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Former Member

Former IMF Advisor… Guyana’s economy an envy in the Region … says country poised for rapid economic development

FORMER Senior Advisor to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Asgar Ali has said Guyana remains a leading light in the Caribbean, enjoying sustained economic growth of five per cent over the past decade.


But he noted for the development to continue, Guyana has to move away from the “pulling down” political culture to one of “pulling up,” pointing out that development is not about any political party, but the people of the country.

According to Ali, it is time the deep political hatred which is manifest in the political Opposition comes to an end, and both the Government and the Opposition find a way to work together, so that decisions are made in the best interest of the people.

In an exclusive interview with the Chronicle, Ali, a former Minister of Finance said Guyana has come a far way since 1992, but noted that the developments experienced in the past 23 years did not happen overnight.


CDB President, Dr William Warren Smith

CDB President, Dr William Warren Smith


It happened as a result of the work done by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), he said, contending that the ruling party laid the foundation for not only a democratic Guyana, but a Guyana managed in the tradition of Dr Cheddi Jagan.

Ali, who was once Deputy Governor of the Bank of Jamaica, was brought to Guyana when the PPP/C emerged victorious at the polls in 1992.

He recalled at the time that all the international financial institutions, from the World Bank to the IMF, had stopped lending to Guyana. All the financial programmes, he said, had been suspended until free and fair elections were held.

This, he said, reversed when the PPP/C was returned to power. In its first year in office, the economy grew 8.5 per cent and the following year 5.5 per cent.

But problems began to develop in the international community and Guyana was affected. It did not stop Guyana from pressing on however, the former Finance Minister said, relating that through strident advocacy by Dr Jagan, Guyana was able to benefit from debt write-offs through the Paris Club and from the commercial banks.

Guyana was also taken off the list of Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC).


On assuming office in 1992, Ali, who also served as President of the National Investment Bank of Jamaica, said the PPP/C focused on building a strong economic base. This, he said, coupled with prudent management set the stage for the rapid and sustained economic growth Guyana enjoys today.

And the former IMF advisor said, the current outlook indicates that growth of the economy will continue and accelerate.

Testifying to the sound management of the economy, Ali, an economist by training who has practised in several Caribbean states, said despite the opposition-induced turmoil in the National Assembly during the past three years, Guyana still managed to enjoy economic growth of about four to five per cent.

Undoubtedly, he said, Guyana was hurt but was resilient enough to avoid being brought to a standstill. While expressing kudos to the Government, he emphasised the need for the Government and the Opposition to work together, in the best interest of the people.

From 1992 to today, the well-known regional economist said Guyana has been able to make laudable strides in infrastructural development. Today, he said, though more needs to be done, Guyanese enjoy new roads, access to water in their homes, significantly better access to health care and unprecedented access to housing.

Guyana needs to continue on this path, building on the gains made, to the benefit of all her people.

He noted that notwithstanding the incessant propaganda being pushed by some, the achievements made by Guyana in the past 23 years have been noteworthy enough as it has made Guyana the envy of the Caribbean.

President of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Dr William Warren Smith on a visit to Guyana in 2014, spoke glowingly about this country.


He said: “Guyana is a good example of a country that has done some of the right things…They have come a very, very long distance in terms of their fiscal situation. They have been responsible in terms of addressing it… Generally, there is a lot of vibrancy in the Guyanese economy. Just by casual observation, one can see that there is a lot of construction that is taking place in the country…you can almost see the country changing in front of your eyes, and so is just a casual indication of the extent to which economic activity is vibrant and buoyant in that country.”

Guyana is one of few countries in the Caribbean that enjoys sustained economic growth, healthy foreign exchange reserves, a stable currency and low inflation.

The per capita income has moved from about US$300 in 1992, among the lowest in the Region, to about US$4000 today, positioning Guyana on the path to move from a Low-Middle-Income Country to becoming a Middle- Income Country.

The former Finance Minister said with a stable economy and sustained economic growth, Guyana has become a prime destination for investment as Caribbean businessmen now have confidence in the local economy.

However, the marked development that Guyana has witnessed over the past two decades has been dogged by allegations of corruption.

