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Foreigners living like kings, Guyanese living like beggars!

Kaieteur News – Let me tell you what’s happening in this land. These foreign people fetching away our wealth, living like kings while Guyana is left to starve, living like beggars! Guyanese, we are the richest country on earth per capita as I speak. We have wealth that can make Guyana greater than America overnight, but we are not benefitting from it. We can’t fix the sewage system in this country – it is stinking all over; we have a run down and a stinking city. The salaries being paid to our citizens can’t even pay some people’s rent. The pensions we pay to senior citizens can’t even buy Pampers for them. Our citizens are driving old reconditioned cars and donkey carts, living in black outs morning, noon and night, drinking dirty water. Some of us can’t afford to bury the dead in this country. We can’t even patch the potholes on our roads, much less pave them. We can’t fix the kokers and the drains to avoid flooding and disaster. Guyanese wearing rubber slippers and cork ball on their feet.
We got people begging all over, we got people thieving all over – some of them ah riding motorbike and snatching umbrella fuh put lil food on their children’s table, while the foreign people who fetching away our wealth living like kings and queens, drinking champagne and fine wine. They are taking our wealth, building cities with skyscrapers, building highways and railways, driving Mercedes Benz, Lamborghini, wearing Gucci, Nike and Louis Vuitton. Yes, dem living the life, building their countries with me and you money! Our gold, diamond, timber, bauxite and now our oil. Now, what a beautiful Guyana this is!
A message from Glenn Lall
Publisher, Kaieteur News.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Glen Lall should know by now, the politicians are incapable of a corporate response to progress. So far, and since 1992, they excell at telling the public who thief the government's money. Both PPP and PNC, dem equal but dey carry on.

Mr. Lall has the capabilities of developing and implementing a paralell strategy.

I doan see any kind of progress coming from the present PPP or PNC. Dem old Black ppl use to telll me if you dress well and have shiny shoes and speak well you will get a far way. Dem was rite. I did follow their advice, my mentors.

Dem politicians lack those qualities, check dem out. Suh how dem can plan for progress.

Lall needs to use his media to groom a PRESIDENT, it is done in America all the time.


Too many attempts like that. Need to be a well thought out attack on the political miisfits of Guyanese politics.

The reality, is Mr. Jagdeo and his hold on Guyanese politics. To analyze his hold is not a criticizing issue or disliking him. It is how Guyanese free themselves of him.

So far, he had prevented Sam Hinds from being a serving President, both Cheddie and Janet got charmed, So many talented PPPites have tried but the Jagans never let them get a starting block.

Ramotar was made by Jagdeo, paid off.

Ali now has his chance by Jagdeo, setting up for the real president.

Nandlall may never see his chance, just like Nagamootoo and Chandrapaul.

Robert Persaud is the next tobe nominated for the job. His selection would be President for life. The others are one term Presidents with perks. Robert was campaigning manager for Jagdeo's elections. An award in the waiting.

The PNC is crippled unless they wiseup. Democracy slowly disappearing in the land of water and mud.

@seignet posted:

Too many attempts like that. Need to be a well thought out attack on the political miisfits of Guyanese politics.

The reality, is Mr. Jagdeo and his hold on Guyanese politics. To analyze his hold is not a criticizing issue or disliking him. It is how Guyanese free themselves of him.

So far, he had prevented Sam Hinds from being a serving President, both Cheddie and Janet got charmed, So many talented PPPites have tried but the Jagans never let them get a starting block.

Ramotar was made by Jagdeo, paid off.

Ali now has his chance by Jagdeo, setting up for the real president.

Nandlall may never see his chance, just like Nagamootoo and Chandrapaul.

Truth here.

Robert Persaud is the next tobe nominated for the job. His selection would be President for life.

How will this be possible ?

The others are one term Presidents with perks. Robert was campaigning manager for Jagdeo's elections. An award in the waiting.

The PNC is crippled unless they wiseup.

The PNCR is moving towards Coalition Politics ,without that they can't hold Office .

Democracy slowly disappearing in the land of water and mud.

We will find out ,unless Uncle Sam have plans for another era when Burnham was kept in power,this time around may be Civil War ,will Uncle Sam wants the occurrence ?

Response above.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

What you'll rooting for another Colonization ?

So? We can't seem to govern ourselves! How many people regret the Brits leaving? Lots! Or would you prefer the Venezuelans and compulsory Spanish language learning! Brave people, those Spanish, who fight weakened bulls! Or the Brazilians who would make ex-Guyanese Portuguese hearts beat faster, not that I'm against.them! I'm just thinking of the condition of Brazilian blacks!

@Former Member posted:

So? We can't seem to govern ourselves!

How many people regret the Brits leaving? Lots!

Or would you prefer the Venezuelans and compulsory Spanish language learning! Brave people, those Spanish, who fight weakened bulls! Or the Brazilians who would make ex-Guyanese Portuguese hearts beat faster, not that I'm against.them! I'm just thinking of the condition of Brazilian blacks!

The people will learn to govern themselves. When the Brits left ,was in my early teens ,later years happy they left .They used and abused poor people.

