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Over the last few days I was looking at Photos from Easter Monday of ALL the Villages in Guyana . What I saw was People well dresses, having a great, fun time.  Many, many had very expensive vehicles.  They all had on shoes and sneakers I cant afford in NY.  They all had Baskets of Food and almost all had a Beer or other beverages in their hands.  IF DAT IS PUNISHMENT, PUNISH ME NOW. 



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Drug addict confesses to raping, murdering boy, 9

April 9, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

A 22-year-old drug addict has reportedly told police that he abducted nine-year-old Shaquan Gittens, then bound, sodomised, mutilated and killed him in a desolate stretch of backlands in South Ruimveldt.

Dead: Nine-year-old Shaquan Gittens

Dead: Nine-year-old Shaquan Gittens

The suspect, who is also from South Ruimveldt, then accompanied detectives back to the area where he had allegedly committed the crime. According to police sources, the suspect claimed that he had seen Shaquan Gittens walking at night on Caneview Avenue, South Ruimveldt two Wednesdays ago. He said that he walked near to the child and caused him to β€˜trip’. After Gittens fell, the suspect said that he dragged him to an area, which is approximately half a mile from the nearest house in South Ruimveldt. He allegedly then tied the child’s hands and sodomized him. The suspect alleged that he was choking the child while sexually assaulting him. β€œHe said the lil boy didn’t wake up so he dragged him under a tree and both of them slept there. The next morning (April 2nd) when he (the suspect) wake up, he notice the lil boy ain’t moving,” a police source said. According to the police, the suspect said that he then sliced off his victim’s private part and sodomized him again, after which he dumped the lad’s motionless body in a trench. Government pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh yesterday gave the cause of death as manual strangulation and drowning. There were also signs of sexual assault and the postmortem also confirmed that the child’s privates were missing. Kaieteur News understands that the

The suspect

The suspect

suspect had provided graphic details about the murder, including the mutilation of his victim, before the postmortem was conducted. Police suspect that the alleged killer knew his victim, since he habitually did odd jobs in South Ruimveldt. Detectives said the suspect was arrested after a retired cop heard him repeatedly calling the child’s name on Tuesday night in South Ruimveldt. The suspect was then taken to the East La Penitence Police Station where he confessed. Some residents said that the alleged killer had served time in prison, but could not recall the nature of the offence for which he was convicted. β€œHe does be all over doing work for people. No one thought he would be capable of doing this,” a resident told this newspaper. A distraught Doysha Gittens, who witnessed her son’s postmortem, said that some individuals said that the suspect was of unsound mind. She queried whether police indeed had her son’s killer, while adding that she would β€œbe happy” if police had the right man in custody. Shaquan Gittens’ bloated body, minus his trousers, was found in the trench around 15:35 hrs last Saturday, three days after he was reported missing. A strip of cloth was seen hanging from both hands when the body was pulled from the trench. The mother had explained that on April 01, last, she left her son in the care of his 15-year-old brother and went to work. She returned home later that day and did not see the lad, and was told that he had left to go on the streets and play. According to the woman, her neighbours had informed her that they had seen the youngster flying a kite. Mrs. Gittens said that after he failed to return, she went out into the community and searched for him since it was unusual for him to stay out late at nights. The following day, she made a missing person report and shared flyers.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Over the last few days I was looking at Photos from Easter Monday of ALL the Villages in Guyana . What I saw was People well dresses, having a great, fun time.  Many, many had very expensive vehicles.  They all had on shoes and sneakers I cant afford in NY.  They all had Baskets of Food and almost all had a Beer or other beverages in their hands.  IF DAT IS PUNISHMENT, PUNISH ME NOW. 



Don't worry Bhai. The Guyanese people will re-elect the PPP with a 53 Percent majority.


Don't be fooled by a PNC motorcade that they are rolling around. The rubber hits the road on May 11.


Moses will NEVER be able to deliver 12 Percent of Indos to the PNC.


Remember this, the truth is that the PNC is an Afro based party of which 95 Percent vote PNC but they only make up 30 Percent of the population.


Never be afraid of the truth and facts. It's all in the numbers.



