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Forensic audit recommends criminal charges against Brassington – Jaipaul Sharma

Jaipaul Sharma

Jaipaul Sharma

As a forensic audit into the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), nears completion, Junior Finance Minister, Jaipaul Sharma, has confirmed that criminal charges have been recommended against the company’s Chief Executive Officer, Winston Brassington.

He said that these charges recommended are in relation to several cases of fraud and corruption which were found during the audit. Sharma told Kaieteur News that while he does not want to reveal too much at this time, he did say that there has already been a minor exchange on the matter with Brassington.

The Finance Minister said that some finishing touches are still being done to the report as it “exposes some alarming things, some acts of corruption which are just unbelievable and nauseating.”

Sharma said, “NICIL was being run in a haphazard way and made dangerous decisions that cost the company millions of dollars in losses. It placed the then government in a bad place. NICIL really was operating as the PPP’s greatest force in making corrupt acts realized. The more the forensic auditor keeps digging, the more dirt he finds on NICIL and how it operated.”

With a new board and Chairman in place, the government, some weeks ago, called on Brassington to explain NICIL’s investments into all projects over the years. He was also expected to state, honestly, the position of the company’s assets.

NICIL’s new Chairman Dr. Maurice Odle had said that there has been one meeting thus far at which Brassington was told to prepare a “position paper” to say what policies and strategies were employed to justify investments made by the company into certain projects.

He explained that the paper is expected to give good reasons for investments into the Marriott Hotel, the Berbice River Bridge Company and Pradoville Two scheme.

NICIL CEO, Winston Brassington

NICIL CEO, Winston Brassington

Dr. Odle said that the Board is already aware of some of the financial assets of the company which are held in several accounts. He reiterated that the Board is particularly interested in this “special business model” that was used to inform the types of investments made by the company.

The NICIL Chairman added that the Board has several concerns. “We have an issue with the dividend policy, the manner in which assets were transferred to persons, what really happens with the proceeds for privatization, the misuse of state lands, the degree to which funds are transferred from NICIL to the Consolidated Fund and one would also like an indication about what really goes into the selection process for certain projects,” the NICIL Chairman had said.

He added, “In any case, NICIL was just holding too much money and Brassington will have to say why this has been happening. Another concern of the board is the whole business of risk taking. With some of these projects, the former government in joint partnership agreements took most of the risk.

“How is the private investor not made to take any risk? So naturally, we are also concerned with some of the public-private partnership agreements NICIL got into and we want to know everything about it. We want to know why the state was made to take a lot of risk.”

Dr. Odle had said that he is also worried about NICIL’s shareholder control in certain companies especially since it has made huge investments while minor investors are given controlling interest.

He confirmed that he was speaking in this context about the Berbice River Bridge Company.

Experts very close to the Bridge have disclosed that the current contractual arrangements allow for two entities to control 50 percent of the company: The NEW GPC and Hand In Hand Trust Corporation.

New GPC is a company owned by Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop who has close relations to former President Bharrat Jagdeo.

Dr. Odle said, yesterday, that Brassington has submitted the position paper and it will be examined next week to inform the future decisions to be taken with the company.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

 You do not let the crook explain. You arrest his backsides for gross misconduct and pile on charges as the investigation unfold. Start with holding him for some obvious criminal act as they do in the us and have him in jail or limited house arrest.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 You do not let the crook explain. You arrest his backsides for gross misconduct and pile on charges as the investigation unfold. Start with holding him for some obvious criminal act as they do in the us and have him in jail or limited house arrest.

They are giving due process, I guess. Lets see what comes out of the position paper. We cant equate bad decisions with criminal least not before knowing all the facts. Otherwise the govt will be accused of wasting time on an auditing for the purpose of witch-hunting. We need solid evidence, confirmed by the paper trail.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 You do not let the crook explain. You arrest his backsides for gross misconduct and pile on charges as the investigation unfold. Start with holding him for some obvious criminal act as they do in the us and have him in jail or limited house arrest.

