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Adam Harris denies being behind ‘Coolie people party’ story; says it was Glen Lall’s doing

At least one person has verified that during a conversation which ensued subsequent to the recent press conference hosted by former President Bharrat Jagdeo at Freedom House, Kaieteur news editor-in-chief Adam Harris denied that he was responsible for the controversial story in which the paper attributed racist comments that were never made to the former president.

Writing to the press recently attorney-at law Charles Ramson Jr said that he was present during the conversation and that when challenged Harris’ response was that he not at Babu John and that the controversial story was the work of the newspaper’s owner Glen Lall.

There are also reports that Harris and several other senior members the Kaieteur News staff were verbally abused by Lall following the publication of an article in the Stabroek News that dealt with his settlement of tax evasion matters with the Guyana Revenue Authority.


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