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Former Member

Further political coalitions possible until Thursday

EIGHT political parties in the 2015 General and Regional Elections race have qualified as contenders, according to the Guyana Elections Commission’s (GECOM) Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield.The parties submitting their National Top-up List, Geographical Constituencies List, and Regional Democratic Council Lists include: The United Force (TUF); the Healing The Nation Theocracy Party (HTNT); the United Republican Party (URP); the Independent Party (IP); the Organisation for the Victory of the People (OVP); and the National Independence Party (NIP).
The two major political contenders are the incumbent People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and the coalesced A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC).
The CEO said, in an invited comment, that the Commission approved the lists of candidates submitted by the parties on Nomination Day, April 7.
However, Lowenfield highlighted that the eight contenders have until Thursday to collaborate into political coalitions that will contest the regional and/or national elections.
According to him, the Elections Commission is required to gazette the approved lists of candidates by the 25th day before Elections Day – given that E-Day is May 11th that would mean that the cut-off for further political coalition agreements to be made is April 16th.
The next step, Lowenfield added, is the publication of the final lists of candidates.
GECOM has until the 20th day before E-Day to do this.
In accordance with the electoral system of Proportional Representation, in order to qualify for a seat in the National Assembly, contesting parties must contest a minimum of six of the Geographical Constituencies – totalling at least 13 seats – for eligibility to contest and submit Geographical Constituencies Lists and National Top-up Lists. This arrangement will provide for qualified contesting parties to submit, on Nomination Day, two separate Lists of Candidates. Any political party can contest the election of members of any of the 10 Regional Democratic Councils. (Vanessa Narine)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Whah duh mean in plain hinglish is that APNU and AFC did not have to submit one single combined List in order to contest this election in formal legal Coalition.


So the voters could still have voted separately:





and APNU and AFC's total would have been combined by GECOM to produce one number if APNU and AFC had just filed Notice by this Thursday.


But no ayuh smart. Ayuh wan ask dem coolie people to vote PNC. Duh is moh smart

Originally Posted by Nehru:

You wetre right Bhai.  Keep up the good work. Redux Rass is a WannaBe Attorney.


Ayuh PPP bais lucky chap. Real real lucky ayuh nah face some real competition. So far the Opposition got people like redux advisin dem

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You wetre right Bhai.  Keep up the good work. Redux Rass is a WannaBe Attorney.


Ayuh PPP bais lucky chap. Real real lucky ayuh nah face some real competition. So far the Opposition got people like redux advisin dem

And we are Happy many Redux type advising them.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You wetre right Bhai.  Keep up the good work. Redux Rass is a WannaBe Attorney.


Ayuh PPP bais lucky chap. Real real lucky ayuh nah face some real competition. So far the Opposition got people like redux advisin dem

And we are Happy many Redux type advising them.


Redux musse been de same legal genius that advise the Coalition on how to put together their List....casually forgettin 22 MP candidates

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You wetre right Bhai.  Keep up the good work. Redux Rass is a WannaBe Attorney.


Ayuh PPP bais lucky chap. Real real lucky ayuh nah face some real competition. So far the Opposition got people like redux advisin dem

And we are Happy many Redux type advising them.


Redux musse been de same legal genius that advise the Coalition on how to put together their List....casually forgettin 22 MP candidates

Is Redux, Jalil, TK and Warrior on the Team

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You wetre right Bhai.  Keep up the good work. Redux Rass is a WannaBe Attorney.


Ayuh PPP bais lucky chap. Real real lucky ayuh nah face some real competition. So far the Opposition got people like redux advisin dem

And we are Happy many Redux type advising them.