What an ASS!!! Were you the Justice Minister for Hitler????  How STUPID can one really get. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 You do not let the crook explain. You arrest his backsides for gross misconduct and pile on charges as the investigation unfold. Start with holding him for some obvious criminal act as they do in the us and have him in jail or limited house arrest.

In your permanent piwarie state of mind, every thing is "obvious".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 You do not let the crook explain. You arrest his backsides for gross misconduct and pile on charges as the investigation unfold. Start with holding him for some obvious criminal act as they do in the us and have him in jail or limited house arrest.

In your permanent piwarie state of mind, every thing is "obvious".

And you the genius educated in psychology  through the arduous instruction regime  in  the backwaters of a Hubu Back dam rum shop is the apt diagnostician of my inner qualia.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 You do not let the crook explain. You arrest his backsides for gross misconduct and pile on charges as the investigation unfold. Start with holding him for some obvious criminal act as they do in the us and have him in jail or limited house arrest.

In your permanent piwarie state of mind, every thing is "obvious".

And you the genius educated in psychology  through the arduous instruction regime  in  the backwaters of a Hubu Back dam rum shop is the apt diagnostician of my inner qualia.

You still a Piwari drinking DRUNK!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 You do not let the crook explain. You arrest his backsides for gross misconduct and pile on charges as the investigation unfold. Start with holding him for some obvious criminal act as they do in the us and have him in jail or limited house arrest.

In your permanent piwarie state of mind, every thing is "obvious".

And you the genius educated in psychology  through the arduous instruction regime  in  the backwaters of a Hubu Back dam rum shop is the apt diagnostician of my inner qualia.

You still a Piwari drinking DRUNK!!!!

I leave your mind to do what it usually does; meander to nonsense per its character and habit.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 You do not let the crook explain. You arrest his backsides for gross misconduct and pile on charges as the investigation unfold. Start with holding him for some obvious criminal act as they do in the us and have him in jail or limited house arrest.

In your permanent piwarie state of mind, every thing is "obvious".

And you the genius educated in psychology  through the arduous instruction regime  in  the backwaters of a Hubu Back dam rum shop is the apt diagnostician of my inner qualia.

You still a Piwari drinking DRUNK!!!!

I leave your mind to do what it usually does; meander to nonsense per its character and habit.


If we weed out the pretentious intellectualizing from your comments, there is one thing that rings through: You are an ass. The more you comment on what is said here (and I agree not everything is worth commenting on), the more of a Hitlerian mindset is evident. You should re-read your original quote, which is getting people riled up (unless your devious mind is throwing stuff on here to mess with the GNI readers.


For the record, I went back and look at your posts on some previous topics., Two things dominate your posts: 1) You have an undying hatred for  Jagdeo and the PPP, one that is irrational, and 2) You are anti Indian, couching your language in coded words. Your hatred runs deep banna, and its irrational. And dont tell me that others are posting worse shyte here..this may be so but you like to come off as if you are an intelligent one who is above the fray. You are not.


By your own admission, you come from a dysfunctional family...this is why you can make assinine statement like "all Indians and all Africans are racists". You are projecting your own racial biases. I am no psychologist, but you do sound like you have a hidden agenda buried in your writings, one only you are aware about....and its clouding your judgment.  

Last edited by VishMahabir
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 You do not let the crook explain. You arrest his backsides for gross misconduct and pile on charges as the investigation unfold. Start with holding him for some obvious criminal act as they do in the us and have him in jail or limited house arrest.

In your permanent piwarie state of mind, every thing is "obvious".

And you the genius educated in psychology  through the arduous instruction regime  in  the backwaters of a Hubu Back dam rum shop is the apt diagnostician of my inner qualia.

You still a Piwari drinking DRUNK!!!!

I leave your mind to do what it usually does; meander to nonsense per its character and habit.


