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This happened a few days ago. 

Caribbean Airlines flight experiences technical issues after takeoff; passengers upset at lack of info

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Caribbean Airlines

(TRINIDAD GUARDIAN) — Trinida­di­an pas­sen­gers who were on board Caribbean Air­lines’ flight BW601 have ex­pressed dis­ap­point­ment at the air­line’s lack of com­mu­ni­ca­tion about why the flight had to re­turn to the Pear­son In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port (YYZ) on Fri­day morn­ing, one hour af­ter take-off from Cana­da des­tined for the Pi­ar­co In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port.

The pas­sen­gers fi­nal­ly re­turned home around 9.55 pm on Sat­ur­day but ex­pressed frus­tra­tion and anger af­ter the resched­uled flight was again de­layed to 4.15 pm that day af­ter they were told they had to check in at noon for a 3 pm de­par­ture.


“No an­nounce­ment made to us. No ex­pla­na­tion giv­en to usâ€Ķfor so many hours we were kept in the dark and still kept in the dark at the time the flight fi­nal­ly left Toron­to,” one irate pas­sen­ger said.

An­oth­er pas­sen­ger said those who were on board the full flight and des­tined for George­town, Guyana, were al­so an­gry be­cause they missed their con­nect­ing flights be­cause of the de­lay Sat­ur­day.

The T&T Guardian was told that the air­craft sud­den­ly be­gan ex­pe­ri­enc­ing tech­ni­cal dif­fi­cul­ties on its first jour­ney to Pi­ar­co on Fri­day, hence its forced re­turn to Cana­da. The Boe­ing 737-800 air­craft land­ed back at Pear­son at 12.01 am on Sat­ur­day af­ter be­ing forced to turn around in midair when the pi­lots re­port­ed­ly ex­pe­ri­enced an is­sue in the cock­pit.

An­oth­er pas­sen­ger, who is orig­i­nal­ly from Trinidad but re­sides in Toron­to, ex­plained the hor­ror that tran­spired when the pi­lot an­nounced that the plane had to be turned around “be­cause of a prob­lem in the cock­pit.”


“At first every­one thought it was a joke but then we soon re­alised af­ter that it wasn’t. Peo­ple, in­clud­ing my­self, be­gan to pan­ic and some of us start­ed pray­ing loud­ly and hop­ing that we get back to YYZ alive,” the pas­sen­ger said.

“It was a hor­ri­ble land­ing, very rough and fast. I was very ner­vous and scared. It is ap­palling that no in­for­ma­tion was giv­en to us. No an­nounce­ment made. The plane didn’t get to the gate at 3.05 pm (yes­ter­day) and up to that time no an­nounce­ment made as to whyâ€Ķevery­one was ag­i­tat­edâ€Ķare we, not peo­ple too?”

Af­ter more than one hour seat­ed in the warm air­craft af­ter its re­turn to Pear­son, the pas­sen­gers were in­struct­ed by the crew to dis­em­bark at 1.17 am and wait at the gate. Af­ter wait­ing close to an­oth­er hour at Gate B37, the pas­sen­gers were told the air­line would of­fer lim­ou­sine/taxi ser­vice to those wish­ing to re­turn to their re­spec­tive homes and ho­tel stay at the Hol­i­day Inn Toron­to un­til 12 noon Sat­ur­day.

This arrange­ment too was fraught with mishaps.


One T&T cou­ple ex­plained: “First off, we did not get back our re­spec­tive pieces of lug­gage so we were left with­out fresh clothes and toi­letries. Al­so, some pas­sen­gers were shut­tled to the wrong ho­tel and had to be shut­tled again to the cor­rect oneâ€Ķall this added to the frus­tra­tion and still no ex­pla­na­tion what­so­ev­er giv­en for the in­con­ve­nience.”

