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Former Member
Guyana Trip Report: March 2001
Jimmy Carter
16 Mar 2001

Rosalynn, John Hardman, Chuck Costello, and Nancy Konigsmark accompanied me from Albany, Georgia, to Georgetown, Guyana, on Friday, March 16, on J.B. Fuqua's Challenger. Michael Ashcroft provided the funding that made it possible for us to participate as election monitors. We arrived to find the Guyanese sharply divided as they had
been during previous elections.

Guyana is a country of about 800,000 people with great human and natural resources (mining, forestry, fishing, rice, sugar) but with an annual per capita income of only $800 - sharing the bottom rank in this hemisphere with Haiti. The problem has always been the deep political divisions among the people that break down on ethnic lines.

A few more than half are Indo-Guyanese, descendants of indentured servants from India whose political party is the People's Progressive Party (PPP). Slightly fewer are Afro-Guyanese, whose ancestors were slaves and whose party is the People's National Congress (PNC). In addition, there are about 50,000 indigenous Amerindians who live mostly in the forests and interior savannahs.

When we served as the primary international monitors in 1992, the first really free and fair election, there were serious riots in Georgetown, with three people killed and several dozen wounded. A number of stores and other buildings were burned before police could restore order. This was when I was most in physical danger since leaving the White House -- or, in fact, since leaving the submarine service.

I was surrounded by an irate mob that had already destroyed the central election headquarters and was rescued only after appealing twice by telephone to incumbent president Desmond Hoyte, whose party members had launched the riots when they learned that they would probably lose the election after 28 years in power.

The 1997 election was won by Janet Jagan, wife of Cheddi Jagan, who died in of-fice in 1997. The election results were disputed, and, following unrest, CARICOM negotiated an Accord under which the PPP administration agreed to shorten its term from five to three years. A long legal challenge finally resulted in the 1997 elections being declared null and void early this year. Consequently, this year's contest was to be a true test of whether democracy could survive in this beautiful little country.

This time, several other international observer teams were present, including a large joint EU/UN team, and teams from the Organization of American States, Commonwealth, and CARICOM. After thorough briefings, our 25 Carter Center teams were dispatched on Saturday to all te10 regions in the country, most of them in the vicinity of Georgetown and along the eastern coast where a majority of the population is concentrated.

Former Barbados Prime Minister Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford joined Rosalynn and me as co-chairman, and before election day we met with President Bharrat Jagdeo, former president Desmond Hoyte, their party leaders, heads of the military and national police, major donors, other international observers, the news media, the national elections commission (GECOM), and some of the minor candidates.

On election day, Rosalynn and I began early, and we and our team were able to visit 64 polling sites. Everything was in good order, except that there was some confusion about the voters list and the absence of ID cards for many of those who were registered. Several of the parties were also concerned that the voters list did not contain the names of all persons who had registered.

Despite the relative harmony, there was a lot of tension raised all over the country by inflammatory statements from political party leaders and incredibly obnoxious television talk show hosts. One of them had been jailed earlier because of his attempts to incite violence. Election laws permitted these TV shows to continue all during the voting period and throughout election night.

Our early team reports, from about 380 polling sites, indicated that the over-whelming majority of stations functioned normally or with only minor problems. A small sample of election results, which we collected after poll counts, indicated that the PPP would prevail with about 54% of the total votes, and that Jagdeo would stay in office for a full five-year term as president. It happens that he has worked closely with The Carter Center for several years in preparing a national development strategy for Guyana.

At the beginning of this time he was just a technocrat in the Ministry of Finance, but his superb work was instrumental in his taking office in 1999 after Janet Jagan stepped down.

Despite maximum pressure from all the international observer teams, GECOM failed to publish preliminary results throughout the day following the election, although they shared them with us privately. In our press conference late that afternoon, after giving a summary of our teams' findings, I preached a political sermon about how, in this
divided country, there had never been any inclusion of the losing party in governing the nation and what they must do to heal the political wounds.

Afterward, leaders of both parties expressed appreciation for what I had said, and I drafted a common declaration the following morning and took it to Desmond Hoyte and Bharrat Jagdeo. After both of them approved the text, I released it to the news media Wednesday morning shortly after we left Guyana to return to Atlanta. If they carry out their commitments, this can bring an unprecedented era of inclusiveness to the government and civic processes and perhaps end decades of vituperation and lack of social, cultural, and economic progress.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PNC gains office through violence and leaves office through violence.


2015...dem PNC bais a try a ting wid dem useful idiot jaganite coolies hungry to be Fourth Vice President.