Redux musse been de same legal genius that advise the Coalition on how to put together their List....casually forgettin 22 MP candidates

Is Redux, Jalil, TK and Warrior on the Team


Me nah wan seh nuttin bout one a dem names duh and the MP List. Me guh hold me peace (fuh now)

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I think the AFC smart dem PNC negotiators out of 12 PNC Opposition seats in the new Parliament


The AFC actually made a smartman move here ....Tief 12 PNC seats

Bhai, I cant wait for May 12. Gun be plenty Laff.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I think the AFC smart dem PNC negotiators out of 12 PNC Opposition seats in the new Parliament


The AFC actually made a smartman move here ....Tief 12 PNC seats

You rass prappa rukshan you know. Now you go mek dah hijra man redux prappa cuss down you and me buddy Nehru.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I think the AFC smart dem PNC negotiators out of 12 PNC Opposition seats in the new Parliament


The AFC actually made a smartman move here ....Tief 12 PNC seats

You rass prappa rukshan you know. Now you go mek dah hijra man redux prappa cuss down you and me buddy Nehru.


Let's do wan simple deduction exercise hey Bhai.


There were two pre-election Coalition routes the AFC could have gone here:


1) AFC votes on the AFC ballot line(alone). Plus side is that you don't have to ask coolie people to in effect vote PNC. Down side is that everyone (especially the PNC) will know down to the last vote how many votes you brought into the Coalition. So for example, if the AFC brought in 15k total votes, duh onoly mek 3 MPs not 12.


2) APNU+AFC on one ballot line. AFC can muddy and argue that dem bring in some nebulous and indeterminate "nuff" votes and claim their 12 seats with some straight liard face.


So let us ask ourselves why did the AFC choose this most dangerous option where the only upside is that they are "guaranteed" 12 MP seats and no one can accurately measure their electoral strength?


I submit that the AFC negotiators deliberately set out to muddy the waters by avoiding like the plague the possibility of standing alone at the polls (even in pre-election Coalition).

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Whah duh mean in plain hinglish is that APNU and AFC did not have to submit one single combined List in order to contest this election in formal legal Coalition.


So the voters could still have voted separately:





and APNU and AFC's total would have been combined by GECOM to produce one number if APNU and AFC had just filed Notice by this Thursday.


But no ayuh smart. Ayuh wan ask dem coolie people to vote PNC. Duh is moh smart

Shaitaan Bhai


You got them boys cornered with their lawyers and all.


AFC committed political suicide as a result of a bunch of dunces.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Whah duh mean in plain hinglish is that APNU and AFC did not have to submit one single combined List in order to contest this election in formal legal Coalition.


So the voters could still have voted separately:





and APNU and AFC's total would have been combined by GECOM to produce one number if APNU and AFC had just filed Notice by this Thursday.


But no ayuh smart. Ayuh wan ask dem coolie people to vote PNC. Duh is moh smart

Shaitaan Bhai


You got them boys cornered with their lawyers and all.


AFC committed political suicide as a result of a bunch of dunces.


If I remember correctly dem AFC bais was running me down as how dem legal advisors moh smart and doan need no advice


Here we are and the GECOM CEO is waiting on pre-election Coalitions AFTER THE FACT from SEPARATE LISTS already submitted.


I believe redux told me I was "masturbating" such a scenario into existence. Apparently the GECOM CEO must also be engaging in this type of behavior.


Were I them and meh know dem too schupid to do it but I would get on the phone right now and call Mark Benschop and beg and plead with he to sign a Joinder of Lists Notice that would put his Independent Party in pre-election Coalition with APNU+AFC. I feel pretty confident that dem too schupid to do anything like that.


shaitaan, et al., i don't understand the point of this thread . . . other than glimpses of panty (or buckta) generating fantasy for masturbating idiots


remind me again what all the incontestable things Lowenfield said here have to do with me


there seems to be a zeroing in on something extraordinarily stupid here; i have more rope if y'all need . . .

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

shaitaan, et al., i don't understand the point of this thread . . . other than glimpses of panty (or buckta) generating fantasy for masturbating idiots


remind me again what all the incontestable things Lowenfield said here have to do with me


there seems to be a zeroing in on something extraordinarily stupid; i have more rope if y'all need . . .

Res ipsa....


