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The problem with Hindus who are very good people (I am one of them) is they are too much into sentimentalism and worship of the personality instead of developing systems and institutions, which will benefit all people but also secure a stable space for their own people. The same trap Panday, Kamla, Cheddie (a communist of Hindu genre) and all the others find themselves ensnared into. You guys want to know why baseman is now evolving into a PPP soupatunist? I am sure he is not working for Bobby. Basie is there because he senses a family connection, cunumunu and all, could be propelled into the Presidency. For them to perpetuate that personality worship they must demonize the PNC and in the process the black man. They are not concerned with systems, institutions and big realistic and doable ideas, it is all about personal ambitions and family/icon worship. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Thank you you TWO for such GREAT, SPIRITUAL and INTELLIGENT Info. Your Wisdom and intellect are unmatchable in this World.

Pavi that one ring yuh bell nah bai? 

Am I surprise at your interpretation? HELL NO!! You are who you are.

You can't fool me bai.

TK - Hindus like any group of oppressed people, are in need of leadership. Their leaders have used them for political and economic gain. The answer is education, a quality education is hardly available in rural Guyana where most Hindus live. You have been fortunate to educate yourself and rise beyond the shackles of bad leadership, and now become an 'enlightened Hindu' ( I would love to see the definition offered for that - I am sure some would propose ... A Hindu who abandons his beliefs as a definition). As a Hindu I so not shy away from my responsibilities to vigorously defend myself against aggressors and I would and am continuing the fight against ignorance in my community. What astonishes me is that some of you seem to blame Hindus who are less than 25 pc of Guyana's population for its trouble! Another astonishing fact is that some of you really believe that some of the people with Hindu sounding names are really Hindus! The dangerous anti- Hindu stance that is being perpetuated by all of you will serve to belittle Hindus in the eyes of those bullies who like to beat up on ' cowards' as some of you all like to call them. The softening here on this board is just a prelude to the final massacre. Hinduism is about personal transformation, an unrighteousness person cannot become a righteous leader. It is the obligation of everyone who calls himself a Hindu to go out there and lift the veil of ignorance.
Originally Posted by Brutus:
TK - Hindus like any group of oppressed people, are in need of leadership. Their leaders have used them for political and economic gain. The answer is education, a quality education is hardly available in rural Guyana where most Hindus live. You have been fortunate to educate yourself and rise beyond the shackles of bad leadership, and now become an 'enlightened Hindu' ( I would love to see the definition offered for that - I am sure some would propose ... A Hindu who abandons his beliefs as a definition). As a Hindu I so not shy away from my responsibilities to vigorously defend myself against aggressors and I would and am continuing the fight against ignorance in my community. What astonishes me is that some of you seem to blame Hindus who are less than 25 pc of Guyana's population for its trouble! Another astonishing fact is that some of you really believe that some of the people with Hindu sounding names are really Hindus! The dangerous anti- Hindu stance that is being perpetuated by all of you will serve to belittle Hindus in the eyes of those bullies who like to beat up on ' cowards' as some of you all like to call them. The softening here on this board is just a prelude to the final massacre. Hinduism is about personal transformation, an unrighteousness person cannot become a righteous leader. It is the obligation of everyone who calls himself a Hindu to go out there and lift the veil of ignorance.

Thank you swami. Pull yu dhoti an cova up, yu land ah sho.

Originally Posted by Brutus:
TK - Hindus like any group of oppressed people, are in need of leadership. Their leaders have used them for political and economic gain. The answer is education, a quality education is hardly available in rural Guyana where most Hindus live. You have been fortunate to educate yourself and rise beyond the shackles of bad leadership, and now become an 'enlightened Hindu' ( I would love to see the definition offered for that - I am sure some would propose ... A Hindu who abandons his beliefs as a definition). As a Hindu I so not shy away from my responsibilities to vigorously defend myself against aggressors and I would and am continuing the fight against ignorance in my community. What astonishes me is that some of you seem to blame Hindus who are less than 25 pc of Guyana's population for its trouble! Another astonishing fact is that some of you really believe that some of the people with Hindu sounding names are really Hindus! The dangerous anti- Hindu stance that is being perpetuated by all of you will serve to belittle Hindus in the eyes of those bullies who like to beat up on ' cowards' as some of you all like to call them. The softening here on this board is just a prelude to the final massacre. Hinduism is about personal transformation, an unrighteousness person cannot become a righteous leader. It is the obligation of everyone who calls himself a Hindu to go out there and lift the veil of ignorance.



That Hindus are an oppressed people I don't doubt. Who do you believe oppress Hindus? I believe you've got to exorcise that demon and say plainly who have used and oppressed Hindus in Guyana. Who are the confused communists? Who is Pandit-in-Chief and to which party did he deliver the Hindus for the purpose oligarchic exploitation and benefit of his family?  Under which period the Hindu population declined from 37% to 25%? Please get serious and stop the emotional simplicity. It will do you no good. Blaming someone here for committing genocide is to completely excuse the real source of the problem. This whole thing and "personal transformation" completely misses the point. You can't ever get your personal transformation in state of social decline. You are excusing the source of the problem and it is not the black man. 

Last edited by Former Member
TK - your emotions get the better of your analysis. I didn't absolve the PPP and Indian leadership from blame on the Hindu circumstance. Read my post ! I am fully aware if the vile characters who parade as Hindus ... But my question is why pick on Hindus alone? Btw try the personal transformation thing .... It would really help you, and your Opposing PPP gladiators here on GNI.
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Both Joker and TK has displayed their IGNORANCE and STUPIDITY but I dont think anyone is surprise. As I said, they are who they are and cant help but spew GARBAGE daily.


I quoted your most recent hindu god. Do you disagree with Gandhiji?

