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February 2,2017 Source

Former security guard attached to the Customs Anti-Narcotic Unit (CANU), Kevin Dickie, who was charged alongside another for cocaine that went missing while in their protection, was on Monday sentenced to 12 months in jail.

Dickie, was charged alongside Teon Ambrose with simple larceny, allegedly stealing eight parcels of cocaine valued at $936,000, from the possession of CANU officers.

The eight parcels of cocaine are linked to those that went missing from the 428 parcels of what appeared to be shrimp which were found in a white fridge at the premises of convicted drug trafficker Barry Dataram, when CANU conducted a raid and unearthed a total of 129.230 kilogrammes of the illicit drugs.

Dickie was originally charged alongside Teon Ambrose, but was called upon to lead his defence while a prima facie case was not made out against his co-accused.

Magistrate Fabayo Azore told the court prior to the sentencing that the defendant told the police that he took the drugs because he wanted to see what cocaine looked like.

It was stated that the court was able to rely on the evidence of one of the prosecution’s witnesses who looked at video footage of Dickie committing the offence and was able to describe to the court exactly what he had seen.

The Magistrate was satisfied that there was a case made out against the defendant.

Prior to sentencing Dickie sought leniency, noting that he is the father of two.

Magistrate Azore stated that she took into consideration the defendant’s request, his age, the fact that he is a first time offender and that he had two young children.

As a result, Dickie was sentenced to 12 months.

It was reported that the two defendants, who were reportedly on duty when the drugs were lodged, were questioned, and they both had denied the allegation.

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The problem of drug trafficking continues contrary to what we are told by the gov't.  We have a government that is lying to us about positive changes rather than working hard to bring about such changes.  Guyanese  people have given them a chance to govern and thus far the results have been nothing but disappointing.  They still have time to mend things and bring the economy back on track.  The problem of crime is a tough one.  We listened to their promises of eradicating crime and making our towns and villages safe. So far, no where in this country is not unless you go live the jungles with no human contact. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

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