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Fixed 20% income for City Hall – Parking Meters Project expected to extend to Sheriff, Princes Streets

June 24, 2016, By Clestine Juan,

CITY Hall can expect a 20 per cent gross income generated from the placement of parking meters around town starting from September, said Director of National Parking Systems (NPS) Ifa Kamau Cush

In an interview with the Guyana Chronicle on Thursday, Cush explained that whether the parking meter project makes a profit or not, City Hall would still benefit from its fixed 20 per cent gross income.

Director of National Parking Systems [NPS) Ifa Kamau CushDirector of National Parking Systems (NPS) Ifa Kamau Cush

According to the director, the project will create a new revenue stream for the city which currently receives $24M in subventions from the Government every year.

The project is expected to generate between $100M-200M in the first year of implementation.

It is contracted to run for the next 49 years, and already, the NPS has invested tens of millions of dollars in preparatory works.

“It’s time that we re-imagine the city as it once was and this parking meter project is the first step in transforming the city,” Cush said, pointing out that it will create over 100 new jobs.

He also disclosed that the company plans to set a standard of corporate responsibility in Guyana, while unionised workers will benefit from various job entitlements with their labour rights not being violated or exploited.

“This project will empower our citizens of Guyana to contribute to the public good, so that the city can earn money to clean drains, fix the roads and beautify Georgetown. We need to think outside of the box, take bold steps to move our city forward,” the director said as he stressed the benefits of the project.

The project will focus on the central business district in Georgetown, notably Regent, Robb, Carmichael, Middle and Water Streets.

According to Cush, the aim is to expand to Sheriff and Princes Streets.

The meters are expected to be solar-powered and have a variety of value-added features.

The parking meter project has come in for criticism for the cost of parking and for non-consultation with city residents and businesses.

Both the Government through the Attorney General’s Chambers and the Ministry of Finance plan to review the contract for the project, which is being implemented by the Mayor and City Council (M&CC)

At a post-Cabinet press briefing Wednesday, Minister of State Joseph Harmon told reporters that Cabinet has decided to review the contract to ensure that there are no illegalities based on the complaints made.

The contract for implementation of the parking meters project was signed with National Parking Systems (NPS)/Smart City Solutions. But notwithstanding the ongoing row over the implementation of the parking meters, Minister Harmon gave the assurance that Government’s decision to review the contract is by no means an attempt to interfere in the affairs of the City Council.

“If they claim there is something wrong or there is something illegal, then Government has a responsibility to look at the contract itself to see whether there is anything in the contract that closely resembles the complaints by citizens.”

He said Government supports the efforts of the City Council to garner revenue, while reducing congestion on city streets, but its intervention is necessary because Georgetown is the capital city.

According to Harmon, Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan has briefed Cabinet about the project, noting that whatever the outcome, it is the citizens who will be affected.

Deputy Mayor Sherod Duncan has publicly declared that the parking meter project is a shady one. He said the mere fact that the city Mayor has refused to reveal the details of the contract to City Councillors and make the contract public, suggest that something sinister is taking place.

“So much has been shady with regard to the contract and how it will be rolled out,” said Duncan, who insists that something is amiss with the project.

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Full disclosure needed on parking meters … PSC, WPA want transparency

Mayor Patricia Chase-Green inspecting a parking meter in Mexico recently.
Mayor Patricia Chase-Green inspecting a parking meter in Mexico recently.

THE Private Sector Commission (PSC) and the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) have spoken out against the controversial parking meters contract by the Mayor and City Council (M&CC). The PSC in a statement yesterday noted that Mayor Patricia Chase-Green and the “select few she has chosen to surround her” have only themselves to blame for the controversy which has arisen on the matter of installing parking meters in the city of Georgetown.

According to the PSC, “the Mayor, in the first place, has isolated her deputy and other City Councillors from participating in the process of arriving at this decision. This is unacceptable and unwarranted.”

The PSC believes that an initiative of this magnitude, affecting as it does, the entire citizenry of the city and beyond, demands public consultation, transparency and open debate.

