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"Burton defended her decision while attending the PPPC’s rally held Sunday in Kitty, Georgetown. β€œWhen you look at the manifestos of the other parties, I think the PPPC has a manifesto that not only incorporates the adults but the young people of this country,” she told reporters. She cited the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) as one initiative in the interest of the country. She denied that she had back-peddled on some of her very harsh criticisms of the PPPC-led administration. β€œIt is not a back-peddling, it is taking Guyana forward unitedly and making sure that the people continue on the way to success,” Burton added."
Originally posted by jags:
Joe Hamilton's PPP / House of Israel can endorse anyone they want they have blood on their hands.

Will Joe and the PPP Apologize to Guyanese for the House of Israel Treachery?

Well you can keep Joesph Hamilton, he was one of the house of isreal thugs that bruk down and beat up opponents of the PNC, especially Indo-Guyanese.

So the PPP can keep this thug.
Originally posted by The Judge:

Dr. Emmanuel Cummings,Biochemist, Dean of the University of Guyana’s Health Sciences faculty

Gillian Burton, Immediate Past President of the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC)

The soup sweet, them boys and girls formerly of APNU dying for the soup. Go Cummings and Burton, soup too sweet.

Minister of Labour Ms Burton now that Manzir get kicked.
Originally posted by albert:
The truly Nationalist Party.....the P.P.P/C is gaining support from every facet of the Guyanese society...even the members of the opposition that finally let their conscience be their guide.....are support the party that will continue to keep Guyana on the road of prosperity...P.P.P/C

Let us find out the truth.

Who is Joseph Hamilton?

Is he or was he an House of Isreal member? YES

Did the House of Isreal harrass PPP supporters ?


So Joseph Hamiton was part of the team that harrassed and beat PPP supporters?


So what the hell he doing on a PPP platform.

The PPP = PNC = House of Isreal.

FACT. Case closed.
Originally posted by The Judge:

Dr. Emmanuel Cummings,Biochemist, Dean of the University of Guyana’s Health Sciences faculty

Gillian Burton, Immediate Past President of the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC)

Good show. One by one you all tek dem over. Dem cooolie azzez doan even know how to manage their own homes without tiefing from own selves.

I expect the whole of the PNC to switch sides and tek over the PPP.

Ppl were right all along, the PPP and the PNC is one of the same.

Pure recycling going on-no new blood.
Fudge this is posted on the PPP's website. Odeen ishmael and his son and amral posted this there they believe it are you saying these chaps are liars and are posting lies against the house of israel? The PPP cannot make up their minds which lies to tell.

The House of Israel

A fugitive from the US, David Hill, was given asylum in Guyana in 1972. He had fled Cleveland in 1972, while he was appealing conviction of corporate blackmail. Under a new name, Rabbi Edward Emmanuel Washington, he established a cult following of hundreds of members under a so-called religious organisation called the House of Israel. This cult, made up of Afro-Guyanese, bore striking similarities with that of Jim Jones' People's Temple. The House of Israel expressed its loyalty to the PNC and its members were involved in numerous violent acts against political opponents of the regime. Their actions included the violent breaking up of opposition public meetings, attacking anti-government demonstrations and working as strike-breakers whenever government workers went on strike for improved wages and better working conditions.

Murder of Father Darke

The year before, in May 1979, the Working People's Alliance (WPA), a small anti-PNC political pressure group, which was making inroads into the PNC Afro-Guyanese support, declared itself a political party with the primary aim of removing the PNC from power. The WPA, of which Dr. Walter Rodney, a renowned Third World scholar and historian, was recognised as leader, worked very closely with the PPP in organising the referendum boycott and in agitating against the PNC, even though it expressed tactical differences with the PPP in carrying out the struggle against the regime.

On the morning of July 11, 1979, the building housing the Ministry of National Development and the Office of the General Secretary of the PNC and the GUYSUCO building next to it were destroyed by fire. The government claimed that the fire was deliberately set and that the watchmen had been tied up and transported across Georgetown to a suburb on the East Coast, by men dressed in army uniforms.

Subsequently, Dr. Rodney and other leading WPA members, Bonita Harris, Kwame Apata, Maurice Odle, Omawale, Rupert Roopnaraine, Karen, de Souza, Walter Rodney and Davo Nandlall, were questioned by the police and subsequently charged with arson.

On the morning of 14 July 1979, the WPA leaders charged with arson appeared at the Georgetown Magistrate Court on Brickdam to answer the charge. A WPA-organised protest demonstration was mounted outside the court and numerous press photographers were observing and snapping pictures. Among them was Father Bernard Darke, a Roman Catholic priest, who also took photos for the weekly Catholic Standard, was also a high school teacher at the St. Stanislaus College located just across the street from the Magistrate Court.

Fr. Darke, taking his cameras with him, had gone to the college that morning and he took some shots of the WPA demonstration outside the Magistrates' Court and returned to the college. Shortly after, the WPA leaders, after being granted bail, were transported in a police van to the Camp Street prison where the police planned to release them away from the crowds.

The WPA demonstrators marched with their pickets along Brickdam behind the van, and as they passed the college, Fr. Darke came out on the street to snap more photographs. Suddenly, as the demonstrators passed the Brickdam Police Station, they were attacked by a group of young men, carrying staves, cutlasses and knives. The assailants were all members of the House of Israel. To escape the brutal attack, the demonstrators ran in all directions with many running into yards opposite the Police Station.

As people were attacked by the House of Israel thugs, Fr. Darke took photographs of what was happening. Then three of the gang turned on him and beat him with staves. As he ran towards the street corner, one of them then stabbed him with a bayonet in the back. Mike James, a journalist, and Jomo Yearwood, a bauxite worker, were also seriously wounded in separate attacks. Plainclothes policeman appearing on the scene fired two shots in the air to scatter the thugs and quickly made some arrests.

The police took Fr. Darke to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he was given immediate attention. He was later transferred to the St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital and operated on by two surgeons to repair his damaged lung. However, at around 6:00 p.m. he died.

Subsequently, five men, all members of the House of Israel, were convicted in court for carrying dangerous weapons during their attack. However, they were given barely minimum fines. On of them, Bilal Ato, who stabbed Fr. Darke was charged with murder. His trial came up three years later and he pleaded "not guilty of murder" but "guilty of manslaughter." He was eventually sentenced by Justice Pompey to eight years in prison.
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by Dharry:

So Joseph Hamiton was part of the team that harrassed and beat PPP supporters?


Any proof of this?

Any proof that the PNC rigged elections, that LFSB raped the treasury, that the PNC were behind the Buxton FFs, any proof that the PNC carried out the 1960's massaraces????
Originally posted by albert:
The truly Nationalist Party.....the P.P.P/C is gaining support from every facet of the Guyanese society...even the members of the opposition that finally let their conscience be their guide.....are support the party that will continue to keep Guyana on the road of prosperity...P.P.P/C

This proves that the PPP is inclusive.
Originally posted by SJ4321:
Originally posted by jags:

Guh and stitch up uncle Joe and Kwame batty fuss and while you are at it check in pun maniram.

Jags i don't have time for Fags...

Ah doan blame yuh after all in the OP that is where you spend most of your time on. So I can understand with the pressure of the merger between the House of Israel and the PPP you must be all stressed out.

I hope uncle Joe is going to mentor you and convince you to be a young proud black man and not want to shed your identity and be indian like your handlers. You need to get your hands dirty talk to uncle joe.


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