If we weed out the pretentious intellectualizing from your comments, there is one thing that rings through: You are an ass. The more you comment on what is said here (and I agree not everything is worth commenting on), the more of a Hitlerian mindset is evident. You should re-read your original quote, which is getting people riled up (unless your devious mind is throwing stuff on here to mess with the GNI readers.


For the record, I went back and look at your posts on some previous topics., Two things dominate your posts: 1) You have an undying hatred for  Jagdeo and the PPP, one that is irrational, and 2) You are anti Indian, couching your language in coded words. Your hatred runs deep banna, and its irrational. And dont tell me that others are posting worse shyte here..this may be so but you like to come off as if you are an intelligent one who is above the fray. You are not.


By your own admission, you come from a dysfunctional family...this is why you can make assinine statement like "all Indians and all Africans are racists". You are projecting your own racial biases. I am no psychologist, but you do sound like you have a hidden agenda buried in your writings, one only you are aware about....and its clouding your judgment.  

Why should I love Jagdeo? I was here asking that he be given a chance at the onset but he has since earned my contempt by being an assiduous worker at it.  He is of poor character and lesser intellectual foundation and that combined to  incubate a proper crook.


Yes, he is the most disgusting individual in our political history and given I was here declaring an earnest desire to piss on Burnham's grave the first chance I get; I do hope I live long enough to piss on Jagdeo's  grave first for turning my nation into a cesspool of drugs and corruption.


 Now if you think he is not worthy of contempt then that is your business not mine. You can rant and rave against my view of him  all you want but it will remain implacable and I am  sure it is a shared sentiment since not all of us are so smitten with an affinity for this piece trash. No amount of ethnic pride is worth it


That I hate Indians is another of your vapid excuse for the odium that is racism that festers in the culture  and which  but lives on through excuses as yours. I have an Indian baby mama, twin Indian girls that are my heart  not to mention my  family. Complaining about a disease in that sticks to many of us like glue is not hate but a cathartic realization you will one day, I hope,  come to understand. Indians for the most part are awful racists. I am not critical out of hate but a desire to redeem the future from this curse. We were once sudras whose shadow a Brahamin dare not cross. Racism is grounded in the same confused belief system.


Where did I say I came from a dysfunctional family? In my fathers house  were at least half a dozen of my cousins at any time. There are 65 of us and indeed we have disagreements but when push comes to shove we are will be standing on the wall facing the same direction. You can imagine all sorts of things as a predicate to your nonsense but we are as dysfunctional as any family and as healthy as the best Growing up we always  had each others back. Today, as adult we are still each others backup.


You lie like a sow if you believe ever I would use terms like "all" of this or that with respect to belief systems. You are again arguing against your own propositions.


It is a sure sign of an over reach when you have to invoke the spirit of Hitler to make your case!

Last edited by Former Member

So guys, here is a post made by a racist guy as yourselves, tell me why anyone would love this klinda prick. Which country you think he's speaking about?

No wonder yall scont got problems with racist this an racist that, is ayou bring it pon yourselves with this sort of shyte.



36 minutes ago

Question for Mitwah. Why would you just want to be a koolie salt and rice in Guyana when you can be an East Indian in your own country. Is it because of some form of self-hate?

RE: Forensic audit recommends criminal charges against Brassington





About time, I doubt this one will be getting away. Watch how his buddies kick him to the curb to save their sleazy asses.


