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Forget differences in favour of nationalism - Attorney General – at Region 3 flag-raising ceremonyPDFPrintE-mail
Monday, 27 May 2013 21:51

ATTORNEY General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall has urged Guyanese to use the occasion of Independence to reflect and recognise certain truths of their birthright.
He made this call as Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary was being observed across the 10 administrative regions with the traditional annual flag-raising ceremonies at the various locations.



Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall: Regional Chairman of Region 3 Julius Faerber and other officials witness the hoisting of the Golden Arrowhead in the compound of the Regional Democratic Council of Region 3. The occasion was the annual flag-raising ceremony to mark Guyana’s 47th Independence anniversary

He was at the time speaking at the Region 3 Regional Democratic Council compound at Vreed-en-Hoop, where the formal programme organised to celebrate the occasion included presentations of songs, dances, drumming and folk pieces representing the ethnic diversity of Guyana’s cultural fabric.
Minister Nandlall traced Guyana’s path and purpose towards a free and independent country. He emphasised to the gathering that there was every reason to celebrate, and he urged them to reflect on their birthright, “irrespective of our differences and cultures.”

Students of Malgre Tout Primary school execute dance steps to Adrian Dutchin’s song, “I am a Guyanese” as Region 3 observes Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary

The minister stated that these latter facts must be made secondary to Guyana’s interest, and urged that it be done dispassionately “as we set our differences aside.”
As he reflected on Guyana’s progress, Minister Nandlall explained that even though Independence was gained in 1966, Guyana was still subject to colonial rule and guidance through a British Governor General. It was only in 1970, with the gaining of republican status, that Guyana became truly free of its colonial masters, and it was from there that the road of an independent nation began, with the first national elections of 1973.
Unfortunately, the Attorney General explained, those elections and the ones that followed  were all rigged, as evidence has shown. “Rigging of an election means that that freedom which we fought for since the days of slavery and indentureship…when we won Independence…when we won Republican status, that freedom was taken from us by our 

From left to right: Regional Chairman of Region 3 Julius Faerber, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall and Regional Official, Adepmo Peters at the Independence flag raising ceremony in Region 3

own people in 1973,” he stated.
Minister Nandlall explained that this meant that Guyanese were kept in subjugation in their own country by their own people, and Guyanese were denied that freedom that they were supposed to enjoy in 1966 and 1970.
“We must reflect on our past …we must not shy away from it on occasions like this,” he said, explaining that this is needed if Guyanese wanted what is best for their children.
The reason for this he pointed out, is to ensure that those things never happen again in Guyana, “because it comes with consequences which are harmful to all of us…because when you deny a people their freedom, you take away from the human being the initiative, the entrepreneurship; the ability that he has to exercise his mind and to excel.”
Minister Nandlall pointed out that economic stagnation was caused by this denial which was imposed on Guyana from 1970 to 1992, and it also exists in countries where this freedom is denied citizens.
He emphasised the transformation of Guyanese lives since democracy and freedom were restored to Guyana, and urged citizens to look at the simple, basic changes that have occurred in their lives and communities over the past 20 years. Basic changes such as the size of their homes and the amenities available to them, a television in each home, more owners of vehicles and more available social services, and a telephone in each home, these simple things would show how freedom has worked on Guyanese lives.
“On occasions like this, we must reflect on these things, to ensure that we use our own minds and make conscious and right decisions,” Minister Nandlall urged. He further explained that the mantle has to be passed to the children of today, and so a good country has to be prepared for them. “We have gained a lot…from bankruptcy…to a country of economic viability…we enjoy the fastest and highest growth rate in the entire Caribbean.”
Describing the poor state of several economies around the Caribbean, Minister Nandlall lauded the fact that Guyana has enjoyed a constant economic growth of 5% per annum over the past seven years. Pointing to the several projects planned for the further development of Guyana, the minister acknowledged that there were issues to be resolved before these could move ahead.
“There are times when we must put politics aside…countries are borrowing money to fund their budget, we have the money here, and we are funding the budget so our people can benefit from these mega projects that we are doing. But we have an opposition in parliament who is cutting the funding for these expenditures…how can you justify that?” the minister questioned.
“…it is when you cut the national budget that you deny the people of this country of the things that are in that budget…that cannot be good for an independent country, that cannot augur well for the freedom that we want to enjoy,” he stated.
Minister Nandlall insisted that freedom includes the financial and economic freedom which means that the facilities of life must be enjoyed.  Pointing to Guyana’s international obligations in conjunction with the various bodies to which Guyana is a member, the minister outlined the reasons  those obligations must be met.
He also reiterated the necessity for the recently tabled Anti-Money Laundering Amendment Bill to be approved and the difficulties Guyanese will encounter if the country is blacklisted.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nationalism would be transparency with the nations coin and not the hiding behind a constitution created by a dictator to assume autocratic privileges. The need for accountability is not superseded with the hemming and hawing about meeting international standards about money laundering. It is not like the money launderers are not getting away with it now and have been doing so under the ignoring eyes of the PPP.


Give us proper oversight over our moneys then you can claim to be prudent with nationalistic prerogatives.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Nandalall for President!!!

Wait....Is so Quick aya gon dump De Duck????


Aya Really Desperate...

First yuh wanted De Goat....

Den Miss Prya...aya mek she head swell Big....

Next .....Asnhi.....De Smartest one left....