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Section 22

Representation of the People Act


22. (1) Subject to subsection (2), two or more lists shall be joined for the distribution of seats (BUT NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING) if the representative and deputy representative of each list to be so joined gives notice accordingly in writing to the Chief Election Officer not later than the 25th day before election day; and lists so joined are hereinafter referred to collectively as a combination of lists.

you need to haul your ass (and head) out of 1964 and read the 1980 Constitution


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

shaitaan, et al., i don't understand the point of this thread . . . other than glimpses of panty (or buckta) generating fantasy for masturbating idiots


remind me again what all the incontestable things Lowenfield said here have to do with me


there seems to be a zeroing in on something extraordinarily stupid; i have more rope if y'all need . . .

Res ipsa....


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Section 22

Representation of the People Act


22. (1) Subject to subsection (2), two or more lists shall be joined for the distribution of seats (BUT NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING) if the representative and deputy representative of each list to be so joined gives notice accordingly in writing to the Chief Election Officer not later than the 25th day before election day; and lists so joined are hereinafter referred to collectively as a combination of lists.

you need to haul your ass (and head) out of 1964 and read the 1980 Constitution

i stand by that . . . what did Lowenfield say that rubbishes my statement?


please be precise

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

shaitaan, et al., i don't understand the point of this thread . . . other than glimpses of panty (or buckta) generating fantasy for masturbating idiots


remind me again what all the incontestable things Lowenfield said here have to do with me


there seems to be a zeroing in on something extraordinarily stupid; i have more rope if y'all need . . .

Res ipsa....


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Section 22

Representation of the People Act


22. (1) Subject to subsection (2), two or more lists shall be joined for the distribution of seats (BUT NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING) if the representative and deputy representative of each list to be so joined gives notice accordingly in writing to the Chief Election Officer not later than the 25th day before election day; and lists so joined are hereinafter referred to collectively as a combination of lists.

you need to haul your ass (and head) out of 1964 and read the 1980 Constitution

i stand by that . . . what did Lowenfield say that rubbishes my statement?


please be precise


Ok let's try this.


My point was always this:


That there exists under Guyanese law (2015) a type of pre-election coalition in which two Lists from two separate parties submitted separately on Nomination Day can appear separately on the ballot while still being in "pre-election coalition" provided that the relevant parties submit proper "Notice" to GECOM in the prescribed form by the appointed time (in this case Thursday April 16th) for such submission. And that furthermore, the votes cast in favor of the parties so "joined" by Notice will be canvassed and tabulated together by GECOM in order to ascertain the results and the allocation of the Presidency and the National Assembly.


That's all chap.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

shaitaan, et al., i don't understand the point of this thread . . . other than glimpses of panty (or buckta) generating fantasy for masturbating idiots


remind me again what all the incontestable things Lowenfield said here have to do with me


there seems to be a zeroing in on something extraordinarily stupid; i have more rope if y'all need . . .

Res ipsa....


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Section 22

Representation of the People Act


22. (1) Subject to subsection (2), two or more lists shall be joined for the distribution of seats (BUT NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING) if the representative and deputy representative of each list to be so joined gives notice accordingly in writing to the Chief Election Officer not later than the 25th day before election day; and lists so joined are hereinafter referred to collectively as a combination of lists.

you need to haul your ass (and head) out of 1964 and read the 1980 Constitution

i stand by that . . . what did Lowenfield say that rubbishes my statement?


please be precise


Ok let's try this.


My point was always this:


That there exists under Guyanese law (2015) a type of pre-election coalition in which two Lists from two separate parties submitted separately on Nomination Day can appear separately on the ballot while still being in "pre-election coalition" provided that the relevant parties submit proper "Notice" to GECOM in the prescribed form by the appointed time (in this case Thursday April 16th) for such submission. And that furthermore, the votes cast in favor of the parties so "joined" by Notice will be canvassed and tabulated together by GECOM in order to ascertain the results and the allocation of the Presidency and the National Assembly.