“The British High Commissioner has made this very point and we endorse his position. The PSC also notes and supports the fact that H.E President David Granger has quite properly questioned the rates to be charged and has expressed the view that these rates may be a serious burden beyond the reach of the average person.”

The PSC also pointed out that the contracting company and the contract details are shrouded in secrecy and appear to be questionable.

“These must be fully disclosed for public scrutiny. The PSC, therefore, cannot and will not support this attempt to impose parking meters on the population until there has been full public debate and support for the matter.”

Meanwhile, the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) is of the view that the M&CC acted in haste and should therefore rethink the controversial parking meter contract.

A release from the political party noted that “The entire issue reflects negatively on the newly elected City Council which had promised a clean break with the old ways of operation.”

The WPA is of the view that there seems to have been very little, if any, meaningful consultation, which leads to a lack of transparency.

“We are alarmed that a project of such magnitude was not first discussed with the citizens of the city who would, in the long run, be affected by its implementation,” the WPA said.

Deputy Mayor Sherod Duncan continues to maintain the view that the parking meter deal is a shady one based on his personal research and those of councillors. He noted that insufficient facts are lacking that make supporting the parking meters deal difficult.


Parking meter contractor hires protestors

Jun 25, 2016 News,

Yesterday a group of young people congregated in front of the Regent Street entrance of City Hall in a protest expressing their support of the controversial parking meter project.

The Group of youths displaying their placards.

The Group of youths displaying their placards.

When asked whether they were protesting on behalf of themselves or some other body, the youths boldly shouted “Safe City Solutions!”

However they were later corrected about the true name of the company.

The group of approximately a dozen young men and women yelled slogans and displayed placards expressing their wish for the parking meter project to be implemented without further impairment. One of the placards directly addressed the Deputy Mayor Sherod Duncan; it read “Sherod Duncan, Shut up and let us work.”

Another read “Duncan, do your job and give us jobs! Support the parking meter project.”

According to the picketers the project will provide them with much needed jobs. It had been disclosed by Mayor Patricia Chase-Green and Chief Executive Officer of National Parking Systems, Ifa Kamau Cush, that although NPS and its partner, Smart City Solutions, will set up the parking meters, the council will be tasked with training and employing 100 Guyanese to maintain the system.

One young man speaking at the protest stated that “this project will help the young people and not only the young people but the entire Guyana in a very, very vital way.” The young man went on to plead that the higher authorities let the project pass so that they will have a chance at better jobs.

Another youngster said that the jobs would be good for youths who are home doing nothing. It is their belief that the chance at employment will allow them to elevate themselves.

A young woman, while hiding her face with a placard spoke out saying “I would love for this project to pass, so that young people could get jobs.”

She continued, “If this pass, I’m sure 50% of young people can get jobs.”

Members of the group were equipped with pamphlets which sought to inform readers of the benefits which the parking system would bring to the city. The document evidently endorsed by Smart City Solutions boasted that the project will provide more jobs, reduce traffic congestion, better roads and safer streets for Georgetown.


City Mayor defiant despite government ordered review

Jun 25, 2016

-“I have nothing and no one to fear”

Following the announcement that the controversial city parking meter contract would be reviewed by the government, Mayor of Georgetown, Patricia Chase-Green, is defiant. Moreover, she is throwing down the gauntlet to her critics.

In a recent statement to the media, the Mayor made it clear that if anyone had information about any ‘underhand dealings’ in which she might be involved, then they ought to go to the police. She said that she has nothing and no one to fear.

city hall clowns a

“Anyone who has information that they think is any way untoward or underhand movement with regards to this contract is free to go to the police with it,” the Mayor stressed. “If you have any evidence of anything… I am the Mayor and I have to take the responsibility of anything of this council.”

She also denied reports of the existence of the ‘Fantastic Four’; that is a group of councillors who have been making decisions and taking action independent of the council.

Recently the Mayor, Town Clerk Royston King, Chairman of the Finance Committee Oscar Clarke and councillor Junior Garrett, embarked on trips to Mexico and Panama.