When the PNC loses in 2015, they will inevitably revert to their violent nature. The organization was built on anti-Indian violence and can only be sustained by it. That is its raison d'etre. It cannot be anything else.


When we served as the primary international monitors in 1992, the first really free and fair election, there were serious riots in Georgetown, with three people killed and several dozen wounded. A number of stores and other buildings were burned before police could restore order. This was when I was most in physical danger since leaving the White House -- or, in fact, since leaving the submarine service.

I was surrounded by an irate mob that had already destroyed the central election headquarters and was rescued only after appealing twice by telephone to incumbent president Desmond Hoyte, whose party members had launched the riots when they learned that they would probably lose the election after 28 years in power.



Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The PNC gains office through violence and leaves office through violence.


2015...dem PNC bais a try a ting wid dem useful idiot jaganite coolies hungry to be Fourth Vice President.


When the PNC loses in 2015, they will inevitably revert to their violent nature. The organization was built on anti-Indian violence and can only be sustained by it. That is its raison d'etre. It cannot be anything else.

collie put the ppp in power and the collie will kick them out

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The PNC gains office through violence and leaves office through violence.


2015...dem PNC bais a try a ting wid dem useful idiot jaganite coolies hungry to be Fourth Vice President.


When the PNC loses in 2015, they will inevitably revert to their violent nature. The organization was built on anti-Indian violence and can only be sustained by it. That is its raison d'etre. It cannot be anything else.

collie put the ppp in power and the collie will kick them out

Ms. Cleo, how can we reward you? Do you take American Express?

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The PNC gains office through violence and leaves office through violence.


2015...dem PNC bais a try a ting wid dem useful idiot jaganite coolies hungry to be Fourth Vice President.


When the PNC loses in 2015, they will inevitably revert to their violent nature. The organization was built on anti-Indian violence and can only be sustained by it. That is its raison d'etre. It cannot be anything else.

collie put the ppp in power and the collie will kick them out


This coolie will be happy to join in de kickin dem out but not for the replacin dem wid de PNC part.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The PNC gains office through violence and leaves office through violence.


2015...dem PNC bais a try a ting wid dem useful idiot jaganite coolies hungry to be Fourth Vice President.


When the PNC loses in 2015, they will inevitably revert to their violent nature. The organization was built on anti-Indian violence and can only be sustained by it. That is its raison d'etre. It cannot be anything else.

collie put the ppp in power and the collie will kick them out

Ms. Cleo, how can we reward you? Do you take American Express?

i want blood

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The PNC gains office through violence and leaves office through violence.


2015...dem PNC bais a try a ting wid dem useful idiot jaganite coolies hungry to be Fourth Vice President.


When the PNC loses in 2015, they will inevitably revert to their violent nature. The organization was built on anti-Indian violence and can only be sustained by it. That is its raison d'etre. It cannot be anything else.

collie put the ppp in power and the collie will kick them out

Ms. Cleo, how can we reward you? Do you take American Express?

i want blood

Talk to you parosin neighba..dem ah believe in voodoo sacrifice.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The PNC gains office through violence and leaves office through violence.


2015...dem PNC bais a try a ting wid dem useful idiot jaganite coolies hungry to be Fourth Vice President.


When the PNC loses in 2015, they will inevitably revert to their violent nature. The organization was built on anti-Indian violence and can only be sustained by it. That is its raison d'etre. It cannot be anything else.

collie put the ppp in power and the collie will kick them out


This coolie will be happy to join in de kickin dem out but not for the replacin dem wid de PNC part.

don't think of it as kicking them out but more of a cleansing 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The PNC gains office through violence and leaves office through violence.


2015...dem PNC bais a try a ting wid dem useful idiot jaganite coolies hungry to be Fourth Vice President.


When the PNC loses in 2015, they will inevitably revert to their violent nature. The organization was built on anti-Indian violence and can only be sustained by it. That is its raison d'etre. It cannot be anything else.

collie put the ppp in power and the collie will kick them out


This coolie will be happy to join in de kickin dem out but not for the replacin dem wid de PNC part.

don't think of it as kicking them out but more of a cleansing 


I'm sure the PNC is filled with lots of people salivating at the thought ethnicallly cleansing Guyana of coolies.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The PNC gains office through violence and leaves office through violence.


2015...dem PNC bais a try a ting wid dem useful idiot jaganite coolies hungry to be Fourth Vice President.


When the PNC loses in 2015, they will inevitably revert to their violent nature. The organization was built on anti-Indian violence and can only be sustained by it. That is its raison d'etre. It cannot be anything else.

collie put the ppp in power and the collie will kick them out

Ms. Cleo, how can we reward you? Do you take American Express?

i want blood

I always knew you are a Vampire.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The PNC gains office through violence and leaves office through violence.