@Django posted:

The people will learn to govern themselves. When the Brits left ,was in my early teens ,later years happy they left .They used and abused poor people.

Well, governing costs, you know! Then, there's the matter of preferential treatment's.kin! That's why I always recommend Guyanese people should look.and learn from the old, "Warlock"!

All is experience! There is NO death of the spirit! And all experiences pass... into.memory!

My mantra!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Well, governing costs, you know!

Then, there's the matter of preferential treatment's.kin!

That's why I always recommend Guyanese people should look.and learn from the old, "Warlock"!

All is experience! There is NO death of the spirit! And all experiences pass... into.memory!

My mantra!

For cronies ,scraps given to poor people.

Currently there are increase in cost of living ,everyone feeling the squeeze ,when the flood water recedes expect more pressure . Foreign Reserve decreased ,debt increase with more borrowing . Over 400 Covid deaths .Noticeably all the loud mouths quiet.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

For cronies ,scraps given to poor people.

Currently there are increase in cost of living ,everyone feeling the squeeze ,when the flood water recedes expect more pressure . Foreign Reserve decreased ,debt increase with more borrowing . Over 400 Covid deaths .Noticeably all the loud mouths quiet.

As someone said, the more things change, the more they are the same! Some of you scoff at whatever I post but you haven't the faintest idea of what I.have to.put up with posting!

I was posting a longer answer to you but it was deleted by.the jackass! Just imagine! I have 3 shifts of watchers paid probably.more than do this! As I haven't done anything criminal, then those harassing me are.govermment criminals protecting other higher levels of criminality in Canada! Zionist Jews who control bankers who control.politicians who control the judiciary and law enforcement! A criminal society in other words!

Last edited by Former Member TVs view two ways -.while you're viewing, you are also being viewed! George Orwell's '1984' come true! I discovered this by accident! I covered it up but that never they have other methods of surveillance! My. notebook computer is totally controlled! My cell phone, to some extent, but.probably allowed so as to see what I would do or where I  would go next! I haven't watched TV since 2009, my Bose radio/CD player disabled about 5 years! Don't ever drive ANY vehicle with the radio playing! Or your vehicle remotely controlled despite whatever you do! And your cowardly bird shit friend accuses me of being frightened! He had better.give up.trying to seduce little boys or they will incriminate him because they can see or track anyone they want! Wanna listen? Park first with your Drive in Park, of course! I can't use my notebook to type any.letter, I have to use a pen, which could suddenly stop writing or disappear the.moment I set it down! I have a container with over 50 disabled ball pens! All.full.of ink! Red ink ball.pens seem to give them some trouble, though.this might be allowed because those you write.might be annoyed by red! Anything they want or even don't want, as long as it annoys, disappears! My home is their private supermarket! My mother-in-law said she would go.mad if she ever had my experiences! But that's the difference between a Rajput and a dalit! Control.of your vehicle is taken through.the radio! This, too, I discovered by accident!

Last edited by Former Member
@Django posted:

Response above.

If Jagdeo seys a person goan be president they will.

The PNC needs to dump granger and harmon. Dismiss the AFC and leh dem be on dey own. After that, start a campaign, offer the 5 seats something to contemplate on. And scare Jagdeo into doing stupid things.


Siggy you does make sense one one time you know. So hear nuh, , you want me an you head up a party, I'm Minister Bossman within the Ministry of bosses an so on...You could be errrrrr....Minister within the Ministry of Siggies.

Last edited by cain
@seignet posted:

If Jagdeo seys a person goan be president they will.

The PNC needs to dump granger and harmon. Dismiss the AFC and leh dem be on dey own. After that, start a campaign, offer the 5 seats something to contemplate on. And scare Jagdeo into doing stupid things.

Pardun.muh iggerunce, but whuh 5 seets? Ah hurd dis bihfour butt ah stil doan kno whuh 5 seets yuh iz tawkin bowt! Yuh.brungin yuh.oan?

@cain posted:

Siggy you does make sense one one time you know. So hear nuh, , you want me an you head up a party, I'm Minister Bossman within the Ministry of bosses an so on...You could be errrrrr....Minister within the Ministry of Siggies.

De massa dun tek chaaje! Cee?

@Django posted:

The people will learn to govern themselves. When the Brits left ,was in my early teens ,later years happy they left .They used and abused poor people.

Dude, what are you smoking? These people have been at it for over 55 years and turned the place from a paradise to a shithole!!!! When will they ever "learn to govern themselves"????? 55 years later they can't even elect a leader without the former colonial masters returning to supervise them!

One can make the argument that the Brits "used and abused poor people" far LESS than your own countrymen. Yes, the Brits took the sugar, rice, other resources but in turn Guyanese enjoyed a far higher standard of life in a PARADISE.

Now every single industry has collapsed under the rule of our countrymen. And we are getting a raw deal with the oil.The developed nations are still pillaging us with burdensome debt and world bank antics. So what's the difference between now and colonialism other than we can get drunk and wine up on a float May 26th??????