Originally Posted by Nehru:

Over the last few days I was looking at Photos from Easter Monday of ALL the Villages in Guyana . What I saw was People well dresses, having a great, fun time.  Many, many had very expensive vehicles.  They all had on shoes and sneakers I cant afford in NY.  They all had Baskets of Food and almost all had a Beer or other beverages in their hands.  IF DAT IS PUNISHMENT, PUNISH ME NOW. 



Drugs money has made many rich. A few years ago somebody put a picture up on GNI that showed a Bentley car next to a shack in Guyana. Is where dem farmers get that kind of money if it is not drugs?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Over the last few days I was looking at Photos from Easter Monday of ALL the Villages in Guyana . What I saw was People well dresses, having a great, fun time.  Many, many had very expensive vehicles.  They all had on shoes and sneakers I cant afford in NY.  They all had Baskets of Food and almost all had a Beer or other beverages in their hands.  IF DAT IS PUNISHMENT, PUNISH ME NOW. 



Simple, where there is good there is better.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Over the last few days I was looking at Photos from Easter Monday of ALL the Villages in Guyana . What I saw was People well dresses, having a great, fun time.  Many, many had very expensive vehicles.  They all had on shoes and sneakers I cant afford in NY.  They all had Baskets of Food and almost all had a Beer or other beverages in their hands.  IF DAT IS PUNISHMENT, PUNISH ME NOW. 



Punk, this is snake oil....making the President of a Chinese government owned company a guyanese so they can maximize their plunger.





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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I dont know who will win BUt I know this, people all over the World, will NEVER trade a Jaguar for a Morris Oxford Series 3.!!!!!


The people of Guyana will never downgrade from a PPP to a racist PNC.

Head of the GN&I Indo Reich insisting the PNC is racist...what a laugh.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Over the last few days I was looking at Photos from Easter Monday of ALL the Villages in Guyana . What I saw was People well dresses, having a great, fun time.  Many, many had very expensive vehicles.  They all had on shoes and sneakers I cant afford in NY.  They all had Baskets of Food and almost all had a Beer or other beverages in their hands.  IF DAT IS PUNISHMENT, PUNISH ME NOW. 



Bai, It is plain to see you nothing of this country or its peoples. I am starting to think that you may not even be guyanese.
Everybody knows that the guyanese people are a resilient lot. No matter how hard things are, the guyanese will always find time money ,food and clothes to attend any function or holiday. Even during the line up in lines days. we always put aside whatever little resources we had for any upcoming events. So what you're seeing in nothing strange or different.
However, at the end of it all, they have to resort back to dealing with a high level of crime, unclean water from the taps, an ineffective healthcare system, unchecked shit water floodings when lil rain fall to name a few.
Tell me, Nehru, what has the Govt. that you glorify done to address these pressing issues in the last twenty three years?

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Over the last few days I was looking at Photos from Easter Monday of ALL the Villages in Guyana . What I saw was People well dresses, having a great, fun time.  Many, many had very expensive vehicles.  They all had on shoes and sneakers I cant afford in NY.  They all had Baskets of Food and almost all had a Beer or other beverages in their hands.  IF DAT IS PUNISHMENT, PUNISH ME NOW. 



Bai, It is plain to see you nothing of this country or its peoples. I am starting to think that you may not even be guyanese.
Everybody knows that the guyanese people are a resilient lot. No matter how hard things are, the guyanese will always find time money ,food and clothes to attend any function or holiday. Even during the line up in lines days. we always put aside whatever little resources we had for any upcoming events. So what you're seeing in nothing strange or different.
However, at the end of it all, they have to resort back to dealing with a high level of crime, unclean water from the taps, an ineffective healthcare system, unchecked shit water floodings when lil rain fall to name a few.
Tell me, Nehru, what has the Govt. that you glorify done to address these pressing issues in the last twenty three years?

The Govt done much and is ALWAYS working to improve the lives of ALL Guyanese.  five more years!!   Five More Years of PROGRESS and PROSPERITY!!!  How Al YUh Snakeoil people does talk yuh would think Guyana gone fuh channa.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Over the last few days I was looking at Photos from Easter Monday of ALL the Villages in Guyana . What I saw was People well dresses, having a great, fun time.  Many, many had very expensive vehicles.  They all had on shoes and sneakers I cant afford in NY.  They all had Baskets of Food and almost all had a Beer or other beverages in their hands.  IF DAT IS PUNISHMENT, PUNISH ME NOW. 