2015...dem PNC bais a try a ting wid dem useful idiot jaganite coolies hungry to be Fourth Vice President.


When the PNC loses in 2015, they will inevitably revert to their violent nature. The organization was built on anti-Indian violence and can only be sustained by it. That is its raison d'etre. It cannot be anything else.

collie put the ppp in power and the collie will kick them out


This coolie will be happy to join in de kickin dem out but not for the replacin dem wid de PNC part.

don't think of it as kicking them out but more of a cleansing 


I'm sure the PNC is filled with lots of people salivating at the thought ethnicallly cleansing Guyana of coolies.

THERE IS MORE THAN ONE KIND OF CLEANSING,I MEAN CORRUPT CLEANSING.IT HAPPEN IN TRINIDAD,panday was corrupt the Indians vote him  out the Indians clean up their party and win the following election maybe this is the opportune  to clean the ppp party 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The PNC gains office through violence and leaves office through violence.


2015...dem PNC bais a try a ting wid dem useful idiot jaganite coolies hungry to be Fourth Vice President.


When the PNC loses in 2015, they will inevitably revert to their violent nature. The organization was built on anti-Indian violence and can only be sustained by it. That is its raison d'etre. It cannot be anything else.

collie put the ppp in power and the collie will kick them out


This coolie will be happy to join in de kickin dem out but not for the replacin dem wid de PNC part.

don't think of it as kicking them out but more of a cleansing 


I'm sure the PNC is filled with lots of people salivating at the thought ethnicallly cleansing Guyana of coolies.

THERE IS MORE THAN ONE KIND OF CLEANSING,I MEAN CORRUPT CLEANSING.IT HAPPEN IN TRINIDAD,panday was corrupt the Indians vote him  out the Indians clean up their party and win the following election maybe this is the opportune  to clean the ppp party 


I know what you meant. And I agree with you. I just took the opportunity to register my concern about the other type of "cleansing" that the PNC is famous for.


Recycled crowds at ralliesâ€Ķwhat a shame

Jagan had 30,000 at Babu John....

Today the PPP got More Goat Shit.....  than People

October 20, 2011 1 comment


DEAR EDITOR, The PPP/C continues to boast about the large crowds they are attracting at their rallies all over Guyana.


What they are in fact doing is recycling crowds at these events. It is the same set of people all the time with a few additions trucked or bussed into areas where rallies are being held. 


Guyanese are not fools, they are fully aware of this kind of politics. The PPP/C has a mobile and easily transportable crowd of supporters.

Another thing, they are presumptuously using state resources to propagate their message.  This is cheap politics that has no place in democratic societies. State resources belong to the people not the government and therefore political parties have no business using it for partisan political activities. GuySuCo is an ailing company, workers are underpaid, yet its vehicles and fuel are used to make the PPP/C look good at their rallies.


 Also, other vehicles belonging to other ministries are being used to transport people – supporters and sympathizers to these rallies. What a shame.

Then they are using public servants on their political platform. This is in breach of the public service rules. How can public servants be politicians, speaking at public rallies on behalf of a particular party and still carry out their Ministries’ tasks in a professional manner.  It is not only illegal but affects the behaviour of all other employees who may not be inclined to get involved in party politics. Further, the government is encouraging public servants to flout the rules which were put in place to preserve the integrity of the public service.

Also, the goings-on at these rallies are to say the least very distasteful. Imagine, the president of this country, the presidential candidate and other party supporters wining on stage at their rallies. 

Serious political meetings, which should be used to inform the public on very important issues like the alleviation of poverty, approaches to tackle corruptions and nacro-trafficking, which continue to embarrass this country, have become entertainment shows with inappropriate actions and antics by senior politicians in this country. 


These rallies are fast becoming monkey business.

On the face of it, APNU has made the best decision not to get involved in ‘big rallies’ which could never be a true indicator of solid support.   It would really be stupid for anyone to think that crowds at rallies equal support or votes. APNU must meet people on the ground in all areas and let the people know the truth about this government.

It seems good to say that APNU should not have to spend too much to score a landslide victory at these elections, because the facts are just public for everyone to see.


In spite of the loud promises of the PPP/C, all Guyanese who live here know exactly what happened for nineteen years, the crime, the corruption, executive lawlessness, the phantom squad, the killings in 2002, Roger Khan’s army which took this nation into moral decline, the piracy on the high seas, the unsolved murder cases, discrimination against people, awarding of big contracts to party favourites, and the host of evils and their impact on the populace.

