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The Guyanese Flag is already loaded with colors .  Now, the PNC/R is adding another color to an already well established flag.  With each color representing something of Guyana, the PNC should now offer an explanation as to what the new color depicts.  My question to the Granger Administration, has the United Nations been informed to change the Golden Arrowhead that now flutters outside of its building? 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Five countries that have changed their flags recently

The following five countries have made the change over the past century, although, with the exception of Malawi, it followed constitutional or revolutionary change. As soon as the Government changed the flag, Malawians opted to go back to the old design.

1. Libya

Libya’s old flag was known among vexillophiles as the world’s most boring flag, just a green rectangle. Libya had a good reason to change its flag and it wasn’t just because it was boring. They had a revolution in which they threw out the authoritarian regime of Muammar Qaddafi. The new flag is actually an old flag resurrected from the Kingdom of Libya which existed between 1951 to 1969.

Libya before
Libya after
2. Malawi

Malawi’s first flag of Independence was adopted in 1964. The sun rising represented the dawn of hope and freedom after gaining independence from colonial rule. The flag was altered by the newly elected Democratic Progressive Party in 2010. There was much public outcry about whether there was a need to change the flag and in 2012, Parliament, under the new President Joyce Banda, voted to go back to the old one.

Malawi before
Malawi before
3. Venezuela

To commemorate what he called a Bolivarian revolution after his election in 1998 Hugo Chavez decided to modify the Venezuelan flag. As a reference to his revolution he added an eighth star. He also modified the country’s coat of arms so that the white horse would gallop to the left of the shield instead of the right to symbolise Chavez’s 21st century socialism.

Venezuela before
Venezuela after
4. Georgia

The new flag of Georgia was adopted in 2004 after being widely used in the Rose Revolution the year before. The new (old) flag has quite a history. Widely known as the Georgian Historical Flag the red on white Jerusalem cross was originally known as the flag of Tblisi in the 14th century. Following its independence from Russian rule Georgians actually wanted to adopt it again in 1999 but President Eduard Shevardnadze refused to endorse it.

georgia before
Georgia after
5. Myanmar

The flag of Myanmar (Burma) was adopted in 2010 to replace the socialist flag. The change followed the 2008 change in the Constitution including the name of the country. The colours on the flag represent the virtues of solidarity, peace and tranquillity.

Myanmar before
Myanmar after

Prince posted:

The PPP has suggested that the added color reflects the PNC party color which is unconstitutional. I don't believe it because it sends a message that the PNC is there to stay forever in power. That can't be possible. 

So please, enlighten us as to why it was necessary to add another colour, why that colour, why the ridiculous placement and by whose authority.

GTAngler posted:
Prince posted:

The PPP has suggested that the added color reflects the PNC party color which is unconstitutional. I don't believe it because it sends a message that the PNC is there to stay forever in power. That can't be possible. 

So please, enlighten us as to why it was necessary to add another colour, why that colour, why the ridiculous placement and by whose authority.

I am stating what the PPP has suggested in their new brief. I am discussing the topic on bit and pieces that I gathered from reading different news sources. 

Demerara_Guy posted:

United States' flag has gone through changes as the country progressed with the addition of states to what it is today.

The evolution of changes started in 1775 with first the Union Jack in the upper left corner which was changed about two years later to the stars and the last change which was approved in 1960.

So basically, you’re now admitting that your statement about a flag being permanent is wrong.

Think before you write crap on GNI ðŸ’Đ 

yuji22 posted:

FLAGGPNC put Black Power on the Guyana flag. A return to Black Led Dictatorship ?

The Golden Arrowhead, Guyana's National Flag has FIVE symbolic colors -- GREEN represents the agricultural and forested nature of Guyana, WHITE symbolizes the rivers and water potential of the country, a GOLDEN arrow represents Guyana's mineral wealth, BLACK portrays the endurance that will sustain the forward thrust ...

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

FLAGGPNC put Black Power on the Guyana flag. A return to Black Led Dictatorship ?

The Golden Arrowhead, Guyana's National Flag has FIVE symbolic colors -- GREEN represents the agricultural and forested nature of Guyana, WHITE symbolizes the rivers and water potential of the country, a GOLDEN arrow represents Guyana's mineral wealth, BLACK portrays the endurance that will sustain the forward thrust ...

