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Mitwah posted:
ba$eman posted:


Trump made it clear to him that he was broadening his search for the secretary of state. Like you are out of the loop.

Pretty obvious for a while it would be a difficult confirmation.  I was not surprised, I doubt he would have got it!

Now, if the Exxon head gets it, he might whisper to Trump of the conspiracy between the CIA, PNC and Exxon in toppling the PPP Govt!

Chief posted:

It would have nice to see Guiliani and Christie in the new cabinet. Reason being  both of them worked with minorities, people of color and Muslims in the past. Unlike other cabinet members this exprince would have help to build whatever little bridges that can be built with Trump . 

I am glad to see both of these *******s go. Christie, the baby elephant got what he deserved. Christie is not fit to be in any govt job. Jail him for bridge gate.


Donald Trump has an obligation to pick the best people for his Cabinet. A consideration is a candidate in waiting. It's not a confirmation. The former mayor gave prior indication that he was most comfortable with the Attorney's General post over secretary of state. Juiliani didn't get bumped, he withdrawn from the list of prospected candidates.

Cobra posted:

Donald Trump has an obligation to pick the best people for his Cabinet. A consideration is a candidate in waiting. It's not a confirmation. The former mayor gave prior indication that he was most comfortable with the Attorney's General post over secretary of state. Juiliani didn't get bumped, he withdrawn from the list of prospected candidates.

Apparently the best people are billionaires!

Cobra posted:

Donald Trump has an obligation to pick the best people for his Cabinet. A consideration is a candidate in waiting. It's not a confirmation. The former mayor gave prior indication that he was most comfortable with the Attorney's General post over secretary of state. Juiliani didn't get bumped, he withdrawn from the list of prospected candidates.

Sometimes one is asked to hand in his/her resignation to save face of being fired. Samjay?

Mitwah posted:
ba$eman posted:

Now, if the Exxon head gets it, he might whisper to Trump of the conspiracy between the CIA, PNC and Exxon in toppling the PPP Govt!

So now you are casting aspersions on Exxon Chief.

Oh no.  I sure that order came from Hussein O himself!  Poor Exxon just had to comply.  They all thought crooked Hillary was a shu-win!

Chief posted:

It would have nice to see Guiliani and Christie in the new cabinet. Reason being  both of them worked with minorities, people of color and Muslims in the past. Unlike other cabinet members this exprince would have help to build whatever little bridges that can be built with Trump . 

Like you BT bitting you rass 

Mitwah posted:
Cobra posted:

Donald Trump has an obligation to pick the best people for his Cabinet. A consideration is a candidate in waiting. It's not a confirmation. The former mayor gave prior indication that he was most comfortable with the Attorney's General post over secretary of state. Juiliani didn't get bumped, he withdrawn from the list of prospected candidates.

Sometimes one is asked to hand in his/her resignation to save face of being fired. Samjay?

It's politics as usual. No harm done. 

Imran posted:
ksazma posted:
Chief posted:


I noticed you are getting foolish by the day . 

No one wants to see a cabinet that is filled with people who are totally out of touch with the common people . 


Why Imran trolling you Chief? Looks like de man gat a ting fuh yuh.

Banna, I man don't like ANTIMAN.  

Why is your first reaction about antiman?

Chief posted:

It would have nice to see Guiliani and worked with minorities, . 

Yes. Amadou Diallo (given that you don't care for any other than Muslims), Dorismond, Abner Louima.

When the ONLY senior black official was humiliated by a lowly cop Giuliani found it funny.

Giuliani is a black hating racist as abhorrent as David Duke.

Last edited by Former Member

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