Ali told the Chronicle that allegations of corruption are a big issue not only in Guyana but in Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, even Barbados, and a matter of fact, the entire Caribbean.

He said it has become commonplace for politicians to make claims of corruption against their rivals, but said in Guyana, there is a legal recourse to deal with these matters but it is not utilised.

On that note, Ali said though he would not doubt that cases of corruption exist, much of the talk about corruption is based on perception and hearsay with a clear intention to slander.

Speaking with certainty, he told this publication that when he became Finance Minister, he recalled instituting systems to weed out corruption which was glaring in the public sector.

Serious allegations of corruption, he said, should not be downplayed. And in light of the vociferous claims being made by some sections of society, the former Finance Minister said a commission should be established where these matters are heard, examined and a determination is made.

Nevertheless, Ali said he sees a bright future for Guyana, noting that a solid foundation has been laid for continued growth and development.

But he said greater attention needs to be paid to the skilled professionals leaving the school system, especially the University of Guyana.

Guyana, needs to find ways of getting these persons to remain in Guyana upon graduation as the country needs their expertise to continue developing on the upward trajectory, he contended.

Blessed with an abundance of resources, which includes intact forests, vast arable lands and potential for hydro power, he said Guyana is the richest in the Caribbean.

This country, he said, has the means to create wealth and it is time for petty politics to be put aside and for the Amaila Hydro Project to come on stream.

This, Ali said, along with the deep-water habour, the road from Georgetown to Lethem and the opening up of the Intermediate Savannahs will create an upward spiral in commercial activities.

Guyana is moving in this direction, and according to the former Finance Minister, it should remain focused as it is well positioned for rapid economic development and becoming a ‘first world’ country.

But, he reminded that a new approach is needed: one where the government and opposition work together, and irrespective of their differences, the national interest must always come first.

By Tajeram Mohabir

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Former IMF Advisor… Guyana’s economy an envy in the Region … says country poised for rapid economic development

FORMER Senior Advisor to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Asgar Ali has said Guyana remains a leading light in the Caribbean, enjoying sustained economic growth of five per cent over the past decade.


CDB President, Dr William Warren Smith

CDB President, Dr William Warren Smith


. . .

By Tajeram Mohabir

why does a piece on the bleatings of 'i am now on my knees' Asgar Ali feature a picture of wan White? man??

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
On that note, Ali said though he would not doubt that cases of corruption exist, much of the talk about corruption is based on perception and hearsay with a clear intention to slander.

Speaking with certainty, he told this publication that when he became Finance Minister, he recalled instituting systems to weed out corruption which was glaring in the public sector.

Serious allegations of corruption, he said, should not be downplayed. And in light of the vociferous claims being made by some sections of society, the former Finance Minister said a commission should be established where these matters are heard, examined and a determination is made.

Nevertheless, Ali said he sees a bright future for Guyana, noting that a solid foundation has been laid for continued growth and development.


Former IMF Advisor… Guyana’s economy an envy in the Region … says country poised for rapid economic development, By Tajeram Mohabir, May 2, 2015, Source

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
On that note, Ali said though he would not doubt that cases of corruption exist, much of the talk about corruption is based on perception and hearsay with a clear intention to slander.

Speaking with certainty, he told this publication that when he became Finance Minister, he recalled instituting systems to weed out corruption which was glaring in the public sector.

Serious allegations of corruption, he said, should not be downplayed. And in light of the vociferous claims being made by some sections of society, the former Finance Minister said a commission should be established where these matters are heard, examined and a determination is made.

Nevertheless, Ali said he sees a bright future for Guyana, noting that a solid foundation has been laid for continued growth and development.


Former IMF Advisor… Guyana’s economy an envy in the Region … says country poised for rapid economic development, By Tajeram Mohabir, May 2, 2015, Source

d_g would have us believe that the barat-led rape of Guyana is "slander"

Last edited by Former Member

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing. DG do you even know how these things work? What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing. DG do you even know how these things work? What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Here we go again. TK the only qualified Economist in the whole wide world.


So he now denies that Dr Asgar Ally is not a PHD.