Den some halla Robert....

Gail say "Why not me?"

Anil she ee is a Pisser....cause eee Drink Ramson Pee....

and Hon Nehru....say..."Is Time fuh a Pisser Now"


Wha happen to..........Asnhi.....De Smartest one left....


The joint opposition should not hold the country hostage, the anti-money laundering bills is an important piece of legislation, that should be embraced by a united National Assembly, Guyana should always be placed first

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Nandalall for President!!!

Wait....Is so Quick aya gon dump De Duck????


Aya Really Desperate...

First yuh wanted De Goat....

Den Miss Prya...aya mek she head swell Big....

Next .....Asnhi.....De Smartest one left....

Den some halla Robert....

Gail say "Why not me?"

Anil she ee is a Pisser....cause eee Drink Ramson Pee....

and Hon Nehru....say..."Is Time fuh a Pisser Now"


Wha happen to..........Asnhi.....De Smartest one left....

Miss Emily said to draw Picha.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition should not hold the country hostage, the anti-money laundering bills is an important piece of legislation, that should be embraced by a united National Assembly, Guyana should always be placed first

Councie like yuh miss Godey Fella....

and yuh ready fuh embrace Big Seed again...

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Nandalall for President!!!

Wait....Is so Quick aya gon dump De Duck????


Aya Really Desperate...

First yuh wanted De Goat....

Den Miss Prya...aya mek she head swell Big....

Next .....Asnhi.....De Smartest one left....

Den some halla Robert....

Gail say "Why not me?"

Anil she ee is a Pisser....cause eee Drink Ramson Pee....

and Hon Nehru....say..."Is Time fuh a Pisser Now"


Wha happen to..........Asnhi.....De Smartest one left....

Miss Emily said to draw Picha.

"Nandalall Floored by Ramson at Everest Club in GT"


"De Champ" Ramson

standing over "De floored Challanger" ....

and peeing in Anil Mouth

Credit :Exclusive Picture received from Hon Nehru via Private Mail


Nehru if yuh got more pictures to post send them over...


Its clear to see the character "Jalil" is trying his/her best to derail every thread, its safe to conclude, that character is low on constructive arguments....pity on his/her soul

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition should not hold the country hostage, the anti-money laundering bills is an important piece of legislation, that should be embraced by a united National Assembly, Guyana should always be placed first

The PPP and its one seat minority status should not demand totalitarian rights and claim their give away to the former president accrue to the status of "his property". They have the right to deny oversight of the consolidated funds in transparent ways.  That they deny this is criminal.


The idea that they can now say they are for money laundering laws ( when did they see this) after 20 years and not see the virtue in oversight of our money is patently obscene.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see the character "Jalil" is trying his/her best to derail every thread, its safe to conclude, that character is low on constructive arguments....pity on his/her soul

Don't accuse me of Derailing your Award Winning Work...


Councie yuh wuking fuh yuh pay boy......

You should be crowned....

with De Godey Wallah pun yuh head....

      Photo Credit : Nehru

 U are a Crowned fella on your own
Originally Posted by Danyael:
The PPP and its one seat minority status should not demand totalitarian rights and claim their give away to the former president accrue to the status of "his property". They have the right to deny oversight of the consolidated funds in transparent ways.  That they deny this is criminal.


The idea that they can now say they are for money laundering laws ( when did they see this) after 20 years and not see the virtue in oversight of our money is patently obscene.

The PPP and AFC/PNC don't want to upset the apple cart, I suspect they would all rather the sanctions rather than enact laws that would exposed their supporters to legal scrutiny.  It is a collusion between both opposition and govt to protect their respective turf. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
The PPP and its one seat minority status should not demand totalitarian rights and claim their give away to the former president accrue to the status of "his property". They have the right to deny oversight of the consolidated funds in transparent ways.  That they deny this is criminal.


The idea that they can now say they are for money laundering laws ( when did they see this) after 20 years and not see the virtue in oversight of our money is patently obscene.

The PPP and AFC/PNC don't want to upset the apple cart, I suspect they would all rather the sanctions rather than enact laws that would exposed their supporters to legal scrutiny.  It is a collusion between both opposition and govt to protect their respective turf. 

 First, the absence of laws would mean external agencies oversee the transactions. It is to the advantage of the crooks that it is done in house because of promising to conforming to a protocol. The PPP is the law internal to the state and can pursue any criminal act when they know it exists. This is about external agencies trusting the government via a promise to implement a set of protocols.  But you what do you care? The truth to us is always a lie.


No amount of damage control could erase the sinister motives of the joint opposition schemes to derail the development of the country, the Guyanese populace should not be held hostage!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

No amount of damage control could erase the sinister motives of the joint opposition schemes to derail the development of the country, the Guyanese populace should not be held hostage!

You said these same words about fifteen times in the last month, so is like we really doan care what derass you're saying it's just repetition.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 First, the absence of laws would mean external agencies oversee the transactions. It is to the advantage of the crooks that it is done in house because of promising to conforming to a protocol. The PPP is the law internal to the state and can pursue any criminal act when they know it exists. This is about external agencies trusting the government via a promise to implement a set of protocols.  But you what do you care? The truth to us is always a lie.

So why is the AFC/PNC not voting for the laws to be enacted? They too are in collusion to protect their own criminal activities via the pepper sauce man and overseas authors. 


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