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Sean posted:


This pic following the heading "Four more years of progressive conservatism" by the dimwitted, uneducated, and plain DUMB "Sean".

To brand Trump as a progressive conservative is not only ignorant but up there in the ranks of the funniest isht I've heard in a long time!

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:

This pic following the heading "Four more years of progressive conservatism" by the dimwitted, uneducated, and plain DUMB "Sean".

To brand Trump as a progressive conservative is not only ignorant but up there in the ranks of the funniest isht I've heard in a long time!

Sean got couple loose screws. Both he and Trump are completely out of touch with reality.

antabanta posted:
Iguana posted:

This pic following the heading "Four more years of progressive conservatism" by the dimwitted, uneducated, and plain DUMB "Sean".

To brand Trump as a progressive conservative is not only ignorant but up there in the ranks of the funniest isht I've heard in a long time!

Sean got couple loose screws. Both he and Trump are completely out of touch with reality.

I got a feelin he's our boy Ron.

antabanta posted:
Sean posted:

Leftists and Socialists unhinged.

hey hey hey

  Which one are you? Or both?

He has no clue what he is talking about. Stupid to the max, just blabbers incessantly. If Trump ever found out he was referred to as anything "progressive" or part of "progressive conservatism" by this idiot "Sean", he would ban him from the US.

cain posted:

Idiot in chief trump said that the Coronavirus will be gone by April because the heat kills these bugs. Another thing the idiot said was the soldiers in Iraq only had headaches, now we hear 34 are suffering from traumatic brain Injury, that is the guy sean indeshithouse defends. 

This man has been suffering from hoof and mouth disease since he took office. The genius idiot has outdone Sean and Prince. Windmills and wind turbines, fence and wall, headaches and traumatic brain injuries(TBI). Somebody, please educate this genius idiot before he blows himself up.

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Idiot in chief trump said that the Coronavirus will be gone by April because the heat kills these bugs. Another thing the idiot said was the soldiers in Iraq only had headaches, now we hear 34 are suffering from traumatic brain Injury, that is the guy sean indeshithouse defends. 

This man has been suffering from hoof and mouth disease since he took office. The genius idiot has outdone Sean and Prince. Windmills and wind turbines, fence and wall, headaches and traumatic brain injuries(TBI). Somebody, please educate this genius idiot before he blows himself up.

Why stop him from blowing himself up?

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Idiot in chief trump said that the Coronavirus will be gone by April because the heat kills these bugs. Another thing the idiot said was the soldiers in Iraq only had headaches, now we hear 34 are suffering from traumatic brain Injury, that is the guy sean indeshithouse defends. 

This man has been suffering from hoof and mouth disease since he took office. The genius idiot has outdone Sean and Prince. Windmills and wind turbines, fence and wall, headaches and traumatic brain injuries(TBI). Somebody, please educate this genius idiot before he blows himself up.

Why stop him from blowing himself up?

Hell can't wait for him.


Democrats wheels are falling off while Communist Bernie is leading and they are now rigging the process to have a Billionaire take the leadership spot from Bernie.  Talk about a screwed up Democrat lot.

Bernie supporters will once again stay home with voter support from young African American surging for Trump. 

Trump is easily poised to win another term in 2020. Trump and his supporters don’t care Shyte about what a bunch of lunatics on the left says. 

hey hey hey

Last edited by Former Member

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