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Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


It is almost 40 days and crime is escalating in Guyana with Ramjattan appearing impotent in dealing with the crime situation. In politics, they say that talk is cheap and is appears that Ramjattan is a talk man. It is sad that we have to compare Ramjattan to Goat Man Rohee. Time for Granger to take the bull by the horns and let Ramjattan know that he has a failing grade in the first 40 days.


Harmon is the second most powerful man in the coalition leaving Moses as window dressing. Moses appears to be Guyana's new Dhall Boy. Moses has talent and an ability to do a lot more but Granger appears to be holding back Moses in favour of Harmon. Let us see how this plays out in time since Granger appears to be a control freak and is placing Afros whom he trusts ahead of some of AFC's Indos. We need to keep an eye on this.


Granger and APNU is now implementing a silent Ethnic Cleansing policy in which high profile Indos are being replaced in favour of Afros. AFC appears to have no power in the coalition in dealing with this trend. They are too afraid to bell the cat or they are just comfortable with their new "positions."


Friends of APNU are now feeding off the trough as done by the PPP.


Little or nothing has changed in Guyana. It is politics as usual as the population continues to suffer.


No reduction in the Berbice Bridge Tolls, No reduction in VAT, Escalation of crime, friends of APNU getting cushy jobs and combine that with the failure to prove the massive corruption under the PPP and we must give APNU/AFC a failing grade in the first 40 days.


A few people cleaning trenches is not progress, APNU must implement genuine change. Guyana is headed into negative economic growth while APNU appears to be asleep at the switch.


Guyanese voted for change. Well, so far, no changes are in place. 


Let us hope for better things in the next 60 days.


Same old, Same old. 

Knucklehead, the PPP dug the hole we are in over 23 years and their assiduous pursuit of thievery and corrupt practices is not easily overcome with band aid. It needs long term operand condition to rehabilitate a hardened national culture for shady behavior. The idea of greasing palms is a curse of every coolie, black and amerind person. Process is not the reflexive expection but graft and bribes.  That you ask the question and leverage blame already on the current administration is part of the fabric of this endemic culture of corruption. You cannot be contemplative of your own inner ethic but happily posts your vituperative nonsense in line of this nasty culture of fishwife morality. No....we have a long way to reverse ingrained mindset of the Guyanese that predation on their friends and neighbors is "smart" living.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Granger released CRIMINALS to go and Rob, thief and KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Granger sending criminals to rob, thief and kill, eh? Here is all the crimes you and snake man post. Tell we which ones was a result of the pardoned 60 prisoners.


Non pareil man robbed and killed

2 dead as car plunges into trench - Granger was driving?

Woman killed after car crash - Granger too?

Man hides cocaine in crotch – apprehended - was he a prisoner?

Ambrose shot in shoulder

Pregnant 15 year old commits suicide - granger to blame!

Young love murder suicide - granger too?

Canecutter murders mother in law - yep, granger inspired this

Pensioner robbed in unity – Zahir Mohammed caught

Us based couple robbed – 2 in custody

Father kid shot in nandy park


Suh which one did a pardoned prisoner commit, eh? Tell we.

Still waiting for that LIAR and SMEAR ARTIST Nehru to tell we how many crimes the 60 freed prisoners committed so far. Got caught peeing in the bushes, pulling up he stinking panty and running for cover, piss running down he pointer broom legs.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Granger released CRIMINALS to go and Rob, thief and KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Granger sending criminals to rob, thief and kill, eh? Here is all the crimes you and snake man post. Tell we which ones was a result of the pardoned 60 prisoners.


Non pareil man robbed and killed

2 dead as car plunges into trench - Granger was driving?

Woman killed after car crash - Granger too?

Man hides cocaine in crotch – apprehended - was he a prisoner?

Ambrose shot in shoulder

Pregnant 15 year old commits suicide - granger to blame!

Young love murder suicide - granger too?

Canecutter murders mother in law - yep, granger inspired this

Pensioner robbed in unity – Zahir Mohammed caught

Us based couple robbed – 2 in custody

Father kid shot in nandy park


Suh which one did a pardoned prisoner commit, eh? Tell we.

Still waiting for that LIAR and SMEAR ARTIST Nehru to tell we how many crimes the 60 freed prisoners committed so far. Got caught peeing in the bushes, pulling up he stinking panty and running for cover, piss running down he pointer broom legs.

Your glorified angels were innocent. It is for that reason that they were sentenced by the Magistrate/Judge. Go ask the Magistrate/Judge what the hell they did or better yet ask Saint David - he let the daags out.


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