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Surujbally urges reform of selection process for elections commissioners

-says political party control is recipe for partisanship.

March 4, 2017 Source

Former Chairman Dr. Steve Surujbally has called for the process used to constitute the Guyana Elections Commission (Gecom) to be revamped, while saying that drawing nominees from political parties is a recipe for partisanship and polarization.

Speaking to reporters at his final press conference on Tuesday, Surujbally said the way commissioners are selected has to be changed or it would continue to prevent the “coming together” of the people.

The law provides for the Chairperson of Gecom to be selected by the President from nominees submitted by the Leader of the Opposition, while three members of the Commission are to be appointed by the President, acting in his own deliberate judgement, and three others by the President acting on the advice of the Leader of the Opposition after meaningful consultation with the non-governmental opposition parties represented in the National Assembly.

“I would like to revamp the entire process of the electoral commission,” Surujbally said. “I do not know if there is any place in the world where [there are] three persons from one side are from a political party and three from the other,” he added.

In media kits he distributed on Tuesday, he emphasised that the “continuous conflict and challenges in managing the commission” created by the situation necessitates “a comprehensive review of the way commissioners are selected and placed on the Guyana Elections Commission.”

Surujbally also addressed the controversy over fake Statement of Polls (SoPs) that were discovered during the last general elections in 2015. According to him, “Everyone knew that those SOPs could not have passed through the rigorous scrutiny of the commissioners and staff of Gecom.” He added that the fake SOPs could never have been included in the final total.

When asked, he could not say where they came from but noted that “there is empirical observation [that] there are certain matters that arose that will tend to lead us in a certain direction.” He said he would not comment on the issue publicly but when pressed, he added, “the direction would be that the culprit, with further research, may be identified.”

The media asked if it could be a commissioner and he refused to answer, saying, “I am a commissioner myself … So no, I will not stand here and damn any of my commissioners.”

He also declined to say whether a political party stood to benefit the most from the fake SOPs, while noting that “it is too complex and complicated for me to give you a definitive answer on that.”

Surujbally added that he does not believe that the elections were rigged and said “the elections were close… I say it with tongue and cheek, not to be making an issue of it that if one wanted to rig, one would rig 40,000 not 4,000… it would have to be a massive conspiracy with lots of people involved.”

Surujbally told the media that when he “heard the word rigging I asked continuously for the evidence and to this date I have received nothing that will point me in the direction….”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Why is this fool now opening his mouth? Why didn't this low life SOB allow a requested recount? He was afraid that the PNC will put his lights out. He needs to be thrown in jail never to see the light of day.


Surujbally is one dumb prick.  He has done nothing to improve the functioning of the Elections Commission over the years he lead it.  The length of time it took to announce the  results of the last elections is a grave embarrassment.

As they say, please let the door slam you on your backside on your way out.

Django posted:

Oye Cainsta good to see you back,you were missed for a while.

Thanks. I notice you have a few fans going after you with their constant barrage of tripe...them people gonna beat you with their expertise in tripe, watch out.

Drugb posted:

Maybe djangy bai yuh gun get a hand or 2 with that slop can duty, with the reappearance of the coCaine and CaribJunk guys.  

Haul you racist r@ss,go and support Cobra and Bibi "birds of the same feather flock together" shame on you for demeaning blacks,you are enjoying some of the freedoms from the struggles and sacrifices they have made.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Maybe djangy bai yuh gun get a hand or 2 with that slop can duty, with the reappearance of the coCaine and CaribJunk guys.  

Haul you racist r@ss,go and support Cobra and Bibi "birds of the same feather flock together" shame on you for demeaning blacks,you are enjoying some of the freedoms from the struggles and sacrifices they have made.

Bibi, Cobra and Drug might put a fatwah on you head. Be careful when you visit NY.

Django posted:

Haul you racist r@ss,go and support Cobra and Bibi "birds of the same feather flock together" shame on you for demeaning blacks,you are enjoying some of the freedoms from the struggles and sacrifices they have made.

Who is racist? I detest incompetence. Don't confuse the two, playing the race card is easier than explaining away the incompetence of the pnc/afc. Liars who promised the moon to the Guyanese people and delivered higher taxes and parking meters as revenue generators. They now have to rely on slop can carriers to push their propaganda. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

Haul you racist r@ss,go and support Cobra and Bibi "birds of the same feather flock together" shame on you for demeaning blacks,you are enjoying some of the freedoms from the struggles and sacrifices they have made.

Who is racist? I detest incompetence. Don't confuse the two, playing the race card is easier than explaining away the incompetence of the pnc/afc. Liars who promised the moon to the Guyanese people and delivered higher taxes and parking meters as revenue generators. They now have to rely on slop can carriers to push their propaganda. 

Don't need a magnifying glass to see your "Racism" your post says it here on GNI.

I can bet my bottom dollar you can't utter the label in front of my face,you can only do that behind a keyboard.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

Don't need a magnifying glass to see your "Racism" your post says it here on GNI.

Keep playing the race card, it will not detract from the foul stench of slop can duties.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Maybe djangy bai yuh gun get a hand or 2 with that slop can duty, with the reappearance of the coCaine and CaribJunk guys.  

Haul you racist r@ss,go and support Cobra and Bibi "birds of the same feather flock together" shame on you for demeaning blacks,you are enjoying some of the freedoms from the struggles and sacrifices they have made.

You can add Baseman to the mix, seems he's hiding under a skirt.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

Haul you racist r@ss,go and support Cobra and Bibi "birds of the same feather flock together" shame on you for demeaning blacks,you are enjoying some of the freedoms from the struggles and sacrifices they have made.

Who is racist? I detest incompetence. Don't confuse the two, playing the race card is easier than explaining away the incompetence of the pnc/afc. Liars who promised the moon to the Guyanese people and delivered higher taxes and parking meters as revenue generators. They now have to rely on slop can carriers to push their propaganda. 

Don't need a magnifying glass to see your "Racism" your post says it here on GNI.

I can bet my bottom dollar you can't utter the label in front of my face,you can only do that behind a keyboard.

Djanjo, don't bust a vein behind people here.  They see an economy driven by drugs and money laundering as good governance.  

But the coalition government is no good as you recognize also.

Last edited by Former Member

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