC are now leaning Romney.  NH is too small so who cares.  Even NV is afunction of how many Jispanics turn out to vote as the white vote will go overwhelmingly to Romney...many Mormons there.


It will be a long night...I just hope that we dont get a repeat of 2000.

Originally Posted by baseman:



No one is to blame, that's why all like you are innocent of the PNC crimes against humanity.


But Powell has NO credibility.

Just so that I understand you.  You blame Powell for the Iraq fiasco, but not Bush and Cheney.  Even though Powell was quite loudly opposed to an invasion...and warned them of the dire consequences to the USA if trhe invasion went wrong.  And was dropped as Secretary of State (or resigned) because he was considered not radical enough by the likes of Cheney and the other zealots.


In the long run he was right.  Bush has now been written out of history and the GOP want to pretend as if the Obama administration followed directly behind Clinton so that they can be absolbved of any responsibility for the state of this country, and indeed the world on January 2009. 


 Tax cuts and complete deregulation, and war was the Bush now the Romney Doctrine. I fail to see why you havent leant from RECENT history.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Colorado is also leaning Obama.



25,000 enthusiastic voters showed up at a Romney campaign in Denver, Colorado yesterday.






Wow.  That is a massive crowd ! 

25,000, Burnham used to get such crowds at National Park!


All the left wing media and polsters are giving Obama a winning edge as the election gets closer. By all account, it's fair for them and Obama only. Then we have the facts that show the race on a nationwide scale at a statistical tie as of today. We have a large percentage of undecided voters who hasn't made up their minds, perhaps until the last hours. With all of this at my disposal, I would only say I hope the best man wins, even though I am vying for Romney.         


I see too many Democrats on GNI are accusing Romney as racist and bias that prove pointless. America has experience leadership from Republican and Democrats who prove worthy of themselves. Along the way, there were mistakes on both sides as well. In my view no matter who wins, there will still be issued that will not touch on every life in the nation.         


Obama and Ronmey campaigned to convince the American voters of their vision for America. Both men have America's interest at heart, and I am sure they will both strive to do the best of their ability if elected or re-elected. I am uneasy with some of the remarks made by some here against Mitt Romney that is distasteful and untrue just because he is a Whiteman. Some tend to forget they live in a modem country with democracy and freedom and still think and act like the disgraceful days of Guyana's politics of the PNC regime.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

All the left wing media and polsters are giving Obama a winning edge as the election gets closer. By all account, it's fair for them and Obama only. Then we have the facts that show the race on a nationwide scale at a statistical tie as of today. We have a large percentage of undecided voters who hasn't made up their minds, perhaps until the last hours. With all of this at my disposal, I would only say I hope the best man wins, even though I am vying for Romney.         


I see too many Democrats on GNI are accusing Romney as racist and bias that prove pointless. America has experience leadership from Republican and Democrats who prove worthy of themselves. Along the way, there were mistakes on both sides as well. In my view no matter who wins, there will still be issued that will not touch on every life in the nation.         


Obama and Ronmey campaigned to convince the American voters of their vision for America. Both men have America's interest at heart, and I am sure they will both strive to do the best of their ability if elected or re-elected. I am uneasy with some of the remarks made by some here against Mitt Romney that is distasteful and untrue just because he is a Whiteman. Some tend to forget they live in a modem country with democracy and freedom and still think and act like the disgraceful days of Guyana's politics of the PNC regime.

Well, you know the story, just because you don't support Obama and you are Indian, then you are racist.  This is the 3rd World politics of Guyana being imported into the USA.


Obama and his social engineering agenda will hand-cuff this nation.  Obama has been a failure.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Baseman  isn't that what the PPP taught thier supporters to do. Insult and beat any Indian who support another Party especially the PNC.

You are a typical "coolie crabdwag", blame the Indian for everything.  Fortunately, most Indians have shed that mentality and have taken ownership of their own destiny and will never revert to cowering and hiding and begging for mercy.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

All the left wing media and polsters are giving Obama a winning edge as the election gets closer. By all account, it's fair for them and Obama only.


