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The Antigua police today named former Antigua Prime Minister Lester Bird and Guyanese-born diplomat Sir Ronald Sanders among persons of interest in a probe into a fraud case and made a special appeal for Sanders to make himself available to the police on the island.

In a statement posted on the website of the Antigua and Barbuda Government, the police said:

β€œCriminal Investigations into the multi-million dollar (IHI) fraud case are progressing at a steady pace;

He is a AFC supporter.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Nehru:
A- Team right. Sanders, TH, Trotty, Nigel all wanted a hand in deh cookie Jar. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by creative:
show some proof,where do you get your info from of him being an AFC supporter.Do remember AFC have an A-Team,i do not have any knowledge of this allegation.
this was the man that was praising looks that every body that support bar--rat is and will be going to jail
Churchill Bhai, I got it from
Originally posted by Churchill:
Nehru can you quote the source of the article ?....I am not a member of the AFC but would state that Ramjattan is an honourable person....

Is Ronald Saunders related to S.S.Ramphal ?

I have heard from friends in St Lucia that Lester Bird ia suspected of being a corrupt politician.....
Churchill, I am sure he is an honorable man but that would not stop him from accepting the Loot from Sir Sanders.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Nehru can you quote the source of the article ?....I am not a member of the AFC but would state that Ramjattan is an honourable person....

Is Ronald Saunders related to S.S.Ramphal ?

I have heard from friends in St Lucia that Lester Bird ia suspected of being a corrupt politician.....
Originally posted by Churchill:
Nehru can you quote the source of the article ?....I am not a member of the AFC but would state that Ramjattan is an honourable person....

Is Ronald Saunders related to S.S.Ramphal ?

I have heard from friends in St Lucia that Lester Bird ia suspected of being a corrupt politician.....

Ronald Sanders is Ramphal's son-in-law.

Ramphal used his position as Commonwealth Secretary General to have Sanders appointed as Bird's Ambassador to Great Britain.

The Birds are corrupt politicians, and Sanders is on their inner circle.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Ron Sanders was/ is married to the daughter of Ramphal. Sanders writes a lot about Caribbean matters and has a website as well. If these accusations are true then this will be a big blow to his credibility.

It won't do him any harm. There is no such thing as an honest politician in Guyana. Hired killers, drug smuggling, embezzlement etc. are all part of daily life in Guyana. Nobody cares a damn these days.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Ron Sanders was/ is married to the daughter of Ramphal. Sanders writes a lot about Caribbean matters and has a website as well. If these accusations are true then this will be a big blow to his credibility.

The last I heard is that Ron Saunders is a supporter of the PNC and a friend of Jagdeo...

Also S.S.Ramphal is a PNC supporter and a friend of Jagdeo....
Bhai, Jagdeo is a friend to the world. A true representative of the UN. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Ron Sanders was/ is married to the daughter of Ramphal. Sanders writes a lot about Caribbean matters and has a website as well. If these accusations are true then this will be a big blow to his credibility.

The last I heard is that Ron Saunders is a supporter of the PNC and a friend of Jagdeo...

Also S.S.Ramphal is a PNC supporter and a friend of Jagdeo....
Originally posted by Jalil:
Nehru......De ticking.

I have read the Demerara Wave article....and unless Nehru Bhai can produce something .... support his claim that AFC is linked even in a small way to the Corrupt Bird and Ronald Sanders.....He is setting himself as one of the PPP followers who is responsible for the PPP to be kicked out of office Totally..... and QUICKLY.

This is the Report that Nehru Now Hiding from.

Guyana-born Sir Ronald Sanders a person of interest in fraud probe PDF | Print |
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol
Tuesday, 03 January 2012 12:45

Sir Ronald SandersFormer General Manager of the now defunct Guyana Broadcasting Service (GBS) and former Antigua and Barbuda High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Sir Ronald Sanders is an individual of interest in Antigua and Barbuda's probe into a multimillion dollar fraud probe in the twin-island nation.

Demerara Waves Online News ( ) tried contacting Sanders by e-mail and telephone but there were no immediate replies.

The investigation concerns a US$29.7 million loan with interest from Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Company (IHI Japan) to the Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA.)