TK you really have to check your ego at the door and pray to god some more.


I presume in TK books Dr. Ashni Singh and Dr Gobind Ganga are also fake PHD.


Please Sir.  there are qualified Guyanese out there.  Not everyone is DR DR DR DR DR Bhrat and DR DR DR Priya.

Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing. DG do you even know how these things work? What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Yeah but TK when the master in sharing out Honorary Phd's took you to the IMF you didnt tell im dat. hehehheheheheeee


and guess what the man is back on the AFC's list again in 2015. I wonder if he gonna share out any Green Tea degrees during the elections?


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing. DG do you even know how these things work? What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Yeah but TK when the master in sharing out Honorary Phd's took you to the IMF you didnt tell im dat. hehehheheheheeee


and guess what the man is back on the AFC's list again in 2015. I wonder if he gonna share out any Green Tea degrees during the elections?


OW lord have mercy, you all ain't Easy.


 IDNumber First NameMiddle Name  
4412211E ALLYSHAMIR   



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Georgie:
Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing. DG do you even know how these things work? What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Here we go again. TK the only qualified Economist in the whole wide world.


So he now denies that Dr Asgar Ally is not a PHD.


TK you really have to check your ego at the door and pray to god some more.


I presume in TK books Dr. Ashni Singh and Dr Gobind Ganga are also fake PHD.


Please Sir.  there are qualified Guyanese out there.  Not everyone is DR DR DR DR DR Bhrat and DR DR DR Priya.


I am not here arguing who has a PhD. Gobind and Ashni have doctorates. I consider Gobind my friend. Why do you bring him up? There are numerous people in the Caribbean who made serious contributions to economic knowledge without a doctorate. I am not aware Asgar is one of them.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Georgie:
Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing. DG do you even know how these things work? What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Here we go again. TK the only qualified Economist in the whole wide world.


So he now denies that Dr Asgar Ally is not a PHD.


TK you really have to check your ego at the door and pray to god some more.


I presume in TK books Dr. Ashni Singh and Dr Gobind Ganga are also fake PHD.


Please Sir.  there are qualified Guyanese out there.  Not everyone is DR DR DR DR DR Bhrat and DR DR DR Priya.


I am not here arguing who has a PhD. Gobind and Ashni have doctorates. I consider Gobind my friend. Why do you bring him up? There are numerous people in the Caribbean who made serious contributions to economic knowledge without a doctorate. I am not aware Asgar is one of them.

Well I do not know the Jamaican to be idle people on their recruitment policy.


Please man, fair is fair - the man DR ASGAR ALLY was the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of jamaica.  That is quite an achievement for a Guyanese.


We must always give human being the benefit of the doubt.  Maybe he is not as published as you.  That is a different issue, but the man is a real PHD.



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing. DG do you even know how these things work? What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Yeah but TK when the master in sharing out Honorary Phd's took you to the IMF you didnt tell im dat. hehehheheheheeee


and guess what the man is back on the AFC's list again in 2015. I wonder if he gonna share out any Green Tea degrees during the elections?


Going to the IMF is not a big deal as you and Sase made it you know. I have numerous friends working there. They are normal people like you and I. I have seminars with some of them. We discuss research projects as friends. I thought it was an innocuous visit with Dr Somar and others. I never knew it would hurt you guys so much. I am sorry man.

Originally Posted by Georgie:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Georgie:
Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing. DG do you even know how these things work? What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Here we go again. TK the only qualified Economist in the whole wide world.


So he now denies that Dr Asgar Ally is not a PHD.


TK you really have to check your ego at the door and pray to god some more.


I presume in TK books Dr. Ashni Singh and Dr Gobind Ganga are also fake PHD.


Please Sir.  there are qualified Guyanese out there.  Not everyone is DR DR DR DR DR Bhrat and DR DR DR Priya.


I am not here arguing who has a PhD. Gobind and Ashni have doctorates. I consider Gobind my friend. Why do you bring him up? There are numerous people in the Caribbean who made serious contributions to economic knowledge without a doctorate. I am not aware Asgar is one of them.

Well I do not know the Jamaican to be idle people on their recruitment policy.