So I posit - we were far better off under the British. Too bad they didn't want our sorry asses anymore. I had this discussion with Caribj when he was here and he disagreed in the strongest terms. No doubt many of you here will be likewise incensed at my remarks but history has proven that independence did us no good. Look around. More of us live in the lands of the former colonial masters than in our own homeland, all the while yelping about how bad the colonials were.

Last edited by Former Member

YUh know, iz the people who elected the perilous men and women who govern them. Indians do not have the foresight of knowing better. The Blacks on the other hand have enough foresight to do better. However, a fool named Granger gat the chance which he squandered. Imagine if Desmond Hoyte was given that confidence.

@Mitwah posted:

Foreigners living like kings, Guyanese living like beggars!

Mr Lall, the problem is not the "foreign people". It is our own morally bankrupt people. Look inward and stop cussing the hand that is STILL feeding you in terms of billions in aid and loans. Same "foreigners" will have to rescue your stupid ass from drowning in the land of many waters, you watch!

@cain posted:

Siggy you does make sense one one time you know. So hear nuh, , you want me an you head up a party, I'm Minister Bossman within the Ministry of bosses an so on...You could be errrrrr....Minister within the Ministry of Siggies.

a better thing to do is to try and influence Aubrey Norton.

@seignet posted:

YUh know, iz the people who elected the perilous men and women who govern them. Indians do not have the foresight of knowing better. The Blacks on the other hand have enough foresight to do better. However, a fool named Granger gat the chance which he squandered. Imagine if Desmond Hoyte was given that confidence.

Desmond Hoyte would have done far better. But you are missing an important point in why we are in piss poor shape. It is the reason why other countries like Jamaica, Grenada, St Lucia, Barbados, the smaller islands and so on can excel (all under "black man rule" mind you) and Guyana cannot.


We can say 30 seats each for the PNC and PPP. Work for the 5 seats that can swing. Those ppl doan care if it is blackman or coooolie. Dey want progress.

Guyana has settled into a workable formulae. The threat is, if yuh unfair then yuh out.

Granger is out.

@Former Member posted:

Desmond Hoyte would have done far better. But you are missing an important point in why we are in piss poor shape. It is the reason why other countries like Jamaica, Grenada, St Lucia, Barbados, the smaller islands and so on can excel (all under "black man rule" mind you) and Guyana cannot.

And we gat folks like Ramakant_P who seh dat Blackman can't even run a cake shop.

@Former Member posted:

So I posit - we were far better off under the British. Too bad they didn't want our sorry asses anymore. I had this discussion with Caribj when he was here and he disagreed in the strongest terms. No doubt many of you here will be likewise incensed at my remarks but history has proven that independence did us no good. Look around. More of us live in the lands of the former colonial masters than in our own homeland, all the while yelping about how bad the colonials were.

Agree: 100%!


Horrible page 1 commentary...b laming foreigners rather than taking a close look at the mirror. Let abie push and hustle some more and clear more lexus wid old people who deh pon old age pension. These morons at KN are unbeliavable...

@Former Member posted:

Horrible page 1 commentary...b laming foreigners rather than taking a close look at the mirror. Let abie push and hustle some more and clear more lexus wid old people who deh pon old age pension. These morons at KN are unbeliavable...

Don't blame the people alone, Woody! It's a largely poor people and there's not much to share! The leaders adopt the attitude that everyone can't be rich so, look out for yourself, first! This oil may make a difference but there's so much that needs spending money on, coupled with the fact that Guyana is a weak country and spending money on defence is almost a waste.of time and money! We haven't even got the numbers for defence from our neighbours, except.Suriname which is in the same fix as us! So, we have to appeal to others for defence, in which case, they will own us! Defence costs! Exxon realizes this and Bullshits us! Isn't that why they say we should overlook some things?

@Mitwah posted:

And we gat folks like Ramakant_P who seh dat Blackman can't even run a cake shop.

Ramakant who? You mean Nero, the emperor with no clothes? He's naked on the backdam. "Sir" Madam is eyeing him up, waiting for darkness to fall before he makes his move.

@Former Member posted:

Ramakant who? You mean Nero, the emperor with no clothes? He's naked on the backdam. "Sir" Madam is eyeing him up, waiting for darkness to fall before he makes his move.

You're too barefaced to wait for darkness, nancy!

@Former Member posted:

As someone said, the more things change, the more they are the same! Some of you scoff at whatever I post but you haven't the faintest idea of what I.have to.put up with posting!

I was posting a longer answer to you but it was deleted by.the jackass! Just imagine! I have 3 shifts of watchers paid probably.more than do this! As I haven't done anything criminal, then those harassing me are.govermment criminals protecting other higher levels of criminality in Canada! Zionist Jews who control bankers who control.politicians who control the judiciary and law enforcement! A criminal society in other words!

And now the judiciary is controlled by law enforcement on behalf of the bankers who are the real.power in Canada!

I've read recently Rothschild owns the Bank of Canada!

I've long believed the saying that Money talks, while bullshit walks! The politicians are tireless walkers!

Last edited by Former Member

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