And what the piece that the PNC added on represent?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

FLAGGPNC put Black Power on the Guyana flag. A return to Black Led Dictatorship ?

The Golden Arrowhead, Guyana's National Flag has FIVE symbolic colors -- GREEN represents the agricultural and forested nature of Guyana, WHITE symbolizes the rivers and water potential of the country, a GOLDEN arrow represents Guyana's mineral wealth, BLACK portrays the endurance that will sustain the forward thrust ...

And what the piece that the PNC added on represent?

More "endurance"

That flag is photo shopped.


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Last edited by Django
Mars posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

One does not change or alter the flag.

The FLAG is the FLAG; a permanent representation of a nation.


A flag is not permanent. America’s flag has gone through many changes.

A country's flag should be updated regularly to accurately represent the country and its people.

Leonora posted:
Mars posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

One does not change or alter the flag.

The FLAG is the FLAG; a permanent representation of a nation.


A flag is not permanent. America’s flag has gone through many changes.

A country's flag should be updated regularly to accurately represent the country and its people.

It already has black in it, how about a brown stripe to replace that additional Black stripe that the PNC put on it ?

The flag should remain the way it originally was otherwise if each group demands representation, it will have many more colours and look stupid.

If DJ had his way, the flag would be all black, endurance as he sees it or black power.

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
Mars posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

One does not change or alter the flag.

The FLAG is the FLAG; a permanent representation of a nation.


A flag is not permanent. America’s flag has gone through many changes.

A country's flag should be updated regularly to accurately represent the country and its people.

True, but only after discussions on it and not throw in something willy nilly.

How many of you have something showing the flag's colours? I have boxing gloves on my rear view mirror..a cap and a bag.

cain posted:

True, but only after discussions on it and not throw in something willy nilly.

How many of you have something showing the flag's colours? I have boxing gloves on my rear view mirror..a cap and a bag.

I have several Guyana flags and souvenirs in my house. My son, US born and bred, prominently displays Guyana flags in his cars. 

Last edited by Former Member

So i contacted two senior Officers of the GDF on this "flag gate" saga...since I saw both of them on formal duty during the Flag raising ceremony.

They explained (as I suspected) that the flag was not changed or altered but rather the weather has been having its toll on it and it was shredding badly to the edge. Since a new flag that size could not have been sourced immediately, as a quick fix, a base in the same green colour was added rather than to raise a shredding flag. One explained that green on green would look darker.

But all other flags are still the same flying majestically over dis dam we call Guyana.

On a side note, I could understand the concern since I love that Golden Arrowhead and I have always been raising concern about flags being placed up on poles and left there until tattered. Most times my complaints fall on deaf ears.

Last year I remember raising the problem with Banks DIH, after noticing the flags on top of the East Bank arch that they donated had become tattered and started to shred badly at the edges. Being a good corporate citizen, Banks removed all of the shredded flags on the arch and replaced them with what appears to be waving aluminum replicas. rain or shine...they waving anytime and looks good. 
Next item on the agenda.


PPP slams gov’t over six-colour flag at independence event


The darker green is evident at the bottom of the flag (Terrence Thompson photo)

May 31 2018


The People’s Progressive Party has lambasted Government “on the despicable and unconstitutional alteration of Guyana’s national flag” hoisted at D’Urban Park to mark the nation’s 52nd Independence anniversary as “intent on trampling” on Guyana’s national symbols.

In a release on Tuesday, the PPP said, “Guyanese have witnessed the practice of national symbols being treated as the property of this Administration – the last such act evidenced in the seizure of the national flag from the Corriverton Town Council on the anniversary of our Republic.”

With regard to alteration of the national flag, the party said, “The Second Schedule included in Guyana’s Constitution devotes two pages (pages 260 and 261) to the heraldic description of Guyana’s national flag. The description makes it clear that there are five distinct colours – not six – and defines their proportions.”

The “unauthorized alteration of the national flag”, the PPP said, “connects one of Guyana’s most significant national symbols to the People’s National Congress Reform” via the inclusion of that party colour along the end of the flag and it was reminiscent of “the repressive regime of the PNC pre-1992.”

The national flag that was flown and as seen in pictures shows the border of the flag in a darker shade of the green.

The PPP said, “The practice of the PNC flag being flown above Guyana’s courts has not been forgotten by the Guyanese people.”

