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July 8, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

- Two police ranks accused of raping TIP victims


Simona Broomes

Five women were yesterday rescued from the sex trade in the hinterland as Guyana’s internationally recognized fighter against trafficking in persons, Simona Broomes continues her fearless work. Two of the females have since accused ranks of Sherima Police Station of rape. According to reports the two policemen allegedly raped the young women to allow them and their “madam” access into the 14 Mile Issano, Region Seven mining District. According to Broomes, who is the President of Guyana Women Miners Organization (GWMO), five victims of Trafficking in Persons (TIP) ages 14, 16, 18, 20, and 26 years old are now assisting ranks of Bartica Police Station with investigations. During a brief telephone interview yesterday, Broomes who was still in Bartica, explained the circumstances under which the 16 and 26 year-old were forced into the sex trade. From all indications, the young ladies believed they were going to be gainfully employed in a shop in the interior but little did they know their youthful bodies were the goods that would be sold night after night. According to Broomes, the young ladies met a man at a popular City bar in Georgetown, who told them about vacancies at a shop in the interior. The man subsequently introduced the girls to a woman, who they met at a City hotel. With all the necessary arrangements in place except for their National Identification Cards, the girls along with the woman. left Georgetown. However, things got strange when the girls were forced to hide under an old zinc sheet in a truck at the security check point at the Sherima Police Station. Broomes said that the girls felt uncomfortable with the situation and hit the zinc to gain the police’s attention. The girls were ordered out of the truck and the policemen began negotiating with the perpetrator. Broomes said thatinstead of preventing the girls from entering the backdam without identification, the police allegedly demanded sex. Apparently, the perpetrator is known to the ranks and because of her failure to make good on a previous deal, they demanded the girls. Broomes said the girls refused to have sex with the men since that was not part of their work agreement. However, they were placed on a bench and were given no other option but to sleep with the policemen in their barrack room. Broomes stated after that ordeal, the trio recommenced their journey to 14 Mile Issano, where the young women were forced into prostitution. All their earnings, cash and gold, were deposited with the woman who turned out to be the “madam” of the sex shop. Finally, finding the courage to stand up to the “madam”, the 26-year-old demanded her money to leave. But, the woman refused to give her the money and demanded $70,000 in exchange for her freedom. Broomes said that one night the young lady was fortunate to meet a man in the shop who generously gave her $100,000 to clear off her so-called debt. The girl was free to leave but stuck around to earn money for her passage out of the area. But, that was not the end of the ordeal. The two policemen allegedly went to the shop to have sex with the two girls again but their approaches were rebuffed. The cops became angry and threatened to shut down the establishment and charge the operators for prostitution. Meanwhile the girls’ quest to leave the area intensified. The 16-year-old somehow came into contact with members of the GWMO and was taken into their custody. News of this incensed the “madam” who started to physically assault the 26-year-old. A man, who noticed the injustice, brought it to GWMO’s attention and she too was rescued. Because of time constraint and the numerous activities that are expected after a rescue mission such as doctor’s check-up for the victims, Broomes was unable to divulge information on the other rescued girls.

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Originally Posted by sachin_05:

July 8, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

- Two police ranks accused of raping TIP victims


Simona Broomes

Five women were yesterday rescued from the sex trade in the hinterland as Guyana’s internationally recognized fighter against trafficking in persons, Simona Broomes continues her fearless work. Two of the females have since accused ranks of Sherima Police Station of rape. According to reports the two policemen allegedly raped the young women to allow them and their “madam” access into the 14 Mile Issano, Region Seven mining District. According to Broomes, who is the President of Guyana Women Miners Organization (GWMO), five victims of Trafficking in Persons (TIP) ages 14, 16, 18, 20, and 26 years old are now assisting ranks of Bartica Police Station with investigations. During a brief telephone interview yesterday, Broomes who was still in Bartica, explained the circumstances under which the 16 and 26 year-old were forced into the sex trade. From all indications, the young ladies believed they were going to be gainfully employed in a shop in the interior but little did they know their youthful bodies were the goods that would be sold night after night. According to Broomes, the young ladies met a man at a popular City bar in Georgetown, who told them about vacancies at a shop in the interior. The man subsequently introduced the girls to a woman, who they met at a City hotel. With all the necessary arrangements in place except for their National Identification Cards, the girls along with the woman. left Georgetown. However, things got strange when the girls were forced to hide under an old zinc sheet in a truck at the security check point at the Sherima Police Station. Broomes said that the girls felt uncomfortable with the situation and hit the zinc to gain the police’s attention. The girls were ordered out of the truck and the policemen began negotiating with the perpetrator. Broomes said thatinstead of preventing the girls from entering the backdam without identification, the police allegedly demanded sex. Apparently, the perpetrator is known to the ranks and because of her failure to make good on a previous deal, they demanded the girls. Broomes said the girls refused to have sex with the men since that was not part of their work agreement. However, they were placed on a bench and were given no other option but to sleep with the policemen in their barrack room. Broomes stated after that ordeal, the trio recommenced their journey to 14 Mile Issano, where the young women were forced into prostitution. All their earnings, cash and gold, were deposited with the woman who turned out to be the “madam” of the sex shop. Finally, finding the courage to stand up to the “madam”, the 26-year-old demanded her money to leave. But, the woman refused to give her the money and demanded $70,000 in exchange for her freedom. Broomes said that one night the young lady was fortunate to meet a man in the shop who generously gave her $100,000 to clear off her so-called debt. The girl was free to leave but stuck around to earn money for her passage out of the area. But, that was not the end of the ordeal. The two policemen allegedly went to the shop to have sex with the two girls again but their approaches were rebuffed. The cops became angry and threatened to shut down the establishment and charge the operators for prostitution. Meanwhile the girls’ quest to leave the area intensified. The 16-year-old somehow came into contact with members of the GWMO and was taken into their custody. News of this incensed the “madam” who started to physically assault the 26-year-old. A man, who noticed the injustice, brought it to GWMO’s attention and she too was rescued. Because of time constraint and the numerous activities that are expected after a rescue mission such as doctor’s check-up for the victims, Broomes was unable to divulge information on the other rescued girls.

