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Three former members of the Alliance for Change appeared on a television programme over the weekend in Berbice and urged Berbicians not to vote for the APNU/AFC coalition. Haseef Yusuf, Balwant Persaud and Sixtus Edwards were unequivocal in their condemnation of the AFC’s decision to join with the PNC. They said it represents a betrayal of those who believed in the AFC’s promise of change and non-alignment with the two major political parties. They also spoke about corruption and lack of accountability in the management of the party’s finances as well as cronyism.

The trio pleaded with voters not to vote for the coalition and vowed to work to correct the mistake they made by supporting the AFC previously.


Poor Yusuf .....

Kwame had to write

his entire Script.

week old chicks why do chickens housed on harrier models

and look...poor Yusuf cant read good

watch Yusuf picking Corn



Balwant say

he happy with

Lamumba & Kwame....

No one Doubt him.


Sextus Admit he is A liar...


he say he was lieing

when announce he resign

for personal reasons ....


his problem is he left PNC

and he do not want to go back

Kwame & Lamumba no longer in PNC

Compulsive Lying Disorder

and Sextus .....

yuh wrong again

this is a AFC/APNU Alliance


What will they do

when PPP lose on May 11th

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Conscience:


To establish its credibility the AFC has to defend these charges by its former members who has inside information. Would it do so? They have been caught lying and double speaking so many times enough to make you throw up.

That would be a bloody waste of time. Has any of these cretins told why they now think the PPP are saints and not the horrible debauched crooks they previously thought them to be? What has the PPP done to rehabilitate itself? That is what they should be asked if anything the say is to be taken beyond face value.


How Credible is

Rohee or the PPP

when Drugs are allowed to flow freely

out of Cheddi Jagan Airport.


Three Guyanese

have been arrested

in three days

in New York

for nearly 60 pounds of cocaine



Three Guyanese have been arrested in three days in New York for nearly 60 pounds of cocaine that they attempted to smuggle into the United States.


On Friday February 27th Aubrey Young who said he was carrying Milk Powder for his son was detained for bringing in the illegal substance in two suitcases. When the agents at JFK searched the milk powder containers they found nearly 25 pounds of cocaine.


The day before that on Thursday, Colin McKenzie stepped off another flight from Guyana and declared to Customs at first that he had diced fruit. The agents found cocaine instead, over twenty one pounds. McKenzie then said that he was paid as a courier and he thought he had diamonds in two cans.


On Wednesday the Federal Agents were in fact waiting for a marked man following earlier busts in Aruba. The man, Mark Ferdinand a former Gospel Singer and Cruise Ship performer was implicated when a courier was held with about six pounds of cocaine in Aruba. The Feds intercepted phone calls between the courier and Ferdinand and arrested Ferdinand when he arrived in NY to uplift the cocaine.


There has been an upsurge in drug arrests via airline couriers from the Caribbean in recent days. A courier out of St. Lucia, Michael Christopher Nelson was arrested in Charlotte North Carolina after he did a bag drop from St Lucia to JFK. The Red Bag with a Red Tag had nearly 50 pounds of cocaine and was left for pick up at JFK.


The day before Guyanese courier Aubrey Young claimed he was carrying Milk Powder for his son, eagle eyed agents noticed an unusual bulge in the groin area of a man, Modeira Flemming from Trinidad and Tobago, he had stashed about two pounds there.

All of the couriers traveled from the Caribbean in the last week of February.


March 3, 2015



Where is Mr Credible Dondaddy

Mr Credible Mascot Character

GINA dodges questions about cost of NY newspaper

March 3, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

“Some skulduggery going on” — KN Publisher


One day after questions were raised over millions of dollars being spent by the Government Information

Kwame McCoy

Kwame McCoy

Agency (GINA) to produce a newspaper for circulation in New York, the state-owned entity remained silent on the cost. Instead, GINA set about to deflect the issue by accusing Kaieteur News of telling lies. Over the weekend, Leader of Alliance of Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, raised questions over the publication of “The Guyanese”, a fortnightly newspaper that is prepared by GINA. Ramjattan said the taxpayers are made to pay for a newspaper that carries nothing but criticisms of the Opposition. He also raised questions over spendings by GINA’s head, Neaz Subhan, and director, Kwame McCoy. This cost was put at almost $2M every fortnight for 5,000 copies of the newspaper printed in New York. Ramjattan vowed to launch an investigation into reports that GINA and Government spent up to $250M to start up the newspaper. Yesterday, GINA again refused to disclose costs. It insisted that the newspaper is a developmental-oriented one. “GINA wishes to forthrightly state that such pronouncements are glaring examples of the Kaieteur News’ proclivity to engage in sensationalism, to deliberately misinform and to publish falsehoods.” All GINA would say is that it rejects the Kaieteur News’ mischievous assertion with regards to the sum spent on “The Guyanese” newspaper, and is not unmindful of the numerous inaccuracies contained in the article in

GINA has danced around questions over the costs of printing a fortnightly newspaper in New York.

