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@Former Member posted:

Imagine we bai Greenie camping out in Arizona turned from Rodneyite to Republican

Gwana man sting yuh wid de socialist comment, suh yuh come back wid nonsense. What is the population of Vermont? Two? But ah glad yuh tekkin' up fire rage fuh de socialists and show yuh true

Not a Republican. Independent. I abhor socialism / communism in any form. It destroyed my homeland. Also not in favor of corporate welfare where companies like Amazon don't  pay fair share of taxes.

And what does political ideology have to do with vaccination rates? Your socialist countries don't even have a vaccine or tekkin' bribe to hand them out...

Yuh talk about idealistic? These socialists like you and old fowl Bernie are the epitome of it. Alyuh would run anything into the ground. Rewind and come again labba

@Former Member posted:

Yuh talk about idealistic? These socialists like you and old fowl Bernie are the epitome of it. Alyuh would run anything into the ground. Rewind and come again labba

Because dem beat off aluh conspiracy theory republicans. Dem have the highest vaccine rate. Allow dem to reopen and live life normal. Bai if Vermont is communism I can take dat kind of commie any day. Green, clean air, low pollution, great tasting food, educated people...cyant tek Texas at all

@Former Member posted:

Because dem beat off aluh conspiracy theory republicans. Dem have the highest vaccine rate. Allow dem to reopen and live life normal. Bai if Vermont is communism I can take dat kind of commie any day. Green, clean air, low pollution, great tasting food, educated people...cyant tek Texas at all

Weh de vaccines come from? Ten years wuk done in less than a year under Operation Warp Speed to produce the vaccine. Give jack he jacket.

Why choose Vermont? Guh live in Chicago, NYC, Detroit, or any other of the commie shitholes. Wheh you live? FLORIDA, a red state.

Banna, haul yuh fat labba rass dat side. Tek de FORMER "big belly admin" to live wid yuh. De man lookin' fuh appraisal and all kinda ting suh he kyan bolt NY like he bolt Guyana. Muss get he a "visa" fuh

@Former Member posted:

Dem have the highest vaccine rate. Allow dem to reopen and live life normal. Bai if Vermont is communism I can take dat kind of commie any day. Green, clean air, low pollution, great tasting food, educated people...cyant tek Texas at all

Yuh talkin sheer skont. You do know that Texas and Florida open waaaayyyyyyyyy before Vermont, don't you???? Matter of fact you and yuh commie friends were squealing "ow gad, we gon DEAD because dese people opening up and stop wearing masks".

Banna, yuh fulla shit Move to Vermont and see if they tolerate yuh cane juice stand and oily bara. Green police run yuh rass right outta

@Former Member posted:

Gwana man sting yuh wid de socialist comment, suh yuh come back wid nonsense. What is the population of Vermont? Two? But ah glad yuh tekkin' up fire rage fuh de socialists and show yuh true

Not a Republican. Independent. I abhor socialism / communism in any form. It destroyed my homeland. Also not in favor of corporate welfare where companies like Amazon don't  pay fair share of taxes.

And what does political ideology have to do with vaccination rates? Your socialist countries don't even have a vaccine or tekkin' bribe to hand them out...

Yuh talk about idealistic? These socialists like you and old fowl Bernie are the epitome of it. Alyuh would run anything into the ground. Rewind and come again labba

True Vermont, has a small population and it is arguably easier to achieve a higher vaccination rate in a small geo than a larger geo. In that case what is the excuse for Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana, states with similar population sizes as Vermont but dramatically lower vaccination rates.  

Apparently political ideology have a lot to do with vaccination rates. The US, has 55% of its population with at least one dose. Florida is right at 55% (can’t make this up, perennially the swing state). The vast majority of states below the average are regarded as Red States with a few being the so called purple states (Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina). So yes political ideology does have something to do with vaccination rates. Or to put it more accurately, political ideology does have something with the ability to accept evidence and logic, whether its evolution theory, climate change or vaccine efficacy and safety.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

Weh de vaccines come from? Ten years wuk done in less than a year under Operation Warp Speed to produce the vaccine. Give jack he jacket.

Why choose Vermont? Guh live in Chicago, NYC, Detroit, or any other of the commie shitholes. Wheh you live? FLORIDA, a red state.

