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Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Two cents FIRM, because its buggered and demented [typo dented].

Me looking for pot for skunk weed.

Up that.....Two Guyana Cents plus one  single Goat Shit.


Take it or leave it.

Three goat shit and one Guyana cent. Abee Poor Punishing People, wid only one goat at Trench Ova.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
I know the value of a cup and I will any price for it. That cup is the symbol of Cheddi Jagan. If you want to insult the cup, you also insult the life and work off a Great man. I thought the coalition was meant to produce better in our people. I thought wrong.

Cobra, you need to let go.

The country was in turmoil for 23 years, by crooks and bandits.

Loosen up, or you might suffer the most.


Personally, I am very angry at the PPP for screwing up a youth suicide prevention program by their greed and those asses held top positions, while kids continue to kill themselves and families destroyed.

Take it or leave it, Ramotar and Jagdeo destroyed the PPP cup.     

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Two cents FIRM, because its buggered and demented [typo dented].

Me looking for pot for skunk weed.

Up that.....Two Guyana Cents plus one  single Goat Shit.


Take it or leave it.

Three goat shit and one Guyana cent. Abee Poor Punishing People, wid only one goat at Trench Ova.

Bhai yuh pushing the price up.


Ok Four Goat shit and one more extra fuh any Jagdeo or Ramotar Funny Fella who keep crying.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Two cents FIRM, because its buggered and demented [typo dented].

Me looking for pot for skunk weed.

Up that.....Two Guyana Cents plus one  single Goat Shit.


Take it or leave it.

Three goat shit and one Guyana cent. Abee Poor Punishing People, wid only one goat at Trench Ova.

Bhai yuh pushing the price up.


Ok Four Goat shit and one more extra fuh any Jagdeo or Ramotar Funny Fella who keep crying.

you mean you guys have big sale going on and nobody tell me i need a donkey is rohee for sale and how much 


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Is like nobody put in an offer for Kwame. I wonder what is going to become of him. If they were taking bets on how much longer he could survive without his PPP clique.

He has insulted many people over the years.  Now he no longer has protection....................

Kwame will be okay.

This new Government hopefully will not be vindictive.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Is like nobody put in an offer for Kwame. I wonder what is going to become of him. If they were taking bets on how much longer he could survive without his PPP clique.

He has insulted many people over the years.  Now he no longer has protection....................

Kwame will be okay.

This new Government hopefully will not be vindictive.

It is not the government which will do him in.  Its all those brawls that he has been involved in, thinking that he is all powerful.  You think that the various people who he has injured over the years have forgotten?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
I know the value of a cup and I will any price for it. That cup is the symbol of Cheddi Jagan. If you want to insult the cup, you also insult the life and work off a Great man. I thought the coalition was meant to produce better in our people. I thought wrong.

You mean by pissing in the cup someone would insult jagan more than what Ramotar, Jagdeo and the rest of the thief man brigade did to disrespect Guyana and Guyanese?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:





A good sale and very  creative photography.

Just like jumper cables on Guyana bills, showing boosting of the economy.


Now, if only the PPP could straighten the 'cup' to its original shape, they might have a winning party.

Give it a shot Cobra, you are young and have leadership skills.

Also a passion for what the PPP represents :The other 49% of Guyanese.     

Originally Posted by Cobra:
I know the value of a cup and I will any price for it. That cup is the symbol of Cheddi Jagan. If you want to insult the cup, you also insult the life and work off a Great man. I thought the coalition was meant to produce better in our people. I thought wrong.

What bull syte is this.  The cup is not the symbol of cheddi jagan.  The cup of today is owned by that corrupt Jagdow/Rumtar group.


That is why it is so bent up.


What Jagan owns is a set of ideal that now resides in Nagamootoo/Ramjattan and yes Joey Jagan and it is all in the new Government of Guyana.


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