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Fiya pun the goat’



“I promise to be a fair and just President; to govern in the interests of all; to ensure that the legitimate aspirations of our people are respected; and the resources of this Great Land of Guyana benefit all of our people”  - President Donald Ramotar – December 3, 2011. 


Dear Editor;


I left Guyana one day after hearing that message, feeling a sense of mission accomplished; at least we no longer have “Bitter Jenny (BJ)” in charge.  Since then any observer can recognize that the political situation in Guyana has grown progressively worse and I am being told by my Guyanese based contacts that this is cause for grave concern and anxiety to many. The “Rohee à la Jerry Springer Show” is just the latest addition to the collection of examples of continued Executive lawlessness. 


How could a Minister be so wrong but yet operates as if he has a transport on all things right? Nevertheless, I have not seen a motion of no-confidence in Parliament against this excuse for a Minister.  What happened to the Shadow Home Affairs Minister and her colleagues in the majority opposition; “goat bite them?” 

Once upon a time they came for Paul Slowe, now they came for David Ramnarine.  If one is to read Commander Ramnarine’s story “ From abject poverty to leading lawman” (; one has no other choice but to recognize a citizen of excellence who must be saluted for his courage of conviction in standing up for the men and women under his command.


The very foundation of a functional State as outlined in the Police Act (Section 6) charges the Commissioner and his officers with the “proper expenditure of all public moneys appropriated for services thereof”.  The Oxford Dictionary defined proper in this case as genuine.  So one expected that when the PPP asked the taxpayers for $90 million to feed and transport police ranks on Election Day, they would have genuinely spent that money to feed and transport the ranks who worked. 


However we found out that $40 million was to cover unauthorized overspending by the Police under Henry Greene and the other $50 million, even though earmarked for the original plan, was not fully disbursed to feed and transport ranks.  Specifically in the case of the Hinterland Division, we find that they were assigned $1.7 million but only got $0.3 million, allowing for the phantomization of some $1.4 million.


Any right thinking individual must be left with serious concerns such as:

1.      Where is the $1.4 million?

2.      Did this happen in the other Divisions and if so where are those moneys?

3.      Who sanctioned the unauthorized overspending by the Police of some $40 million?

4.      Why is the Minister not calling for a full investigation of this matter rather than threating and vilifying a respectful and professional Commander?


Any reader into this fiasco is left with more questions than answers since there is no clear audit trail on this $90 million. The first place the Audit Office has to conduct a forensic audit is at the Police Consumer Co-op Society since I am being told they were instructed to “doctor” fake receipts to justify that the gap in expenditure.  This whole affair stinks to the hilt and one can better comprehend why some people are on the offense since there is much to hide.


Henry Rollins wrote a book on the “Jackass Theory” which is grounded in a theory that the human population has grown faster than there are available human souls.  According to Rollins, as a consequence, some human bodies were filled with the soul of jackasses.  In other words, according to Rollins, we have a sub-set of the human population whom are really jackasses parading as human beings.  This $90 million fiasco clear has provided Mr. Rollins with empirical evidence of one such human species whose attitudes and actions are nothing but those of a jackass (maybe a goat).


This violation of professionalism in Government has now reached a stage where the very foundation of the Guyanese way of life is seriously threatened. The landmarks and traditions that we inherited from our fore-parents in search of a better life are being wiped away in this instance by a very powerful member of the PPP.  This adds to the compendium of so many other similar cases with respect to the misuse of public funds by PPP bigwigs.


Come hell or high water, Clement Rohee must be stopped.


‘Fiya’ pun the goat’.



Sasenarine Singh


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Notwithstanding  the allegation of  impropriety against Mr. Sase  Singh,  that  certainly does  not preclude   him from  condemning what  is   obviously one  of  the  most brazen,  bold  face and  shameless act  of abuse  and  unaccountability of  public  fund by  public  figures and  it  takes  an  equally brazen ,  bold face  and  shameless partisan  hack to  ignore  or  defend  the  indefensible.


As  an aside, I  think  it  is  an  insult   to the poor  jackass and  goat to compare  them   with Mr.  Goat-ain't-bite-me. Never  heard  anyone  accusing  a jackass of  being  dishonest and  even  a duncefide   goat should  be  more enlightened.

Originally Posted by Mara:.


As  an aside, I  think  it  is  an  insult   to the poor  jackass and  goat to compare  them   with Mr.  Goat-ain't-bite-me. Never  heard  anyone  accusing  a jackass of  being  dishonest and  even  a duncefide   goat should  be  more enlightened.

Mara, putting it up in Sase singh!  


Guyana's population is so small that they even have to recycle thieves as upstanding citizens, as is the case with Sase.  There is no evidence that the 90m was stolen or misappropriated, yet we have the AFC boys pronouncement of guilt.  I suggest that they get rid of the flour thief as their spokesman and seek out persons of moral integrity to accuse others of corruption. The messenger in this case is untrustworthy and hence the message gets lost.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Guyana's population is so small that they even have to recycle thieves as upstanding citizens, as is the case with Sase.  There is no evidence that the 90m was stolen or misappropriated, yet we have the AFC boys pronouncement of guilt.  I suggest that they get rid of the flour thief as their spokesman and seek out persons of moral integrity to accuse others of corruption. The messenger in this case is untrustworthy and hence the message gets lost.

Admittedly a  valid  observation!  However ,  no  stone,  brick-brat or  slop  pot should  be spared in exposing/ shaming  the bald  face excesses of the  current  lot. 

Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by Mara:.


As  an aside, I  think  it  is  an  insult   to the poor  jackass and  goat to compare  them   with Mr.  Goat-ain't-bite-me. Never  heard  anyone  accusing  a jackass of  being  dishonest and  even  a duncefide   goat should  be  more enlightened.

Mara, putting it up in Sase singh!  

 in  fact  it  was  a squib  meant for  the  Goat man's  bung  hole.


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