Then we have the facts that show the raceon a nationwide scale at a statistical tie as of today.

Nationwide and specific state results are quite different perspective.


The specific key states show that President Barack Obama will be the winner.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Baseman  isn't that what the PPP taught thier supporters to do. Insult and beat any Indian who support another Party especially the PNC.

You are a typical "coolie crabdwag", blame the Indian for everything.  Fortunately, most Indians have shed that mentality and have taken ownership of their own destiny and will never revert to cowering and hiding and begging for mercy.

"Coolie crabdogs" are all PPP members.

The real Guyanese Indians are the ones who stood up to Chedie and join forces with progressive leaders.



Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Baseman  isn't that what the PPP taught thier supporters to do. Insult and beat any Indian who support another Party especially the PNC.

You are a typical "coolie crabdwag", blame the Indian for everything.  Fortunately, most Indians have shed that mentality and have taken ownership of their own destiny and will never revert to cowering and hiding and begging for mercy.

"Coolie crabdogs" are all PPP members.

The real Guyanese Indians are the ones who stood up to Chedie and join forces with progressive leaders.



All dem dead and gone, stop living in yester-years.

Originally Posted by baseman:
.will not touch on every life in the nation.         


Well, you know the story, just because you don't support Obama and you are Indian, then you are racist.  .

Baseman you Rev Al, skeldon man and many others have a track record in IndoNazi behavior. 


This is why we suspect what your true motives are.


This is from caribj who argues with Kari about Obama, and has for the last two years.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
.will not touch on every life in the nation.         


Well, you know the story, just because you don't support Obama and you are Indian, then you are racist.  .

Baseman you Rev Al, skeldon man and many others have a track record in IndoNazi behavior. 


This is why we suspect what your true motives are.


This is from caribj who argues with Kari about Obama, and has for the last two years.

How about the fact that I was for him in 2008.  That don't count for anything?  Caribj, alyuh into cheap Guyana-style race politics, Race come first, Policy after.

Originally Posted by baseman:

How about the fact that I was for him in 2008.  That don't count for anything?  Caribj, alyuh into cheap Guyana-style race politics, Race come first, Policy after.

Many racists were as well because you all were terrified of an old man with heart problems and a bimbo who would take over if he was unable to.


Even your IndoNazism doesnt mean that you are crazy.


Your track record in other situations and your open alliance with rev al at other times is what damns you.


Kari has condemned Rev Al and his bigotry.  You havent.


You will note my criticism ofboth the PNC and Obama.  Surely you arent levelling charges of racial politics at me as indeed you were among those who called me a closet PPP last year when I refused to drink the AFC coolaid and was sharply critical of the PNC.


I am still waiting to have you tell us about all the "brilliant" plans Romney has, because every one else will like to know.  If he loses tomorrow against a man who was unable to rescue the labor markets its because he flipflops and refuses to tell Americans what his real plans are.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

How about the fact that I was for him in 2008.  That don't count for anything?  Caribj, alyuh into cheap Guyana-style race politics, Race come first, Policy after.

Many racists were as well because you all were terrified of an old man with heart problems and a bimbo who would take over if he was unable to.


Even your IndoNazism doesnt mean that you are crazy.


Your track record in other situations and your open alliance with rev al at other times is what damns you.


Kari has condemned Rev Al and his bigotry.  You havent.


You will note my criticism ofboth the PNC and Obama.  Surely you arent levelling charges of racial politics at me as indeed you were among those who called me a closet PPP last year when I refused to drink the AFC coolaid and was sharply critical of the PNC.


I am still waiting to have you tell us about all the "brilliant" plans Romney has, because every one else will like to know.  If he loses tomorrow against a man who was unable to rescue the labor markets its because he flipflops and refuses to tell Americans what his real plans are.

Well, if we were racist as you are, Obama would represent a clear and present danger, not the Veteran with his cute "bimbo" running mate, actually she was easy on the eyes.  You see, unlike you, we will not follow a leader to the abyss just because of race.  You did in the past, and you will.  That is Racism.