Guyanese have not forgotten, the party said, President David Granger’s comments in 2016 at the PNCR’s 19th Biennial Delegates Congress, where he said the party’s constitution was “supreme law” and they have not forgotten that it was at a similar meeting held by the PNC in 1974, where then President  Forbes Burnham promoted the principles of party paramountcy. The PPP quoted Burnham as saying, “It was decided that the Party should assume unapologetically its paramountcy over the Government, which is merely one of its executive arms.”

Calling on Guyanese to reject the alteration of the flag, the PPP said, “This act is the latest of an increasingly authoritarian administration and adds to the numerous constitutional violations committed since May 2015.”

Meanwhile, Minister of Social Cohesion Dr George Norton yesterday told Stabroek News that he only learnt about the flag yesterday after it was brought to his attention by the media.

“I did not know about it. We should not have hoisted a damaged flag,” he said. It was unfortunate that the PPP, he said, was trying to make  political mileage out of the issue.

Minister in the Ministry of the Presidency Joseph Harmon told Stabroek News that the PPP’s release was foolish to suggest that the party in Government was trying to use its colours on the flag. “It is stretching the imagination to accept a position like that.”

Not knowing what took place, he said, he could only suggest that the edges of the flag might have been frayed and some amount of remedial work was done to stabilize the flag.


PPP invention to deceive and frighten the gullible

ignorant tribals like Nehru live for the opportunity to scream, holler and bite pillow like the night before . . . Freedom House knows these plantation dwellers well and dog whistles every now and then to keep them happy in their idleness and bigotry

Stabroek News soiling themselves, again! . . . what's new?

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

PPP slams gov’t over six-colour flag at independence event


The darker green is evident at the bottom of the flag (Terrence Thompson photo)

May 31 2018


The People’s Progressive Party has lambasted Government “on the despicable and unconstitutional alteration of Guyana’s national flag” hoisted at D’Urban Park to mark the nation’s 52nd Independence anniversary as “intent on trampling” on Guyana’s national symbols.

In a release on Tuesday, the PPP said, “Guyanese have witnessed the practice of national symbols being treated as the property of this Administration – the last such act evidenced in the seizure of the national flag from the Corriverton Town Council on the anniversary of our Republic.”

With regard to alteration of the national flag, the party said, “The Second Schedule included in Guyana’s Constitution devotes two pages (pages 260 and 261) to the heraldic description of Guyana’s national flag. The description makes it clear that there are five distinct colours – not six – and defines their proportions.”

The “unauthorized alteration of the national flag”, the PPP said, “connects one of Guyana’s most significant national symbols to the People’s National Congress Reform” via the inclusion of that party colour along the end of the flag and it was reminiscent of “the repressive regime of the PNC pre-1992.”

The national flag that was flown and as seen in pictures shows the border of the flag in a darker shade of the green.

The PPP said, “The practice of the PNC flag being flown above Guyana’s courts has not been forgotten by the Guyanese people.”

Guyanese have not forgotten, the party said, President David Granger’s comments in 2016 at the PNCR’s 19th Biennial Delegates Congress, where he said the party’s constitution was “supreme law” and they have not forgotten that it was at a similar meeting held by the PNC in 1974, where then President  Forbes Burnham promoted the principles of party paramountcy. The PPP quoted Burnham as saying, “It was decided that the Party should assume unapologetically its paramountcy over the Government, which is merely one of its executive arms.”

Calling on Guyanese to reject the alteration of the flag, the PPP said, “This act is the latest of an increasingly authoritarian administration and adds to the numerous constitutional violations committed since May 2015.”

Meanwhile, Minister of Social Cohesion Dr George Norton yesterday told Stabroek News that he only learnt about the flag yesterday after it was brought to his attention by the media.

“I did not know about it. We should not have hoisted a damaged flag,” he said. It was unfortunate that the PPP, he said, was trying to make  political mileage out of the issue.

Minister in the Ministry of the Presidency Joseph Harmon told Stabroek News that the PPP’s release was foolish to suggest that the party in Government was trying to use its colours on the flag. “It is stretching the imagination to accept a position like that.”

Not knowing what took place, he said, he could only suggest that the edges of the flag might have been frayed and some amount of remedial work was done to stabilize the flag.