The council and Deputy Mayor, Sherod Duncan had reportedly not sanctioned the trips. The Deputy Mayor has been insistent that a full council must discuss the deal, which was, however, signed even before the trip to inspect the meters.

“I don’t know of any group of four persons. I know we are councilors and I am the chairperson for this council,” Chase-Green said. “The contract is at the town clerk’s office. Anyone is free to request to look at it, nobody came forward to look at it, but you’re reading all sorts of things in the press.”

Review welcomed
During a post cabinet press briefing on Wednesday, Minister of State Joseph Harmon, stated that the whole saga had been a subject of cabinet’s meeting and a decision had been reached for the Attorney General’s chambers to review the contract for any illegalities.

Detailing the city’s position on this development, the Mayor made it clear that the review of the contract by the government was welcome. She reiterated that there was nothing to hide and at the end of the day the review will bring closure.

“Because all that has been happening is speculation,” she said. “So Government has it, it’s going to go to the Ministry of Legal Affairs for a review and to the Ministry of Finance. And I’m happy about that.”

Asked whether the project would be on hold until the review is completed, the Mayor stated that that was not the case to the best of her knowledge. They would move ahead with their September implementation date while the review was ongoing.

“We still have to focus on what we are proposing to do with the parking meters while they review the contract.”

The contract was signed last November under the last council, by the Town Clerk, Royston King, for a consortium, National Parking Systems/Smart City Solutions, to spend US$10M to install solar-powered parking meters around the city.

However, several of the new councillors, including Duncan, have been complaining bitterly of the limited information they have been given. They complained to Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan, who expressed concerns last week.

On Monday, during a press conference at City Hall to defend the contract, Chase-Green announced that it is expected the first phase of the project will be rolled out by September 1. Some 1,500 parking spaces will be erected between Stabroek, South Road, Camp Street and Church Street.

The pilot project will include the busy Regent and Robb Streets. She also said that talks will be held with banks and other city commercial businesses on how parking will be handled. The Mayor disclosed that the fees, which were touted at $500 per hour, was still being negotiated with the consortium and is expected to be way less.

During a recent press conference, Leader of the Opposition Bharrat Jagdeo had described the entire situation as “nonsense”; lambasting the fact that while the investor will collect the hog of revenues from the meters, the city is set to collect only 20 percent of what is earned.

“I don’t know what the city council is intent on doing. First it was the vendors, now its bringing hardships to people to park. So you now have to park your car by Pradoville Two (where Jagdeo lives) and walk to the city.”

Jagdeo called for the project to be scrapped. He noted that if an employee earning $60,000 had to pay $500 per hour for parking, it would outstrip their earnings. Acknowledging that there were talks of a reduction, he noted that even if it was reduced by half the cost it would be too much.


Where are all the clowns who chastise the PPP/BJ over the tolls charged for the use of the bbce bridge?  Now the hapless PNC will charge 500/hour for just parking on nothing that has been newly built.  And to boot, the Govt only gets 20%, so who gets the 80%? This sounds like a major ripoff of the people of GT.  Those meters will be heavily vandalized.

Oh, I forgot, they all got banned or run like cockroaches!

ba$eman posted:

Where are all the clowns who chastise the PPP/BJ over the tolls charged for the use of the bbce bridge?  Now the hapless PNC will charge 500/hour for just parking on nothing that has been newly built.  And to boot, the Govt only gets 20%, so who gets the 80%? This sounds like a major ripoff of the people of GT.  Those meters will be heavily vandalized.

Oh, I forgot, they all got banned or run like cockroaches!

The Djangos and Caribjs of the world suddenly drowned.


This dummy  Ifa Kamau Cush did not take into account the cost of enforcement. This will be the duty of meter maids from city hall. How many of these will be needed? In addition the court costs to prosecute will fall on City Hall. 


"It is contracted to run for the next 49 years"...It is only a negro govt or city council would sign a 49 year  contract with any company.They get too excited not about the hardware but on how much kickback they will get.Same things happen is dark Africa.The company has no history or history that has been very fuzzy.But I guess it is now a free for all APNU boys signing contracts with people fronting for other companies,the AFC boys not to be outdone are doing the same.None of the contracts are relevant to the development of Guyana only relevant to the boys who will make a killing on the kickbacks.