GINA has danced around questions over the costs of printing a fortnightly newspaper in New York.

question. “The Kaieteur News should be reminded that GINA has a mandate to provide information pertinent to Government’s programmes and policies to all Guyanese. “Since its establishment, GINA has been producing literature, including local newspapers, for free distribution as part of its mandate. These publications remain in demand.” GINA said that it was only last October that it launched a new developmental-oriented magazine, of the same name, “The Guyanese”. “This in-flight magazine is produced with all Guyanese in mind, including those in the Diaspora.” With regards to “The Guyanese” newspaper, GINA wishes to state that its production is within its mandate and funded from the agency’s budget. Yesterday, Publisher of Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall, said that GINA’s statement is no surprise. “It should also not surprise Guyana. It has become a norm that started way back under the Bharrat Jagdeo administration. Instead of addressing the message, his policy was to attack the messenger.” With regards to GINA’s statements that Kaieteur News is threatened by the new newspaper, Lall made it clear that there are no threats. “The newspaper is hardly visible and poses no threat for the advertising dollar. “The nation needs to know the costs. How much are they spending on the newspaper? They did not address that. It can be concluded that by sidestepping the issue, there is some skulduggery going on.” Lall said that if Neaz Subhan can prove that GINA prints 5,000 copies, why not declare the cost? Reacting to the success of the New York edition of Kaieteur News, GINA said that the diaspora has been subjected to lies, half-truths and innuendos published in the Kaieteur News. The truth is that the New York edition contains the same news published in Guyana. The paper is the most sought after, and it has been in New York for 17 years and is the leading Caribbean newspaper. “GINA also wishes to note that given the scandalous nature of the Kaieteur News’ article in question and the wanton attack on two government officials, it has sought the advice of its lawyers.”

Originally Posted by Jalil:

How Credible is

Rohee or the PPP

when Drugs are allowed to flow freely

out of Cheddi Jagan Airport.


Three Guyanese

have been arrested

in three days

in New York

for nearly 60 pounds of cocaine



Three Guyanese have been arrested in three days in New York for nearly 60 pounds of cocaine that they attempted to smuggle into the United States.


On Friday February 27th Aubrey Young who said he was carrying Milk Powder for his son was detained for bringing in the illegal substance in two suitcases. When the agents at JFK searched the milk powder containers they found nearly 25 pounds of cocaine.


The day before that on Thursday, Colin McKenzie stepped off another flight from Guyana and declared to Customs at first that he had diced fruit. The agents found cocaine instead, over twenty one pounds. McKenzie then said that he was paid as a courier and he thought he had diamonds in two cans.


On Wednesday the Federal Agents were in fact waiting for a marked man following earlier busts in Aruba. The man, Mark Ferdinand a former Gospel Singer and Cruise Ship performer was implicated when a courier was held with about six pounds of cocaine in Aruba. The Feds intercepted phone calls between the courier and Ferdinand and arrested Ferdinand when he arrived in NY to uplift the cocaine.


There has been an upsurge in drug arrests via airline couriers from the Caribbean in recent days. A courier out of St. Lucia, Michael Christopher Nelson was arrested in Charlotte North Carolina after he did a bag drop from St Lucia to JFK. The Red Bag with a Red Tag had nearly 50 pounds of cocaine and was left for pick up at JFK.


The day before Guyanese courier Aubrey Young claimed he was carrying Milk Powder for his son, eagle eyed agents noticed an unusual bulge in the groin area of a man, Modeira Flemming from Trinidad and Tobago, he had stashed about two pounds there.

All of the couriers traveled from the Caribbean in the last week of February.


March 3, 2015

Goatman  must get he cut...why spoil a good thing.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Conscience:


To establish its credibility the AFC has to defend these charges by its former members who has inside information. Would it do so? They have been caught lying and double speaking so many times enough to make you throw up.

That would be a bloody waste of time. Has any of these cretins told why they now think the PPP are saints and not the horrible debauched crooks they previously thought them to be? What has the PPP done to rehabilitate itself? That is what they should be asked if anything the say is to be taken beyond face value.

Are suggesting tht you are as corrupt as the PPP and AFC? If they want people to vote for them they need to establish credibilty. As I have said before the PPP is rotten to the core. Is the AFC rotten to the core also? 


I think Don is expressing a sincere and valid concern. I've already stated on this BB that the AFC leadership needs to address the questions on finance raised by its ex-members. The AFC leadership should simply say whether those guys are telling the truth, half-truth, or plain lie. As it is, those three guys are having a field day in the mass media.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Conscience:


To establish its credibility the AFC has to defend these charges by its former members who has inside information. Would it do so? They have been caught lying and double speaking so many times enough to make you throw up.

That would be a bloody waste of time. Has any of these cretins told why they now think the PPP are saints and not the horrible debauched crooks they previously thought them to be? What has the PPP done to rehabilitate itself? That is what they should be asked if anything the say is to be taken beyond face value.

People already know what a PPP regime is like, so the notion that, because the PPP is also corrupt, the AFC doesn't have to answer to charges made by former AFC officials that it is no better, is nonsense.


