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Gitanjali Singh’s appointment in AG Office…

July 7, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

Opposition saw no ‘conflict of interest’ for six years

The Audit Office of Guyana has been managing with a view to preventing any ‘Conflict of Interest’ involving the wife of Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, for the past six years and the issue is nothing new.
Gitanjali Singh, the wife of Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, was confirmed recently as a Director of the Audit Office of Guyana, which has since sparked a furor in political opposition circles.

Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh

There is the belief that Mrs. Singh would have to certify her husband’s Ministry. It is this belief that is fuelling the conflict of interest position adopted by the political opposition.
However, President Donald Ramotar said that it seems as if the Alliance for Change in particular has forgotten that the office of the Auditor General no longer reports to the Ministry of Finance. That was a system that operates here.
Reports are presented directly to the Speaker of the National Assembly.
Mrs. Singh has been acting in the capacity of Deputy Auditor General since 2005. According to President Ramotar the issue of conflict of interest never arose.
She had joined the Office of the Auditor General in 1992.
Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh assumed that portfolio after the 2006 general elections. This would mean that Mrs. Singh had been certifying accounts of the Ministry of Finance for some six years.
He said that meetings of the Public Accounts Committee responsible for finance never claimed conflict of interest.
Chaired first by the late Winston Murray and later by Volda Lawrence of A Partnership for National Unity, these meetings never assumed or considered conflict of interest, Ramotar said.
He blamed the present hype on the destructive attitude of the AFC hierarchy.
Auditor General (ag) Deodat Sharma has also put in place an ‘anti-conflict of interest’ arrangement by arranging for Mrs. Singh to sign an agreement.
In that document it is outlined that Mrs. Singh will have no involvement in any of the audits where there is a direct involvement of her husband, Dr. Ashni Singh.
She has reportedly adhered to this arrangement with the Audit office over the years.
The responsibilities of the Audit Office Directors fall into three categories.
These include Central Government Accounts, Internationally Financed (IDB/World Bank) Projects and Statutory Bodies.
Having acted as a director over the years Dr. Singh’s wife was tasked with the responsibility of the Statutory Bodies, minus those Dr. Singh would be involved in.
Those bodies would include the Bank of Guyana where Dr. Singh serves as a Board Member and the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) where he serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Mrs. Singh was recently confirmed in her post. The President said that the very opposition is often critical of acting appointments and has been calling for these people to be confirmed.
The Government had used its slim one vote majority in the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament to approve the appointment.
Alliance for Change (AFC) member Trevor Williams failed to show up for the vote.
The vote has since attracted the ire of the political opposition as well as civic minded groups such as Transparency International.
The international corruption watchdog body through its local office headed by Attorney-at-Law, Gino Persaud, had condemned the move by the Government and had called on Head of State Donald Ramotar to intervene.
In its condemnation of the move by Government, Persaud had said that the Office of the Auditor General of Guyana a public office created by the constitution and is mandated to uphold and preserve the highest standards of independence and integrity in the discharge of its constitutional functions.
“As a result of this appointment, a critical role in the oversight of the financial statements of the country has been entrusted to the wife of the person responsible for preparing them…The auditing process by definition requires insulation from the subject of the audit, a consideration which has been completely ignored by this incestuous appointment, which is in turn likely to undermine the effective performance and operation of the OAG.”
He had argued also that “both the Minister of Finance and his wife are bound by standards of professional conduct laid down by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Guyana, to which they belong.”
Adding that a central rule of professional conduct mandated by these bodies relates to conflict of interest, Persaud said the retention of Mrs. Singh as Audit Director is likely to adversely affect the credibility of the Audit office and will undermine public confidence in such an important independent office created by the Constitution.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Once again the opposition has embarrassed itself. I pity the APNU being that they should be aware of the bitterness of the PPP rejects in the AFC rather than to allow themselves to be guided by this sour lot. Christopher Ram, another bitter soul has been waging a campaign against his foes using the bitter souls in the AFC. 


For 6 years they saw no conflict of interest in Mrs Singh's position at the AG office now all of a sudden moves are made to have her along with the 10 others confirmed and the attacks commence

Originally Posted by PRK:

Some people don't understand that there are professional standards in associations. But what can one expect of the GINA crew?

Where was the opposition's call for adherence to those standards with respect to Mrs Singh for the past 6 years?


Every voice of dissent against you snake oil will be categorized as coming from 'paid GINA operatives' i guess no one should dare challenge your gospel

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Some people don't understand that there are professional standards in associations. But what can one expect of the GINA crew?

Where was the opposition's call for adherence to those standards with respect to Mrs Singh for the past 6 years?


Every voice of dissent against you snake oil will be categorized as coming from 'paid GINA operatives' i guess no one should dare challenge your gospel



I would leave it up to the ACCA to determine. 

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Some people don't understand that there are professional standards in associations. But what can one expect of the GINA crew?

Where was the opposition's call for adherence to those standards with respect to Mrs Singh for the past 6 years?


Every voice of dissent against you snake oil will be categorized as coming from 'paid GINA operatives' i guess no one should dare challenge your gospel

 First of all, the PPP would simply have ignored them whether they protested or not because they simply did not care and had the power to enforce that don't care attitude. However, the PPP were it good stewards and careful about propriety that abominable circumstance would not have arisen in the first place.


