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Forging alliance against PPP/C proving much more difficult
- Luncheon
THE efforts of the two opposition political parties, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance for Change (AFC), to forge a relationship for a joint purpose against the governing People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) is proving much more difficult than they anticipated. Head of the Presidential Secretariat (HPS), Dr. Roger Luncheon made this observation yesterday, at the first post-Cabinet media briefing for 2012, at Office of the President, where he noted the Administration’s “remorse” at the way in which the other two parties have been dealing with the Tripartite Initiative.
According to him, Cabinet has taken note of the media reports of the “travails” of the two parliamentary opposition parties, particularly their inability to agree on the selection of a Speaker of the National Assembly.
Luncheon said: “The Tripartite Initiative evolved a flurry of expectations of consummating energies that should be used productively…it was waylaid. My own impression is that APNU and AFC got together and thought it would have been rather simple to gang up on the governing party and to present us with, essentially, a fait accompli and to restore some ‘bilaterality’ in this engagement, government versus opposition.”
The HPS said the first hurdle that presented itself is the parties’ inability to come to consensus on the selection of the Speaker and that reinforces the perception that their politics is not based on reason.
“The apparent abandonment of consensus seeking embodied in the notions of the Tripartite Initiative does not augur well for the future. Other than a duel fist fight, there is nothing much left for them (APNU and AFC) to register their disagreements about,” he remarked.
Luncheon said, too, that most of the issues which were identified in the parties’ mutual submissions needed to be addressed in the context of the tripartite agreement. As such, he affirmed that the PPP/C has been respectful of the promise of the tripartite approach to mutual concerns.
He said: “We have not sought to cut a deal or to have some privileged agreement with either of the two parties. In the meanwhile, the Administration is moving apace to refine its position on those matters it identified and submitted to the other two parties, as it relates to the appointment of the panel to review VAT and the tax system in general.”
Luncheon said one of the issues which will be addressed at the tripartite level is the conclusion of the Local Government Reform, which has already been publicly identified in the PPP/C Manifesto 2012, to allow for Local Government Elections this year, in addition to the successful conclusion of the selection of the executives of the ten Administrative Regions.
As to the importance of these, Luncheon said: “Those conclusions would anticipate consensus building and thrust being exuded by the three parties, as they move to put executives in the three Regions, Four (Demerara/Mahaica), Seven (Cuyuni/Mazaruni) and Eight (Potaro/Siparuni), where none enjoys an absolute majority.”
The Cabinet Secretary reiterated that the performance of the Tripartite Initiative and its expectations will be tested when the Tenth Parliament is convened, which, constitutionally, can be no later than January 28.
“Our expectation is, as we seek to re-engage in the New Year, definitely before the proclamation, to be issued by the President, to reconvene the Tenth Parliament is the promise that that expectation, that fulfillment is still out there and, at the level of the three parties, it is still something worth committing to. This is what we hope,” Luncheon said.

Excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by albert:
The Guyanese populace are now realizing the P.P.P/C is the only party that has the interest of all Guyanese on their front burner
if the ppp think that,why don they call a next election they will win by 99%.
Originally posted by albert:
The Guyanese populace are now realizing the P.P.P/C is the only party that has the interest of all Guyanese on their front burner
You do not represent the Guyanese populace. You represent the corrupt PPP.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by warrior:
fat albert how much the ppp is paying you to sell your soul

US$10,000 per month.
if that is tax free,fat albert can hire me to bring his lunch.but he have to give me the freedom to call him a thief
Originally posted by albert:
It clear to see, the opposition alliance against the P.P..P/C is doomed to fail....
fat albert,your house bigger than the housing us now before parlament start and them bai in the oppisition expose you
warrior...don't try to derail this thread....the opposition is falling to forge any alliance against the P.P.P/C...

Its possible the Speaker position could be given to the P.P.P/C
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Asking the opposition to solve the problem of corruption is simply asking for more corruption.
why you bais in the ppp will share the loots
A bloated state sector with unproductive people put a strain on the resources of the nation which is tantamount to corruption. Part of the reform policies of the world bank is to reduce the state sector and take away the burden. Gov't refuses to do this because of political reasons. If the opposition gets into office we can see more hiring of unproductive individuals in the state sector putting more pressure on the limited resources we have.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by albert:
warrior...don't try to derail this thread....the opposition is falling to forge any alliance against the P.P.P/C...

Its possible the Speaker position could be given to the P.P.P/C
when parlament starts,hold your horses the oppisition will be fully ready to start,donot forget they wait for 20 yrs for this.they findalizing things and getting they facts together.they is nothing to be don until parlament starts,then all who have heart problem and memory problem like lunchon will guys better find flip befort then
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
A bloated state sector with unproductive people put a strain on the resources of the nation which is tantamount to corruption. Part of the reform policies of the world bank is to reduce the state sector and take away the burden. Gov't refuses to do this because of political reasons. If the opposition gets into office we can see more hiring of unproductive individuals in the state sector putting more pressure on the limited resources we have.
for a country with limited resources,you ppp have ministers building palace,i guess the limited resources is just for the poor guyanese,which is 80% of the people
Minister Ali rubbishes malicious KN article – says house was purchased from GuySuCo before he became minister
January 3, 2012

Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali has clarified details of his acquisition of a former GuySuCo-owned property at Leonora, West Coast Demerara, and at the same time condemned the Kaieteur News for misrepresenting the facts of the purchase in a “devious and sensational” article on New Year’s Day.
In the article captioned “After two years as Minister…Irfaan Ali builds mansion with poolhouse,” KN described the construction of the house. The newspaper noted that the house appears to accommodate eight bedrooms, a large living room, a detached kitchen and a walkway that runs around the front of the building.
Kaieteur News said too that the cost of the construction which is nearing completion is estimated at more than $300 million “One contractor, using the same government estimates, said that to fence the compound of that estate would be about $50 million,” KN wrote.
However, in response to the article, Ali clarified that the property in question was acquired before he assumed office as a minister of the government, and it has been almost four years now since he has been struggling to complete work on the property.
“Thirdly, the house referred to as mansion house was an old wooden house owned by GuySuCo. After acquisition, it is the same property that was rehabilitated and retro-fitted.” Ali said that more 70 per cent of the house remained in the same material and style that was there on acquisition. He noted that the only completely new piece of construction was that referred to as the pool house.
Additionally, the minister said that the acquisition of the house was no “secret or unscrupulous deal,” pointing out that the property was publicly advertised for sale before he became a minister.
“As any other Guyanese, I placed a bid for the property and my bid was the highest bid price offered. So what is secret and unscrupulous about this?” he asked. Ali asserted that “This devious act by Kaieteur News was aimed at a personal attack to my family and I. When someone builds a house, it is meant to be their home, a personal sanctuary where they feel secured and private. It is clear that the motive of Kaieteur News was to mislead and expose myself and family to security and other harm.”
Ali said it against this background that his lawyers would now look at the consequences of “this personal invasion based on lies and mischief. Though the very essence of peace and security that my personal property was supposed to have offered me is destroyed, I will leave my faith in the hands of my lawyers and the judicial system so that justice can be done,” Ali asserted.
Ali noted too that the house actually consists of three bedrooms not eight as stated in the article and worse of all, the fence which is chain-link and wallaba on the side and back, and concrete with grill work on the front is incorrectly and maliciously estimated to cost $50 million.
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
A bloated state sector with unproductive people put a strain on the resources of the nation which is tantamount to corruption. Part of the reform policies of the world bank is to reduce the state sector and take away the burden. Gov't refuses to do this because of political reasons. If the opposition gets into office we can see more hiring of unproductive individuals in the state sector putting more pressure on the limited resources we have.
for a country with limited resources,you ppp have ministers building palace,i guess the limited resources is just for the poor guyanese,which is 80% of the people

One can see grander and grander homes away from the so-called Pradoville. While many are still battling poverty many have succeeded in the private sector and are using their new found wealth to build beautiful homes from Parika to G/town and from Sophia to BUxton.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
A bloated state sector with unproductive people put a strain on the resources of the nation which is tantamount to corruption. Part of the reform policies of the world bank is to reduce the state sector and take away the burden. Gov't refuses to do this because of political reasons. If the opposition gets into office we can see more hiring of unproductive individuals in the state sector putting more pressure on the limited resources we have.
for a country with limited resources,you ppp have ministers building palace,i guess the limited resources is just for the poor guyanese,which is 80% of the people

One can see grander and grander homes away from the so-called Pradoville. While many are still battling poverty many have succeeded in the private sector and are using their new found wealth to build beautiful homes from Parika to G/town and from Sophia to BUxton.
how come only 20% of the population is building these grander homes.and only those that is in the ppp crime family
how come only 20% of the population is building these grander homes.and only those that is in the ppp crime family

Completely false statement!! People from all political persuasion are prospering in Guyana.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
how come only 20% of the population is building these grander homes.and only those that is in the ppp crime family

Completely false statement!! People from all political persuasion are prospering in Guyana.
if guyana is doing so great how come they turn a miniorty goverment.maybe you talking about the billy goat pen
Originally posted by albert:
The P.P.P/C will continue to govern the Country.........ensuring progress continues...
They were not able to do that these past 19 years, what makes you think they will be able to do that now with a minority pack?
The legislation that will be rise in parliament will be in the best interest of the Guyanese people, if it is not support by the opposition the Guyanese populace will have their say.....
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
A bloated state sector with unproductive people put a strain on the resources of the nation which is tantamount to corruption. .

Sorry albert even the PPP thinks that you ought to be cut out of the budget. Oh well Rosehall needs cane cutters so you should apply for that slot.
Originally posted by albert:
warrior...don't try to derail this thread....the opposition is falling to forge any alliance against the P.P.P/C...

Its possible the Speaker position could be given to the P.P.P/C

The PPP will win on the first ballot. They are lobbying a few individuals in APNU to vote their way. Moses might just do that when he realizes that he does not stand a chance of becoing the speaker. The more you try to change the more it remain the same..
Its clear to see the opposition parties may be up to some trickery among themselves, they totally ignore the tripartite agreement and seems bent on securing the speaker's chair but out maneuvering each other....
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
One can see grander and grander homes away from the so-called Pradoville..

yes record gold prices and heavy remittances are very very good for many Guyanese.

The PPP ha sNEVER been able to tell us how many paying jobs have been created in Guyana since 2000.

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