Do you know what is GOD???/ Well I am NOT going to teach you.

Originally Posted by Brutus:
TK - your emotions get the better of your analysis. I didn't absolve the PPP and Indian leadership from blame on the Hindu circumstance. Read my post ! I am fully aware if the vile characters who parade as Hindus ... But my question is why pick on Hindus alone? Btw try the personal transformation thing .... It would really help you, and your Opposing PPP gladiators here on GNI.

Brutus, Ah me ah wan Gladiator?? If yes Rass Bhai thank you.  I remember that Movie "Seven Against Rome" and Demetrius and the Glagiators.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brutus:
TK - your emotions get the better of your analysis. I didn't absolve the PPP and Indian leadership from blame on the Hindu circumstance. Read my post ! I am fully aware if the vile characters who parade as Hindus ... But my question is why pick on Hindus alone? Btw try the personal transformation thing .... It would really help you, and your Opposing PPP gladiators here on GNI.

Brutus, Ah me ah wan Gladiator?? If yes Rass Bhai thank you.  I remember that Movie "Seven Against Rome" and Demetrius and the Glagiators.


The term "PPP Gladiator" is oxymoronic unless we're talking about "fighting" with a plate of fry rice and a bottle of cheap rum?

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brutus:
TK - your emotions get the better of your analysis. I didn't absolve the PPP and Indian leadership from blame on the Hindu circumstance. Read my post ! I am fully aware if the vile characters who parade as Hindus ... But my question is why pick on Hindus alone? Btw try the personal transformation thing .... It would really help you, and your Opposing PPP gladiators here on GNI.

Brutus, Ah me ah wan Gladiator?? If yes Rass Bhai thank you.  I remember that Movie "Seven Against Rome" and Demetrius and the Glagiators.


The term "PPP Gladiator" is oxymoronic unless we're talking about "fighting" with a plate of fry rice and a bottle of cheap rum?

Wait yuh couldn'd handle POL 101. Well start at POL 095 and work your way up, POL 096, POL 097, POL 098 and then POL 099.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Both Joker and TK has displayed their IGNORANCE and STUPIDITY but I dont think anyone is surprise. As I said, they are who they are and cant help but spew GARBAGE daily.


I quoted your most recent hindu god. Do you disagree with Gandhiji?

Do you know what is GOD???/ Well I am NOT going to teach you.


Well for a mudhead, god is a white lady in a sari. Am I right?

Originally Posted by Brutus:
What is emotional simplicity? Are you implying I am a simpleton?

No not at all...I am not saying you are a simpleton. You are a sophisticated man to know the ethnic conflict in Guyana. But I do believe you are looking at the Hindu issue emotionally. I cannot think of a more deadly bunch of people for Hindus in GUY than the PPP. As I said the PPP is the enemy within. Hinduism flourished under PNC because they were never the enemy within. 

Originally Posted by TK:

The problem with Hindus who are very good people (I am one of them) is they are too much into sentimentalism and worship of the personality instead of developing systems and institutions, which will benefit all people but also secure a stable space for their own people. The same trap Panday, Kamla, Cheddie (a communist of Hindu genre) and all the others find themselves ensnared into. You guys want to know why baseman is now evolving into a PPP soupatunist? I am sure he is not working for Bobby. Basie is there because he senses a family connection, cunumunu and all, could be propelled into the Presidency. For them to perpetuate that personality worship they must demonize the PNC and in the process the black man. They are not concerned with systems, institutions and big realistic and doable ideas, it is all about personal ambitions and family/icon worship. 

I would not generalize for all hindus...let's be careful here!!

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by TK:

The problem with Hindus who are very good people (I am one of them) is they are too much into sentimentalism and worship of the personality instead of developing systems and institutions, which will benefit all people but also secure a stable space for their own people. The same trap Panday, Kamla, Cheddie (a communist of Hindu genre) and all the others find themselves ensnared into. You guys want to know why baseman is now evolving into a PPP soupatunist? I am sure he is not working for Bobby. Basie is there because he senses a family connection, cunumunu and all, could be propelled into the Presidency. For them to perpetuate that personality worship they must demonize the PNC and in the process the black man. They are not concerned with systems, institutions and big realistic and doable ideas, it is all about personal ambitions and family/icon worship. 

I would not generalize for all hindus...let's be careful here!!

Rite deh.  And Joker should run into a few fire-up Shiv Sena cadres.

There are a few things we agree on. Others we don't buy I believe that personal transformation is necessary for the recognition and arrest of social decline! I believe it was Dr AJ Kalam who said : Where there is righteousness in the heart, There is beauty in the character. When there is beauty in the character, There is harmony in the home. When there is harmony in the home, There is order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, There is peace in the world. I will now go away and work on the righteousness in my heart!
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by TK:

The problem with Hindus who are very good people (I am one of them) is they are too much into sentimentalism and worship of the personality instead of developing systems and institutions, which will benefit all people but also secure a stable space for their own people. The same trap Panday, Kamla, Cheddie (a communist of Hindu genre) and all the others find themselves ensnared into. You guys want to know why baseman is now evolving into a PPP soupatunist? I am sure he is not working for Bobby. Basie is there because he senses a family connection, cunumunu and all, could be propelled into the Presidency. For them to perpetuate that personality worship they must demonize the PNC and in the process the black man. They are not concerned with systems, institutions and big realistic and doable ideas, it is all about personal ambitions and family/icon worship. 

I would not generalize for all hindus...let's be careful here!!

Rite deh.  And Joker should run into a few fire-up Shiv Sena cadres.


I'm actually somewhat supportive of the Shin Sena. Granted, they're a little nuts. But any display of Hindu manliness is welcome. The bar is set pretty low when it comes to hindus are behaving like men.


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