That's all chap.

well, now that we agree that Lowenfeld's statement is irrelevant to anything we are/were arguing about . . . let's get down to cases:


please see what i hilited in red above


and, just so there is no misunderstanding, the reason i asked u to "haul your ass out of 1964" was to point out that, unlike then, we now have an executive DIRECTLY elected by the voters


. . . becoming clear now?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

shaitaan, et al., i don't understand the point of this thread . . . other than glimpses of panty (or buckta) generating fantasy for masturbating idiots


remind me again what all the incontestable things Lowenfield said here have to do with me


there seems to be a zeroing in on something extraordinarily stupid; i have more rope if y'all need . . .

Res ipsa....


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Section 22

Representation of the People Act


22. (1) Subject to subsection (2), two or more lists shall be joined for the distribution of seats (BUT NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING) if the representative and deputy representative of each list to be so joined gives notice accordingly in writing to the Chief Election Officer not later than the 25th day before election day; and lists so joined are hereinafter referred to collectively as a combination of lists.

you need to haul your ass (and head) out of 1964 and read the 1980 Constitution

i stand by that . . . what did Lowenfield say that rubbishes my statement?


please be precise


Ok let's try this.


My point was always this:


That there exists under Guyanese law (2015) a type of pre-election coalition in which two Lists from two separate parties submitted separately on Nomination Day can appear separately on the ballot while still being in "pre-election coalition" provided that the relevant parties submit proper "Notice" to GECOM in the prescribed form by the appointed time (in this case Thursday April 16th) for such submission. And that furthermore, the votes cast in favor of the parties so "joined" by Notice will be canvassed and tabulated together by GECOM in order to ascertain the results and the allocation of the Presidency and the National Assembly.


That's all chap.

well, now that we agree that Lowenfeld's statement is irrelevant to anything we are/were arguing about . . . let's get down to cases:


please see what i hilited in red above


and, just so there is no misunderstanding, the reason i asked u to "haul your ass out of 1964" was to point out that, unlike then, we now have an executive DIRECTLY elected by the voters


The Executive is NOT directly elected by the voters. It is an indirect election. Regardless, the winning Presidential candidate is the dude so designated by the List or Combination of Lists receiving the highest number of votes.


For the purposes of Article 177, the word "List" means any List or Combination of Lists. So two Lists are treated as one List for the purposes of Article 177, provided they have given "Notice."

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

shaitaan, et al., i don't understand the point of this thread . . . other than glimpses of panty (or buckta) generating fantasy for masturbating idiots


remind me again what all the incontestable things Lowenfield said here have to do with me


there seems to be a zeroing in on something extraordinarily stupid; i have more rope if y'all need . . .

Res ipsa....


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Section 22

Representation of the People Act


22. (1) Subject to subsection (2), two or more lists shall be joined for the distribution of seats (BUT NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING) if the representative and deputy representative of each list to be so joined gives notice accordingly in writing to the Chief Election Officer not later than the 25th day before election day; and lists so joined are hereinafter referred to collectively as a combination of lists.

you need to haul your ass (and head) out of 1964 and read the 1980 Constitution

i stand by that . . . what did Lowenfield say that rubbishes my statement?


please be precise


Ok let's try this.


My point was always this:


That there exists under Guyanese law (2015) a type of pre-election coalition in which two Lists from two separate parties submitted separately on Nomination Day can appear separately on the ballot while still being in "pre-election coalition" provided that the relevant parties submit proper "Notice" to GECOM in the prescribed form by the appointed time (in this case Thursday April 16th) for such submission. And that furthermore, the votes cast in favor of the parties so "joined" by Notice will be canvassed and tabulated together by GECOM in order to ascertain the results and the allocation of the Presidency and the National Assembly.


