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Army lends support as MPI moves apace with D’Urban Park Project

He was a pnc Lap Dog long before today.

The Ministry of Public Infrastructure is moving apace to complete the D’Urban Park Development Project in time for the 50th anniversary celebrations. Army personnel are now on site to help turn the project into a reality.

Head of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure’s Special Projects Unit, Lawrence Mentis [front, left) in discussion with Guyana Defence Force Captain, Daniel Seeram, and some troops.

Head of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure’s Special Projects Unit, Lawrence Mentis (front, left) in discussion with Guyana Defence Force Captain, Daniel Seeram, and some troops.

Yesterday, 15 soldiers turned out at D’Urban Park and will be lending support to MPI’s Special Projects Unit (SPU) for the duration of the agency’s work. According to Captain Daniel Seeram of the GDF, the 15 soldiers include five mechanics and were deployed by Commander-in-Chief and Head of State, President David Granger.
“The Guyana Defence Force is always ready to lend a helping hand to Guyana’s development,” Seeram said.
Meanwhile, Head of SPU, Lawrence Mentis, explained that the work of the agency is moving apace. These include the completion of the VIP parking area and the public parking area; the creation of access driveways; and the building of bridges.
These works commenced on Friday April 22. Works have begun on the external parking lot for the public as well as the road for the national float parade, which will culminate at the site.
Mentis further explained that approximately 100 of the agency’s workers are onsite to ensure that SPU’s contribution to the project is completed, not only on time but to the highest possible standard.
“Things are progressing smoothly,” Mentis said, “We’ve had beautiful weather and the materials

Works have already begun on the external public parking lot at D’Urban Park.

Works have already begun on the external public parking lot at D’Urban Park.

are coming in on time, as we expected.” He continued, “Once the weather permits and we’re able to keep up our current pace, we’ll be able to meet our deadline.” The set deadline for the entire project is May 12, two weeks before Independence Day.
The outstanding works cover six areas. These are, roofing and remedial works for spectator bleachers; completion of superstructure, walls and roof for VIP stand; electrical wiring, lighting and power supply; access driveways and bridges; creation of sanitary facilities; and drainage works.

kp posted:

Brave my ass, he was a handyman involved in the construction of D Urban Park White Elephant . His Military specialty was to shine shoes and buckle. He brings nothing to the table.

What do you know of that man, really? You guys always complain about the forces is only black people in it and they does work for PNC and all sorta shit, when proven untrue, you still make up shit and believe it.  Look haul yo ass yeh.

Zara posted:

Our Indian comrades who join the GDF and not join the corrupted PPP only because of race is heroes to all Indians in Guyana. The Coalition under Comrade Granger is best for all Guyana.

Commies like you are 2 for 3 cents and you get change back from 3 cents.

Last edited by Former Member
Zara posted:

Our Indian comrades who join the GDF and not join the corrupted PPP only because of race is heroes to all Indians in Guyana. .........

I actually agree here. It seems the reason many Indos do not join the forces is due to being seen as an outcast to their race because to the ignorant ones, the forces is all about being black.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Zara posted:

Our Indian comrades who join the GDF and not join the corrupted PPP only because of race is heroes to all Indians in Guyana. .........

I actually agree here. It seems the reason many Indos do not join the forces is due to being seen as an outcast to their race because to the ignorant ones, the forces is all about being black.

You should also agree that the man goes back to school to learn to write English


Comrade Granger and comrade Nagamootoo made an understanding to have more Indians in the GDF. The comrades in the PPP prefer their supporters uneducated and no skills. Comrade Granger and all comrades in the Coalition believe all Guyana’s people must take part in developing and happiness in Guyana.  Only the Coalition will do this. The opposition comrades are not well educated enough to run Guyana proper.

Zara posted:

Comrade Granger and comrade Nagamootoo made an understanding to have more Indians in the GDF. The comrades in the PPP prefer their supporters uneducated and no skills. Comrade Granger and all comrades in the Coalition believe all Guyana’s people must take part in developing and happiness in Guyana.  Only the Coalition will do this. The opposition comrades are not well educated enough to run Guyana proper.

Like your dunce comrade Basil Williams?

Sean posted:

He stupidy to join a sinking ship. He going to get dutty after the ship sinks. 

How come you didn't say this to the female GDF pilot? Mouth open story jumps out, eh. You want democracy but you don't practice that freedom is for everyone. You will forever be a coolie, Seanboy. Do you thing Guyana revolves around coolie people alone? 

Zara posted:

Comrade Granger and comrade Nagamootoo made an understanding to have more Indians in the GDF. The comrades in the PPP prefer their supporters uneducated and no skills. Comrade Granger and all comrades in the Coalition believe all Guyana’s people must take part in developing and happiness in Guyana.  Only the Coalition will do this. The opposition comrades are not well educated enough to run Guyana proper.

Eh-eh Sara, it looks like your mouth is filled with barah. 

A 'lil bit ah history.

Indo-Guyanese were focused on education and other numerous options. From British rule and after independence there are Indo-Guyanese in the police force and the army/GDF.

It is simply a matter of people preference.


Comrade Granger and comrade Nagamootoo made an understanding to have more Indians in the GDF.

Zara, as much as I like you, this call will give the PPP a winning edge in future elections, so I consider this to be untrue. You can't force rum men to join the GDF. Pet pigs don't know to play in the mud. Them too sweet skin. 

Prince posted:

Comrade Granger and comrade Nagamootoo made an understanding to have more Indians in the GDF.

Zara, as much as I like you, this call will give the PPP a winning edge in future elections, so I consider this to be untrue. You can't force rum men to join the GDF. Pet pigs don't know to play in the mud. Them too sweet skin. 

I guess that's why you didn't join GDF, you had too much likka and even today you still suck rum.

kp posted:
Prince posted:

Comrade Granger and comrade Nagamootoo made an understanding to have more Indians in the GDF.

Zara, as much as I like you, this call will give the PPP a winning edge in future elections, so I consider this to be untrue. You can't force rum men to join the GDF. Pet pigs don't know to play in the mud. Them too sweet skin. 

I guess that's why you didn't join GDF, you had too much likka and even today you still suck rum.

Dee Princess wid she liqquah ...

Zara posted:

Comrade Nagamootoo talk with comrade Granger over the many illiterate and half literate Indians in Guyana. Is left from the PPP comrades for Coalition to fix.  Many can’t read and write so can’t join the GDF. They want to fix and make Indian men real men and not like posting ones here.

Zara, I agree with you 100%. The two comrades need to start with GNI members first.     they might have to pull one of them from Disney Land.  

kp posted:

He was a PNC card holder when he joined the forces, nothing new now. Since when ayuh care for a Coolie man?? Comrade  See ram fought wars defending Guyana, he did shit all. Free clothes, free food ,free housing and draw a salary just like the rest

Banna, YOU of all people criticizing this man fuh freeness? You forget how you boasted and bragged that you used to eat for free and not pay a dime? Here, let me remind you, hypocrite and freeloader. LOL

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...blackman seh how coolie tek dem land away and squat pon am. Now dem seh no coolie allow in military. And dem low IQ PPP leader seh yes, coolie na want jine military. Hey hey hey...

Which black man seh no Indians allowed in the GDF, you fat, lying mud loving creature?

Note Seeram made Captain!!!! Alyuh be like Demerara Guy and admit that Indians have little interest in the military instead of constantly griping and whining about it. Y'all see it as beneath alyuh.

Bunch of effeminate indian men hay and the castrated bramin goat bleating endless criticism at Seeram when they wouldn't even DARE to spend one day in the military, openly admitting that it "too hard" fuh dem. SMFH


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