Banna, haul yuh fat labba rass dat side. Tek de FORMER "big belly admin" to live wid yuh. De man lookin' fuh appraisal and all kinda ting suh he kyan bolt NY like he bolt Guyana. Muss get he a "visa" fuh

Great to hear the right talk about Operation Warp Speed after close to four decades of being animated by Reagan’s words “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help”. Somehow they now have the fortitude to admit the government can help after they found that white people are now struggling.

Lets give Jack his Jacket on the following condition:

  • He admits that vaccines does not equal vaccination and he did not have a plan for vaccination
  • He admits that Ugur Sahin and Özlem TÞreci a Muslim couple and immigrants to Germany were instrumental in the development of the mRNA technology and the development of the Pfizer vaccine. Let him admit that if given the opportunity he would have denied them entry into the US.
  • He accepts the gold medal for the highest covid death rate in the developed world and one of the highest in the world
  • He accepts a silver medal for great effort in trying to dismantle Obamacare and if successful it would have resulted in millions of Americans losing their health insurance and would have led to more hospitalizations and deaths
@Locutus posted:

True Vermont, has a small population and it is arguably easier to achieve a higher vaccination rate in a small geo than a larger geo. In that case what is the excuse for Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana, states with similar population sizes as Vermont but dramatically lower vaccination rates.  

Apparently political ideology have a lot to do with vaccination rates. The US, has 55% of its population with at least one dose. Florida is right at 55% (can’t make this up, perennially the swing state). The vast majority of states below the average are regarded as Red States with a few being the so called purple states (Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina). So yes political ideology does have something to do with vaccination rates. Or to put it more accurately, political ideology does have something with the ability to accept evidence and logic, whether its evolution theory, climate change or vaccine efficacy and safety.


Images (1)
  • Chart 1
@Former Member posted:

Weh de vaccines come from? Ten years wuk done in less than a year under Operation Warp Speed to produce the vaccine. Give jack he jacket.

Why choose Vermont? Guh live in Chicago, NYC, Detroit, or any other of the commie shitholes. Wheh you live? FLORIDA, a red state.

Banna, haul yuh fat labba rass dat side. Tek de FORMER "big belly admin" to live wid yuh. De man lookin' fuh appraisal and all kinda ting suh he kyan bolt NY like he bolt Guyana. Muss get he a "visa" fuh

Curious what red state cities would you say have a bigger global economic impact than Chicago, NYC and Detroit?

What red state cities would you say have a bigger global cultural impact than Chicago, NYC and Detroit?

I love it when I hear the red states are always saying people want to move there because they are more economically successful or how self reliant they are. Well please tell the red states to stop taking out of the Federal coffers more than they put in. See the chart below, (split in 2) from the Rockefeller Institute of Government. In this case being in the blue is not a good thing. Turns out the red states are the biggest takers in the Republic (2nd chart). You can ignore Virginia because that reflects the impact of all the Federal government offices.


Images (2)
  • Chart 1
  • Chart 2
@Locutus posted:

True Vermont, has a small population and it is arguably easier to achieve a higher vaccination rate in a small geo than a larger geo. In that case what is the excuse for Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana, states with similar population sizes as Vermont but dramatically lower vaccination rates.  

Apparently political ideology have a lot to do with vaccination rates. The US, has 55% of its population with at least one dose. Florida is right at 55% (can’t make this up, perennially the swing state). The vast majority of states below the average are regarded as Red States with a few being the so called purple states (Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina). So yes political ideology does have something to do with vaccination rates. Or to put it more accurately, political ideology does have something with the ability to accept evidence and logic, whether its evolution theory, climate change or vaccine efficacy and safety.

Interesting. You use what fits your argument, neglecting the fact that the population with the LOWEST vaccine rates are blacks and hispanics across states. Educate yuhself:

Who are the groups in the red states with the lowest vaccination rates? Blacks and hispanics.

Why do blacks lag all other groups in taking the vaccine. First, there's a poor history of vaccines used against blacks in the USA. Most are suspicious, and for good reason.

But when you have the fking Democrat VICE PRESIDENT of the United States strutting around telling people not to take the vaccine, yeah, then  black people will be skeptical of taking it. Cuomo did the same thing.

So your point is well taken - "political ideology does have something with the ability to accept evidence and logic"

Guh examine yuh own ideology and look in yuh own house befo yuh post mo shit.

@Locutus posted:

Great to hear the right talk about Operation Warp Speed after close to four decades of being animated by Reagan’s words “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help”. Somehow they now have the fortitude to admit the government can help after they found that white people are now struggling.