The flight ini­tial­ly de­part­ed from Pear­son In­ter­na­tion­al at 10.53 pm on Fri­day from Ter­mi­nal 3 and up­on its emer­gency re­turn land­ed at 12.01 am. In an im­me­di­ate re­sponse then, CAL’s head of cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tions Dionne Ligoure said af­ter take-off from Toron­to there was a mi­nor tech­ni­cal is­sue with BW 601.

“How­ev­er, in keep­ing with stan­dard op­er­at­ing pro­ce­dure, the air­craft had to re­turn to the gate for the is­sue to be checked by an air­craft en­gi­neer,” Ligoure said.

“BW 601 re­turned to YYZ and land­ed safe­ly at mid­night. There was noth­ing re­port­ed to be un­usu­al with the land­ing. The air­craft was po­si­tioned at the gate at 12.07 am.”


Ligoure said pas­sen­gers were served meals while the en­gi­neers worked on the mat­ter.

How­ev­er, Ligoure did not re­spond to sub­se­quent en­quir­ing about what was the is­sue en­coun­tered with the air­craft that caused the forced re­turn to Cana­da and why the en­gi­neers need­ed sev­er­al hours to rec­ti­fy it.





Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Drugb posted:

Credit should be given to the ppp for extending the runway that the PNc/afc voted against.

Give it a rest, Bgurd. This is not the time.

Is he incorrect?  Hope you show the same compassion when the tables are turned.

Hip..hip..hooray  give credit to the PPP for having the foresight to upgrade the Cheddi Jagan Airport.

At the least one is successful and saving lives.

You happy now ?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Drugb posted:

Credit should be given to the ppp for extending the runway that the PNc/afc voted against.

Give it a rest, Bgurd. This is not the time.

Is he incorrect?  Hope you show the same compassion when the tables are turned.

Why are u politicizing an almost fatal event?. U should praise the great work by the pilots instead of an extended runway.

Sheik101 posted:
Nehru posted:

The PPP has visionaries the PNC and Namakaram Crabdaag, ass kisser/Batty washer are FILTH HEADS and so are their GNI supporters!!!

I'm not fond of either party, but if the PPP had so many visionaries ( according to u ). How come they didn't envision they were going to lose the election.

Dat is not a real question. I said visionaries not Houdini's or Miss Cleo

Sheik101 posted:
Nehru posted:

The PPP has visionaries the PNC and Namakaram Crabdaag, ass kisser/Batty washer are FILTH HEADS and so are their GNI supporters!!!

I'm not fond of either party, but if the PPP had so many visionaries ( according to u ). How come they didn't envision they were going to lose the election.

PPP lost election, dude do some research.

Unless you mean the “ envision” is the part US plays in ousting the PPP .. then my apologies Dearest Shiek .

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Drugb posted:

Credit should be given to the ppp for extending the runway that the PNc/afc voted against.

Give it a rest, Bgurd. This is not the time.

Is he incorrect?  Hope you show the same compassion when the tables are turned.

Hip..hip..hooray  give credit to the PPP for having the foresight to upgrade the Cheddi Jagan Airport.

At the least one is successful and saving lives.

You happy now ?

But that's a fact even if one life was saved it served it's purpose. 


Y'all is a nasty bunch of people. A plane crashes, and in this almost fatal scenario all some of you can babble about is the greatness of the PPP. Not a word of commendation to the pilot and crew or expression of gratitude for the safety of the passengers. I have NEVER seen such crass, heartless behavior from people of any other country when their own nation/people face a disaster.

What a bunch of lowlife clowns! Truly a bunch of shithole people from a shithole country. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Drugb posted:

Credit should be given to the ppp for extending the runway that the PNc/afc voted against.

Give it a rest, Bgurd. This is not the time.

Is he incorrect?  Hope you show the same compassion when the tables are turned.

When nagamootoo was having heart surgery, did you miss Nehru dancing in he doti fuh Nagamootoo dead? Y'all got no class. None whatsoever.

