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Jagdeo writes President for clarification on GECOM list

25 mins ago

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo today wrote President David Granger seeking clarification on the President’s view as it relates to a candidate for the Chairmanship of the Guyana Elections Commission. The letter follows Granger’s rejection of the list of six names supplied by Jagdeo.

A copy of the letter follows:

His Excellency David A. Granger, DSM                                                              

President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana

Ministry of Presidency         

Shiv’ Chanderpaul Drive


January 10, 2017

Dear Mr. President,


Your letter dated 2017-01-05 refers.


In that letter, Your Excellency has expressed the view that the six (6) persons whose names I submitted to fill the position of the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission “do not seem to conform to the requirements of … Article 161(2) …” of the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.


I have also noted certain comments attributed to Your Excellency by the media made at a function held at State House on the 8th January, 2017, which tend to suggest that you apprehend Article 161(2) to require only persons who are Judges, qualified to be Judges, or former Judges of, either a court having unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matter or, a court having jurisdiction in appeals from any such court. If those media reports accurately conveyed your views, then I am obliged to inform Your Excellency that my interpretation of Article 161(2) is different, in so far as, it also provides for, in addition to the category of persons to whom you  have referred, “or any other fit and proper person”.


In the circumstances, I hereby request that Your Excellency clarify what you interpret the qualifications are of the persons to whom Article 161(2) of the Constitution refers. I am of the considered view that an urgent meeting will immeasurably assist in reconciling any differences of opinion which may exist on this issue.


Yours faithfully,


Bharrat Jagdeo, MP

Leader of the Opposition

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Guyana faces a constitutional crisis

Jan 10, 2017 Peeping Tom, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....titutional-crisis-2/

The Constitution of Guyana provides for two ways of naming the Chairperson of GECOM. One way is for the President to appoint either a judge or a former judge to head the Commission. Twenty-five years ago, another constitutional route was formulated. It allowed for the President to choose the Chairperson of GECOM from a list of six persons submitted by the Leader of the Opposition. This latter method has been used to choose five successive Chairpersons of the Guyana Elections Commission. It has become a constitutional convention.


1. Perhaps Granger is asleep and aware of the laws, precedents and procedures on the aspect for selecting and appointing the Chairman of GECOM.

2. Apt response by Bharrat Jagdeo.


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