Joy Smith



yuh think yuh can

Count De Goat Shit....


Bhai ....

Goat Shit Don't win Election....


YUh think President Carter

care about Goat Shit....

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i was more scare during the phantom squad days than the PNC riot 


Really chap? You was scared of gettin murdered by blood thirsty coolies lookin to kill Black people for the sheer fun of killin Black people?

I doubt that this ignar warria was in Guyana during this period. He is a pathological liar. He craves for attention.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i was more scare during the phantom squad days than the PNC riot 


Really chap? You was scared of gettin murdered by blood thirsty coolies lookin to kill Black people for the sheer fun of killin Black people?

I doubt that this ignar warria was in Guyana during this period. He is a pathological liar. He craves for attention.


This election is producing nuff amnesia here. Some coolies burn some canefields in the 70s and all of a sudden we got legions of Black GNI victims of coolie racial violence


Where is abbe poor poor Black people gettin suh advantaged of by these hordes of blood thirsty coolie daags from?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i was more scare during the phantom squad days than the PNC riot 


Really chap? You was scared of gettin murdered by blood thirsty coolies lookin to kill Black people for the sheer fun of killin Black people?

one more collie living in AMERICA that did not know what the phantom was all about,you should do a search and see how much INDIAN that was kill because of the phantom.the phantom had one agenda and if you think it was to clean guyana i wish you luck 

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i was more scare during the phantom squad days than the PNC riot 


Really chap? You was scared of gettin murdered by blood thirsty coolies lookin to kill Black people for the sheer fun of killin Black people?

what blood thirsty collie,the killers was black people being paid to bring a certain order for the befit of the drug lords

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i was more scare during the phantom squad days than the PNC riot 


Really chap? You was scared of gettin murdered by blood thirsty coolies lookin to kill Black people for the sheer fun of killin Black people?

what blood thirsty collie,the killers was black people being paid to bring a certain order for the befit of the drug lords


Thank you. So some Black criminals got paid to kill some other Black and Indian criminals (and probably some innocent people too I don't doubt). How is this the fault of coolie people?


Didn't PNC do its share to add a racial and political tint to this nationa security disaster?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i was more scare during the phantom squad days than the PNC riot 


Really chap? You was scared of gettin murdered by blood thirsty coolies lookin to kill Black people for the sheer fun of killin Black people?

what blood thirsty collie,the killers was black people being paid to bring a certain order for the befit of the drug lords


Thank you. So some Black criminals got paid to kill some other Black and Indian criminals (and probably some innocent people too I don't doubt). How is this the fault of coolie people?


Didn't PNC do its share to add a racial and political tint to this nationa security disaster?

good logistic you do it so i must do it too,and civilization move on

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i was more scare during the phantom squad days than the PNC riot 


Really chap? You was scared of gettin murdered by blood thirsty coolies lookin to kill Black people for the sheer fun of killin Black people?

what blood thirsty collie,the killers was black people being paid to bring a certain order for the befit of the drug lords


Thank you. So some Black criminals got paid to kill some other Black and Indian criminals (and probably some innocent people too I don't doubt). How is this the fault of coolie people?


Didn't PNC do its share to add a racial and political tint to this nationa security disaster?

good logistic you do it so i must do it too,and civilization move on

Coolie pay blackman fuh kill blackman? Who sthupid?

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i was more scare during the phantom squad days than the PNC riot 


Really chap? You was scared of gettin murdered by blood thirsty coolies lookin to kill Black people for the sheer fun of killin Black people?

what blood thirsty collie,the killers was black people being paid to bring a certain order for the befit of the drug lords


Thank you. So some Black criminals got paid to kill some other Black and Indian criminals (and probably some innocent people too I don't doubt). How is this the fault of coolie people?


Didn't PNC do its share to add a racial and political tint to this nationa security disaster?

good logistic you do it so i must do it too,and civilization move on


That I did not say chap. You know that very well.


My contention is for a non-PNC-PPP solution to our problems. I won't try to sell you my mangy daag and you don't try to sell me your mangy daag.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i was more scare during the phantom squad days than the PNC riot 


Really chap? You was scared of gettin murdered by blood thirsty coolies lookin to kill Black people for the sheer fun of killin Black people?

what blood thirsty collie,the killers was black people being paid to bring a certain order for the befit of the drug lords


Thank you. So some Black criminals got paid to kill some other Black and Indian criminals (and probably some innocent people too I don't doubt). How is this the fault of coolie people?