Originally Posted by baseman:


Well, if we were racist as you are, Obama would represent a clear and present danger,

You will follow any one provided that they are not black.  My support for Obama is because I fear President Ryan and the destruction that he will bring on the Nation.  You will note my comments to Kari about this half white man who is president. 


We have two choices.  A full white man and a half white man.


Obama has his faults but he is not as dangerous as Romney is. n You are yet to tell us how Romney will balance the budget.  Remember $5T in ADDITIONAL tax cuts.  $2T in ADDITIONAL defense. 


the fcat that you cant answer shows how flawed your thinking is.


Now if you said that Obama cant fix Bush's disaster fast enough and you will give some one else a chance, based on a hope, I might sympathasize with you.


But to suggest that Romney has the answer is a joke.  But one that the middle class will not find funny when they have to pay for their health insurance, and loses tax deductions for 401(k) contribution, mortgage interest, etc.  Yes and no FEMA either, so when they lose their homes, their local govt will not receive any help.






Mitt Romney arrived in Pittsburgh for his final rally. He was greeted by hundreds of fans across the street from the tarmac at an airport garage trying to get a glimpse of the next President. He waved to them and according to the press got a little choked up saying “That’s when you know you’re gonna win”:

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

The Romney camp knows it will be difficult to win Ohio. And Nevada is already in Obama’s camp. That’s 24 for Obama with current trends and 2 weeks to go.


Right now you have to give Romney No Carolina for sure. Florida is leaning Romney and Virginia is leaning Obama. Colorado is also leaning Obama.


I would say that Wisconsin and Iowa are now firming up for Obama. New Hampshire can stay Obama if he continues working there – and he’s due to visit soon.


So what all this means? With a solid starting tally of 217 Electoral College votes, Obama need 53 more to win. Ohio and Nevada means he now needs 29. Wisconsin, Iowa and New Hampshire mean Obama needs 9 more. Virginia and Colorado give him 22. Bingo!

His magic number is 283 to Romney’s 255. BTW all these States I just put in his column voted for him in 2008.

Kari do not count your eggs before the chickens lay them.  There are still many votes to be cast in OH and reports are that more of those who are yet to vote are GOP leaning...this frim MSNBC....clearly not a pro Romney source.


VA,CO,FL, and NC are now leaning Romney.  NH is too small so who cares.  Even NV is afunction of how many Jispanics turn out to vote as the white vote will go overwhelmingly to Romney...many Mormons there.


It will be a long night...I just hope that we dont get a repeat of 2000.

Doan worry with him. He goan look stupid in 4days time. Just like Colin Powel who had to toe the line of the Republicans, this fella got to toe the line of the Clintions Democrats. Obama is the Clinton's boy.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Doan worry with him. He goan look stupid in 4days time. Just like Colin Powel who had to toe the line of the Republicans, this fella got to toe the line of the Clintions Democrats. Obama is the Clinton's boy.

I guess the Indonazi rants again expressing his desire to be sexually dominated by some white man.


FACT:  Powell wasnt some politician who could have decided what he wanted to do.  He was a member of cabinet and had to do what he was told to do. Can you imagine Rohee resfusing an order from Jagdeo when he was president?  Well this is what you are suggesting that Powell should do.



His role was to IMPLEMENT the policies of the Bush administration once it was determined what these policies were.


But so desirous of you for dominationj by a white man that you support Bush and Romney who DETERMINED what these policies were. Cant blame them of course.  So you find the first black man to blame.


BTW Clinton and Obama do not even like each other.  Clinton wants to ensure that the GOP do not complete destroy what he built between 1992-2000 and, seeing that Obama has certain weaknesses, jumped in to protect his legacy.


Maybe Romney should win so you, baseman, and other Indonazis learn that hating a man because of his race when the other one is dangerous to your interests is a very bad thing.


And your past record on issues concerning blacks marks you as an Indonazi so I know fully well where your rage at Powell and Obama come from.


So go burn what ever you want to while wearing your brown hood.  The real whites dont want you.


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