So you choose a totally different colour? My fasting prevents me from saying what I really think about that statement.

ronan posted:

PPP invention to deceive and frighten the gullible

ignorant tribals like Nehru live for the opportunity to scream, holler and bite pillow like the night before . . . Freedom House knows these plantation dwellers well and dog whistles every now and then to keep them happy in their idleness and bigotry

Stabroek News soiling themselves, again! . . . what's new?

Are you suggesting that picture was altered?

ronan posted:

PPP invention to deceive and frighten the gullible

ignorant tribals like Nehru live for the opportunity to scream, holler and bite pillow like the night before . . . Freedom House knows these plantation dwellers well and dog whistles every now and then to keep them happy in their idleness and bigotry

Stabroek News soiling themselves, again! . . . what's new?

What a naive, gullible ASS!!!

GTAngler posted:
ronan posted:

PPP invention to deceive and frighten the gullible

ignorant tribals like Nehru live for the opportunity to scream, holler and bite pillow like the night before . . . Freedom House knows these plantation dwellers well and dog whistles every now and then to keep them happy in their idleness and bigotry

Stabroek News soiling themselves, again! . . . what's new?

Are you suggesting that picture was altered?


Nehru posted:

They can steal 18 MILLION US but cant by a new, proper friggin FLAG?????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is in their DNA, Bhaiyya ! I called the Guyana consulate here in Toronto and the moron who answered the phone told me he was has no idea what I was referring to ! These dingbats are so brainless and dishonest; they expect 1) this will blow over or 2) that the diaspora will not give them any heat about their stupidity.

Last edited by Keffer
ksazma posted:

Anyone who can stitch halfway decently could have trimmed the edge put an edging stich on that flag. It would have taken the same time as it did to sew on the PNC shade of green. It wasn't so long ago that all government buildings in Guyana was flying the PNC flag. Moseley playing smartman.

Banna, you reason like an infant

apparently the PPP can float any idiocy with Burnham name attached to it and camp followers like you will hold on to it for dear life in the teeth of reason, even common sense

people like you are very suggestible due to y’all primitive, racist instincts when it comes to Black people. . . very very much like the Trump seig heilers swallowing whole incredible volumes of nonsense peddled by Hannity and Fox & Friends than y’all would like to admit

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Anyone who can stitch halfway decently could have trimmed the edge put an edging stich on that flag. It would have taken the same time as it did to sew on the PNC shade of green. It wasn't so long ago that all government buildings in Guyana was flying the PNC flag. Moseley playing smartman.

Banna, you reason like an infant

apparently the PPP can float any idiocy with Burnham name attached to it and camp followers like you will hold on to it for dear life in the teeth of reason, even common sense

people like you are very suggestible due to y’all primitive, racist instincts when it comes to Black people. . . very very much like the Trump seig heilers swallowing whole incredible volumes of nonsense peddled by Hannity and Fox & Friends than y’all would like to admit

So yuh saying that back in the days, the PNC flag wasn't displayed at state run businesses?

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Anyone who can stitch halfway decently could have trimmed the edge put an edging stich on that flag. It would have taken the same time as it did to sew on the PNC shade of green. It wasn't so long ago that all government buildings in Guyana was flying the PNC flag. Moseley playing smartman.

Banna, you reason like an infant

apparently the PPP can float any idiocy with Burnham name attached to it and camp followers like you will hold on to it for dear life in the teeth of reason, even common sense

people like you are very suggestible due to y’all primitive, racist instincts when it comes to Black people. . . very very much like the Trump seig heilers swallowing whole incredible volumes of nonsense peddled by Hannity and Fox & Friends than y’all would like to admit

So yuh saying that back in the days, the PNC flag wasn't displayed at state run businesses?

No . . . i am saying that common sense should govern and staunch the  PPP contrived hysterics over a clumsy, ill-advised attempt to fix a problem with the flag

this doesn’t even require a proper education to figure

that’s all

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Anyone who can stitch halfway decently could have trimmed the edge put an edging stich on that flag. It would have taken the same time as it did to sew on the PNC shade of green. It wasn't so long ago that all government buildings in Guyana was flying the PNC flag. Moseley playing smartman.

Banna, you reason like an infant

apparently the PPP can float any idiocy with Burnham name attached to it and camp followers like you will hold on to it for dear life in the teeth of reason, even common sense

people like you are very suggestible due to y’all primitive, racist instincts when it comes to Black people. . . very very much like the Trump seig heilers swallowing whole incredible volumes of nonsense peddled by Hannity and Fox & Friends than y’all would like to admit

So yuh saying that back in the days, the PNC flag wasn't displayed at state run businesses?