The Guyana-born Sanders was General Manager of the GBS from 1973 to 1976. He is currently an international business consultant, columnist and broadcast analyst.

He was High Commissioner with ministerial rank under the Antigua Labour Party-led administration of then Prime Minister, Lester Bird.

The Antigua and Barbuda government of Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer wants to know to what extent repayment monies intended for IHI were allegedly diverted into the possession or for the benefit of other people or corporations and to trace the whereabouts of these monies.

The full text of the statement by the Antigua and Barbuda Police Force follows:

Criminal Investigations into the multi-million dollar (IHI) fraud case are progressing at a steady pace; notwithstanding the recent break in and theft of sensitive documents, at the office that housed the detectives who are working on the said case.

Based on the contents of a report, that was done by Financial Forensic Investigator Mr. Robert Lindquist, which was corroborated by preliminary police enquiries, the β€œpersons of interest” in this case are, former Prime Minister, and member of parliament, Mr. Lester Bird, Member of Parliament, Mr. Asot Michael, Patrick. A. Michael & co. ltd. Mrs. Gesel Michael, Sir. Ronald Sanders (a former Antigua and Barbuda Government Ambassador to the United Kingdom) and others.

Currently, most of the β€œsignificant persons” or β€œindividuals of interest,” have already assisted the investigations and presented themselves to the police to be interviewed, against such a back drop and in the police’s quest, to advance this gigantic multi-million dollar criminal conspiracy. The police are making a specific public appeal to Sir Ronald Saunders and requests that he presents himself to the (IHI) detectives to be interviewed; hence his full co-operation for the duration of this criminal enquiry will be appreciated.

All efforts to privately contact Sir Ronald Sanders, have proven futile. Therefore Sir Ronald Saunders, is being asked to urgently get in touch with commissioner of police Mr. Vere Browne, at 268-764-6323 or by email, ( Additionally, he can contact detective superintendent Mr. Nuffield Burnette, at 268-764-2285 as soon as possible. Additionally, any member of the public who may know how the police can contact Sir Ronald Saunders, are kindly ask to get in touch with the criminal investigation department, at 462-3913 or 462-3914.
When Nehru see de coments and learn de truth eeee disapear in shame


+1 #1 stakeholder 2012-01-03 13:27
What the $%#&? As usual all innocent until proven otherwise.

-1 #2 lAbi 2012-01-03 13:29
More friends of the Guyanese Champion of the Earth
have found themselves of criminal investigation in fraudulent business transaction all over the world.
Ed Ahmad in NY, USA,
now this.
not to talk of the principals of the CLICO debacle in T&T

We are all waiting fro the other shoe to drop.


-2 #3 Sarah Daniels 2012-01-03 13:34
Get a Caricom Arrest warrant out for him.

-1 #4 Rajendra 2012-01-03 13:50
If he is found guilty, throw the book at him. The titled mistakenly fell they are entitled. Love to read Freddie Kissoon's thoughts on this.

I know how to ocontact him. Write Kaieteur News.

-2 #5 Jason Benjamin 2012-01-03 14:30
WOW! He who has a DECEITFUL heart finds no good, and he who has a PERVERSE tongue falls into evil.

0 #6 GT Gal 2012-01-03 14:31
Interesting but not surprising.

0 #7 Brian Singh 2012-01-03 14:36
The police can also make contact with Kaietuer News. Saunders in a writer for that News paper. I wonder if kaituer will carry this story on the front page? Let see the REAL Kaietuer News now

Oh well, the media says he is "Guyanese born", not just plain old 'Guyanese' -- so we are not responsible. I wonder if I'm Guyanese born or just plain old Guyanese?

0 #9 thompob 2012-01-03 16:37
Now this understands his infatuation with the PPP.

0 #10 JINNAH RAHMAN 2012-01-03 16:56
Interesting - that is all I say for now. But I do remember his role at Guyana Broadcasting Service - where he played a similar role that Sattuar played at GINA and NCN.

-1 #11 Midont believe dem 2012-01-03 17:04
Isn't this the man who is always praising Jagdeo in de waterfall paper?

