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Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Brian Teekah posted:

Why are we so infatuated with the DEAD.  Let us deal with the Living.  What is Moses and Ramjatan doing for the rice and sugar and agriculture sector.  They said in 2014 that they will helped these sectors.

Moses is not hindu, but he likes the Indian hindu mala around his neck. He smiles from ear to ear when someone puts a mala around his neck. You can see his (wapyah)scurvy like a flood light from a far distance. Maybe he is the answer to Guyana's electricity problem..

Oii skelly,wha you deh pun the mala is only a Hindu tingee.

When you go to Hawaii on visit, them Hawaiians does give you wan mala,

so tell me, them is a lot of Hindus dey in Hawaii   

Brian Teekah posted:
Brian Teekah posted:

Clive Thomas is a washed our socialist economist.  Have no clue on how to run a business in the modern world.

Clive Thomas will be the cause for Guysuco to FAIL.

Brian Teekah, doesn't something have to be some kind of existing success for u to predict that it will "FAIL"??

i daresay that your penchant/compulsion for scattershot loutishness has moved u smartly into tight competition for the high chair of ignorance here with yugee, cobra, baseman and nehru

'responding' to your OWN comment is a universal marker for stupid . . . just so u know


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