Lets give Jack his Jacket on the following condition:

  • He admits that vaccines does not equal vaccination and he did not have a plan for vaccination
  • He admits that Ugur Sahin and Özlem TÞreci a Muslim couple and immigrants to Germany were instrumental in the development of the mRNA technology and the development of the Pfizer vaccine. Let him admit that if given the opportunity he would have denied them entry into the US.
  • He accepts the gold medal for the highest covid death rate in the developed world and one of the highest in the world
  • He accepts a silver medal for great effort in trying to dismantle Obamacare and if successful it would have resulted in millions of Americans losing their health insurance and would have led to more hospitalizations and deaths

Banna, the govt. helped by supplying funds in what was a national crisis tantamount to a war. Reagan was speaking about government intervening in the finer details of people's lives which apparently you agree with, hence your fondness/belonging to the PPP.

We all know Pfizer, moderna, J and J etc. developed the vaccines. In case you didn't know - that's private industry. Yes, they received fast tracking for emergency use, the least govt. could do. The then president instructed that a billion of these vaccines be purchased while you and your ilk were screaming not to take the vaccines.

a. A plan for vaccination was a moot point. The then president was out of office and a new administration would actually receive the vaccines.

b. Your reference to Ugur Sahin and Özlem TÞreci  is just red herring bullshit.

c. The Covid death rate in the US has a lot to do with Fauci who first said no masks were necessary. Then they were. Then they weren't. The former NYC health commissioner said nothing to worry about. You're an advocate of science, well, he was listening to the "scientists" in March 2020 and they fked him over. Oh, and alyuh called him a xenophobe because he banned flights from China in February 2020. You need a refresher?

d. I agree with you on the obamacare point.

@Locutus posted:

Curious what red state cities would you say have a bigger global economic impact than Chicago, NYC and Detroit?

What red state cities would you say have a bigger global cultural impact than Chicago, NYC and Detroit?

I love it when I hear the red states are always saying people want to move there because they are more economically successful or how self reliant they are. Well please tell the red states to stop taking out of the Federal coffers more than they put in. See the chart below, (split in 2) from the Rockefeller Institute of Government. In this case being in the blue is not a good thing. Turns out the red states are the biggest takers in the Republic (2nd chart). You can ignore Virginia because that reflects the impact of all the Federal government offices.

Yuh lil out of touch. The economies of NYC, Chicago, Detroit etc. are in the toilet, having much less "global impact". The news articles on this are too numerous to post. High crime, poor quality of life, violence in the streets, have crippled your prize cities. Fleeing businesses will lead to the imposition of higher taxes on the populace and cause more of them and businesses to flee. Read up on Diblasio's NYC.

The workplace is now ubiquitous. No need to live in NYC anymore just to hold a job. Thus states like Texas, Florida etc will soon have more of a global impact than you imagine.

I see you were smart enough to leave San Francisco and California in general out of your examples for "global economic impact". Yuh sly. Even you cannot deny the toxic shithole that the Dems have made that beautiful state and city into, chasing people into rural Boise Idaho, which is now up and coming. Oh, and a red state too.

Nice try at defending the indefensible.

@Former Member posted:

Weh de vaccines come from? Ten years wuk done in less than a year under Operation Warp Speed to produce the vaccine. Give jack he jacket.

Why choose Vermont? Guh live in Chicago, NYC, Detroit, or any other of the commie shitholes. Wheh you live? FLORIDA, a red state.

Banna, haul yuh fat labba rass dat side. Tek de FORMER "big belly admin" to live wid yuh. De man lookin' fuh appraisal and all kinda ting suh he kyan bolt NY like he bolt Guyana. Muss get he a "visa" fuh

Greenie, like yuh getting bassidy! Yuh know you are a left wing ex WPA ite trying to be Republican here . De science for de vaccine was funded in the 1980s by NIH and other govt agencies. mRNA had its origin since the 1960s and research pick up in the 1980s under a programme known as Orphan Drugs. Once this was done Pfizer and Moderna mek the vaccine quickly.

@Former Member posted:

Weh de vaccines come from? Ten years wuk done in less than a year under Operation Warp Speed to produce the vaccine. Give jack he jacket.

Why choose Vermont? Guh live in Chicago, NYC, Detroit, or any other of the commie shitholes. Wheh you live? FLORIDA, a red state.