Please man, fair is fair - the man DR ASGAR ALLY was the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of jamaica.  That is quite an achievement for a Guyanese.


We must always give human being the benefit of the doubt.  Maybe he is not as published as you.  That is a different issue, but the man is a real PHD.



That is your burden to carry...not me.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing. DG do you even know how these things work? What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Yeah but TK when the master in sharing out Honorary Phd's took you to the IMF you didnt tell im dat. hehehheheheheeee


and guess what the man is back on the AFC's list again in 2015. I wonder if he gonna share out any Green Tea degrees during the elections?


Going to the IMF is not a big deal as you and Sase made it you know. I have numerous friends working there. They are normal people like you and I. I have seminars with some of them. We discuss research projects as friends. I thought it was an innocuous visit with Dr Somar and others. I never knew it would hurt you guys so much. I am sorry man.

hehehehee you think that hurts? There were many other folks offered to go on that bullshit trip where you were told what? "what are you guys smoking" wasn't that the big economic take away heheheehehheeehehee


ROTFLLLLLLLLLL you cannot make this kinda shit up.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Georgie:
Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing. DG do you even know how these things work? What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Here we go again. TK the only qualified Economist in the whole wide world.


So he now denies that Dr Asgar Ally is not a PHD.


TK you really have to check your ego at the door and pray to god some more.


I presume in TK books Dr. Ashni Singh and Dr Gobind Ganga are also fake PHD.


Please Sir.  there are qualified Guyanese out there.  Not everyone is DR DR DR DR DR Bhrat and DR DR DR Priya.


I am not here arguing who has a PhD. Gobind and Ashni have doctorates. I consider Gobind my friend. Why do you bring him up? There are numerous people in the Caribbean who made serious contributions to economic knowledge without a doctorate. I am not aware Asgar is one of them.

Doctors doan get the economy on the move. It is the average person doing that. Then the Doctors do the analysis. Until the economy get moving, the doctors can dream all they want-that doan generate cash.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Georgie:
Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing. DG do you even know how these things work? What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Here we go again. TK the only qualified Economist in the whole wide world.


So he now denies that Dr Asgar Ally is not a PHD.


TK you really have to check your ego at the door and pray to god some more.


I presume in TK books Dr. Ashni Singh and Dr Gobind Ganga are also fake PHD.


Please Sir.  there are qualified Guyanese out there.  Not everyone is DR DR DR DR DR Bhrat and DR DR DR Priya.


I am not here arguing who has a PhD. Gobind and Ashni have doctorates. I consider Gobind my friend. Why do you bring him up? There are numerous people in the Caribbean who made serious contributions to economic knowledge without a doctorate. I am not aware Asgar is one of them.

Doctors doan get the economy on the move. It is the average person doing that. Then the Doctors do the analysis. Until the economy get moving, the doctors can dream all they want-that doan generate cash.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Georgie:
Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing. DG do you even know how these things work? What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Here we go again. TK the only qualified Economist in the whole wide world.


So he now denies that Dr Asgar Ally is not a PHD.


TK you really have to check your ego at the door and pray to god some more.


I presume in TK books Dr. Ashni Singh and Dr Gobind Ganga are also fake PHD.


Please Sir.  there are qualified Guyanese out there.  Not everyone is DR DR DR DR DR Bhrat and DR DR DR Priya.


I am not here arguing who has a PhD. Gobind and Ashni have doctorates. I consider Gobind my friend. Why do you bring him up? There are numerous people in the Caribbean who made serious contributions to economic knowledge without a doctorate. I am not aware Asgar is one of them.

Doctors doan get the economy on the move. It is the average person doing that. Then the Doctors do the analysis. Until the economy get moving, the doctors can dream all they want-that doan generate cash.


Yea...I guess private banks, investment banks, hedge funds, Google, Microsoft, Exxon, Yahoo, BP, etc, hire them to sit back and do nothing all day.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Georgie:
Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing. DG do you even know how these things work? What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Here we go again. TK the only qualified Economist in the whole wide world.


So he now denies that Dr Asgar Ally is not a PHD.


