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Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:

I see you are still begging for some lessons. But I told you in the past that if you learn these things by self-education you would have partly slowed the growth of your enormous ignorance. But importantly Guyana would be a better place. Good luck!


TK, like other fervent admirers of the Casino Economy, is at a loss to explain to others why it might be a good thing. In TK's case, he is reduced to lame attempts at repartee.



I will entertain you because you are one of the more clever PPPites given your reference to Alexander Hamilton, albeit your flawed interpretation of the great man. I have made a living - that is put roti on the table by critiquing casino capitalism. You would see this if you should look up my works. Some of them in pre-published form are online. Having said that, I do invest my own money - some of the small amount I have - in stocks. Development has to be financed. I think equity/stock IPOs could be an important aspect of that. Remittances, cocaine and Chinese bi-lateral assistance will not cut it (remember Skeldon, Moca Moca, etc?). 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

Is Rev BGurd's son or is the rev's parents siblings? 




You seem to be a rather angry and bitter man!


I know stormborn suffers from male menopause---what's your issue bruddaman ?


Listen! Life is short--do yourself and your mental health a favor brudda---aspire to be like the Rev-- cool, calm, happy and joyful.





I come on here to see what's going on and to have fun with people whose IQ is half their shoe size. I have no time to be bitter and angry. Those baggages are for people who like to carry them.

Originally Posted by Henry:

With a real national bank. Sovereign nations have the right to create credit for the purposes of development. Any suggestion that a nation is somehow obliged to go to private capital markets for development funds has the effect of reducing that nation to colonial status.


A state development bank is definitely part of the portfolio. However I am still curious since you haven't really answered my question. How is the national bank going to get the foreign exchange for buying technology, excavators, aircrafts, trucks, boats, guns, cars, etc? 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Henry:

With a real national bank. Sovereign nations have the right to create credit for the purposes of development. Any suggestion that a nation is somehow obliged to go to private capital markets for development funds has the effect of reducing that nation to colonial status.


A state development bank is definitely part of the portfolio. However I am still curious since you haven't really answered my question. How is the national bank going to get the foreign exchange for buying technology, excavators, aircrafts, trucks, boats, guns, cars, etc? 

You might want to ask Rev AL to help out since he claim to have nuff nuff DOER sense 

Originally Posted by TK:
Hamilton was writing in 1794. Just curious how would you finance economic development?


Originally Posted by Henry:
With a real national bank. Sovereign nations have the right to create credit for the purposes of development. Any suggestion that a nation is somehow obliged to go to private capital markets for development funds has the effect of reducing that nation to colonial status.

Originally Posted by TK:

A state development bank is definitely part of the portfolio. However I am still curious since you haven't really answered my question. How is the national bank going to get the foreign exchange for buying technology, excavators, aircrafts, trucks, boats, guns, cars, etc?

I answered your question. You didn't like my answer, so you changed your question, and claimed I hadn't answered it. So I'll answer your new question: Guyana is going to need trading partners who are genuinely interested in seeing Guyana develop. That rules out all the Anglo-Saxon types that the AFC worships. Guyana will need long-term credits tied to development projects, not credits tied to an agreement not to develop (like all the "carbon credits" crap.) China is probably a realistic prospect. My personal preference would be to work with Argentina, which has enlightened leadership in Cristina. Brazil is also a prospect because of its geographic proximity.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:
Hamilton was writing in 1794. Just curious how would you finance economic development?


Originally Posted by Henry:
With a real national bank. Sovereign nations have the right to create credit for the purposes of development. Any suggestion that a nation is somehow obliged to go to private capital markets for development funds has the effect of reducing that nation to colonial status.

Originally Posted by TK:

A state development bank is definitely part of the portfolio. However I am still curious since you haven't really answered my question. How is the national bank going to get the foreign exchange for buying technology, excavators, aircrafts, trucks, boats, guns, cars, etc?

I answered your question. You didn't like my answer, so you changed your question, and claimed I hadn't answered it. So I'll answer your new question: Guyana is going to need trading partners who are genuinely interested in seeing Guyana develop. That rules out all the Anglo-Saxon types that the AFC worships. Guyana will need long-term credits tied to development projects, not credits tied to an agreement not to develop (like all the "carbon credits" crap.) China is probably a realistic prospect. My personal preference would be to work with Argentina, which has enlightened leadership in Cristina. Brazil is also a prospect because of its geographic proximity.



You have not answered my question as to how the state bank will finance its asset side. Trade with each country is of course a necessity. However, unlike you, I tend to view governments that oppress their own people with suspicion. 

Originally Posted by TK:      

I answered your question. You didn't like my answer, so you changed your question, and claimed I hadn't answered it. So I'll answer your new question: Guyana is going to need trading partners who are genuinely interested in seeing Guyana develop. That rules out all the Anglo-Saxon types that the AFC worships. Guyana will need long-term credits tied to development projects, not credits tied to an agreement not to develop (like all the "carbon credits" crap.) China is probably a realistic prospect. My personal preference would be to work with Argentina, which has enlightened leadership in Cristina. Brazil is also a prospect because of its geographic proximity.



You have not answered my question as to how the state bank will finance its asset side. Trade with each country is of course a necessity. However, unlike you, I tend to view governments that oppress their own people with suspicion. 