Dem boys seh…Brassington tasting nuff bitterness


When dem boys would talk about jail picking some people and dem name Jagdeo and Brassington and Babbie, people use to think is joke. But dem boys did know something that nuff people didn’t know.
De same Brassington did carry some of dem reporters pun a tour of de Marriott and after de walkabout he allow dem to ask he some questions. Uncle Adam been deh and he ask Brassington wha gun happen when de Pee Pee Pee lose de elections. He stammer then he tun to Kit who been next to him. Kit whisper that it ain’t gun happen.
Well he and Kit telephoning one another ever since May. When Kit call him Friday Brassington couldn’t answer de phone because he cry till he choke. Clive Thomas done send de recommendation to charge Brassington.
And Brassington know. From de time he hear he start searching fuh lawyers. Wid lawyers a dime a dozen, everybody would expect that Brassington gun find nuff lawyer to represent him. Dem and Brassington wrong. Some of dem don’t want de case because dem believe that people gun hate dem and that gun cost dem cases in de future.
Some lawyers wouldn’t tek de case because dem seh that dem want to see Brassingon in Jail. In fact, dem seh that dem would prosecute de case if de government can’t find a good prosecutor. But dem got one lawyer who might tek de case because he want to spend Brassington money in de same way Brassington use to spend de taxpayers money.
This lawyer seh that Brassington can’t seh that he ain’t got money. And he can’t expect de Chat-3 gun tek de case because he is a man who gone back to hustling. He don’t mek joke when it come to money.
And de way things heading it look like Brassington intend to drag some people wid him. Marcie who was he woman in business now looking fuh lawyer because she believe that Brassington gun want to see company when he facing de judge and de magistrate.
What is sweet in thy mouth does be bitter in you tail. Brassington got a lot of bitterness to taste not only because he got a big tail but because he enjoy de sweet and he think he woulda enjoy all de sweet all de time.
Talk half and watch how Brassington gun now lose weight.


I sent a proposal to this dude since 2006.


Then try to reach him every year until 2014.


Never returns any call nor email nor anyresponse.


Understand he then sold the plot on April 2015  for $1M GY...5 acres


So for our US Math Genius it is $5000 US for 5 acres hence $1000US per acre.


Who authorized this sale?

Vish M
Last edited by Vish M

I somehow got a feelin is like de man doan like you Vish. You musta done him something bad in a past life.


If he has never tried singing, he'll surely start now.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Vish M:

I sent a proposal to this dude since 2006.


Then try to reach him every year until 2014.


Never returns any call nor email nor anyresponse.


Understand he then sold the plot on April 2015  for $1M GY...5 acres


So for our US Math Genius it is $5000 US for 5 acres hence $1000US per acre.


Who authorized this sale?

This seems to be common thing with some in the past government. They tend to put themselves on a pedestal and belittle those below them.

 We had cases where they mandated a report from an NGO, but  publish it as their own. If you complain they are nasty and vindictive.


Most in the present government will acknowledge an email, even with a few words of 'Thanks, I will reply in more detail later'.

It takes only seconds to do this and means a lot to the sender.

Simple courtesy builds relationship and harmony.      

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 You do not let the crook explain. You arrest his backsides for gross misconduct and pile on charges as the investigation unfold. Start with holding him for some obvious criminal act as they do in the us and have him in jail or limited house arrest.

In your permanent piwarie state of mind, every thing is "obvious".

And you the genius educated in psychology  through the arduous instruction regime  in  the backwaters of a Hubu Back dam rum shop is the apt diagnostician of my inner qualia.

You still a Piwari drinking DRUNK!!!!

I leave your mind to do what it usually does; meander to nonsense per its character and habit.


If we weed out the pretentious intellectualizing from your comments, there is one thing that rings through: You are an ass. The more you comment on what is said here (and I agree not everything is worth commenting on), the more of a Hitlerian mindset is evident. You should re-read your original quote, which is getting people riled up (unless your devious mind is throwing stuff on here to mess with the GNI readers.


For the record, I went back and look at your posts on some previous topics., Two things dominate your posts:

1) You have an undying hatred for  Jagdeo and the PPP, one that is irrational, and

2) You are anti Indian, couching your language in coded words.

Your hatred runs deep banna, and its irrational. And dont tell me that others are posting worse shyte here..this may be so but you like to come off as if you are an intelligent one who is above the fray. You are not.