No . . . i am saying that common sense should govern and staunch the  PPP contrived hysterics over a clumsy, ill-advised attempt to fix a problem with the flag

this doesn’t even require a proper education to figure

that’s all

The history of the PNC provides sufficient cause for suspicion. It is naÃŊve to close your eyes on this Coalition government. Secondly, you will notice that I entered an independent comment and never mentioned any claims made by the PPP. And since you mentioned clumsy, ill-advised attempts, when do you expect the current Coalition government to graduate out of their constant clumsy, ill-advised tendencies?

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Anyone who can stitch halfway decently could have trimmed the edge put an edging stich on that flag. It would have taken the same time as it did to sew on the PNC shade of green. It wasn't so long ago that all government buildings in Guyana was flying the PNC flag. Moseley playing smartman.

Banna, you reason like an infant

apparently the PPP can float any idiocy with Burnham name attached to it and camp followers like you will hold on to it for dear life in the teeth of reason, even common sense

people like you are very suggestible due to y’all primitive, racist instincts when it comes to Black people. . . very very much like the Trump seig heilers swallowing whole incredible volumes of nonsense peddled by Hannity and Fox & Friends than y’all would like to admit

So yuh saying that back in the days, the PNC flag wasn't displayed at state run businesses?

No . . . i am saying that common sense should govern and staunch the  PPP contrived hysterics over a clumsy, ill-advised attempt to fix a problem with the flag

this doesn’t even require a proper education to figure

that’s all

The history of the PNC provides sufficient cause for suspicion. It is naÃŊve to close your eyes on this Coalition government. Secondly, you will notice that I entered an independent comment and never mentioned any claims made by the PPP. And since you mentioned clumsy, ill-advised attempts, when do you expect the current Coalition government to graduate out of their constant clumsy, ill-advised tendencies?

Your ‘all-ova-de-place’ ‘having-it every-which-way’ response illustrates the accuracy of my post

btw, “clumsy and ill-advised” refers to the army people’s attempt to cure a presentation problem with the flag

what “tendencies” in this context are YOU talking about?

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

The history of the PNC provides sufficient cause for suspicion. It is naÃŊve to close your eyes on this Coalition government. Secondly, you will notice that I entered an independent comment and never mentioned any claims made by the PPP. And since you mentioned clumsy, ill-advised attempts, when do you expect the current Coalition government to graduate out of their constant clumsy, ill-advised tendencies?

Your ‘all-ova-de-place’ ‘having-it every-which-way’ response illustrates the accuracy of my post

btw, “clumsy and ill-advised” refers to the army people’s attempt to cure a presentation problem with the flag

what “tendencies” in this context are YOU talking about?

So you feel beated right?

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

The history of the PNC provides sufficient cause for suspicion. It is naÃŊve to close your eyes on this Coalition government. Secondly, you will notice that I entered an independent comment and never mentioned any claims made by the PPP. And since you mentioned clumsy, ill-advised attempts, when do you expect the current Coalition government to graduate out of their constant clumsy, ill-advised tendencies?

Your ‘all-ova-de-place’ ‘having-it every-which-way’ response illustrates the accuracy of my post

btw, “clumsy and ill-advised” refers to the army people’s attempt to cure a presentation problem with the flag

what “tendencies” in this context are YOU talking about?

So you feel beated right?

“beated” . . . huh?

waderass . . . this place populated with some real illiterates

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

So you feel beated right?

“beated” . . . huh?

waderass . . . this place populated with some real illiterates

Dude, the way you go about seeking to berate other members about their education speaks volumes of your own level of education. I doubt you are fooling anyone and it is only a matter of time before you begin crying again that you have to leave because no one is taking you seriously.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

So you feel beated right?

“beated” . . . huh?

waderass . . . this place populated with some real illiterates

Dude, the way you go about seeking to berate other members about their education speaks volumes of your own level of education. I doubt you are fooling anyone and it is only a matter of time before you begin crying again that you have to leave because no one is taking you seriously.

thus bleats the pompous idiot who was making a living not so long ago on GNI talking down American (and Guyanese) Black people


other than you vex that i lifting up your whatever . . . what’s your point?

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

So you feel beated right?

