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Foreign humanitarian youth mission calls on President

President Donald Ramotar with Generation Peace Academy members and Pastor Ronald Mc Garrell


A team of youths from Generation Peace Academy (GPA) who are working in partnership with Joshua House and Habitat for Humanities on a twelve-day service project, took time to meet President Donald Ramotar today.


The project is part of the visiting team’s mandate to venture on overseas humanitarian missions that among other things, seek to build partnerships and camaraderie with different cultures around the world.


GPA is a non-profit organisation under the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC). Its mandate is to empower young people to become a generation of peaceful people by discovering God, cultivating personal identity, establishing a unificationist lifestyle, creating a culture of heart and preparing for future success.


President Donald Ramotar in talks with Generation Peace Academy members


GPA Project Manager Hyomi Carty said the team enquired about President Ramotar’s goals and aspirations, challenges as a country’s Head of State and leisure time activities.  It is the first time in Guyana for the overwhelming majority of the group which has only five days remaining before completing the mission.


Pastor Ronald Mc Garrell who accompanied the group to the meeting with the President was heartened by the opportunity the programme offers, widening the youths’ perspective on life and promoting world peace.

There seems to be a lot of this going on all over. I've met with quite a few folk who have taken part in these missions or knows someone who had gone out there.

It's good they get a chance to learn more of their world, the people and their cultures and get the chance to help the people in some small way.


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