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Former president Bharrat Jagdeo among ‘big names’ to speak at World Conservation Congress


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Monday, 21 May 2012 21:18

Source - Guyana Chronicle


Former President Bharrat Jagdeo continues to make international headlines as a lobbyist and ambassador on Climate Change and Sustainable development issues.

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

He is now listed to speak at the 2012 IUCN World Conservation Congress to be held at Jeju International Convention Center, September 5-16, in Northeast Asia, for the first time in its more than 60-year history.

The IUCN said on its website, Dr Jagdeo is among the ‘big names’ confirmed to take part in the session.

Apart from the former president,  Richard Branson, the British business magnate who founded Virgin Group; Marvin Odum, president of Shell Oil Co., a U.S.-based subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell; Michael Mack, CEO of Swiss agribusiness giant Syngenta; Jochen Zeitz, chairman and CEO of Puma and chief sustainability officer for luxury brands such as Gucci and Stella McCartney; and Peter Bakker, president of World Business Council for Sustainable Development are among the others to attend and address the conference.

From Korea, KT chairman Lee Suk-chae, Environment Minister Yoo Young-sook, former Agriculture Minister Jang Tae-pyoung, and Yang Soo-gil, chairman of the Presidential Committee on Green Growth will join the global leaders.

Taking place every four years, the congress claims to be the largest and most important event in the global environmental community. It is also notable for bringing together key people from all sectors -  governments, non-governmental organizations, science, business and small local organizations.

It consists of two major sections: one is a large forum - a market place of ideas, where participants from all sectors of society exchange ideas, experiences and discuss what needs to be done. The second part is a global environmental parliament where governments and NGOs debate and vote on major issues.

Befitting the superlative nature of the event, its 10-day schedule is packed with numerous discussions, workshops, seminars, roundtables and receptions on a wide range of issues, some of political importance and others of technical value.

A theme that runs throughout the conference is “Resilient Nature,” which suggests that nature may have remedies for the challenges that mankind faces today, such as climate change, poverty and development.

“The congress’ slogan, Nature+, captures the fundamental importance of nature and its inherent link to every aspect of our lives,” the IUCN explains.

Better use of the inherent robustness of nature leads to healthier natural systems, better results from ecosystem and biodiversity restoration, and healthier people, communities and economies, it says.

For Korea, the Jeju congress is a much coveted opportunity to promote its efforts to make Asia’s fourth-largest economy greener. To make the event a success, the country even enacted a special law to support preparations.

The upcoming congress looks set to be the biggest in IUCN history, with several thousand participants, officials at the Korean Organizing Committee said. The previous congress in Barcelona four years ago drew more than 6,000 people.

The Jeju congress will not be just big in attendance, it will showcase a new level of connectivity, accessibility and sustainability, while reaching out to a wider audience through various special programmes, the Korean organizers said.

“We will have the least possible use of paper and a maximum deployment of green technologies,” said Kim Chong-chun, the committee’s secretary general.

One of the special programmes is the World Leaders’ Dialogue, in which influential figures will deliver public lectures and lead discussions on five subjects: climate change, poverty, green growth, nature and food security, and nature conservation.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is the kind of news that give the oppositions shivers. They're dirt bent on denouncing the former president despite all his hard work. Little do they know that Bharat Jagdeo is responsible for Guyana's international status. Jagdeo will be recorded as one of the greatest president of the 21th century of Guyana. Kudos to him!

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

This is the kind of news that give the oppositions shivers. They're dirt bent on denouncing the former president despite all his hard work. Little do they know that Bharat Jagdeo is responsible for Guyana's international status. Jagdeo will be recorded as one of the greatest president of the 21th century of Guyana. Kudos to him!

Yeah, international status aright..what pride!!  being the most corrup country in the western hemisphere....

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Did you take lesson form the neemakaram association to put your country down? Stop your whining and do something to make it better!

neemakarams are the two bit hoes singing the glory of PPP for the past 20 years who put Guyana on the most corrupted list...keep on bending over fuh them...

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

This is the kind of news that give the oppositions shivers. They're dirt bent on denouncing the former president despite all his hard work. Little do they know that Bharat Jagdeo is responsible for Guyana's international status. Jagdeo will be recorded as one of the greatest president of the 21th century of Guyana. Kudos to him!

Yeah, international status aright..what pride!!  being the most corrup country in the western hemisphere....


It speaks volumes of those loosers. What can they do to initiate a regression of climate change.


The planet has it cycles.