Gburd and baseman can replace these girls in the interior they already have experience working for the ppp


Jolly miss piggy said for years we have no trafficking problem. She squealed and jiggled her several chins furiously  at the insult of such accusations. Those foreigner, meaning the US of course, needed to take care of their own problem and not worry about Guyana where everyone lived in Paradise, she snorted.


This shit has to be brought out in the open so the various groups out there could voice their concerns. The comany heads should also be brought to the table on this matter.

I have no problem when a prostitute goes and does her thing, it's her business she could take all her prostitute friends with her, no problem there but dam, there is a problem when anyone is tricked by devious methods.


Though the entire story is distasteful, the Policemen in question comes to my attention. Instead on rendering assistance, they demanded sex. And once wasn't good enough according to the article; they went back for more.
Whatever happened to "Protect and Serve"?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The police are known to be pNC/afc agents, mulitply this incident by 10 and this  is what the country would become should the afc/pnc take over power. 

dippity dog, the PPP are in the administration why cannot they administrate!

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The police are known to be pNC/afc agents, mulitply this incident by 10 and this  is what the country would become should the afc/pnc take over power. 

dippity dog, the PPP are in the administration why cannot they administrate!

The are administrating, delegating the task to the police commissioner, ask pnc agent Brunell why he is not disciplining his men. Or is the chain of command not relevant or accountable?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The police are known to be pNC/afc agents, mulitply this incident by 10 and this  is what the country would become should the afc/pnc take over power. 

dippity dog, the PPP are in the administration why cannot they administrate!

The are administrating, delegating the task to the police commissioner, ask pnc agent Brunell why he is not disciplining his men. Or is the chain of command not relevant or accountable?

ou mean to tell me they are so stupid they cannot hire good and respectable men after their own understanding for these posts? In any event Brunell is their choice and he is still acting because the Opposition would never confirm him.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The police are known to be pNC/afc agents, mulitply this incident by 10 and this  is what the country would become should the afc/pnc take over power. 

dippity dog, the PPP are in the administration why cannot they administrate!

The are administrating, delegating the task to the police commissioner, ask pnc agent Brunell why he is not disciplining his men. Or is the chain of command not relevant or accountable?

ahhh yesss . . . the "chain of command"


Guyana actually has no substantive COP; 2 "Deputy Commissioners of Police" have been appointed - Leroy Brummell and Seelall Persaud. Brummell is temporarily "acting" as COP since he happened to be in the seat when Henry Greene was forced out.


PNC agent?? - Deputy Commissioner of Police Seelall Persaud is the commander with direct responsibility for these matters as substantive Crime Chief (a position he has held for at least the past 7 years)


i find drugabeer's klown 'analysis' fascinating


har de har har har har har har har har harrr

Last edited by Former Member

A 26 yr old "forced" into the trade, sound like she made her choice.  I would give the 20 year old some benefit of the doubt depending on the circumstances but definitely the minors.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The police are known to be pNC/afc agents, mulitply this incident by 10 and this  is what the country would become should the afc/pnc take over power. 

dippity dog, the PPP are in the administration why cannot they administrate!

The are administrating, delegating the task to the police commissioner, ask pnc agent Brunell why he is not disciplining his men. Or is the chain of command not relevant or accountable?

ou mean to tell me they are so stupid they cannot hire good and respectable men after their own understanding for these posts? In any event Brunell is their choice and he is still acting because the Opposition would never confirm him.

Don't play stupid, the PPP only appoint Brummel, then the PNC/AFC take over in hiring the rank and file. The police is effectively a PNC/AFC organization. Even Brummel's appointment had to be approved by the pnc/afc and was not at the will of the PPP.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The police are known to be pNC/afc agents, mulitply this incident by 10 and this  is what the country would become should the afc/pnc take over power. 

dippity dog, the PPP are in the administration why cannot they administrate!

The are administrating, delegating the task to the police commissioner, ask pnc agent Brunell why he is not disciplining his men. Or is the chain of command not relevant or accountable?

ou mean to tell me they are so stupid they cannot hire good and respectable men after their own understanding for these posts? In any event Brunell is their choice and he is still acting because the Opposition would never confirm him.

Don't play stupid, the PPP only appoint Brummel, then the PNC/AFC take over in hiring the rank and file. The police is effectively a PNC/AFC organization. Even Brummel's appointment had to be approved by the pnc/afc and was not at the will of the PPP.

You are such a jackass. You don't know how things work in Guyana.
Did you not make your entry into this world nine months after your mom visited your uncles in the mines?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Don't play stupid, the PPP only appoint Brummel, then the PNC/AFC take over in hiring the rank and file. The police is effectively a PNC/AFC organization. Even Brummel's appointment had to be approved by the pnc/afc and was not at the will of the PPP.

drugabeer: de rank and file runnin de Guyana police . . .




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