Didn't PNC do its share to add a racial and political tint to this nationa security disaster?

good logistic you do it so i must do it too,and civilization move on

Coolie pay blackman fuh kill blackman? Who sthupid?

you think of it as stupid,why you think crime is like a run away train,the blackman is robing them same collie now,the collie teach them how to kill who you think is on the receiving end now you racist fools must ask one of your family that get rob or kill in guyana 

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i was more scare during the phantom squad days than the PNC riot 


Really chap? You was scared of gettin murdered by blood thirsty coolies lookin to kill Black people for the sheer fun of killin Black people?

what blood thirsty collie,the killers was black people being paid to bring a certain order for the befit of the drug lords


Thank you. So some Black criminals got paid to kill some other Black and Indian criminals (and probably some innocent people too I don't doubt).


How is this the fault of coolie people?

US Inteligence Confirm everything....


Didn't PNC do its share to add a racial and political tint to this nationa security disaster?


Guyana PPP/C govt linked to convicted drug lord Roger Khan

September 2, 2011 Leave a comment

Roger Khan funded Muslim activities, planned to blow up DEA operation

Written by Demerara Waves
Friday, 02 September


Convicted cocaine trafficker, Shaheed ‘ Roger’ Khan, who had allegedly helped build mosques and fund scholarships,  had allegedly promised to blow up a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) location and kill the United States Ambassador.


Labeled “Secret,’ the latest Wikileaked diplomatic cable from then American envoy, Roland Bullen likened Khan unto Colombia’s one-time drug baron, Pablo Escobar.

Khan was arrested in Suriname in June 2006 and put on a plane to Trinidad wherehe was snatched by US agents and taken to New York.


He was convicted for cocaine trafficking in October 2009 and sentenced to 15 years jail after a plea bargain.

In the February 1, 2006 missive, he detailed Khan’s operations that included arms and trafficking connections with the Colombian rebel group, FARC, with links to Panama and France.

Bullen recalled that Khan had allegedly threatened to kill the Ambassador and the Regional Security Officer when an informant leaked an American plan to set up a DEA counter narcotics operation in Guyana.

“After the leak, Khan threatened to blow up the site of the operation and threatened the lives of Ambassador and the then RSO (Ref D).  These threats forced the operation’s abandonment,” said Bullen.

Recounting that Khan enjoyed business ties with now late Farouk Razac of Swiss House Cambio, “a big money laundering operation, to launder his narco-trafficking proceeds,” the cable noted that “Khan’s drug proceeds have also funded mosques and sent Muslims to study abroad.”

The then US Ambassador noted that Khan was operating in Guyana with apparent impunity and tacit approval of the Guyana government (GoG)

“It is believed that GoG is compromised to such an extent that it will not pursue Khan, despite paying lip service to the fight against narco-trafficking.

“Ambassador has spoken with GoG to little avail about Khan’s drug activities and unaccounted wealth. The GoG has adopted a head-in-the-sand approach to Khan and narco-trafficking in general.  The GoG asks for hard evidence  and pretends not to know how Khan acquires his means,” states the cable.

Bullen alleged that former Home Affairs Minister, Ronald Gajraj had employed a death squad whose principal was Khan to crack down on crime from 2002 to 2004.

The cable quoted Gajraj as telling American embassy officials that Khan regularly traveled to Suriname to meet with Desi Bouterse.

The two had met at a hotel in Suriname as recently as 2005.

Bullen alluded to what he termed “strong indications that Khan was deeply involved in a December 2005 shipment of weapons to FARC in Columbia.”

The cable disclosed concerns that Khan had been negotiating with former Chairman of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuco), Vic Oditt to purchase a 200 square mile ranch at Pirara in the Southern Rupununiregion.  “The ranch has a large airstrip, and Khan is believed to be acting at the behest of Colombian or Panamanian narco-interests.”


He had already bought out Kaow Island, Essequibo River from local entrepreneur and Harry Rambarran in February 2005.  Once owned by the now bankrupt Willems Timber,

 Kaow Island has a wharf for ocean going vessels, an airstrip, access to Guyana’s bush roads that radiate out from Bartica, and a 136,000-acre timber concession. 

In September 2005, Rambarran sued Khan for defaulting on a USD 1.1 million promissory note made in partial payment for the island.

The embassy cable quoted a senior functionary of Office of the President as saying that  sophisticated cell phone intercept equipment and high-powered weapons that had been seized by a Guyana Defence Force (GDF) roadblock  in December 2002 had been handed back to Khan.

“Our interlocutor said the arrest had been “a mistake” because Khan was “working with the police” when the arrest was made,” states the cable.

Last edited by Former Member

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