The old time criminal and hustler Harman is quick to say that the hands of the de facto government is tied.Far from the truth.But he will gain from any contract signed-he has become the 20% man.

The bufianda is still walking around in the bush still dazed on being made President by the British,US and Canadians.Every now and again croaking something that seems to come from buckman story of long ago.

Perhaps Harmon put some obeah on him so that what he says defies logic.

As I said one cannot trust negroes with finances,they bound to get too excited and sign the wrong side of the contract..alll because they see themselves driving a BMW,wife wearing winter coat in the hot sun,The only problenm is that they always seem to forget to repair their homes or pay their cellphone bills or any bill for that matter.

As long as their girlfriends and wife have enough to go to the hair dresser twice a month for a hairdo,pedicure,manicure and every thing else including a good dose of skin bleach,to eat in the same restaurants as the white man,to ape the whiteman then the negro is in heaven.

There is no future for Guyana or as a matter of fact any negro run country.It is time that Indians Chinese and Amerindians prepare to leave the sinking ship and head for solid land.It is time to partition the country into a modern democracy and leave the other part to become a second Haiti.


Drugb posted:

This dummy  Ifa Kamau Cush did not take into account the cost of enforcement. This will be the duty of meter maids from city hall. How many of these will be needed? In addition the court costs to prosecute will fall on City Hall. 

How could they miss that?  I assume they will charge an additional fine if the courts get involved!  The PNC is on the verge of creating a living hell for the people of GT!

They wanted change, good they have it.  No VAT reduction, a pathetic Bbce toll reduction, a pending increase in the Demerara bridge tolls, a faltering economy, joblessness, spiraling crime, and the list goes on!

Where are all the PNC cheerleaders cum advisors?  Caribj MIA, Redux sent packing, Mitwah in the doghouse, Gilly, Django under a rock, Tola/Dougla staring at a bottle of malatian, FC, under a rock, Kishan/BT/George well, he rass all over the place since Aswith Rose tek road run get away!  The only few left standing are [persistent] D2, [shameless] Kari.  Did I miss anyone?   Oh, the rest of the fullah crew, well dem bais cussing coolies and Trump in the name of Allah the gracious, peace be onto him!!

ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:

This dummy  Ifa Kamau Cush did not take into account the cost of enforcement. This will be the duty of meter maids from city hall. How many of these will be needed? In addition the court costs to prosecute will fall on City Hall. 

How could they miss that?  I assume they will charge an additional fine if the courts get involved!  The PNC is on the verge of creating a living hell for the people of GT!

They wanted change, good they have it.  No VAT reduction, a pathetic Bbce toll reduction, a pending increase in the Demerara bridge tolls, a faltering economy, joblessness, spiraling crime, and the list goes on!

Where are all the PNC cheerleaders cum advisors?  Caribj MIA, Redux sent packing, Mitwah in the doghouse, Gilly, Django under a rock, Tola/Dougla staring at a bottle of malatian, FC, under a rock, Kishan/BT/George well, he rass all over the place since Aswith Rose tek road run get away!  The only few left standing are [persistent] D2, [shameless] Kari.  Did I miss anyone?   Oh, the rest of the fullah crew, well dem bais cussing coolies and Trump in the name of Allah the gracious, peace be onto him!!

Oh, I forgot Jalil.  Hope he recovers soon, PNC is in dire need of anything that breathes!!

ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:

This dummy  Ifa Kamau Cush did not take into account the cost of enforcement. This will be the duty of meter maids from city hall. How many of these will be needed? In addition the court costs to prosecute will fall on City Hall. 

How could they miss that?  I assume they will charge an additional fine if the courts get involved!  The PNC is on the verge of creating a living hell for the people of GT!

They wanted change, good they have it.  No VAT reduction, a pathetic Bbce toll reduction, a pending increase in the Demerara bridge tolls, a faltering economy, joblessness, spiraling crime, and the list goes on!