Banna, haul yuh fat labba rass dat side. Tek de FORMER "big belly admin" to live wid yuh. De man lookin' fuh appraisal and all kinda ting suh he kyan bolt NY like he bolt Guyana. Muss get he a "visa" fuh

Yes, Trumpie deserve praise for warp speed after losing four months pushing QAnon ideas. NYC and Chicago are very beautiful cities. Chicago has its troubles in areas deindustrlized because of aluh free market ideology. Those supposedly bad areas will thrive again. We bringing back de jobs from China. NYC is still the safeest large city in USA...8.5 million people.

@Former Member posted:

Interesting. You use what fits your argument, neglecting the fact that the population with the LOWEST vaccine rates are blacks and hispanics across states. Educate yuhself:

Who are the groups in the red states with the lowest vaccination rates? Blacks and hispanics.

Why do blacks lag all other groups in taking the vaccine. First, there's a poor history of vaccines used against blacks in the USA. Most are suspicious, and for good reason.

But when you have the fking Democrat VICE PRESIDENT of the United States strutting around telling people not to take the vaccine, yeah, then  black people will be skeptical of taking it. Cuomo did the same thing.

So your point is well taken - "political ideology does have something with the ability to accept evidence and logic"

Guh examine yuh own ideology and look in yuh own house befo yuh post mo shit.

You need to get the Fox News rage machine out of your head and actually respond to the topic being addressed in the post.

Here is Kapadulla's original post:

The Socialist Republic of Vermont has the highest vaccination rate in USA. Vermont also has lowest unemployment in the USofA:

Bernie's state beat out all your hard core capitalist states. Enjoy . BTW...Burlington is a very nice place.

Here is your post for the first time addressing Vermont vaccination rate:

Gwana man sting yuh wid de socialist comment, suh yuh come back wid nonsense. What is the population of Vermont? Two? But ah glad yuh tekkin' up fire rage fuh de socialists and show yuh true

Go back to my post and see what was addressed. You denigrated Vermont’s vaccination rate because of their population size. So I addressed that. At no point in the previous post was the topic racial disparity in vaccination rates.

I am fully aware of the racial disparity in vaccination rates. But stick to the topic. If you want to start a topic on racial disparity in vaccination rates go for it.

Also, your point on the racial disparity on vaccination rates does not alone account for the discrepancy between the red and blue states. This would assume that whites in red states were being vaccinated at a rate equivalent to whites in blue states. That is just not borne out by the data and polls which have consistently showed that Republicans and Evangelicals are less likely to get vaccination in the red states. So my point stands, political ideology have a lot to do with vaccination rates.

By the way why stop at race for explaining the difference between states. How about looking at the healthcare delivery networks in each state. Here is a hint, look at the states that refuse to expand Medicaid under Obamacare. Point is there are a lot of variables that can account for disparity in vaccination rates. This thread specifically dealt with population size. In the end one thing is clear, political ideology have high impact on vaccination rates.

On the Kamala Harris point go back and look at what she said. She said she would take the vaccine if the scientist said she should take it not if Trump said she should take it. Who can blame her. Your Dear Leader have quite the track record in recommending COVID treatments.

Take your time, read, follow the conversation and make your point. Otherwise you are just wasting my time.

@Former Member posted:

Banna, the govt. helped by supplying funds in what was a national crisis tantamount to a war. Reagan was speaking about government intervening in the finer details of people's lives which apparently you agree with, hence your fondness/belonging to the PPP.

We all know Pfizer, moderna, J and J etc. developed the vaccines. In case you didn't know - that's private industry. Yes, they received fast tracking for emergency use, the least govt. could do. The then president instructed that a billion of these vaccines be purchased while you and your ilk were screaming not to take the vaccines.

a. A plan for vaccination was a moot point. The then president was out of office and a new administration would actually receive the vaccines.

b. Your reference to Ugur Sahin and Özlem TÞreci  is just red herring bullshit.

c. The Covid death rate in the US has a lot to do with Fauci who first said no masks were necessary. Then they were. Then they weren't. The former NYC health commissioner said nothing to worry about. You're an advocate of science, well, he was listening to the "scientists" in March 2020 and they fked him over. Oh, and alyuh called him a xenophobe because he banned flights from China in February 2020. You need a refresher?

d. I agree with you on the obamacare point.

As I said for four decades Republicans were animated by Reagan's words towards small government. Go back you would see that not so long ago they wanted to get rid of the EPA, FDA, Department of Education, oh wait and Obamacare.