+1 #12 kanhiram budhu 2012-01-03 17:53
He is innocent uintil proven guilty.

0 #13 GT IN ATLANTA 2012-01-03 18:07
Oh gadd, another Guyanese again. And look is WHO ?, Sir.

0 #14 Emile Mervin 2012-01-03 19:03
If Anil Nandlall was not appointed Attorney General of Guyana this would have been a good case for him. Anyhow, Sir Shridath Ramphal might be a better substitute. Or maybe Mr. Bernard DosSantos...after he is finished losing the Jagdeo libel case!
Alot of black Antiguans especially in the highest ranks of the Antiguan police force were very upset that Lester Bird had appointed a half coolie Sanders to important positions in his government. One very senior Antigan police officer personally told me once how much he hates these two men. These racists, promotors and believers of lighter shade of pale Western supremacy have been gunning for these two men for a long time. It looks like they have finally hits the mark.

All I can say is this guys beware of black skins white minds.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Nehru can you quote the source of the article ?....I am not a member of the AFC but would state that Ramjattan is an honourable person....

Is Ronald Saunders related to S.S.Ramphal ?


I have heard from friends in St Lucia that Lester Bird ia suspected of being a corrupt politician.....

Churchill, don't play you dumb everyone knows he is his son in law
Originally posted by Wally:
Alot of black Antiguans especially in the highest ranks of the Antiguan police force were very upset that Lester Bird had appointed a half coolie Sanders to important positions in his government. One very senior Antigan police officer personally told me once how much he hates these two men. These racists, promotors and believers of lighter shade of pale Western supremacy have been gunning for these two men for a long time. It looks like they have finally hits the mark.

All I can say is this guys beware of black skins white minds.

What half coolie ! His surname was originally Singh (his family had a cloth/clothing store on Regent Street many years ago), he is 100% East Indian but that was not 'white' enough for him when he was in Guyana so he changed it to Sanders. What an idiot; I hope the Antiguans throw the book at him ......
Originally posted by keffer:
Originally posted by Wally:
Alot of black Antiguans especially in the highest ranks of the Antiguan police force were very upset that Lester Bird had appointed a half coolie Sanders to important positions in his government. One very senior Antigan police officer personally told me once how much he hates these two men. These racists, promotors and believers of lighter shade of pale Western supremacy have been gunning for these two men for a long time. It looks like they have finally hits the mark.

All I can say is this guys beware of black skins white minds.

What half coolie ! His surname was originally Singh (his family had a cloth/clothing store on Regent Street many years ago), he is 100% East Indian but that was not 'white' enough for him when he was in Guyana so he changed it to Sanders. What an idiot; I hope the Antiguans throw the book at him ......

Ron Sanders mother is of English Guyanese origin. Her maiden name was Sanders. His father who was East Indian whose name was Singh. When Ron Singh was living in Britain in the 1960s' as a student he experienced horrible racism and racial hate which me and you can only imagine in today's world because his last name was Singh. It forced him to adopt his mother's maiden name. Don't bash the man unless you have walked in his shoe.
Originally posted by Wally:
Originally posted by keffer:
Originally posted by Wally:
Alot of black Antiguans especially in the highest ranks of the Antiguan police force were very upset that Lester Bird had appointed a half coolie Sanders to important positions in his government. One very senior Antigan police officer personally told me once how much he hates these two men. These racists, promotors and believers of lighter shade of pale Western supremacy have been gunning for these two men for a long time. It looks like they have finally hits the mark.

All I can say is this guys beware of black skins white minds.

What half coolie ! His surname was originally Singh (his family had a cloth/clothing store on Regent Street many years ago), he is 100% East Indian but that was not 'white' enough for him when he was in Guyana so he changed it to Sanders. What an idiot; I hope the Antiguans throw the book at him ......

Ron Sanders mother is of English Guyanese origin. Her maiden name was Sanders. His father who was East Indian whose name was Singh. When Ron Singh was living in Britain in the 1960s' as a student he experienced horrible racism and racial hate which me and you can only imagine in today's world because his last name was Singh. It forced him to adopt his mother's maiden name. Don't bash the man unless you have walked in his shoe[/b].

