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inewsguyana, January 11, 2016 3:35 pm 

Five persons are presently hospitalized at the Suddie Public Hospital in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) after they consumed poisonous substances. The five persons are, 12 year old, Ferana Mohamed from Anna Regina Squatting area, 22 year old Nelina Ramesh from La Belle Alliance, 24 year old, Yosoda Munniram from Fairfield, 28 year old Sushelia Khemraj from San Souci Wakenaam and 20 year old, Savita Sursattie from Golden Fleece Estate.

During interviews conducted with these individuals they all related that they were confused and frustrated with life. They all suffered personal problems in their relationships.

According to teenager, Ferana Mohamed, she became very frustrated with life after enduring severe problems with her boyfriend. She is presently hospitalized battling for her life. According to her, she had a mouthful of “gamazone” and was saved by neighbours. She is in the hospital eight days now.

Twenty- two year old Nelina Ramesh from La Belle Alliance, was rushed the hospital, Sunday morning by her parents after she ingested a quantity of tablets. Her condition is improving, however, she attempted to end her life after her brother asked her to stop texting and assist with the household chores.

Meanwhile, a mother of two from Fairfield village said she became very frustrated after she had a heated argument with her husband last Sunday night. She consumed a large quantity of “gamazone” and is presently receiving saline.

Twenty- eight year old, Susheila Khemraj of San Souci was rushed late Sunday night after she too consumed a quantity of toxin. She said she was confused and at the time gave up on life. Khemraj is currently married and has two children.

Twenty-year old, Savita Sursattie also ingested “gamazone” Sunday night. She was rushed to the hospital by relatives. Relatives said they are unsure why Savita aka Bindu would want to end her life. Sursattie was recently married and has since been separated.

The female ward at the Hospital was packed to the extreme as persons were visiting the patients. Some of the relatives were crying as they are still baffled as to the reason for these individuals to have made such a move to end their life so sudden.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Drugb posted:

Life is so hopeless and miserable under the afc/apnu that people don't see a reason to hold on when they have emotional issues. 

you sure make light of these people miseries


"Twenty- two year old Nelina Ramesh from La Belle Alliance, was rushed the hospital, Sunday morning by her parents after she ingested a quantity of tablets. Her condition is improving, however, she attempted to end her life after her brother asked her to stop texting and assist with the household chores."

Lazy rass want commit suicide to avoid housework


Drugb posted:

Life is so hopeless and miserable under the afc/apnu that people don't see a reason to hold on when they have emotional issues. 

You are such a twit,these are individuals who seems to think taking their lives will resolve their issues,those individuals need counselling.

"12 year old, Ferana Mohamed,she became very frustrated with life after enduring severe problems with her boyfriend."

This is a cause for concern,12 yrs old should focus on education.


It seems like the parents are not involved with their children lives, 12 years old wants to die, because of boyfriend problems.To these people live is hopeless and they can't see a future to live.Suicide has become a fashion that is catching, the one that wants to die for not doing house chores , well, that child needs a good flogging.This is where National Service is good, send all these attempt suicide clowns to cut bush and sweat their madness out.The Guyanese society is a bunch of lazy people, with the introduction of TV and Internet, they stare at the DUM BOX night and day, the women look at soap operas and movies don't care for doing the house work. The men on the other continue to support the Rum Shops. This has nothing to do with PPP, PNC AFC APNU, I remember in the early 70's ,having a drink with a friend at Uitvlugt, when heard the neighbour shouting,  her son drank poison , my friend and I went over we put raw egg in his mouth, we then took him to Leonora Hospital, fortunately the young man survived, a few days after he thanked us, he did that all because he had a quarrel with his mother.THE YOUNG PEOPLE NEEDS TO BE GAINFULLY OCCUPIED AT ALL TIMES.


Very sad.  I would really like if they could do a study to determine how many of these suicides are due to broken relationships.  

I know in America suicides are driven mainly by mental illnesses, but I don't think this is the case in Guyana.  If anything it might be the inability to handle stress.  I know stress can lead to depression, but you get over it after a while.  This must be taught to the people.


Last week President Granger reportedly said he was worried about the copycat effect of suicide publicity. From that, I gather that he is not pleased that the press is reporting all these suicides. I disagree with the President here. I hope I misunderstood him.

Drugb posted:

Life is so hopeless and miserable under the afc/apnu that people don't see a reason to hold on when they have emotional issues. 

Druggie we all know that Sept to June your were catching fish in the trench, and thought that school was only open in July and August, so basic  forms of analysis are beyond your capabilities.

The WHO compiled a list of suicide rates in 2012, and Guyana ranked # ONE.

APNU/AFC were NOT in power then so where is your childish babbling coming from?

Upgrade your thinking before you have to hide in shame, as you did last time.  Nehru is an alcoholic, who spends Saturday and Sunday early mornings in the drain, after a night of ample imbibing.

What's your excuse?  Drugs!

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Life is so hopeless and miserable under the afc/apnu that people don't see a reason to hold on when they have emotional issues. 

You are such a twit,these are individuals who seems to think taking their lives will resolve their issues,those individuals need counselling.

"12 year old, Ferana Mohamed,she became very frustrated with life after enduring severe problems with her boyfriend."

This is a cause for concern,12 yrs old should focus on education.

Who knows what her family life is, and why she felt that she needed a boy friend.

kp posted:

, well, that child needs a good flogging.

Suppose her father was a drunkard, who tried to have incest with her, and her mother is an abused wife, who allows him to do anything, for fear of being soundly flogged.

You don't know, so don't judge until you have the facts.

VVP posted:


I know in America suicides are driven mainly by mental illnesses, but I don't think this is the case in Guyana.  If anything it might be the inability to handle stress.  I know stress can lead to depression, but you get over it after a while.  This must be taught to the people.

I don't know that you can teach people not to be suicidal.  All that one can do is to find out the root causes, and establish alternate support systems, as it is clear that their network of family and friends aren't playing that role.

People need to gain a sense of inner strength, and the feeling and faith that they can persevere against all obstacles and challenges, and that life isn't without hope.


I am willing to bet that these suicide victims are surrounded by people telling them what to do, and that no one listens to them.  So the little voices in their heads grow louder and then poison, or a rope, becomes the escape.

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:


Do you have proof that these were all unemployed people. Or are you judging them, based on YOUR assumptions and values.

Don't you think that it is the incessant judging by elders that causes the problem.  It seems to clear that this problem is worse in the more culturally conservative areas of Guyanese society. 

All things being equal Linden, and the interior should be where suicides should be highest, as these are easily the most stressful places in Guyana.

But its not there.  Its the placid country villages where the problem seems worse.  Where close knit families and kinship, should provide support, but instead stifles.

Yes the very areas where patriarchy is the norm, and women are "property". 

Yes where the men drink with their friends, and the wife must spend, what she thought would be some leisure time, instead cooking for them, and then staying out of the way. Being the "good wife".

Where elders determine what younger ones should do, or else. 

Where women, and/or young people don't have a sense that they can control what happens in their lives.

Last edited by Former Member

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