TK you really have to check your ego at the door and pray to god some more.


I presume in TK books Dr. Ashni Singh and Dr Gobind Ganga are also fake PHD.


Please Sir.  there are qualified Guyanese out there.  Not everyone is DR DR DR DR DR Bhrat and DR DR DR Priya.


I am not here arguing who has a PhD. Gobind and Ashni have doctorates. I consider Gobind my friend. Why do you bring him up? There are numerous people in the Caribbean who made serious contributions to economic knowledge without a doctorate. I am not aware Asgar is one of them.

Doctors doan get the economy on the move. It is the average person doing that. Then the Doctors do the analysis. Until the economy get moving, the doctors can dream all they want-that doan generate cash.


Yea...I guess private banks, investment banks, hedge funds, Google, Microsoft, Exxon, Yahoo, BP, etc, hire them to sit back and do nothing all day.

Ow Signet, is what you start here today.  Here we go again.  DEJA VUE.  TK and the PHD in economist bull crap again.  Please TK, can you save for May 12th.  I plan to get off this Board after May 11.


I do not need to read your egotistic bull shyte again and again.  It is clear you are Shameer PART TWO.


You notice you partner Peter Ronald Ramsaroop is now calling himself a PHD.


Did you help him get it grom the GREEN TEA DIPLOMA MILL?


You guys are all frauds.

Last edited by Former Member

Large companies do hire Economists who have their Phd etc but they don't hire them from .........


For example....


They usually come from some of the top schools in the US, MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Princeton etc.

Originally Posted by Georgie:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Georgie:
Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing. DG do you even know how these things work? What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Here we go again. TK the only qualified Economist in the whole wide world.


So he now denies that Dr Asgar Ally is not a PHD.


TK you really have to check your ego at the door and pray to god some more.


I presume in TK books Dr. Ashni Singh and Dr Gobind Ganga are also fake PHD.


Please Sir.  there are qualified Guyanese out there.  Not everyone is DR DR DR DR DR Bhrat and DR DR DR Priya.


I am not here arguing who has a PhD. Gobind and Ashni have doctorates. I consider Gobind my friend. Why do you bring him up? There are numerous people in the Caribbean who made serious contributions to economic knowledge without a doctorate. I am not aware Asgar is one of them.

Doctors doan get the economy on the move. It is the average person doing that. Then the Doctors do the analysis. Until the economy get moving, the doctors can dream all they want-that doan generate cash.


Yea...I guess private banks, investment banks, hedge funds, Google, Microsoft, Exxon, Yahoo, BP, etc, hire them to sit back and do nothing all day.

Ow Signet, is what you start here today.  Here we go again.  DEJA VUE.  TK and the PHD in economist bull crap again.  Please TK, can you save for May 12th.  I plan to get off this Board after May 11.


I do not need to read your egotistic bull shyte again and again.  It is clear you are Shameer PART TWO.


You notice you partner Peter Ronald Ramsaroop is now calling himself a PHD.


Did you help him get it grom the GREEN TEA DIPLOMA MILL?


You guys are all frauds.


The nice thing is I have official transcripts.

Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing.


DG do you even know how these things work?


What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Contrary to your constant beliefs that you are the only knowledgeable one on earth, indeed I do know quite well this plus numerous other issues.


As stated on previous threads a few years ago, while you wallow with your tunneled-vision with theoretical approaches to what if this could be that, that may be those and other things, these may be this or that, etc., etc., there are individuals who are involved with the real issues to make progress in the world.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing.


DG do you even know how these things work?


What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Contrary to your constant beliefs that you are the only knowledgeable one on earth, indeed I do know quite well this plus numerous other issues.


As stated on previous threads a few years ago, while you wallow with your tunneled-vision with theoretical approaches to what if this could be that, that may be those and other things, these may be this or that, etc., etc., there are individuals who are involved with the real issues to make progress in the world.

You try too hard...poor man.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Doctors doan get the economy on the move. It is the average person doing that. Then the Doctors do the analysis. Until the economy get moving, the doctors can dream all they want-that doan generate cash.