That's all chap.

well, now that we agree that Lowenfeld's statement is irrelevant to anything we are/were arguing about . . . let's get down to cases:


please see what i hilited in red above


and, just so there is no misunderstanding, the reason i asked u to "haul your ass out of 1964" was to point out that, unlike then, we now have an executive DIRECTLY elected by the voters

The Executive is NOT directly elected by the voters. It is an indirect election. Regardless, the winning Presidential candidate is the dude so designated by the List or Combination of Lists receiving the highest number of votes.


For the purposes of Article 177, the word "List" means any List or Combination of Lists. So two Lists are treated as one List for the purposes of Article 177, provided they have given "Notice."

nonsense! we have a hybrid system


the president is NOT selected by a vote of the assembly . . .  this is why we do not, at present, have a president Granger or Nagamootoo, or Ramjattan, or . . .


We HAVE President Ramoutar of the minority PPP/C!!


nowhere in the constitution does it allow for a joinder of lists to move us to a parliamentary system for selecting a President

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I submit that the AFC negotiators deliberately set out to muddy the waters by avoiding like the plague the possibility of standing alone at the polls (even in pre-election Coalition).

All except for the AFC cultist know that there is no way that AFC on its own could get 12 seats.  AFC basically is extracting 3-5 seats for contributing to a PNC victory, which the latter definitely wouldn't get on their own.  The further 40% cabinet and responsibility for appointing heads of state entities is insurance that the  APNU dominated regime will not be as "all African" as the PPP is currently "all Indian".


Given that, maybe the PNC had their reasons for agreeing to this and aren't as stupid as you think they are.  Like they say half a loaf is better than none at all.  Granger will control cabinet, and reserves the right to veto actions made by Nagamootoo.


How much power that Nagamootoo will have depends on how many Indian votes he will bring. Even if the AFC does bring in black votes (Nigel Hughes has a large fan club) these will be credited to APNU. 


Maybe Granger was also terrified of having Nigel Hughes encroaching into his base....Despite the bleats by the Moses fan club (led by Jay Bharrat and Kari) the only AFC name which has popularity within the core PNC base is Nigel Hughes. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I submit that the AFC negotiators deliberately set out to muddy the waters by avoiding like the plague the possibility of standing alone at the polls (even in pre-election Coalition).

All except for the AFC cultist know that there is no way that AFC on its own could get 12 seats.  AFC basically is extracting 3-5 seats for contributing to a PNC victory, which the latter definitely wouldn't get on their own.  The further 40% cabinet and responsibility for appointing heads of state entities is insurance that the  APNU dominated regime will not be as "all African" as the PPP is currently "all Indian".


Given that, maybe the PNC had their reasons for agreeing to this and aren't as stupid as you think they are.  Like they say half a loaf is better than none at all.  Granger will control cabinet, and reserves the right to veto actions made by Nagamootoo.


How much power that Nagamootoo will have depends on how many Indian votes he will bring. Even if the AFC does bring in black votes (Nigel Hughes has a large fan club) these will be credited to APNU. 


Maybe Granger was also terrified of having Nigel Hughes encroaching into his base....Despite the bleats by the Moses fan club (led by Jay Bharrat and Kari) the only AFC name which has popularity within the core PNC base is Nigel Hughes. 


I agree. However, the AFC seems to be of the belief that they have a "base" of people who habitually vote AFC just because of the love of the Key similar to the PNC vote and the PPP vote


They are wrong. The fact that they are campaigning by mainly sending AFC Executives on regular tours of non-Georgetown Guyana shows me that they do not appreciate as in understand the true nature of their support/electoral returns. They are simply a transient repository of malcontents and disaffected supporters of both parties (just like their two founder leaders). That is "potential base" not actual base.


If/when the PPP wins, they have the AFC to thank for their victory. I have consistently warned about how dangerous the Jaganites are and most importantly how irrelevant their worldview and political "skills" are to the real world. As you can see on GNI for yourself, their main "skill" is the art of the cuss down. And even that is only useful when clothed in the aura of authority.


The Jaganites are mentally tainted Indians and should be excluded from any political organization because they are inherently useless at best and destructive at worst....sometimes they even manage to defy logic and be both simultaneously.


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