Where are all the PNC cheerleaders cum advisors?  Caribj MIA, Redux sent packing, Mitwah in the doghouse, Gilly, Django under a rock, Tola/Dougla staring at a bottle of malatian, FC, under a rock, Kishan/BT/George well, he rass all over the place since Aswith Rose tek road run get away!  The only few left standing are [persistent] D2, [shameless] Kari.  Did I miss anyone?   Oh, the rest of the fullah crew, well dem bais cussing coolies and Trump in the name of Allah the gracious, peace be onto him!!

Whatever you were drinking when you wrote this, please keep drinking it.  This is freaking PRICELESS!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:
ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:

This dummy  Ifa Kamau Cush did not take into account the cost of enforcement. This will be the duty of meter maids from city hall. How many of these will be needed? In addition the court costs to prosecute will fall on City Hall. 

How could they miss that?  I assume they will charge an additional fine if the courts get involved!  The PNC is on the verge of creating a living hell for the people of GT!

They wanted change, good they have it.  No VAT reduction, a pathetic Bbce toll reduction, a pending increase in the Demerara bridge tolls, a faltering economy, joblessness, spiraling crime, and the list goes on!

Where are all the PNC cheerleaders cum advisors?  Caribj MIA, Redux sent packing, Mitwah in the doghouse, Gilly, Django under a rock, Tola/Dougla staring at a bottle of malatian, FC, under a rock, Kishan/BT/George well, he rass all over the place since Aswith Rose tek road run get away!  The only few left standing are [persistent] D2, [shameless] Kari.  Did I miss anyone?   Oh, the rest of the fullah crew, well dem bais cussing coolies and Trump in the name of Allah the gracious, peace be onto him!!

Oh, I forgot Jalil.  Hope he recovers soon, PNC is in dire need of anything that breathes!!

Bai you proper wotless. It is not good to beat a man when he is down. But these particular dunces deserve what they get. In fact they all staring at a bottle of malatian at this moment. Some of them already take a few sips, probably explaining their absence. 

ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:

This dummy  Ifa Kamau Cush did not take into account the cost of enforcement. This will be the duty of meter maids from city hall. How many of these will be needed? In addition the court costs to prosecute will fall on City Hall. 

How could they miss that?  I assume they will charge an additional fine if the courts get involved!  The PNC is on the verge of creating a living hell for the people of GT!

They wanted change, good they have it.  No VAT reduction, a pathetic Bbce toll reduction, a pending increase in the Demerara bridge tolls, a faltering economy, joblessness, spiraling crime, and the list goes on!

Where are all the PNC cheerleaders cum advisors?  Caribj MIA, Redux sent packing, Mitwah in the doghouse, Gilly, Django under a rock, Tola/Dougla staring at a bottle of malatian, FC, under a rock, Kishan/BT/George well, he rass all over the place since Aswith Rose tek road run get away!  The only few left standing are [persistent] D2, [shameless] Kari.  Did I miss anyone?   Oh, the rest of the fullah crew, well dem bais cussing coolies and Trump in the name of Allah the gracious, peace be onto him!!

Absolute Nonsense here from you Basemun. Minsta Harmon said we need 5 years to craft a national development strategy.  

So I suspect we have to win in 2020.

The RIG.

Georgie posted:
ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:

This dummy  Ifa Kamau Cush did not take into account the cost of enforcement. This will be the duty of meter maids from city hall. How many of these will be needed? In addition the court costs to prosecute will fall on City Hall. 

How could they miss that?  I assume they will charge an additional fine if the courts get involved!  The PNC is on the verge of creating a living hell for the people of GT!

They wanted change, good they have it.  No VAT reduction, a pathetic Bbce toll reduction, a pending increase in the Demerara bridge tolls, a faltering economy, joblessness, spiraling crime, and the list goes on!

