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Drugb posted:

To you living in Canada is fair, but the small man in Guyana can't afford those prices with the paltry wages being earned under this repressive regime. 

Guyanese can afford a better life than North American.

They  have no stress , DONT WANT To work ... fat and lazy 

some have the mentality that the oil money is theirs... it's funny listening to these people. 

Amral posted:

I am thinking of the people that grow and sell the produce. They seem to charging a fair price.  I think the small man has more money to spend than we assume 

As long as there is no price guarantee, farmers have the right to make as much as they can.  When bad weather comes and and their crops are destroyed, who goes and put food on their table for their kids?

cain posted:

Approx 20% if lucky. With housing running 50%....leaving only 30% for,saving, miscellanous and most important...'erb. Oh r$$ I nearly forgot, if you give tythe thats another friken 10% gone from that 30.

So you're saying the average income in Canada is CAD 2,000 per month! So she buying all them nice million dollar homes I see there?

Amral posted:

I am thinking of the people that grow and sell the produce. They seem to charging a fair price.  I think the small man has more money to spend than we assume 

I fully agree with you, Amral; we so frequently hear people saying 'man, ting bad', don't we ! However, when last have any of us seen a rum shop going out of business ! Furthermore, there appears to be a significant  proliferation of Chinese restaurants all across the country; even in small or  remote villages.    

Amral posted:

I still don't agree that poultry prices should be high. Beef or mutton prices i can understand that being higher. Eggs should always be cheaper. Infact the majority of the people in the countryside should be doing more planting and poultry breeding

Kitchen Garden and fowl pen duh is lang time,I got a cousin living in my house,I was there last year,the backyard clean and no garden nor fowl pen.

Amral posted:

At one time I use to send money for relatives back home I have sinced stopped when i found out the true lifestyle that they were living. Many of us can be gullible when we see some people really poor. Yes there are poor people i admit in Guyana but majority are decently well taken care of

Bhai that place change,they get Chinese food home delivery,taxi from rum shop to your house,maybe grocery delivered home too.

Didn't spend long[4 days] to check out the running,barely make it to check out my old friend Shamo [Roshan son] from Leonora.

Last edited by Django

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