By your own admission, you come from a dysfunctional family...this is why you can make assinine statement like "all Indians and all Africans are racists". You are projecting your own racial biases. I am no psychologist, but you do sound like you have a hidden agenda buried in your writings, one only you are aware about....and its clouding your judgment.  

Look like you are now confusing Stormborn with Vish Mahadeo.


Only a thief would love  or Defend Bharat Jagdeo.


Jagdeo is a thief.....why must we love him.


Using your Anti-Indian logic....

you love is not limited to Jihaji Bharat...

but covers.....

Jihaji Ed Ahmad,

Jihaji Roger Khan,

Jihaji Baldeo,

Jihaji Richard James,

Jihaji Raj Singh,

Jihaji EZ Jet Sonny,

Jihaji Hydro Seed Fip,

Jihaji Law Book Printer Kawal,

Jihaji Bobby Ramrop &

Jihaji Mannieram. 

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 You do not let the crook explain. You arrest his backsides for gross misconduct and pile on charges as the investigation unfold. Start with holding him for some obvious criminal act as they do in the us and have him in jail or limited house arrest.

In your permanent piwarie state of mind, every thing is "obvious".

And you the genius educated in psychology  through the arduous instruction regime  in  the backwaters of a Hubu Back dam rum shop is the apt diagnostician of my inner qualia.

You still a Piwari drinking DRUNK!!!!

I leave your mind to do what it usually does; meander to nonsense per its character and habit.


If we weed out the pretentious intellectualizing from your comments, there is one thing that rings through: You are an ass. The more you comment on what is said here (and I agree not everything is worth commenting on), the more of a Hitlerian mindset is evident. You should re-read your original quote, which is getting people riled up (unless your devious mind is throwing stuff on here to mess with the GNI readers.


For the record, I went back and look at your posts on some previous topics., Two things dominate your posts:

1) You have an undying hatred for  Jagdeo and the PPP, one that is irrational, and

2) You are anti Indian, couching your language in coded words.

Your hatred runs deep banna, and its irrational. And dont tell me that others are posting worse shyte here..this may be so but you like to come off as if you are an intelligent one who is above the fray. You are not.


By your own admission, you come from a dysfunctional family...this is why you can make assinine statement like "all Indians and all Africans are racists". You are projecting your own racial biases. I am no psychologist, but you do sound like you have a hidden agenda buried in your writings, one only you are aware about....and its clouding your judgment.  

Look like you are now confusing Stormborn with Vish Mahadeo.


Only a thief would love  or Defend Bharat Jagdeo.


Jagdeo is a thief.....why must we love him.


Using your Anti-Indian logic....

you love is not limited to Jihaji Bharat...

but covers.....

Jihaji Ed Ahmad,

Jihaji Roger Khan,

Jihaji Baldeo,

Jihaji Richard James,

Jihaji Raj Singh,

Jihaji EZ Jet Sonny,

Jihaji Hydro Seed Fip,

Jihaji Law Book Printer Kawal,

Jihaji Bobby Ramrop &

Jihaji Mannieram. 

What a resume !!  Who would want to hire Jagdeo ?

Dis guy is really Champion of the Dirt. 

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 You do not let the crook explain. You arrest his backsides for gross misconduct and pile on charges as the investigation unfold. Start with holding him for some obvious criminal act as they do in the us and have him in jail or limited house arrest.

In your permanent piwarie state of mind, every thing is "obvious".

And you the genius educated in psychology  through the arduous instruction regime  in  the backwaters of a Hubu Back dam rum shop is the apt diagnostician of my inner qualia.

You still a Piwari drinking DRUNK!!!!

I leave your mind to do what it usually does; meander to nonsense per its character and habit.