Where are all the PNC cheerleaders cum advisors?  Caribj MIA, Redux sent packing, Mitwah in the doghouse, Gilly, Django under a rock, Tola/Dougla staring at a bottle of malatian, FC, under a rock, Kishan/BT/George well, he rass all over the place since Aswith Rose tek road run get away!  The only few left standing are [persistent] D2, [shameless] Kari.  Did I miss anyone?   Oh, the rest of the fullah crew, well dem bais cussing coolies and Trump in the name of Allah the gracious, peace be onto him!!

Absolute Nonsense here from you Basemun. Minsta Harmon said we need 5 years to craft a national development strategy.  

So I suspect we have to win in 2020.

The RIG.

Listen [Boy] Georgie, the strategy will have to include the lynch pin PPP project, cheap and reliable power.  Guyana's economic fortunes are in a box and needs break out.  The PNC will not do much different (at it's core) to what the PPP had embarked on!  Without that, it's a dog chasing its tail!

ba$eman posted:
Georgie posted:
ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:

This dummy  Ifa Kamau Cush did not take into account the cost of enforcement. This will be the duty of meter maids from city hall. How many of these will be needed? In addition the court costs to prosecute will fall on City Hall. 

How could they miss that?  I assume they will charge an additional fine if the courts get involved!  The PNC is on the verge of creating a living hell for the people of GT!

They wanted change, good they have it.  No VAT reduction, a pathetic Bbce toll reduction, a pending increase in the Demerara bridge tolls, a faltering economy, joblessness, spiraling crime, and the list goes on!

Where are all the PNC cheerleaders cum advisors?  Caribj MIA, Redux sent packing, Mitwah in the doghouse, Gilly, Django under a rock, Tola/Dougla staring at a bottle of malatian, FC, under a rock, Kishan/BT/George well, he rass all over the place since Aswith Rose tek road run get away!  The only few left standing are [persistent] D2, [shameless] Kari.  Did I miss anyone?   Oh, the rest of the fullah crew, well dem bais cussing coolies and Trump in the name of Allah the gracious, peace be onto him!!

Absolute Nonsense here from you Basemun. Minsta Harmon said we need 5 years to craft a national development strategy.  

So I suspect we have to win in 2020.

The RIG.

Listen [Boy] Georgie, the strategy will have to include the lynch pin PPP project, cheap and reliable power.  Guyana's economic fortunes are in a box and needs break out.  The PNC will not do much different (at it's core) to what the PPP had embarked on!  Without that, it's a dog chasing its tail!

Listen {anti-man}.  It is fair to lynch the PPP, they tief enough.

Georgie posted:
ba$eman posted:
Georgie posted:
ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:

This dummy  Ifa Kamau Cush did not take into account the cost of enforcement. This will be the duty of meter maids from city hall. How many of these will be needed? In addition the court costs to prosecute will fall on City Hall. 

How could they miss that?  I assume they will charge an additional fine if the courts get involved!  The PNC is on the verge of creating a living hell for the people of GT!

They wanted change, good they have it.  No VAT reduction, a pathetic Bbce toll reduction, a pending increase in the Demerara bridge tolls, a faltering economy, joblessness, spiraling crime, and the list goes on!

Where are all the PNC cheerleaders cum advisors?  Caribj MIA, Redux sent packing, Mitwah in the doghouse, Gilly, Django under a rock, Tola/Dougla staring at a bottle of malatian, FC, under a rock, Kishan/BT/George well, he rass all over the place since Aswith Rose tek road run get away!  The only few left standing are [persistent] D2, [shameless] Kari.  Did I miss anyone?   Oh, the rest of the fullah crew, well dem bais cussing coolies and Trump in the name of Allah the gracious, peace be onto him!!

Absolute Nonsense here from you Basemun. Minsta Harmon said we need 5 years to craft a national development strategy.  

So I suspect we have to win in 2020.

The RIG.

Listen [Boy] Georgie, the strategy will have to include the lynch pin PPP project, cheap and reliable power.  Guyana's economic fortunes are in a box and needs break out.  The PNC will not do much different (at it's core) to what the PPP had embarked on!  Without that, it's a dog chasing its tail!

Listen {anti-man}.  It is fair to lynch the PPP, they tief enough.

But it is not fair to lynch East indian and in all fairness, thing looking like this.