Bai, It is plain to see you nothing of this country or its peoples. I am starting to think that you may not even be guyanese.
Everybody knows that the guyanese people are a resilient lot. No matter how hard things are, the guyanese will always find time money ,food and clothes to attend any function or holiday. Even during the line up in lines days. we always put aside whatever little resources we had for any upcoming events. So what you're seeing in nothing strange or different.
However, at the end of it all, they have to resort back to dealing with a high level of crime, unclean water from the taps, an ineffective healthcare system, unchecked shit water floodings when lil rain fall to name a few.
Tell me, Nehru, what has the Govt. that you glorify done to address these pressing issues in the last twenty three years?

The Govt done much and is ALWAYS working to improve the lives of ALL Guyanese.  five more years!!   Five More Years of PROGRESS and PROSPERITY!!!  How Al YUh Snakeoil people does talk yuh would think Guyana gone fuh channa.

This crooked PPP has done all they could to emphasize they us the state solely as an instrument for personal enrichment. They are even finding work around for the chinese by making them citizens so the as president of a Chinese state owned pirate multinational BaiShanLin's  president can use his citizen status to milk us.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Over the last few days I was looking at Photos from Easter Monday of ALL the Villages in Guyana . What I saw was People well dresses, having a great, fun time.  Many, many had very expensive vehicles.  They all had on shoes and sneakers I cant afford in NY.  They all had Baskets of Food and almost all had a Beer or other beverages in their hands.  IF DAT IS PUNISHMENT, PUNISH ME NOW. 



Bai, It is plain to see you nothing of this country or its peoples. I am starting to think that you may not even be guyanese.
Everybody knows that the guyanese people are a resilient lot. No matter how hard things are, the guyanese will always find time money ,food and clothes to attend any function or holiday. Even during the line up in lines days. we always put aside whatever little resources we had for any upcoming events. So what you're seeing in nothing strange or different.
However, at the end of it all, they have to resort back to dealing with a high level of crime, unclean water from the taps, an ineffective healthcare system, unchecked shit water floodings when lil rain fall to name a few.
Tell me, Nehru, what has the Govt. that you glorify done to address these pressing issues in the last twenty three years?

One of your better posts Sheik!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Over the last few days I was looking at Photos from Easter Monday of ALL the Villages in Guyana . What I saw was People well dresses, having a great, fun time.  Many, many had very expensive vehicles.  They all had on shoes and sneakers I cant afford in NY.  They all had Baskets of Food and almost all had a Beer or other beverages in their hands.  IF DAT IS PUNISHMENT, PUNISH ME NOW. 



Nehru, you must be doing something wrong in America. Now we have ask Guyanese at home how to dress nice, drink ice cold beers, and fly uncle charley kite. You betta pack you bundle and come retire with me and D_G. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Over the last few days I was looking at Photos from Easter Monday of ALL the Villages in Guyana . What I saw was People well dresses, having a great, fun time.  Many, many had very expensive vehicles.  They all had on shoes and sneakers I cant afford in NY.  They all had Baskets of Food and almost all had a Beer or other beverages in their hands.  IF DAT IS PUNISHMENT, PUNISH ME NOW. 



Nehru, you must be doing something wrong in America. Now we have ask Guyanese at home how to dress nice, drink ice cold beers, and fly uncle charley kite. You betta pack you bundle and come retire with me and D_G. 

Bannas, Did you see how Abee Guyanese living the high life???


Sheik a Town man Dem Rass too LAZY.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Over the last few days I was looking at Photos from Easter Monday of ALL the Villages in Guyana . What I saw was People well dresses, having a great, fun time.  Many, many had very expensive vehicles.  They all had on shoes and sneakers I cant afford in NY.  They all had Baskets of Food and almost all had a Beer or other beverages in their hands.  IF DAT IS PUNISHMENT, PUNISH ME NOW. 



Nehru, you must be doing something wrong in America. Now we have ask Guyanese at home how to dress nice, drink ice cold beers, and fly uncle charley kite. You betta pack you bundle and come retire with me and D_G. 

Bannas, Did you see how Abee Guyanese living the high life???


Sheik a Town man Dem Rass too LAZY.

All over the world bai. City folks want to make an easy living. Country folks "feed dem town folks".


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