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Education Minister to engage teachers at weekly meetings : …as consultations on corporal punishment, grade repetition, automatic promotion come to an endPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Whitney Persaud   
Wednesday, 26 September 2012 22:16

EDUCATION Minister, Priya Manickchand yesterday announced that starting from next week, she will be having weekly Wednesday meetings with teachers from across the country. The minister made this disclosure while addressing the Ministry of Education’s final consultation on corporal punishment, grade repetition, automatic promotion and retention at the North Ruimveldt Multilateral School.

Addressing some very concerned teachers from around Georgetown, Priya Manickchand assured that from the views expressed and the recommendations given by teachers present yesterday, necessary steps will be taken to eliminate challenges affecting the school education system.

Manickchand, in an invited comment with the state media, said that the  ministry intends to compile a suggestion and recommendation report after which strategies will be implemented and decisions will be made.
“We have had this corporal punishment and automatic promotion consultation in every region, with more than one stakeholder in every region …we met with teachers and parents within these regions, we have met with students and we have wrapped up today at North Ruimveldt,” Manickchand said.
She added that she is pleased with what came out of the meeting, noting that she will ensure that the school education system is strengthened with help and expertise needed to sort out issues facing teachers and students.
“In fact we are very pleased with the response we have gotten and we intend to make sure we avail ourselves of all the expertise we have heard on the floor,” Manickchand stated.
The minister said that decisions will be made on the topics discussed at the consultations.
“I don’t know whether they will be taken to the National Assembly for a decision, but you do know that corporal punishment was laid in the National Assembly as an issue to discuss and we believe that this report is going to find its way into that special collection,” Manickchand said.
Georgetown Consultation
Yesterday’s consultation was spearheaded by Deputy Education Officer, Melcita Bovell, who explained that the education policy makers had decided that the system would be tried for two years, before seeking the feedback.
She urged that teachers give their honest opinions and responses to the topics being addressed, and in a respectful manner.
Teachers who attended the consultation yesterday agreed that is a wrong move to remove corporal punishment and grade repetition from the school system.
They all were in agreement when several colleague teachers spoke out against automatic promotion.
All of these teachers said that learning is a process and a child should repeat a class if he or she is to be good at their school work and come out on top.
Teachers expressed concern that students in today’s education system are bold and would tell teachers up front that regardless of if they pass their examinations or not, they should be promoted.
This, according to teachers, just continues to wipe out the values of studying and working towards succeeding in school.
In the case of corporal punishment, they believe that this should not be eliminated from schools, since it serves as a good disciplinary measure.
Throughout the various consultations that were held countrywide Manickchand urged teachers to be frank and open in their concerns.
“Nothing is wrong if you have different views. It all depends on what you believe, and nothing you say will offend us. We want your original views,” she stressed.
The minister also registered her view that teachers ought to be celebrated for their hard work and dedication.
On the issue of corporal punishment, the minister said it remains her personal view that no child should be flogged in school.
 However, the oath she took when sworn in as minister mandates her to serve in the interest of the people of Guyana, and thus the consultations are geared at hearing from those she serves.

Among alternative methods to corporal punishment the minister suggested is making a child do several things, such as facing the wall, not talking, sitting quietly on a chair, and writing words repeatedly.

Manickchand told the gathering that the alternatives to corporal punishment are many, and these should be explored. She said that hitting children is dangerous and could be considered unhealthy.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I endorse trashing in school and if that don't work, use the alternative method and use the other end of the wild cane. Double trashing can never be wrong. Guyana is too laid back, and the children batty is getting too soft to take off the spanking. Let it be like the old days.


Did flogging help you Cobra or you Baseman? Flogging is a cruel, inhumane, unhealthy, retrogressive method of attempting to discipline a child. There are certainly alternatives that work. The proposed move by the GOG is long overdue.

Originally Posted by Angel:

Did flogging help you Cobra or you Baseman? Flogging is a cruel, inhumane, unhealthy, retrogressive method of attempting to discipline a child. There are certainly alternatives that work. The proposed move by the GOG is long overdue.

Yep, you see what a good boy am I

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Angel:

Did flogging help you Cobra or you Baseman? Flogging is a cruel, inhumane, unhealthy, retrogressive method of attempting to discipline a child. There are certainly alternatives that work. The proposed move by the GOG is long overdue.

Yep, you see what a good boy am I

And you still enjoy a spanking now and then.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Angel:

Did flogging help you Cobra or you Baseman? Flogging is a cruel, inhumane, unhealthy, retrogressive method of attempting to discipline a child. There are certainly alternatives that work. The proposed move by the GOG is long overdue.

Yep, you see what a good boy am I

And you still enjoy a spanking now and then.

Wuh mi gon seh to datt.