Iguana posted:

Y'all is a nasty bunch of people. A plane crashes, and in this almost fatal scenario all some of you can babble about is the greatness of the PPP. Not a word of commendation to the pilot and crew or expression of gratitude for the safety of the passengers. I have NEVER seen such crass, heartless behavior from people of any other country when their own nation/people face a disaster.

What a bunch of lowlife clowns! Truly a bunch of shithole people from a shithole country. 

Ok teacher son you get your minute of attention, stay quiet. 

Iguana posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Drugb posted:

Credit should be given to the ppp for extending the runway that the PNc/afc voted against.

Give it a rest, Bgurd. This is not the time.

Is he incorrect?  Hope you show the same compassion when the tables are turned.

When nagamootoo was having heart surgery, did you miss Nehru dancing in he doti fuh Nagamootoo dead? Y'all got no class. None whatsoever.

HJey *******, did you shit with your mouth and that is how you got that Info!! I know waht an ASS you ARE BUT I never realised you ARE a mixture of a Donkey and a Rat!!!!

Nehru posted:

HEHEHE Please someone explain to that IDIOT and SHIT HEAD.

No, YOU explain what you wrote. Leh we see here

did you shit with your mouth and that is how you got that Info!!

So someone "shits thru their mouth" and this magically translates into that person getting "info". Is this the kind of kaka you peddle to students at York?

Even wuss, is that you stand back admiring your incoherence as if it is genius, pointing to yuh sycophants on the sidelines, telling dem to "explain it". You are a friggin' retard.

kp posted:
Iguana posted:

Y'all is a nasty bunch of people. A plane crashes, and in this almost fatal scenario all some of you can babble about is the greatness of the PPP. Not a word of commendation to the pilot and crew or expression of gratitude for the safety of the passengers. I have NEVER seen such crass, heartless behavior from people of any other country when their own nation/people face a disaster.

What a bunch of lowlife clowns! Truly a bunch of shithole people from a shithole country. 

Ok teacher son you get your minute of attention, stay quiet. 

This Royston dude is no better, coming out swing with his usual self and he did not offer praise and Thanks for the passengers. 

Nehru posted:

So you get Info from your Kakahole?/ Cause you have a habit of writing LIES and imagination, so you see why it is necessary to assume you are nothing but a DUMMY!!!

Leh we see de genius of wha dis YAWK professa of youtube sehing hay dis marnin'.

a. So you get Info from your Kakahole?/

Stunned by my point that INFORMATION is not gleaned from "shit" that comes thru the "mouth", the idiot now asks if INFORMATION comes from the other end (kakahole). Banna, you're not interested in coversiong. You're just interested in mentioning kaak, batty, ass, kakahole as much as possible in a post, stringing the same words together in as many combinations as you can. There is something seriously wrong with you.

Cause you have a habit of writing LIES and imagination, so you see why it is necessary to assume you are nothing but a DUMMY!!!

Lies and imagination gat nothing to do with people being dumb you clown! Very smart people use imagination and lies. You know a few - Jagdeo, Anil, Moses, Ramotar, Goat man and suh on.

Ah tek de time fuh deconstruct the pure SHIT yuh write hay in post after post to fulfill dat sick inclination you have to talk about bodily orifices and long cylindrical objects.

You are a sick bastard from the day you dropped out on the floor of Gaumont.

Iguana posted:

Y'all is a nasty bunch of people. A plane crashes, and in this almost fatal scenario all some of you can babble about is the greatness of the PPP. Not a word of commendation to the pilot and crew or expression of gratitude for the safety of the passengers. I have NEVER seen such crass, heartless behavior from people of any other country when their own nation/people face a disaster.

What a bunch of lowlife clowns! Truly a bunch of shithole people from a shithole country. 

Shut yuh backside, if not for the extended runway we would be counting fatalities. Y'all rass got nothing good to say about PPP but rush to diminish their every accomplishment. Meanwhile you give the jackasses in the pnc/arc a free pass.

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