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seignet posted:
. In anticipation, whites feels that blacks are about to get them.  

One black lunatic kills or injures 12 cops.  EVERY single black condemns this, even the BLM.

Yet when a white kid enters a church and kills several people we don't hear that whites plan whole sale slaughter of blacks. 

In fact the boy was even taken to get some food to eat because he whined that he was hungry.

You and the yes of the Trump KKK can jump and prance!

ba$eman posted:

If Black Lives did really matter to these folks, there would be big protests against inner-city gangs who, by far, are responsible for more Black deaths, 10 times over that of being shot by cops!

Racist.  There are several initiatives mounted in black neighborhoods to deal with the problem. No need for protests when ACTION can be taken.  Now ask yourself why don't the police cooperate with these various groups to reduce gang activity!

FOX news doesn't cover this because it prefers to paint blacks as blood thirsty savages.

In fact the term "black on black" crime was coined by black community leaders who were disturbed by the phenomenon.

ba$eman posted:

But to gain true credibility, they need to swarm on the gang infested Blacks neighborhood and save Black lives there first!  That's where Black lives don't matter!!

And in fact many of these people are already involved in a range of anti gang initiatives.  Night patrols, violence interrupter programs, initiatives to remove guns from the streets.  In cities where community programs are run by the police they cooperate.

Cease listening to the KKK for your news about blacks!

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

I agree, but many times a gun or weapon

Yes when the police hold down some one because he has a broken tail light, kill him, and then beat up his wife in front of their 4 y/o daughter.

Listen stop being a racist fraud and admit that Trump salivates with glee over this. He damns the Black Lives Matter as a racist group, and screams that blacks must go back to Africa if they complain about life in the USA.  Publishes lies which claim that 80% of white murder victims are killed by blacks.

This guy really hates blacks.

And we haven't forgotten his rail roading of the black and Latin kids in the Central Park incident.  Took out full ads screaming the death penalty, and it turned out that they were framed by the cops, and now their lives are destroyed!

Listen Banna, dont make up what i said. Thus far, I hold that Minn incident was wrongdoing by the police.  I hope someone goes to jail and a big lawsuit is filed.  I will not get into every case here but innocent people go to jail all the time.  The kids in Central park has been exonnerated and received $1 mil for each year served.  So they ended up well ahead of anything they would have earned.  There is financial mitigation.

You also saw the white guy killed for disobeying orders, shot even while down.  It's aggressive policing responsible for much of these killings not racism.  However, Blacks are pulled over more frequently for minor issues.  This is a dangerous interaction and any false move, you are dead.  Now, it's a fact that most crimes are committed by blacks, albeit many times petty.  This leads to high incidence of shootings.

I still contend, most of the deaths are a result of aggressive military style policing who shoot at the drop of a hat.  However, there is some racism involved ding up to it.  Who were the officers involved in the Freddy Gray incident?

I happen to have lived in Europe and there is racism and profilig there too but the police tactics are much less aggressive and cowboyish   Everytime i would visit the US, i immediately felt/saw that aggression in police.  It's just their style.  Now i live here, just have to know hw to deal with it.  

ba$eman posted:

Listen Banna, dont make up what i said. Thus far, I hold that Minn incident was wrongdoing by the police.  I hope someone goes to jail and a big lawsuit is filed.  I will not get into every case here but innocent people go to jail all the time.  The kids in Central park has been exonnerated and received $1 mil for each year served.  So they ended up well ahead of anything they would have earned.  There is financial mitigation.

You also saw the white guy killed for disobeying orders, shot even while down.  It's aggressive policing responsible for much of these killings not racism.  However, Blacks are pulled over more frequently for minor issues.  This is a dangerous interaction and any false move, you are dead.  Now, it's a fact that most crimes are committed by blacks, albeit many times petty.  This leads to high incidence of shootings.

I still contend, most of the deaths are a result of aggressive military style policing who shoot at the drop of a hat.  However, there is some racism involved ding up to it.  Who were the officers involved in the Freddy Gray incident?

I happen to have lived in Europe and there is racism and profilig there too but the police tactics are much less aggressive and cowboyish   Everytime i would visit the US, i immediately felt/saw that aggression in police.  It's just their style.  Now i live here, just have to know hw to deal with it.  


Aggressive policing targets BLACKS.  The fact that a few whites might suffer is beside the point. 

I do NOT hear white upper middle class fathers having to warn their sons about how dangerous the police can be, unless those upper middle class fathers have a black son, as does De Blasio.  When De Blasio told people what he felt compelled to tell his son Dante he was branded a racist.

There is an ad on TV which has two upper middle class fathers. The white father tells his son that if you need help call the cops. 

The black equivalent warns his son how to behave if he encounters cops.

So cease your prattle that policing in the USA isn't directly tied to race.  Blacks in Canada, the UK, and France also complain about being targeted by the police!


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