Originally Posted by Angel:

you are surely a classic example of just how ineffective flogging is. An intelligent person who cannot temper his behavior in responding to those that don't share his views.

I needed lil mo spanking.


now you show thinking behind advocating retention of spanking, you enjoy it.  Well in that case you think like a kinky man but really it is not for kids, try hard to understand the difference

Originally Posted by Angel:

now you show thinking behind advocating retention of spanking, you enjoy it.  Well in that case you think like a kinky man but really it is not for kids, try hard to understand the difference

Well, you certainly take life too serious.  Anyway, I am involved in Guyana and see what goes on, good and bad.  Maybe you should, then you will see the difficulty parents face trying to keep their kids on the straight and narrow.  I don't really advocate corporal punishment, but go and see what goes on.  I leave you to your own thinking...have fun.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Angel:

you are surely a classic example of just how ineffective flogging is. An intelligent person who cannot temper his behavior in responding to those that don't share his views.

I needed lil mo spanking.

Some big girls still like to be spanked!

From all appearnces, it looks as though Baseman and Cobra had their fair share of floggings in school and probably liked it too, otherwise they wouldn't be sanctioning such a thing.  Nevertheless, it's a  total waste of time. Try that now with dem guyanese kids and they'd be sure to be waiting for you after 3'o clock wid some big brick in dey haan
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
From all appearnces, it looks as though Baseman and Cobra had their fair share of floggings in school and probably liked it too, otherwise they wouldn't be sanctioning such a thing.  Nevertheless, it's a  total waste of time. Try that now with dem guyanese kids and they'd be sure to be waiting for you after 3'o clock wid some big brick in dey haan

And that is why some of them are behaving like less than humans.

Are you suggesting that applying corporal punishment will make them more human?  If so, then you're way off the beaten path, my friend. You need to eliminate this ancient way of thinking.
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Are you suggesting that applying corporal punishment will make them more human?  If so, then you're way off the beaten path, my friend. You need to eliminate this ancient way of thinking.

No, I am not saying that. All I am saying is that it should not be taken out totally as a n option. Some of the little Bastards need a good whooping at times.

Still a waste of time, children will be children. As  an educator, you need to mold the child's mind. Using physical force is not going to cut it. Instead it demonstrates weakness and frustration on the part of the teacher. Hmmm.. It looks like you an all used to like de lil cut rass to.
Originally Posted by warrior:

its good they ban flogging look how some of these ppp supporters on this site turn out the aftereffect still have some of them stupid

Why is it everything you disagree with has to do with the PPP? You prappa stupid. I guess you should blame the PPP for your stupidity also. If everything you have done wrong is due to the PPP, then you should be at the mental hospital in Canje. Maybe the mad people will see you and try convince the administrators to release them.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

its good they ban flogging look how some of these ppp supporters on this site turn out the aftereffect still have some of them stupid

Why is it everything you disagree with has to do with the PPP? You prappa stupid. I guess you should blame the PPP for your stupidity also. If everything you have done wrong is due to the PPP, then you should be at the mental hospital in Canje. Maybe the mad people will see you and try convince the administrators to release them.

Well meh glad nah me who trying to Heducate him.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Still a waste of time, children will be children. As  an educator, you need to mold the child's mind. Using physical force is not going to cut it. Instead it demonstrates weakness and frustration on the part of the teacher. Hmmm.. It looks like you an all used to like de lil cut rass to.

My point is ALl children are not the same, most will be disciplined by talking, some need their ASSES Whoop.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Nehru, Wendy was looking for you and she had bull whip in her hands.  



I don't believe discipline through whipping is fit for today's generation in Guyana. Guyanese children are more open up to the free world through TV and the Internet. Freedom does come with a prize where discipline by any mean is seen as abuse.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
From all appearnces, it looks as though Baseman and Cobra had their fair share of floggings in school and probably liked it too, otherwise they wouldn't be sanctioning such a thing.  Nevertheless, it's a  total waste of time. Try that now with dem guyanese kids and they'd be sure to be waiting for you after 3'o clock wid some big brick in dey haan

Actually, I had some thinking and concluded flogging should be eliminated from schools.  More updated and thoughtful techniques should be engaged.  Flogging serves no real purpose but to humiliate a child into complying rather than bring them into the fold.  I believe that the real outliers where behavior is concerned should be handled separately and not be the cause of retaining flogging.


For those outliers, parents and other institutions should be called in to evaluate what is wrong and what to do with the kid.  A luxury would be having special schools to handle difficult kids where the school regime itself brings the discipline desired without overt coercion.  Usually a misbehaving kid is passing though a maturing phase and is seeking a place for themselves or has an underlying issue which is being over-looked.  Flogging will not provide the relief but drive the kid further to the fringe.


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