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U.S. willing to assist Amaila becoming reality - Deputy Mission ChiefPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Chamanlall Naipaul   
Friday, 06 September 2013 23:39

NEWLY accredited Deputy Chief of Mission at the United States (U.S.) Embassy in Georgetown, Mr. Bryan Hunt said, yesterday, that the stalling of the Amaila Falls Hydro Project is most unfortunate. It is a severe setback to the local manufacturing industry, he stated in an interview with the Guyana Chronicle.

Hunt emphasised that the venture is economically viable, noting that it had solid investors behind it and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Government of Norway were prepared to support it financially under its promotion of “green energy.” The diplomat said Amaila was a “tremendous opportunity” for the development of the manufacturing sector and the socio-economic development of this country. Responding to the view expressed in some quarters, that the U.S. was also supportive of the scheme because an American-based company was involved, Hunt dismissed it is a “cynical view” and maintained that, regardless of where the investment came from, the U.S. would have supported it, since that country has an interest in the economic development of Guyana, as that would be beneficial to his country. On the issue of finding an alternative path to bring the Amaila Hydro Project to reality, he recalled that, recently, President Donald Ramotar indicated his interest in doing so and Hunt revealed that his Government is prepared to assist in this respect. Hunt lamented that it was unfortunate the political parties could not have come together to move the project forward, remarking that it was sad to see the undertaking aborted. Nevertheless, he said he hopes President Ramotar is successful in finding alternative ways in making it a reality and assured that, if his Government is approached in that regard, it will, definitely, provide assistance.



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Dear Editor, As usual, Kaieteur News ‘buss the bag’ on the nasty, corrupt, degenerate PPP banditry and misuse of taxpayers’ money. The PPP has been lying to Guyanese all along on the Amaila Falls hydro project. All along they adamantly stated the government is investing only US $100 million when in fact, the PPP was secretly investing US $157.2 million and is providing a guaranteed US$36 million debt reserve for GPL. There are burning questions the Guyanese people are asking of the PPP now in light of these revelations. Who owns the US $57.2 million the PPP government lied to the nation about and tried to hide from the public? Is it owned by the people of Guyana or by individuals or companies linked to the PPP cabal and the soup drinkers connected to the oligarchy? If owned by the elites – who are they? What are their names? What corporate entities are they hiding under? Who is putting up this money? If this US$57.2 million came from the taxpayers of Guyana, why the secrecy, hiding and lying about using it? Was it hidden to enable the profits and returns on that US$57.2 million to be taken and secreted away without the Guyanese people knowing? Were there plans to steal this US$57.2 million and the returns on equity it would have produced without the Guyanese people knowing? After all, US$57.2 million of taxpayers’ money at 19% guaranteed return on investment on the initial sum of US$57.2M for 20 years is a guaranteed US $217.36 million in returns alone. Were a pack of vagabonds planning on investing the Guyanese people’s money and secretly pocketing those hefty returns? Were these rogues planning on burdening the Guyanese people by forcing GPL to raise light bills on Guyanese in order for them to collect their US$217.36 million? It is grossly unpatriotic, unequivocally ‘dunce’, abjectly incompetent, frighteningly stupid and possibly willfully fraudulent, to knowingly enter into a deal where you are investing and guaranteeing more (US$193.2 million) than the other investor (US$157.4 million) yet you agree to a minority stake in the enterprise (40%) versus the other investor (60%). How could any investor and even worse, any government, willfully debase itself and the investment of the nation it represents in a transaction in this sheepish, gutless and spineless fashion? How could the PPP government invest and guarantee US $193.2 million in this project while Sithe Global invests US$157.4 M and Sithe ends up owning 60% of Amaila and Guyana owns just 40%? How does the PPP guarantee 55% of this project cost from investors yet agree to 40% ownership of the company? Even at US$157.2 million versus US $157.4 million, how could this shameless and pathetic PPP bunch accept 20% less ownership stake when Sithe Global invested only US$0.2 million more than the government? The evidence strongly suggests this is not stupidity, imbecility, idiocy, tomfoolery, incompetence and ineptitude any more. It is not Donald Ramotar’s new favorite word ‘jackassery’. Not when the PPP has experience in handling large scale projects. This is appearing more like deliberate non-disclosure, false representation, misrepresentation, abuse of position of trust and deprivation to the taxpayers. This is financial rape and economic slaughter. M. Maxwell


Guyana has international backings and stakeholders who are eager to see the Amaila Hydro Project get off its mark. There is another story in today's (KN) where GPL says the following.....Guyana Power and Light Company (GPL) will go ahead and prepare for the Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Project given that it has been advised by the administration that the project has only been delayed by a year.