The AFC is telling Guyanese that under the coalition gov't corruption will be dealt with. So it will have to respond to former AFC officials. This isn't rumor mongering by the PPP.  Its people who were connected to the AFC, so will have credibility.


So are the allegations true or not?  The AFC MUST respond to this.  Or many will be left with the notion that they will be no better, and so will refuse to vote.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I think Don is expressing a sincere and valid concern. I've already stated on this BB that the AFC leadership needs to address the questions on finance raised by its ex-members. The AFC leadership should simply say whether those guys are telling the truth, half-truth, or plain lie. As it is, those three guys are having a field day in the mass media.

I only hope that your AFC friends in Guyana listen to you.


Despite being pounded in 2006 and in 2011, they still think that they are the "Anointed Ones,"  so are entitled to support because of their alleged moral superiority.


The AFC no longer enjoys this image, so will have to go out there and earn their votes.  Both to defeat the PPP, and to defend their position within a PNC coalition which will quickly side line them unless they pull their weight.


I hate to say this but I also know for a fact that the AFC books are not exactly kosher and has been a source of concern for many AFC financiers and supporters over the years.


And by concern I mean the big AFC winner in every election is Cathy Hughes' bank account.


Everyone is mortified about bring up Cathy Hughes' widespread corruption for fear of inciting a racial war in the AFC.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I think Don is expressing a sincere and valid concern. I've already stated on this BB that the AFC leadership needs to address the questions on finance raised by its ex-members.

The AFC leadership should simply say whether those guys are

telling the truth,


or plain lie.


As it is, those three guys are having a field day in the mass media.

Gil ...

I agree with you.

The AFC should address this issue.


How ever......

One man come out and tell us plain

When I left AFC I lied to everyone....


and I talking truth now....

Believe me Na...


yuh can ask Balwant Singh...


That is Sextus story....

Nothing more....Nothing Less.


Now#2 Fella -

Balwant Singh come out and tell us plain

When I Join AFC...... I lied to everyone....

all da story I said about Rohee, Jagdeo & PPP - 

is all Lies


and I talking truth now....

Believe me Na man...


yuh can ask Haseef...


That is Balwant story....

Nothing more....Nothing Less.


Now#3 Fella - 

Haseef Yusuf come out and tell us plain

I am still a AFC Councilor......Me na Stupid 

I lied to everyone....

I haven't Lef...Still getting Paid


all da story I said about Khemraj, Ramaya & Moses - 

is all Lies


and I talking truth now....Believe me...


yuh can ask Kwame...

I just trying fuh read his nasty $hit


That is Yusuf story....

Nothing more....Nothing Less.


The AFC should address

these issues now.


Gil ...

I agree with you.

The AFC should address this issue.


Stop calling AFC and get used to PNC. Address what issue? It's too late, and Ramjattan should have addressed 1000 issues already. He is a thief that never get caught so he keep wiggling his way out of everything until he lose is all.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Gil ...

I agree with you.

The AFC should address this issue.


Stop calling AFC and get used to PNC. Address what issue? It's too late, and Ramjattan should have addressed 1000 issues already. He is a thief that never get caught so he keep wiggling his way out of everything until he lose is all.

You describe the PPP well with this piece.

Afta the first million they want the second, even if they don't need it...  

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Gil ...

I agree with you.

The AFC should address this issue.


Stop calling AFC and get used to PNC. Address what issue? It's too late, and Ramjattan should have addressed 1000 issues already. He is a thief that never get caught so he keep wiggling his way out of everything until he lose is all.

And this is why the AFC needs to address this issue.  The PPP is trying to pull the AFC into the same sewer that the PPP inhabits.  If they can prove that the AFC is as corrupt as the PPP, they then remove the main reason why many alienated PPP supporters will switch to the AFC.  All that will be left will their views of the AFC in a PNC dominated gov't.


Then the PPP wins.


Let us see how the AFC handles it.  Will they continue to perpetrate the myth that they are "Anointed by God", and so above reproach? I don't think that people believe that any more.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.F.C has committed political suicide by going to bed with the P.N.C.

A majority awaits the P.P.P/C on May 11th.

Have you ever contemplated that t he reason one gives for living is also tr reason one considers  worth dying for? Living under the PPP is impossible. It is therefore worth dying for change and if only hope for change that is only possible is in the association with the PNC, then so be it


If the PPP gets a majority, they will remain crippled. They cannot continue of their reckless looting of the treasury or they face insurrection from the ranks of the common man.


Fighting the PPP is the only methodology for change existing in Guyana today. And it is worth dying for giving living under the PPP is no life.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I think Don is expressing a sincere and valid concern. I've already stated on this BB that the AFC leadership needs to address the questions on finance raised by its ex-members. The AFC leadership should simply say whether those guys are telling the truth, half-truth, or plain lie. As it is, those three guys are having a field day in the mass media.

you said it ex members,why some one in the party did not call them into account and still be in the party this is what it means keep you in the strati and narrow.maybe if the honest ppp members did call their party members into account they will be unbeatable.what ex members say do not mean nothing unless they can prove they become ex members after calling the members into account  


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