By the way the government did not just fast track the EUA, they also gave the pharmaceutical companies billions in advance to develop the vaccines. Can you imagine if it was Obama that was giving billions to the pharmaceutical companies on unproven vaccine technology. We would have heard your Republican friends screaming commie just wasting their money.

The Covid death rate in the US has a lot to do with Fauci who first said no masks were necessary. Then they were. Then they weren't. The former NYC health commissioner said nothing to worry about. You're an advocate of science, well, he was listening to the "scientists" in March 2020 and they fked him over. Oh, and alyuh called him a xenophobe because he banned flights from China in February 2020. You need a refresher?

LMAO! Yeah lets blame everyone else other than Dear Leader. Lets ignore all of Dear Leader’s actions from denigrating the wearing of masks, to supporting the nut jobs who were calling for freedom to not wear masks, to the rallies. Did you hear, Fauci also told him to secretly get vaccinated in the White House. Oh, Fauci also caused the Jan 6 insurrection. Fauci is also apparently the one whispering in Dear Leader’s ear that he really won the election.

Poor attempt with the Tucker Carlson talking points. I am not going to even bother going into how ridiculous your point is when looking at both national and international data. I have learned that once a right wing idealogue has been programmed by Fox good luck getting them to look at evidence and logic.

@Former Member posted:

Yuh lil out of touch. The economies of NYC, Chicago, Detroit etc. are in the toilet, having much less "global impact". The news articles on this are too numerous to post. High crime, poor quality of life, violence in the streets, have crippled your prize cities. Fleeing businesses will lead to the imposition of higher taxes on the populace and cause more of them and businesses to flee. Read up on Diblasio's NYC.

The workplace is now ubiquitous. No need to live in NYC anymore just to hold a job. Thus states like Texas, Florida etc will soon have more of a global impact than you imagine.

I see you were smart enough to leave San Francisco and California in general out of your examples for "global economic impact". Yuh sly. Even you cannot deny the toxic shithole that the Dems have made that beautiful state and city into, chasing people into rural Boise Idaho, which is now up and coming. Oh, and a red state too.

Nice try at defending the indefensible.

Just to be clear, you have no facts that those cities are crippled but rather based on some articles you read on short term migratory patterns, the advent of remote work and recent increases in crime rates. So you are basically SPECULATING on the demise of these cities. Why don’t you keep us posted on how that unfolds over the years. In the meantime, I am sure you are continue to praise the low taxes, small government and self sufficiency of the Red States while ignoring the fact they are ferociously suckling at the nipples of the Federal government which is in part enabled by blue state money.

I see you were smart enough to leave San Francisco and California in general out of your examples for "global economic impact". Yuh sly.

I know it maybe difficult at times to follow the bouncing ball, but you can do it if you try. Go back and read very carefully the thread. You will notice that the cities I addressed are exactly the ones you raised. This is starting to be a theme and frankly getting boring.

On SF and California, please keep us posted when other states can replicate the ecosystem between entrepreneurs, industry and universities. Countries have been trying for decades to do this and failed. Let us know when Idaho get there.

@Locutus posted:

You need to get the Fox News rage machine out of your head and actually respond to the topic being addressed in the post.

Here is Kapadulla's original post:

The Socialist Republic of Vermont has the highest vaccination rate in USA. Vermont also has lowest unemployment in the USofA:

Bernie's state beat out all your hard core capitalist states. Enjoy . BTW...Burlington is a very nice place.

Here is your post for the first time addressing Vermont vaccination rate:

Gwana man sting yuh wid de socialist comment, suh yuh come back wid nonsense. What is the population of Vermont? Two? But ah glad yuh tekkin' up fire rage fuh de socialists and show yuh true

Go back to my post and see what was addressed. You denigrated Vermont’s vaccination rate because of their population size. So I addressed that. At no point in the previous post was the topic racial disparity in vaccination rates.

I am fully aware of the racial disparity in vaccination rates. But stick to the topic. If you want to start a topic on racial disparity in vaccination rates go for it.

Also, your point on the racial disparity on vaccination rates does not alone account for the discrepancy between the red and blue states. This would assume that whites in red states were being vaccinated at a rate equivalent to whites in blue states. That is just not borne out by the data and polls which have consistently showed that Republicans and Evangelicals are less likely to get vaccination in the red states. So my point stands, political ideology have a lot to do with vaccination rates.

