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Former President of Guyana, Bharrat Jagdeo, today received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Central Lancashire, in recognition of his global leadership on climate change, low carbon development and green growth. He was presented with the doctorate by the University’s Vice Chancellor, Malcolm McArthur.


During a citation read by the University’s Orator, the former President was described as “one of the first Heads of State in the world to grasp the seriousness and urgency of climate change”. The citation added “almost uniquely in the world, he also saw that developing countries could lead the way to the solutions that the world needs.”The citation drew attention to Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy, describing it as “one of the world’s most comprehensive green growth plans” – and pointed out that “the scale of ambition is greater than that of even the most progressive developed countries, including Chancellor, the United Kingdom… It is truly a model for the world.” The University’s citation also drew attention to the words of the co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Dr RK Pachauri who said that the former President was “one of perhaps half a dozen heads of Government who truly understands the issue” of global warming.


The former President urged students “not to sleepwalk through their lives… and to keep a focus on the big issues.” He spoke of his understanding of their immediate concerns – as they looked for jobs and strived to pay off student loans. But he said that “the future of the world requires that you also focus on the big issues – and fix the big problems so that they don’t recur”. He highlighted two important areas that threatened future employment and prosperity – the risk that global financial crises would happen again, and the ongoing risk of climate disaster. To address these risks, he said that young people’s energy and creativity were needed to achievereform of the global financial architecture, and to find ways to combat climate change. The former President paid tribute to Guyana’s efforts on low carbon development and described the country’s efforts to provide a global model for non-polluting development.


The conferral took place in Preston’s Guildhall, and was the fourth honorary doctorate that the former President has received. The University of Central Lancashire is the sixth largest university in the United Kingdom.


The honorary doctorate was another example of acknowledgement of the former President’s leadership on low carbon development. In November, Dr Jagdeo was elected as President of the Global Green Growth Institute, the world’s newest international organization. He is the Roving Ambassador for the Three Basins, providing hope for ambitious action on the world’s most vital tropical rainforests. He is the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Patron and High Level Envoy for Sustainable Development in Forest Countries.

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Former President of Guyana, Bharrat Jagdeo, today received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Central Lancashire, in recognition of his global leadership on climate change, low carbon development and green growth.


He was presented with the doctorate by the University’s Vice Chancellor, Malcolm McArthur.

Interesting development.

Originally Posted by TK:

The protocol in the US is people don't us Dr when the degree is an honorary doctorate. 

Tk, you had to earn your PhD while Jagdeo is getting his for free.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by TK:

The protocol in the US is people don't us Dr when the degree is an honorary doctorate. 

Tk, you had to earn your PhD while Jagdeo is getting his for free.

They are completely different animals. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by TK:

The protocol in the US is people don't us Dr when the degree is an honorary doctorate. 

Tk, you had to earn your PhD while Jagdeo is getting his for free.

They are completely different animals. 

Moreover, the embodied information, technical skills and knowledge are completely different. 

Originally Posted by TK:

The protocol in the US is people don't us Dr when the degree is an honorary doctorate. 

These people are a bunch of nevuh see cum fuh see morons. Clive Lloyd received many honorary doctorates from universities all over the world. Do you ever see him being called Dr. Clive Lloyd.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

PhD - Pile Higher & Deeper

I worked for a Trini woman who is the BIGGEST JACKASS on the Planet. She has an Online Phd.

Next it will be "Sir Bharat Jadgeo" when he gets knighted. Nehru, are you ready to call him Sir?

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

PhD - Pile Higher & Deeper

I worked for a Trini woman who is the BIGGEST JACKASS on the Planet. She has an Online Phd.

Next it will be "Sir Bharat Jadgeo" when he gets knighted. Nehru, are you ready to call him Sir?

sir bharat sounds really good, better yet, his majesty!!!


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