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"Attorney General Basil Williams had indicated during a press conference last week that the draft SARU legislation is currently at his chambers and would be reviewed, in collaboration with the unit. He had also indicated that legislation such as the draft Protected Disclosures (Whistleblower) 2015 and the witness protection bill would soon be put out for public consultations."


Basil need to get the ball rolling.



Dear Editor,
One of the good things that the Granger Administration has done is to order forensic audits of various state institutions and projects.
We are now learning through the press of the horror stories uncovered by the auditors.  In all of the audits, the Auditors report on wastage costing billions of dollars, corrupt practices, incompetence, poor execution of projects, self dealing by the so called managers and a clear case of no proper accountability for the people’s monies.
We are left to wonder what the Auditor General of Guyana was doing all this time. It is now becoming clear to everyone, if it wasn’t clear before, that there was a general free for all with taxpayer’s monies and a general and uncontrollable culture of corruption, stealing, wastage and incompetence which spread like a cancer throughout the state agencies and enveloped the state and suffocated it.

Guyana could not have made any progress in this environment and no country in similar circumstances could ever make any progress. The big challenge now is “what is to be done?”  The culprits have been clearly identified in many cases. One of them never took leave for eleven years and collected millions ostensibly for leave pay.

The total damage to the economy in dollar terms exceeds easily over $ one hundred billion. Billions at Gold Board, Billions at E-Governance, Billions at GPL, Guysuco, Guyoil, GWI, GGMC, Public Works Projects, Pradoville and more. The cancer spread to every agency, to every nook and cranny of the state.  The most recent disclosures of the billions of losses in the so-called E-Governance Project are particularly disturbing because it not only highlights the failures of the so-called Technical Advisor but raises the question of why the Government wants to keep these so-called experts and to pay them handsomely when the evidence as unearthed by the Auditors is so convincing.
In the case of this particular “expert” his name has surfaced in the case of the disaster, at Charity wharf, the bridge at East La Penitence, the overruns at the Venezuelan Hostel and more. It is believed that he was approving these vouchers because the former President’s son’s father-in-law was the contractor.

If the Granger Government is serious about stamping out corruption, wastage, incompetence and the cavalier attitude towards taxpayers’ monies, the President should move swiftly to weed out from the system all those found to be liable and culpable for all these disasters. Only then can we say that it was worth the while and the money to conduct these forensic audits. Even the sacred crows have to be removed from the system. The earlier the better!
Paul Singh

Last edited by cain

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