Exactly, they simply do the analysis and of note ... perhaps there can be four Economists/Analysis assigned to address an issue and at the end they provide four different results.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Doctors doan get the economy on the move. It is the average person doing that. Then the Doctors do the analysis. Until the economy get moving, the doctors can dream all they want-that doan generate cash.

Exactly, they simply do the analysis and of note ... perhaps there can be four Economists/Analysis assigned to address an issue and at the end they provide four different results.

DG you are heading down a slippery slope here you have no idea what the ***** you are talking about.


Lil swan's point about economists not actually generating cash, listen I get his point but please slow down with your exuberance there and do some reading rather than trying to adopt what lil swan is saying here wholesale.


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Doctors doan get the economy on the move. It is the average person doing that. Then the Doctors do the analysis. Until the economy get moving, the doctors can dream all they want-that doan generate cash.

Exactly, they simply do the analysis and of note ... perhaps there can be four Economists/Analysis assigned to address an issue and at the end they provide four different results.

Yea I am sure one of dem lil economist bais at Google is learning the machine to pop the next add on your computer screen. And that's why CBO has a non partisan group and White House has its team.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Doctors doan get the economy on the move. It is the average person doing that. Then the Doctors do the analysis. Until the economy get moving, the doctors can dream all they want-that doan generate cash.

Exactly, they simply do the analysis and of note ... perhaps there can be four Economists/Analysis assigned to address an issue and at the end they provide four different results.

Yea I am sure one of dem lil economist bais at Google is learning the machine to pop the next add on your computer screen. And that's why CBO have a non partisan group and White House has its team.

Irrelevant and immaterial to the issue.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing.


DG do you even know how these things work?


What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Contrary to your constant beliefs that you are the only knowledgeable one on earth, indeed I do know quite well this plus numerous other issues.


As stated on previous threads a few years ago, while you wallow with your tunneled-vision with theoretical approaches to what if this could be that, that may be those and other things, these may be this or that, etc., etc., there are individuals who are involved with the real issues to make progress in the world.

You try too hard...poor man.

It takes a very short time for you to reach your plateau to express nonsense.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Doctors doan get the economy on the move. It is the average person doing that. Then the Doctors do the analysis. Until the economy get moving, the doctors can dream all they want-that doan generate cash.

Exactly, they simply do the analysis and of note ... perhaps there can be four Economists/Analysis assigned to address an issue and at the end they provide four different results.

Yea I am sure one of dem lil economist bais at Google is learning the machine to pop the next add on your computer screen. And that's why CBO have a non partisan group and White House has its team.

Irrelevant and immaterial to the issue.

How many times yuh press de ad? Google mekkin money on yuh pops...all because dem lil economist bais meshing machine learning wid microeconomic theory.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Doctors doan get the economy on the move. It is the average person doing that. Then the Doctors do the analysis. Until the economy get moving, the doctors can dream all they want-that doan generate cash.

Exactly, they simply do the analysis and of note ... perhaps there can be four Economists/Analysis assigned to address an issue and at the end they provide four different results.

Yea I am sure one of dem lil economist bais at Google is learning the machine to pop the next add on your computer screen. And that's why CBO have a non partisan group and White House has its team.

Irrelevant and immaterial to the issue.

It is not irrelevant and immaterial to the issue it is actually the issue you are arguing. The man has provided a direct answer to your assertion.


Now what you should ask him is when he gonna apply to google, facebook or Microsoft to join their teams vs fraffin here wid you fellas.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing.


DG do you even know how these things work?


What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Contrary to your constant beliefs that you are the only knowledgeable one on earth, indeed I do know quite well this plus numerous other issues.


As stated on previous threads a few years ago, while you wallow with your tunneled-vision with theoretical approaches to what if this could be that, that may be those and other things, these may be this or that, etc., etc., there are individuals who are involved with the real issues to make progress in the world.

You try too hard...poor man.

It takes a very short time for you to reach your plateau to express nonsense.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Doctors doan get the economy on the move. It is the average person doing that. Then the Doctors do the analysis. Until the economy get moving, the doctors can dream all they want-that doan generate cash.

