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Berbice could be in a crisis if people are eating seemingly contaminated fish. Thousands of dead fish are washed up on the beaches, the cause unknown. Is the Govt doing enough for its people? They say they are doing some tests but results will take weeks. How many people have eaten the fish in the last 2-3 weeks. Should people stop eating fish until the results are available?

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If people ignore the warnings of not eating fish for a period of time who's to blame? Cleaning up dead or contaminated fishes takes time. Guyana is not as sophisticated as the US to get quick result. Thankfully, there is no fatality or sickness resulted for the contaminated fishes. Remember, you can't rely on the government for all the answers. People have to take initiative of their own safety by being aware and pass the news around to family' friends and neighbors.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Notice how dead fish started floating in the Berbice river after Trotman was elected speaker. Reminds me of an incident in the Bible.

This is a sign of things to come in Guyana if we allow PNC and Trotman in parliament.
There are no mention of mass dying of fishes in the bible. Read it.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Dunce d2. Did I ever mention fishes in the Bible. d2 fool, i said that it reminds me of an incident in the Bible.

D2 you are such a fool, brainwashed by the PNC.
No incident remotely comparable exists in the bible. You are no reminded of anything therein. And as good old Will Shakespeare said, "a fool thinks himself wise..." The rest you can fill in.
Originally posted by yuji22:
It reminds me of and Incident with a Pharaoh in the Bible and signs that he saw coming.

Read the Bible again fool. Do not look for a "fish incident." Just read the Bible and you will finally get the point.
As I advised, go read he book if you care to comment on it. I am sure I have read it a few times and heard every line of it sometime or the other in my previously well studied christian life. The pharaoh of the dream interpreted by Joseph dreamt of cows

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