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Former President’s car clamped by Parking Meter Company

Former President Donald Ramotar’s car was booted by Smart City Solutions (SCS) in front of Freedom House yesterday. According to the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP/C), Ramotar was visiting Freedom House where he

Former President Donald Ramotar car clamped

was attending a meeting when SCS employees clamped his car for not buying a ticket to park.
It is understood that even before Ramotar’s car was clamped his security detail engaged the SCS employees and informed them whose car it was. From all indications, that explanation did not wash with the SCS representatives and they swiftly clamped the former President.
Further the PPP/C said that there are no parking meters to service that area and that this was designed to embarrass the former President. The party said that the SCS employees were accompanied by constables from the Mayor and City Council who were verbally abusive and dismissive of the former president’s security detail. The vehicle is assigned to Ramotar by the Ministry of Presidency for his transportation.
Many opined that better judgment should have been shown by SCS and M&CC representatives when they were told that the vehicle was Ramotar’s.
Smart City Solutions having been coming in for much criticism since the launch of the pay-to-park. Teachers were forced to protest in front of Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo’s residence after parking meters were placed in front of city schools.
The pay-to-park is perhaps the most controversial initiative that is currently attracting the attention and discussion of Guyanese from all sections of society.

Parking meter company defends decision to clamp Ramotar’s car

Smart City Solutions (SCS) through its Public Relations Consultant, Kit Nascimento, set about defending its decision to clamp former President Donald Ramotar’s car.
Nascimento, by way of a press release said, “As a consequence of the car being illegally parked, it was immobilized by a member of the City Constabulary and SCS Parking Attendant, consistent with the regulations.”
Further the statement said that the SCS Parking Warden and the Constabulary member were approached by a person who informed them that the vehicle is officially assigned to former President Donald Ramotar, but that there was no visible means of identifying the vehicle’s owner.
Nascimento denied reports that the city constables were armed. He also denied that the SCS attendants and M&CC enforcers were abusive.
But according to the People’s Progressive Party (PPP/C) the group that dealt with the issue was abusive although it was told whose vehicle it was. Smart City Solutions said that it was informed by the M&CC that no permission was sought by the PPP/C requesting an exemption for the former President.
In accordance with established procedures the Operations Centre then dispatched a duly authorized Warden to remove the boot immobilizing the car.


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