Exactly, they simply do the analysis and of note ... perhaps there can be four Economists/Analysis assigned to address an issue and at the end they provide four different results.

DG you are heading down a slippery slope here you have no idea what the ***** you are talking about.


Lil swan's point about economists not actually generating cash, listen I get his point but please slow down with your exuberance there and do some reading rather than trying to adopt what lil swan is saying here wholesale.


My experience comes from 32 years in the Canadian economy. I am not an economist. But I am a Mechanical Engineer, developed and manages a Manufacturing Company-supplying automotive and subway system braking devices. Constantly stemming off inflation to survive. I have studied economic projections of Canadian and Americans with hope to be better prepared for the on coming inflation and downturn in the economy-so far FOR ME they were all wrong. I have no problem in that discipline. It has it place. I deal with the practical aspects of running a very competitive business-there are not much room for assumptions. Manufacturing creates the maximum jobs in an economy. Countries with such economies do very well-consider China and other Asian countries. 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Doctors doan get the economy on the move. It is the average person doing that. Then the Doctors do the analysis. Until the economy get moving, the doctors can dream all they want-that doan generate cash.

Exactly, they simply do the analysis and of note ... perhaps there can be four Economists/Analysis assigned to address an issue and at the end they provide four different results.

DG you are heading down a slippery slope here you have no idea what the ***** you are talking about.


Lil swan's point about economists not actually generating cash, listen I get his point but please slow down with your exuberance there and do some reading rather than trying to adopt what lil swan is saying here wholesale.


My experience comes from 32 years in the Canadian economy. I am not an economist. But I am a Mechanical Engineer, developed and manages a Manufacturing Company-supplying automotive and subway system braking devices. Constantly stemming off inflation to survive. I have studied economic projections of Canadian and Americans with hope to be better prepared for the on coming inflation and downturn in the economy-so far FOR ME they were all wrong. I have no problem in that discipline. It has it place. I deal with the practical aspects of running a very competitive business-there are not much room for assumptions. Manufacturing creates the maximum jobs in an economy. Countries with such economies do very well-consider China and other Asian countries. 

I hear what you are saying lil swan but I think you are looking at economists in a very narrow field of work. Economists or folks who have studied finance and economics are involved in fairly important work throughout corporate america.


To Tk's point I can't think of any Fortune 500 companies that don't have economists on staff doing a litany of pretty interesting work.


I think if you read that article I posted about the work these folks are doing at Google and you do similar searches at other major tech companies and even old school oil and gas companies you will have a different perspective.


Its worth having a look. I will say this though these companies don't recruit folks from no name schools to fill these positions they are usually from many of the top schools in the US. A quick scan of some of these individuals will give you insight into the profile these companies look for to recruit.


Either way its cool stuff to read on..I posted two links above one with GE's Chief Economist and the other with Google's top man in an article on wired.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Sasenarine Singh! Abbe ole hore

I set you on ignore, after reading what the Honorable Georgie said you are now in a different light.


Sorry man its shitty i know.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:

IMF advisor my ass!! IMF employs at least 500 economists with real PhDs in econs, not the honorary thing.


DG do you even know how these things work?


What is Asgar Ally known for in the pantheon of Caribbean economists?

Contrary to your constant beliefs that you are the only knowledgeable one on earth, indeed I do know quite well this plus numerous other issues.


As stated on previous threads a few years ago, while you wallow with your tunneled-vision with theoretical approaches to what if this could be that, that may be those and other things, these may be this or that, etc., etc., there are individuals who are involved with the real issues to make progress in the world.



Dr Asgar ALLY will still be valuable to the APNUAFC Government.  He was mislead and misguided politically.


I hope he understand the errors of his ways and make amends soon with the Coalition.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Dr Asgar ALLY will still be valuable to the APNUAFC Government.  He was mislead and misguided politically.


I hope he understand the errors of his ways and make amends soon with the Coalition.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Dr Asgar ALLY will still be valuable to the APNUAFC Government.  He was mislead and misguided politically.


I hope he understand the errors of his ways and make amends soon with the Coalition.

You've become quite a big and vociferous coalition supporter. The trend must be turning Alliance

Last edited by Former Member

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