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Customer shot dead armed robbery

July 16, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 



By Latoya Giles Bandits shot a customer dead and accidentally wounded a member of their four-man gang at around 19:30 hrs yesterday during a botched robbery at the popular Fuzzy’s General Store in Arapaima Street, Guyhoc Gardens.

Dead: Heron Dennis

Heron Dennis, of Guyhoc Park, was shot in the neck when the bandits opened fire on customers who retaliated to their robbery attempt by hurling missiles at them. Dennis collapsed and died in the shop before he could receive medical attention. But one of the three bandits, identified as Dwayne Simon, 29, of Mc Doom, East Bank Demerara, was also shot in the back and right leg during the ensuing gunfire. Simon’s accomplices fled empty handed, leaving him behind. Simon, said to be an ex-soldier, was charged in December 2009, for robbing Lennox Taylor of a Taurus pistol, nine .32 live rounds of ammunition, a gold band, a cell phone and a quantity of cash, totaling over $313,000. Sheron Alleyne, a close friend of the dead man told Kaieteur News that Dennis had gone to the shop to buy a juice. The woman said that she last saw the now dead Dennis approximately a half hour before the shooting. “ I see he about ah half hour before this thing happen….we de talking because Sunday was he birthday,” Alleyne told Kaieteur News. The woman described Dennis as a very a humble individual. According to her, he has two children who live at Linden. All of his immediate relatives reside overseas. One neighbour recalled hearing gunshots and seeing two men fleeing on foot. The woman said that she did not immediately know what was happening, but was later told that there was a robbery.   Kaieteur News was told that this was not the first time but the fourth time that bandits had attempted to rob the variety store. The police in a press statement last evening said that the incident happened at around 19:30hrs. According to the police Dwayne Simon, 29 years, of Mc Doom, EBD, and two other men, one of whom was armed with a firearm, entered Fuzzy Variety Store at Arapaima Street, Guyhoc Park. The three men according to the police held up three customers in the Store including Heron Dennis, 36 years, of Guyhoc Park. The customers retaliated and began throwing missiles at the perpetrators, whereupon the armed man began discharging rounds indiscriminately. Heron Dennis was fatally shot to his neck and Dwayne Simon was shot and injured to his back and right foot. Dwayne Simon is a patient under guard at the GPHC. His accomplices managed to escape.  Investigations are in progress.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

“A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) expresses its horror at the high rate of armed robberies and the state of insecurity and lawlessness that prevail under the stewardship of Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Clement Rohee.

“APNU calls attention to just a few of the published incidents of armed robbery violent crime committed over the last forty-eight hours:

* Armed men rob  Laluni Street dental clinic – Stabroek News (SN)  July 16th

* Suspected Bandits shot in the groin during attempted stick-up – SN July 16th

* Guyhoc Park resident shot dead after gunmen invade shop – SN July 16th

* Gunmen rob Rubis, Vlissengen Road and Akbar Auto Sales – SN July 16th

* At the mercy of Pirates – (Fishermen) – SN July 15th


The AFC/PNC fund raising campaign does have its effects. However you will note that every country has crime, every day in the US there are robberies and killings in bodegas, gas stations, Chinese restaurants and other establishments where cash business is done.  Guyana is no different and it presents an excellent opportunity for afc/pnc to raise funds undetected.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The AFC/PNC fund raising campaign does have its effects. However you will note that every country has crime, every day in the US there are robberies and killings in bodegas, gas stations, Chinese restaurants and other establishments where cash business is done.  Guyana is no different and it presents an excellent opportunity for afc/pnc to raise funds undetected.

 How do you think this constant moronic scheme of attributing  common criminality wrought of incompetence and negligence of the administration on the backs of the afc? You are not only a moron you are an evil moron.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The AFC/PNC fund raising campaign does have its effects. However you will note that every country has crime, every day in the US there are robberies and killings in bodegas, gas stations, Chinese restaurants and other establishments where cash business is done.  Guyana is no different and it presents an excellent opportunity for afc/pnc to raise funds undetected.

 How do you think this constant moronic scheme of attributing  common criminality wrought of incompetence and negligence of the administration on the backs of the afc? You are not only a moron you are an evil moron.

You should talk, isn't your own rantings against the PPP moronic when you keep blaming them when someone stomps their toes?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The AFC/PNC fund raising campaign does have its effects. However you will note that every country has crime, every day in the US there are robberies and killings in bodegas, gas stations, Chinese restaurants and other establishments where cash business is done.  Guyana is no different and it presents an excellent opportunity for afc/pnc to raise funds undetected.

 How do you think this constant moronic scheme of attributing  common criminality wrought of incompetence and negligence of the administration on the backs of the afc? You are not only a moron you are an evil moron.

You should talk, isn't your own rantings against the PPP moronic when you keep blaming them when someone stomps their toes?

I blame them for institutional failings and incapacity to transition us to a vibrant and functional democracy. Under their watch we have the rise of an aristocracy founded on their corrupt practices.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I blame them for institutional failings and incapacity to transition us to a vibrant and functional democracy. Under their watch we have the rise of an aristocracy founded on their corrupt practices.

This is all you see through your feces colored glasses. The fact remains that the Guyana economy has seen the most growth in the entire Caribbean. You can not deny these numbers. People of all walks of life are prospering. Corruption is endemic in all 3rd world nation, Guyana is no different. But despite corruption there has been undeniable progress in almost all sectors. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I blame them for institutional failings and incapacity to transition us to a vibrant and functional democracy. Under their watch we have the rise of an aristocracy founded on their corrupt practices.

This is all you see through your feces colored glasses. The fact remains that the Guyana economy has seen the most growth in the entire Caribbean. You can not deny these numbers. People of all walks of life are prospering. Corruption is endemic in all 3rd world nation, Guyana is no different. But despite corruption there has been undeniable progress in almost all sectors. 

How come GY is still the Poorest in the english speaking caribbean

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I blame them for institutional failings and incapacity to transition us to a vibrant and functional democracy. Under their watch we have the rise of an aristocracy founded on their corrupt practices.

This is all you see through your feces colored glasses. The fact remains that the Guyana economy has seen the most growth in the entire Caribbean. You can not deny these numbers. People of all walks of life are prospering. Corruption is endemic in all 3rd world nation, Guyana is no different. But despite corruption there has been undeniable progress in almost all sectors. 

How come GY is still the Poorest in the english speaking caribbean

What is the source of this claim? Have you checked the stats recently?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I blame them for institutional failings and incapacity to transition us to a vibrant and functional democracy. Under their watch we have the rise of an aristocracy founded on their corrupt practices.

This is all you see through your feces colored glasses. The fact remains that the Guyana economy has seen the most growth in the entire Caribbean. You can not deny these numbers. People of all walks of life are prospering. Corruption is endemic in all 3rd world nation, Guyana is no different. But despite corruption there has been undeniable progress in almost all sectors. 

How come GY is still the Poorest in the english speaking caribbean

What is the source of this claim? Have you checked the stats recently?

well show me some stats that can prove me wrong

Originally Posted by Pointblank:

well show me some stats that can prove me wrong

Just as I thought, you speaking from perception rather than reality. You are the one making the statements about crime but can't back up your claim. 


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