Correct, that's why the PNC should not be given the opportunity to re-institute it's brand of oppression on the Guyanese masses.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:      

I answered your question. You didn't like my answer, so you changed your question, and claimed I hadn't answered it. So I'll answer your new question: Guyana is going to need trading partners who are genuinely interested in seeing Guyana develop. That rules out all the Anglo-Saxon types that the AFC worships. Guyana will need long-term credits tied to development projects, not credits tied to an agreement not to develop (like all the "carbon credits" crap.) China is probably a realistic prospect. My personal preference would be to work with Argentina, which has enlightened leadership in Cristina. Brazil is also a prospect because of its geographic proximity.



You have not answered my question as to how the state bank will finance its asset side. Trade with each country is of course a necessity. However, unlike you, I tend to view governments that oppress their own people with suspicion. 

Correct, that's why the PNC should not be given the opportunity to re-institute it's brand of oppression on the Guyanese masses.


Actually the PPP is also an oppressive government. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:



You have not answered my question as to how the state bank will finance its asset side. Trade with each country is of course a necessity. However, unlike you, I tend to view governments that oppress their own people with suspicion. 

Correct, that's why the PNC should not be given the opportunity to re-institute it's brand of oppression on the Guyanese masses.


Actually the PPP is also an oppressive government. 

We have the choice of two suckers, the egg suckers (PPP) or the blood suckers (PNC).  I prefer the egg-sucker over the blood-sucker any day.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:



You have not answered my question as to how the state bank will finance its asset side. Trade with each country is of course a necessity. However, unlike you, I tend to view governments that oppress their own people with suspicion. 

Correct, that's why the PNC should not be given the opportunity to re-institute it's brand of oppression on the Guyanese masses.


Actually the PPP is also an oppressive government. 

We have the choice of two suckers, the egg suckers (PPP) or the blood suckers (PNC).  I prefer the egg-sucker over the blood-sucker any day.


I personally think it is the reverse. I believe the PPP is the blood sucker and PNC the ganda egg sucker.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK/redux prefers the PNC any day of the week. He will sell his soul to to devil for a lil job. 


As I told you many times, your IQ is not up to scratch to comprehend these issues.

Are you now threatening to show up with your redux handle ?


As I said, I only write under one handle only hope is you can improve your IQ. All the best. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK/redux prefers the PNC any day of the week. He will sell his soul to to devil for a lil job. 


As I told you many times, your IQ is not up to scratch to comprehend these issues.

Are you now threatening to show up with your redux handle ?


As I said, I only write under one handle only hope is you can improve your IQ. All the best. 

Hey third grade graduate, fudging his credentials on this BB and then ducks for cover when exposed. Keep it up TK/redux.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK/redux prefers the PNC any day of the week. He will sell his soul to to devil for a lil job. 


As I told you many times, your IQ is not up to scratch to comprehend these issues.

Are you now threatening to show up with your redux handle ?


As I said, I only write under one handle only hope is you can improve your IQ. All the best. 

Hey third grade graduate, fudging his credentials on this BB and then ducks for cover when exposed. Keep it up TK/redux.

I feel very bad for you observing how your low IQ continues to let you down. However, there is hope once you try like Rev Al. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:



You have not answered my question as to how the state bank will finance its asset side. Trade with each country is of course a necessity. However, unlike you, I tend to view governments that oppress their own people with suspicion. 

Correct, that's why the PNC should not be given the opportunity to re-institute it's brand of oppression on the Guyanese masses.


Actually the PPP is also an oppressive government. 

We have the choice of two suckers, the egg suckers (PPP) or the blood suckers (PNC).  I prefer the egg-sucker over the blood-sucker any day.


I personally think it is the reverse. I believe the PPP is the blood sucker and PNC the ganda egg sucker.

Then you have a definition problem.  Blood suckers suck the life and eventually kills the host, egg suckers grab an egg.  It's in the interest of the egg suckers to have the goose continue to lay eggs.  Guyana flourishes under the PPP, albeit somewhat unevenly and yes, there is corruption. Guyana sunk to the bottom under the PNC, the blood, the life was gone.


now lesseee . . . Baseman avers that i am a black "supremist" (sic); Skeldon_man has 'revealed'  that i'm a "negroid subhuman" . . . but yugee/nehru/rev insist that i'm Professor Tarron Khemraj, lasher of PPP idiots, stone in the collective shoe of the tiefman clique hunkered down in Robb Street  


i must be goooood . . . daamn!

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:
 However, unlike you, I tend to view governments that oppress their own people with suspicion. 

That you are unlike me is beyond dispute. However, would you care to be specific about which governments you view with suspicion, and which you don't? This ought to be good.

It is quite obvious to those who read the international press which governments oppress free speech in their own country. So how will you finance the asset side of the state bank? 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:
 However, unlike you, I tend to view governments that oppress their own people with suspicion. 

That you are unlike me is beyond dispute. However, would you care to be specific about which governments you view with suspicion, and which you don't? This ought to be good.

It is quite obvious to those who read the international press which governments oppress free speech in their own country. 

No, it's not. Please don't be evasive. I'd like you to be on the record here.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:
 However, unlike you, I tend to view governments that oppress their own people with suspicion. 

That you are unlike me is beyond dispute. However, would you care to be specific about which governments you view with suspicion, and which you don't? This ought to be good.

It is quite obvious to those who read the international press which governments oppress free speech in their own country. 

No, it's not. Please don't be evasive. I'd like you to be on the record here.

Why is OH Henry a/k Robseon Ben-up evasive on the question that his som is a wife beater, child murdering animal.


His DNA come from Robeson belly so Robeson must also be a wife beating animal.


Get to the point Henry and answer the question.


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