Uncle Granger has to tighten up on this front.

Drugb posted:
ba$eman posted:
ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:

This dummy  Ifa Kamau Cush did not take into account the cost of enforcement. This will be the duty of meter maids from city hall. How many of these will be needed? In addition the court costs to prosecute will fall on City Hall. 

How could they miss that?  I assume they will charge an additional fine if the courts get involved!  The PNC is on the verge of creating a living hell for the people of GT!

They wanted change, good they have it.  No VAT reduction, a pathetic Bbce toll reduction, a pending increase in the Demerara bridge tolls, a faltering economy, joblessness, spiraling crime, and the list goes on!

Where are all the PNC cheerleaders cum advisors?  Caribj MIA, Redux sent packing, Mitwah in the doghouse, Gilly, Django under a rock, Tola/Dougla staring at a bottle of malatian, FC, under a rock, Kishan/BT/George well, he rass all over the place since Aswith Rose tek road run get away!  The only few left standing are [persistent] D2, [shameless] Kari.  Did I miss anyone?   Oh, the rest of the fullah crew, well dem bais cussing coolies and Trump in the name of Allah the gracious, peace be onto him!!

Oh, I forgot Jalil.  Hope he recovers soon, PNC is in dire need of anything that breathes!!

Bai you proper wotless. It is not good to beat a man when he is down. But these particular dunces deserve what they get. In fact they all staring at a bottle of malatian at this moment. Some of them already take a few sips, probably explaining their absence. 

Let me be clear, I wish him a speedy recovery and to be back here to take licks.  If you notice, the PNC cheerleaders lost their cover and are falling like flies.  They need to recoup, no pun intended!

Georgie posted:
Georgie posted:
ba$eman posted:
Georgie posted:
ba$eman posted:

How could they miss that?  I assume they will charge an additional fine if the courts get involved!  The PNC is on the verge of creating a living hell for the people of GT!

They wanted change, good they have it.  No VAT reduction, a pathetic Bbce toll reduction, a pending increase in the Demerara bridge tolls, a faltering economy, joblessness, spiraling crime, and the list goes on!

Where are all the PNC cheerleaders cum advisors?  Caribj MIA, Redux sent packing, Mitwah in the doghouse, Gilly, Django under a rock, Tola/Dougla staring at a bottle of malatian, FC, under a rock, Kishan/BT/George well, he rass all over the place since Aswith Rose tek road run get away!  The only few left standing are [persistent] D2, [shameless] Kari.  Did I miss anyone?   Oh, the rest of the fullah crew, well dem bais cussing coolies and Trump in the name of Allah the gracious, peace be onto him!!

Absolute Nonsense here from you Basemun. Minsta Harmon said we need 5 years to craft a national development strategy.  

So I suspect we have to win in 2020.

The RIG.

Listen [Boy] Georgie, the strategy will have to include the lynch pin PPP project, cheap and reliable power.  Guyana's economic fortunes are in a box and needs break out.  The PNC will not do much different (at it's core) to what the PPP had embarked on!  Without that, it's a dog chasing its tail!

Listen {anti-man}.  It is fair to lynch the PPP, they tief enough.

But it is not fair to lynch East indian and in all fairness, thing looking like this.

Uncle Granger has to tighten up on this front.

Boy Georgie, you in a long fruitless battle.  Time to fold.  Take advise from Kenny Rogers.

Georgie posted:

Let us cooperate to build Guyana.  As my PM said, let us be partners in this game - as one nation.  all are equal under the flag.

Let him tell that to his racist partners who buried him under piled of PNC cow dung!

Georgie posted:

Let us cooperate to build Guyana.  As my PM said, let us be partners in this game - as one nation.  all are equal under the flag.

You are serious? How come you didn't have this approach when PPP was in power? Yall performed mo fiah slow fiah and all types of disruption tactics to ensure failure. Now you begging for cooperation, you will get none.  The govt has the majority in parliament, they don't need the ppp to implement sound policy and uplift the nation. The PPP is now a toothless tiger.  No need for you to beg Georgie, all the cards are in your hands.


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