They juss saying things to fill their ego. They should shave their heads, wear sack cloth and sit in ashes and beseech God to save them. 


The Almighty said, there will be a new heaven and new earth. Mankind really messing this one up.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
neemakarams are the two bit hoes singing the glory of PPP for the past 20 years ...

.. and the name for those from 1964 to 1992?

I was,nt born then..maybe you can fill us in...

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
neemakarams are the two bit hoes singing the glory of PPP for the past 20 years ...

.. and the name for those from 1964 to 1992?

I was,nt born then..maybe you can fill us in...

Those singing the glory of the PPP in 1964 are definitely ole farts.


Those PPP losers who gave critical support to the dictator in the 1970's, were just commie clowns. 


Jagdeo still running around fooling people that Guyana getting US $580 million a year for LCDS. Actually the C doesn't belong there since it's just a Low Development Strategy. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

JAgdeo knows as much about conservation and climate change as my dog knows about rocket science.

Perhaps, your dog does all the thinking for you?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
neemakarams are the two bit hoes singing the glory of PPP for the past 20 years ...

.. and the name for those from 1964 to 1992?

Like cackroach eat yuh memory.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

JAgdeo knows as much about conservation and climate change as my dog knows about rocket science.

This is a statement of pure jealously. You wouldn't get close to the stage former president Jagdeo will be speaking on. Again, shut you puss!

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

JAgdeo knows as much about conservation and climate change as my dog knows about rocket science.

This is a statement of pure jealously. You wouldn't get close to the stage former president Jagdeo will be speaking on. Again, shut you puss!

One does not feel jealous of a fake.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

JAgdeo knows as much about conservation and climate change as my dog knows about rocket science.

Perhaps, your dog does all the thinking for you?



Ye who have eyes let them read…Ye who have wisdom as a Brahmin let them comprehend.



Financial Times


May 23, 2012 11:57 pm


Shale gas boom helps slash US emissions


By Guy Chazan


The shale gas boom has led to a big drop in US carbon emissions, as generators switch from coal to cheap gas. According to the International Energy Agency, US energy-related emissions of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, have fallen 450m tonnes over the past five years – the largest drop among all countries surveyed.


Fatih Birol, IEA chief economist, attributed the fall to improvements in fuel efficiency in the transport sector and a “major shift” from coal to gas in the power sector. “This is a success story based on a combination of policy and technology – policy driving greater efficiency and technology making shale gas production viable,” Mr Birol told the Financial Times.


Shale gas has transformed the US energy landscape, with surging production pushing gas prices down to 10-year lows and heralding an industrial renaissance. But it is also the subject of a heated environmental debate, with critics alleging that the production process can pollute groundwater.


Gas is fast becoming the new fuel of choice for the US power sector: in the past 12 months, coal generation has slumped by 19 per cent while gas generation has increased by 38 per cent, according to US Department of Energy figures. A gas-fired plant produces half the CO2 emissions of a coal-fired one.


Overall, however, the IEA said 31.6 gigatonnes of CO2 were released into the atmosphere last year, mainly through the burning of fossil fuels – one gigatonne more than in 2010 and much higher than the average annual increase of 0.6 GT between 2006 and 2010. “The impact of this increase is going to be catastrophic,” said John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace. “We’ve really got to act now, with a real sense of urgency – which up till now has been completely lacking.”

The increase will make it harder to keep global temperatures from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels – which scientists believe is the threshold for potentially “dangerous climate change”.


The agency has calculated that in order to contain rising temperatures and avoid the most damaging effects of global warming, annual energy-related emissions should be no more than 32.6GT by 2017. “We are now only 1GT away from that, with five years still to go,” Mr Birol warned. “The door to a 2 degree trajectory is about to close, and to close forever.”


China’s production of carbon dioxide increased by more than 700m tonnes last year – a 9.3 per cent rise – while India overtook Russia to become the world’s fourth-largest producer of CO2, after China, the US and the EU. India’s emissions rose by more than 130m tonnes, or 8.7 per cent.

Most industrialised countries saw their carbon output fall last year. Japan, which took all its nuclear reactors offline in the wake of the 2011 ***ushima disaster, was a notable exception.


While China pumps out more CO2 than any other country, its per capita emissions are still only two-thirds of advanced countries. Mr Birol said China was making “major efforts” on energy efficiency, which had improved by 15 per cent over the past five years. Without these, he said, global carbon emissions would have been 1.5 gigatonnes higher.


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