As I said before, our president wouldn't allowed the opposition obstacles to derail one of Guyana's largest undertaken. 


Mitwah, you're trying hard to repeat yourself on matters that are unimportant to the cause. You can call it economic rape or anything you wish, the Hydro Project will be a reality sooner rather than later. 


If indeed true this will be good news for Guyana. It would not be possible to rape the peoples' tax monies. If the World Bank is involved then the highest bar of transparency and accountability will be realised. Unfortunately I am not certain whether the pea brain who started this thread understands these facts.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The hydroelectric power project will become a reality for Guyana, despite the current delays.

Agree! And when it is realised the cost will be USD 300 mill less. That's a good price to pay for the delay, no? 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

D_G, do you know what would be the cost of the AFHP this time around? 

Estimates will be provided when apt, Cobra.


Actual amount for any project will be determined after its completion, simply because of the varying costs during the development stage.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D_G, do you know what would be the cost of the AFHP this time around? 

Estimates will be provided when apt, Cobra.


Actual amount for any project will be determined after its completion, simply because of the varying costs during the development stage.


The recipe for the kick-back schemes. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D_G, do you know what would be the cost of the AFHP this time around? 

Estimates will be provided when apt, Cobra.


Actual amount for any project will be determined after its completion, simply because of the varying costs during the development stage.


The recipe for the kick-back schemes. 

DG been harping the same tune for over 50 odd year now, first to his Alumni PNC association now the thiefing PPP "Hydropower project will become a reality" he now sound like a broken record....


I really hope the Guyanese public remember, when they go to the polls, what the PNC/AFC did to progress in Guyana. You can't blame the PNC as their supporters will rather face starvation rather than support an initiative proposed by an Indian dominated government. Look how the continued to support Burnham as they literally starved. The AFC supporters are a different matter, they should know better. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

D_G, do you know what would be the cost of the AFHP this time around? 

Estimates will be provided when apt, Cobra.


Actual amount for any project will be determined after its completion, simply because of the varying costs during the development stage.

Cobra this is exactly the type of answer

you would expect from Kwame.

"De_Miss Mary"...

will not be honest about anything...

she will answer as if

Bu@@erring is something Normal or Acceptable

in Burnham days...and now under Jagabat & De Duck.


Only a thiefman

who proudly carry a PNC Card

and  wuk for Burnham

would tell you the AFHP....

that we all talking about ....

could cost would cost over a billion US Dollars.


Any Decent or Honest Guyanese Engineer

 will tell you it will Cost the Guyanese

Half of what Jagdeo & Ramotar want to pay today.


Even the PNC today telling us

US 500 Million Dollar.....


but if yuh ask Kwame or Odo Engineer...

Dem gon tell yuh in de Billions....

dem like nuff Zero Behind de One.


If Burnham sign yuh PNC Card

and give yuh wuk...

yuh cannot be trusted

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mitwah, you're trying hard to repeat yourself on matters that are unimportant to the cause. You can call it economic rape or anything you wish, the Hydro Project will be a reality sooner rather than later. 

 Who owns the US $57.2 million the PPP government lied to the nation about and tried to hide from the public? Is it owned by the people of Guyana or by individuals or companies linked to the PPP cabal and the soup drinkers connected to the oligarchy? If owned by the elites – who are they? What are their names? What corporate entities are they hiding under? Who is putting up this money? If this US$57.2 million came from the taxpayers of Guyana, why the secrecy, hiding and lying about using it? Was it hidden to enable the profits and returns on that US$57.2 million to be taken and secreted away without the Guyanese people knowing?


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