If we weed out the pretentious intellectualizing from your comments, there is one thing that rings through: You are an ass. The more you comment on what is said here (and I agree not everything is worth commenting on), the more of a Hitlerian mindset is evident. You should re-read your original quote, which is getting people riled up (unless your devious mind is throwing stuff on here to mess with the GNI readers.


For the record, I went back and look at your posts on some previous topics., Two things dominate your posts:

1) You have an undying hatred for  Jagdeo and the PPP, one that is irrational, and

2) You are anti Indian, couching your language in coded words.

Your hatred runs deep banna, and its irrational. And dont tell me that others are posting worse shyte here..this may be so but you like to come off as if you are an intelligent one who is above the fray. You are not.


By your own admission, you come from a dysfunctional family...this is why you can make assinine statement like "all Indians and all Africans are racists". You are projecting your own racial biases. I am no psychologist, but you do sound like you have a hidden agenda buried in your writings, one only you are aware about....and its clouding your judgment.  

Look like you are now confusing Stormborn with Vish Mahadeo.


Only a thief would love  or Defend Bharat Jagdeo.


Jagdeo is a thief.....why must we love him.


Using your Anti-Indian logic....

you love is not limited to Jihaji Bharat...

but covers.....

Jihaji Ed Ahmad,

Jihaji Roger Khan,

Jihaji Baldeo,

Jihaji Richard James,

Jihaji Raj Singh,

Jihaji EZ Jet Sonny,

Jihaji Hydro Seed Fip,

Jihaji Law Book Printer Kawal,

Jihaji Bobby Ramrop &

Jihaji Mannieram. 

What a resume !!  Who would want to hire Jagdeo ?

Dis guy is really Champion of the Dirt. 

In short...he's a worm.


Brassington memory gun fail him again

October 19, 2015 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Whole week, ever since people start to talk bout de Pradoville deal somebody talk bout jailing Jagdeo because de whole Pradoville deal was illegal. It was a case of Jagdeo tekking de state land and buying de bulk then sharing de rest between he friends and some of he Ministers. Of course he sell at a low price suh when some of he Ministers sell dem mek a big profit. People seh that Jagdeo should go to jail. But he had he lawyers and friends who seh that he can’t get prosecute. But nuff people seh that he can’t claim immunity fuh anything illegal that he do. Thiefing is illegal and once he thief land, he can’t seh that nobody can try him. Brassington in de same boat. He tek people money and spend it like water pun whatever he friend Jagdeo tell him. He can’t claim that he was carrying out orders because de law always seh that a man can’t carry out something illegal because somebody tell him. That is why dem boys gun charge he tail. He got size but by de time all this done he gun look like an ordinary man. De fat crook gun become a slim crook. He friends wouldn’t recognize him. And because of de jail threat, he cussing de Waterfalls paper. De paper save Guyana and everybody know that. At de rate things was going, Jagdeo, Brassington and dem friends woulda own more than half of Guyana. De Berbice Bridge is a simple example. De people who put in de least money own half de bridge. De government who put in de most ain’t own nutten. De plan was to build de Demerara Harbour Bridge. Jagdeo and dem friends would go to parliament and collect billions of dollars but dem woulda only spend a fraction pun de bridge. Dem boys seh that people mustn’t ask wheh de rest of de money will go. That is only part of de story. Dem had other people who benefit from de freeness because Jagdeo decide that de best way to survive was to surround heself wid crooks like himself. All of dem now quiet because dem seeing jail door. De Waterfalls boss man seh that he talk bout all de wrong things and people didn’t listen. Now dem listening. He did talk bout de crookishness. Jagdeo and he friends did want Pegasus and dem try till de British step in at de last minute and mek he back off. That is why dem build de Marriott fuh kill de Pegasus. He had plans fuh Guyana Stores. He woulda build a hotel and a cafeteria. He fail. He mek Brassington go to court and when de questions face de fat crook, he claim he couldn’t remember nuff things. He gun forget nuff more when dem question this time. Talk half and wait fuh Brassington memory loss.


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