Ah Give me a frikkin break! Throughout history tens of thousands have faced similar or worse discrimination and did not feel the compunction to barter their identity. My personal observation is when grown men and women would so easily discard their own identity, they are the first in line to barter away the rights and freedom of others. With infants not having a say, is a totally different matter.
You got nuff mouth. You probably safe in New York and depending on the NYPD and FBI to keep you safe from racial butchering. You ever had to live around people who want to end your bloody life because you represent everything they are against. Nuff mouth now. I hope you don't encounter a pack of them neo nazi late one night.
Originally posted by Wally:
You got nuff mouth. You probably safe in New York and depending on the NYPD and FBI to keep you safe from racial butchering. You ever had to live around people who want to end your bloody life because you represent everything they are against. Nuff mouth now. I hope you don't encounter a pack of them neo nazi late one night.

Wally dont get carried away....Ron Sanders is a Crook and Friend of Jagdeo.

If he changed his last name to Jagan, Burnham or D'Aguar he is still a Crook.....that dont change him from who he is.

Soon the Bigger scheme involving Ron Saunders, Jagdeo and Ramphal will be fully exposed.
Originally posted by Wally:
You got nuff mouth. You probably safe in New York and depending on the NYPD and FBI to keep you safe from racial butchering. You ever had to live around people who want to end your bloody life because you represent everything they are against. Nuff mouth now. I hope you don't encounter a pack of them neo nazi late one night.

Sure I got nuff mouth, but nuff mouth fortified with an abundance of honesty and a healthy dose of integrity garnished with a pinch of smart and a dollop of commonsense is all that this humble soul needed to eek out a comfortable, guilt free, stress free and uncompromising existence. Surely nuff mouth has caused many doors to slam shut in my face, but as night followed days, a better door never fail to open. Wink
In face of fraud allegations…Sir Ronald Sanders secures legal representation
In light of the recent fraud allegations leveled against Guyana-born Sir Ronald Sanders and other officials by the Antiguan authorities, Solicitors BCL Burton Copeland has issued a statement on Sanders’s behalf.
β€œWe act for Sir Ronald Sanders and on his behalf strongly deplore the statement concerning him emanating from the authorities in Antigua.” The statement alludes to the fact that the language of the allegation and subsequent such allegations are both defamatory and wrong in describing legal process in matters such as this.
The statement asserted too that β€œSir Ronald is willing to answer questions from the Antiguan Police that are properly put to him.”
When a call was made to Sir Ronald Sanders, he said that he writes a syndicated column, and has been doing so for the last two years. β€œI have been a member of the Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group. I am a member of the Friends of the Democratic Charter at the invitation of President Jimmy Carter, and I have a website on the Internet. I am not in hiding. Anyone who can’t find me isn’t looking.”
A few days ago, the Baldwin Spencer administration announced that it had a special interest in a number of people. The primary persons in the police investigation which has been going on for eight years now are the Leader of the Opposition, former Prime Minister, Lester Bird, former Ambassador Ronald Sanders, and a member of Parliament and former Minister of the Government, Asot Michael. Sanders is a columnist with the Guyana-based Kaieteur News.
The other principal person in the investigation was a multi-billionaire owner of bank and oil refining and shipping companies, Bruce Rappaport, who is now deceased but whose estate settled the US$12m civil claim in a Miami Court. Rappaport’s estate, however, refuted any wrongdoing. The government is, therefore, owed no money. The government has already withdrawn a civil case against Bird and Michael over the same investigation from the Courts in Miami. It has also stopped a Commission of Inquiry which it started and then had to abort.
Despite the furor, the Antiguan Government has merely said that it is conducting a criminal investigation into a matter of fraud. It also said that most of the people of significant interest or β€˜individuals of interest’ have already assisted with investigations by presenting themselves to the police.
The investigation concerned the repayment of monies to Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Company Limited which had made a loan to the Bird Administration. The repayment would have amounted to US$121 million. The government is alleging that the fraud would have seen the siphoning off of some $61 million.
The repayment of the IHI loan to which this investigation refers was negotiated by Bruce Rappaport, as an accredited agent of the government with full Cabinet approval in 1996, some 15 years ago.

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