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Deborah Jan Osman-Backer


Born – 14th April, 1959

Died 21st March, 2014 (55years)


Joined the People’s National Congress in 1994 and became a candidate for the Party on its list of candidates to contest the Georgetown Municipality Elections of the Year. Following the election Ms. Backer was selected among ten candidates to represent the PNCR in the Georgetown Municipality. In 1997 she was again selected as a candidate for the Party in the General Election of that year and was elected a member of the National Assembly of the Parliament of Guyana from 1998 to 2001 and was re-elected at each subsequent General Election, 2006 and 2011, until her resignation in February 2014 due to illness.

In 1997 Ms. Backer was co-opted to the Central Executive Committee of the Party and brought new and fresh perspectives to the deliberations of that forum. Because of her work and contributions among the rank and file members, she was elected to the Executive Committee at the Biennial Congress in 2000. In 2004 she was elected Vice Chairman of the Party at the Biennial Congress of that year and served until 2006.

An active member of the Party’s General Council she undertook the task of reviewing the Party’s Constitution often the 2012 Congress recommended same but regrettably was side-lined by illness.

As a Parliamentarian, Ms. Backer served as Shadow Minister of Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs as well as Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly.

The untimely passing of our sister and comrade Debbie Backer is an irreplaceable loss to her Party, to our Partnership, to the Bar, and to the nation. We shall miss her infectious good humour, her unflagging commitment and her tireless pursuit of social justice. Unusually for such a vociferous parliamentary combatant, she was admired and respected across the aisle. As she was fond of saying whenever, as Deputy Speaker, she assumed the Speaker’s chair, “I expect that there will be order and silence in the House.”  This remark was always greeted with peals of laughter, an acknowledgement of her quick wit and ever ready repartee from the front bench, usually an invitation to counter heckling and disorder. She made heckling into an art form, sharp and withering though never personally wounding. The National Assembly has been a duller place for her absence.

We have lost a cherished colleague, a friend for all seasons, a creative parliamentary and political leader, a Guyanese patriot of rare quality.

To her Husband Steve and Children Natasha and  Nigel the Peoples National Congress Reform and A Partnership for National Unity extend our deepest and heartfelt sympathy.

Office of the Leader of the Opposition

Werk en Rust, Georgetown, Guyana

Deborah Backer

Deborah Backer


When Jagdeo & Ramotar started to

Openly practicing and promoting Buggery in Guyana....

Debora correctly saw this as....

the downfall of the PPP.


All the Black House of Isreal thugs

moved out of Congress Place.....

and took up top positions at Freedom House

and Office of the President next to Ramotar & Jagdeo....


PNC was no longer the *****-man Party...

Jagdeo & Ramotar

took Kwame & Lamumba to PPP Congress in Berbice...

Hang Mala  (Flowers) rund dem neck...

Introduce them as Black Hindu Brothers...

and give them top positions in the PPP.

Debora say..."Look how these Funny Fellas destroying Jagan Party"


Now....the entire leadership

is controlled By "De Batty Poke Fellas" 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Debra Backer and her husband ran Globe Trust into the ground. Many people lost their life savings. An investigation found poor management of the bank and all sorts of financial irregularities. 

Billy boy.....tell us who run Guysuco into the Ground and stole all the money from the sugar workers.


Who thief all de money on the Skeldon Godey Factory???


Is it true the old Skeldon Factory was producing more than the New Godey Factory????

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Debra Backer and her husband ran Globe Trust into the ground. Many people lost their life savings. An investigation found poor management of the bank and all sorts of financial irregularities. 

Billy boy.....tell us who run Guysuco into the Ground and stole all the money from the sugar workers.


Who thief all de money on the Skeldon Godey Factory???


Is it true the old Skeldon Factory was producing more than the New Godey Factory????

Whils't he is at it, maybe he can also tells us who thief out all the money that was allocated to Ministry of Health, for purchasing of medication drugs, for the sick and the poor? because there was no drugs at the Leonora Cottage Hospital when a few people were killed by the Corrupt PPP/C, until today the Minister of Health......Beri Beri is in hiding, as there was no report from him since that incidence.


And if these scumbags on GNI wants proof, they can go and check the Burial Ground.

Last edited by Former Member

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