By the way why stop at race for explaining the difference between states. How about looking at the healthcare delivery networks in each state. Here is a hint, look at the states that refuse to expand Medicaid under Obamacare. Point is there are a lot of variables that can account for disparity in vaccination rates. This thread specifically dealt with population size. In the end one thing is clear, political ideology have high impact on vaccination rates.

On the Kamala Harris point go back and look at what she said. She said she would take the vaccine if the scientist said she should take it not if Trump said she should take it. Who can blame her. Your Dear Leader have quite the track record in recommending COVID treatments.

Take your time, read, follow the conversation and make your point. Otherwise you are just wasting my time.

You came here thumping your chest about vaccination rates and painting conservative states as less likely to get vaccinated.

When presented with facts, you now drag in a bunch of red herrings about Fox news, healthcare networks, etc that have nothing to do with anything, parsing your words carefully.

I believe I told you yes, political ideology matters to vaccination rates. Thus my point about Kamala Harris. Do you honestly think the average person remembers her every word? they remember the jist of her message - she won't advise taking it.

She never expected to win. So being a partisan hack like you, she was knowingly sabotaging any vaccine effort. Now she's stuck with the task of getting the vaccines out to minorities. Karma.

@Locutus posted:

As I said for four decades Republicans were animated by Reagan's words towards small government. Go back you would see that not so long ago they wanted to get rid of the EPA, FDA, Department of Education, oh wait and Obamacare.

By the way the government did not just fast track the EUA, they also gave the pharmaceutical companies billions in advance to develop the vaccines. Can you imagine if it was Obama that was giving billions to the pharmaceutical companies on unproven vaccine technology. We would have heard your Republican friends screaming commie just wasting their money.

The Covid death rate in the US has a lot to do with Fauci who first said no masks were necessary. Then they were. Then they weren't. The former NYC health commissioner said nothing to worry about. You're an advocate of science, well, he was listening to the "scientists" in March 2020 and they fked him over. Oh, and alyuh called him a xenophobe because he banned flights from China in February 2020. You need a refresher?

LMAO! Yeah lets blame everyone else other than Dear Leader. Lets ignore all of Dear Leader’s actions from denigrating the wearing of masks, to supporting the nut jobs who were calling for freedom to not wear masks, to the rallies. Did you hear, Fauci also told him to secretly get vaccinated in the White House. Oh, Fauci also caused the Jan 6 insurrection. Fauci is also apparently the one whispering in Dear Leader’s ear that he really won the election.

Poor attempt with the Tucker Carlson talking points. I am not going to even bother going into how ridiculous your point is when looking at both national and international data. I have learned that once a right wing idealogue has been programmed by Fox good luck getting them to look at evidence and logic.

what are you really trying to say here other than mumbling about tucker carlson, fox news, right wing idealogue and rambling nonsense. You must dwell in Darkness.

@Locutus posted:

Just to be clear, you have no facts that those cities are crippled but rather based on some articles you read on short term migratory patterns, the advent of remote work and recent increases in crime rates. So you are basically SPECULATING on the demise of these cities. Why don’t you keep us posted on how that unfolds over the years. In the meantime, I am sure you are continue to praise the low taxes, small government and self sufficiency of the Red States while ignoring the fact they are ferociously suckling at the nipples of the Federal government which is in part enabled by blue state money.

I see you were smart enough to leave San Francisco and California in general out of your examples for "global economic impact". Yuh sly.

I know it maybe difficult at times to follow the bouncing ball, but you can do it if you try. Go back and read very carefully the thread. You will notice that the cities I addressed are exactly the ones you raised. This is starting to be a theme and frankly getting boring.

On SF and California, please keep us posted when other states can replicate the ecosystem between entrepreneurs, industry and universities. Countries have been trying for decades to do this and failed. Let us know when Idaho get there.

1. So now you want "evidence" that NYC, Chicago, Detroit, California is broken after you held them out as models for your socialist utopia. You are also "speculating" on their resiliency. They are doomed with billions in revenue shortfall, rampant drug, violence and quality of life issues.

I won't have to keep you posted. You'll see it for yourself. You're already seeing it, thus your tekking up fire rage for

2. Re your multiple mentions of Fox News and their personalities, it would be better if you refute the facts I present rather than concentrate on what may be mentioned on networks. Don't see me dragging MSNBC and other networks where you get your talking points from into our lil chat, do you?

3. what eco system are you talking about re California. It's done. Broken. Busted. Finished. All the entrepreneurs you rave about are gone. Have a read when you come out of the Darkness.


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