Indeed you are to be given a measure of concession in this respect only because you are correct not because you are concerned about the propriety of the circumstance. The PNC should have voiced concern about this careless and nonchalant attitude to checks and balance in the state. The wife cannot be the check to the husband. This is so offensive that it reminds one of Mugabe like rule.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
 The wife cannot be the check to the husband. This is so offensive that it reminds one of Mugabe like rule.


Mrs Singh does not carry out actual audits and does not supervise audits which involves projects her husband is involved in/with, further the AG's office was made a budget agency by way of an opposition motion and it reports to the public accounts committee and not the Minister of Finance.


I hope you found the bits i provided useful


only in guyana will  some thing like this can happen,what the hell happen to the guyanese people they stupid or something.the minister his spending the tax payers money and his wife is responable for the books,is this a private company.RAMOTTAR is just like bar-rat they all a bunch of ppp thief,come on collie people get real


Factsheet on Audit Office Appointment


  1. Contrary to the misrepresentation that Mr. Deodat Sharma, Auditor General (ag.), is not qualified to be appointed as Auditor General, he is in fact the holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy awarded by the University of Guyana and has benefited from extensive formal training as a public sector auditor including by the Canadian Comprehensive Audit Foundation. Mr. Sharma has also been employed as a public sector auditor for over three decades. In any event, there are no statutorily prescribed, academic, professional, or experiential qualifications required for appointment as Auditor General.


  1. Contrary to the misrepresentation that Mrs. Geetanjali Singh is the Deputy Auditor General or, however styled, the second in charge of the Audit Office, Mrs. Singh is the holder of one of three Audit Director posts. The two other Audit Director posts are held by Mr. Thomas Nestor who was recently also confirmed in that position, and Mrs. Donna Ellis who is currently acting in that position and will shortly be retiring from the office.


  1. Contrary to the impression being created by the Opposition that Mrs. Singh was recently given a new appointment, Mrs. Singh has in fact been acting in the position of Audit Director for over seven years. She has held the position of acting Audit Director since 2005, and has performed the duties of that office throughout with distinction.


  1. The latest decision by the Auditor General is not a new appointment for her, but instead is merely confirmation of a substantive appointment for her in a position she has acted in for over seven years. As a result of the confirmation, she sits at the same desk, does the same work, and receives the same pay as she did for the past seven years.


  1. Mrs. Singh’s acting appointment as Audit Director commenced even before her husband became Finance Minister in 2006. In fact, she first started working in the Audit Office in 1992, some 20 years ago, commencing her career in that office as an Audit Clerk and having earned advanced qualifications along with successive promotions over the years.


  1. Mrs. Singh acted as an Audit Director throughout the period of the ninth Parliament, during which period her work and contribution to the Audit Office came under the supervision and oversight of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC). At no time whatsoever was any issue of concern regarding her work, her independence, or the fact that she was married to the Finance Minister ever raised by the PAC. Throughout that period, the PAC was under the chairmanship of experienced Opposition Parliamentarians such as Winston Murray and Volda Lawrence, and that Committee exercised general oversight over the Audit Office.


  1. The matters of independence and conflicts of interest within the Audit Office are addressed in the Office’s Rules, Policies and Procedures Manual, which was approved by the PAC and confirmed by the National Assembly and which has the status of delegated legislation. Mrs. Singh is in full compliance with the relevant provisions of that Manual.

Quote by Martin Carter "The opposition is in a tangled mess and they cannot extricate themselves from it. Transparency is the order of the day under the PPP. "



You have got to be kidding saying something like that, that's what's called BIG FAT lies.

But, this comes as no surprise when said by a PPP stooge?

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

The opposition is in a tangled mess and they cannot extricate themselves from it. Transparency is the order of the day under the PPP. 

Sir, with due respect, the PPP are as transparent as a steel door. For example, when was the last time did parliament get a review of the Oil for rice deal or any of NICIL's umbrella of companies

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Either the joint opposition put up...or shut up!!!

the reality of the auditor is the wife and the one being audited is the husband is grotesque in its perception and that alone minus no malfeasance is enough for the situation not to exist.


The Minister's wife position is not unethical, if it was the ACCA body would have already withdraw her from their register followed by sanctions, the joint opposition are cognizant of this fact.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Minister's wife position is not unethical, if it was the ACCA body would have already withdraw her from their register followed by sanctions, the joint opposition are cognizant of this fact.

We will agree to disagree. The PPP is adept at lowing the bar. When they are out of office they need not ask why... piss poor ethics.


Ms.Singh is a member of the ACCA body, if her position has posed a conflict of interest, they would have already sound their voice. Danyael you should be cognizant of such facts.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Ms.Singh is a member of the ACCA body, if her position has posed a conflict of interest, they would have already sound their voice. Danyael you should be cognizant of such facts.

Listen knuckle head...what does all her credentials mean when commonsense protocols are discounted? You and the PPP can talk for days that nothing wrong is being done but the fact remains that she is in the position she is in is the disrespect and contempt for the rest of us. The PPP knows best so wife can over sees husbands work and deem it sacrosanct. Give me a break! You folks are so up to your hocks in dissimulation of the unseeingly that you fail to realize we are not of your world. It is not our world. It is a crooked corrupt bizarre world.


Knuckle head.....the ACCA has no issue with her position nor that of her husband they are both members of the internationally recognized body. There's no conflict of interest!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Knuckle head.....the ACCA has no issue with her position nor that of her husband they are both members of the internationally recognized body. There's no conflict of interest!

then the should plain and simple. I doubt the are achieving their international standards is they let this travesty to occur and think it is right. It is atrocious that anyone can think this can be right. It is as letting the hens watch the fox.


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