“beated” . . . huh?

waderass . . . this place populated with some real illiterates

Dude, the way you go about seeking to berate other members about their education speaks volumes of your own level of education. I doubt you are fooling anyone and it is only a matter of time before you begin crying again that you have to leave because no one is taking you seriously.

thus bleats the pompous idiot who was making a living not so long ago on GNI talking down American (and Guyanese) Black people


other than you vex that i lifting up your whatever . . . what’s your point?

Who is this idiot you referring to?

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

So you feel beated right?

“beated” . . . huh?

waderass . . . this place populated with some real illiterates

Dude, the way you go about seeking to berate other members about their education speaks volumes of your own level of education. I doubt you are fooling anyone and it is only a matter of time before you begin crying again that you have to leave because no one is taking you seriously.

thus bleats the pompous idiot who was making a living not so long ago on GNI talking down American (and Guyanese) Black people


other than you vex that i lifting up your whatever . . . what’s your point?

Who is this idiot you referring to?

You!! of course

who else? Keep playing stupid


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

So you feel beated right?

“beated” . . . huh?

waderass . . . this place populated with some real illiterates

Dude, the way you go about seeking to berate other members about their education speaks volumes of your own level of education. I doubt you are fooling anyone and it is only a matter of time before you begin crying again that you have to leave because no one is taking you seriously.

thus bleats the pompous idiot who was making a living not so long ago on GNI talking down American (and Guyanese) Black people


other than you vex that i lifting up your whatever . . . what’s your point?

Who is this idiot you referring to?


First of all, I am no idiot. Secondly, I spoke of what I see close to me. I lived close to Campbellville Housing Scheme. Those range houses were occupied by blacks who were packed like sardines in them. The underprivileged areas of North Miami which I spoke of are also predominantly blacks. There are shootings every morning in that deprived part of Miami. And those conditions are not limited only to the two areas that I mentioned. Those are facts. That is not talking down anyone. Hell, they are already literally down. You can make excuses as much as you wish or seek to deflect with cries of racism but that will not remove the fact that those people who I mentioned are blacks.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

So you feel beated right?

“beated” . . . huh?

waderass . . . this place populated with some real illiterates

Dude, the way you go about seeking to berate other members about their education speaks volumes of your own level of education. I doubt you are fooling anyone and it is only a matter of time before you begin crying again that you have to leave because no one is taking you seriously.

thus bleats the pompous idiot who was making a living not so long ago on GNI talking down American (and Guyanese) Black people


other than you vex that i lifting up your whatever . . . what’s your point?

Who is this idiot you referring to?


First of all, I am no idiot. Secondly, I spoke of what I see close to me. I lived close to Campbellville Housing Scheme. Those range houses were occupied by blacks who were packed like sardines in them. The underprivileged areas of North Miami which I spoke of are also predominantly blacks. There are shootings every morning in that deprived part of Miami. And those conditions are not limited only to the two areas that I mentioned. Those are facts. That is not talking down anyone. Hell, they are already literally down. You can make excuses as much as you wish or seek to deflect with cries of racism but that will not remove the fact that those people who I mentioned are blacks.

ahmmmm . . . OK

and my FACTS regarding the illiteracy/poor education and worse of pompous jackass posers like you and yugee writ large on the pages of GNI are somehow illegitimate?


look up the various meanings of “IRONY” and meditate lil

it may help you through this trying time . . . but, then again, perhaps not


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

First of all, I am no idiot. Secondly, I spoke of what I see close to me. I lived close to Campbellville Housing Scheme. Those range houses were occupied by blacks who were packed like sardines in them. The underprivileged areas of North Miami which I spoke of are also predominantly blacks. There are shootings every morning in that deprived part of Miami. And those conditions are not limited only to the two areas that I mentioned. Those are facts. That is not talking down anyone. Hell, they are already literally down. You can make excuses as much as you wish or seek to deflect with cries of racism but that will not remove the fact that those people who I mentioned are blacks.

ahmmmm . . . OK

and my FACTS regarding the illiteracy/poor education and worse of pompous jackass posers like you and yugee writ large on the pages of GNI are somehow illegitimate?


look up the various meanings of “IRONY” and meditate lil

it may help you through this trying time . . . but, then again, perhaps not


Are you denying that blacks lived in abject poverty in those housing schemes in Campbellville or in that part of Miami that I mentioned?


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