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Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

my relatives in Canada hardly pay anything for a University education


Just look at how much money yugi had to stash away:


Average cost of tuition for one academic year in an Ontario college program:

  • Diploma Programs - $2,400
  • Graduate Certificate Programs - $3,600
  • Bachelor’s Degree Programs - $6,100
  • Collaborative Programs - $5,000


P.S.....CAD$1= USD $0.80


How did you ever manage to accumulate and expend these princely sums yugi?


I didn't even mention the vast amounts of available college state welfare grants from the provincial and Ottawa governments.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mits, My son Graduated College 5 years now in the GREAT USA and cant find a Job!!!!!!!!

Nehru bhai, I wonder what sort of career counselling he got? In 5 years he could have earned another certificate, diploma or degree. Anyone can find a job. He may not get one in his field of studies. There was a Dr. Phil show on this very topic yesterday. You may need to practice tough love with him. Guyana is a different situation. In America and especially in your area there are jobs; in Guyana it's different. Many hope to migrate while some turn to suicide, drugs or burglary.


The Ministry of Education reports that nearly 7,000 children drop out of our primary and secondary schools every year. Youths who do not complete their basic education satisfactorily will find it difficult to get jobs. Joblessness among young people in the Caribbean Community, at an average of 23 per cent, is higher than many other developed and developing countries. The majority of young university graduates in Guyana, unable to find employment, are forced to migrate or remain out-of-work. The National Employment Report published by the International Labour Organisation, estimated that, based on Guyana’s Household Income and Expenditure Survey which was last undertaken over a decade ago, about 44 per cent of the population of working age are β€œnot economically active.” This situation has arisen, in part, because the β€˜one-size-fits-all’ education model has failed. For many students, it has little relevance to the needs in the communities in which they live.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mits, My son Graduated College 5 years now in the GREAT USA and cant find a Job!!!!!!!!

Nehru bhai, I wonder what sort of career counselling he got? In 5 years he could have earned another certificate, diploma or degree. Anyone can find a job. He may not get one in his field of studies. There was a Dr. Phil show on this very topic yesterday. You may need to practice tough love with him. Guyana is a different situation. In America and especially in your area there are jobs; in Guyana it's different. Many hope to migrate while some turn to suicide, drugs or burglary.


The Ministry of Education reports that nearly 7,000 children drop out of our primary and secondary schools every year. Youths who do not complete their basic education satisfactorily will find it difficult to get jobs. Joblessness among young people in the Caribbean Community, at an average of 23 per cent, is higher than many other developed and developing countries. The majority of young university graduates in Guyana, unable to find employment, are forced to migrate or remain out-of-work. The National Employment Report published by the International Labour Organisation, estimated that, based on Guyana’s Household Income and Expenditure Survey which was last undertaken over a decade ago, about 44 per cent of the population of working age are β€œnot economically active.” This situation has arisen, in part, because the β€˜one-size-fits-all’ education model has failed. For many students, it has little relevance to the needs in the communities in which they live.

Cane Cuttine, Rice Planting, Taxi Driver, Carpenter, Laborer, Canal Cleaners, Restaurant workers, Fisherman all kind of Jobs available for the dropouts.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

my relatives in Canada hardly pay anything for a University education


Just look at how much money yugi had to stash away:


Average cost of tuition for one academic year in an Ontario college program:

  • Diploma Programs - $2,400
  • Graduate Certificate Programs - $3,600
  • Bachelor’s Degree Programs - $6,100
  • Collaborative Programs - $5,000


P.S.....CAD$1= USD $0.80


How did you ever manage to accumulate and expend these princely sums yugi?


I didn't even mention the vast amounts of available college state welfare grants from the provincial and Ottawa governments.

When my family told me the cost...the thought crossed my mind of sending my kid to Canada

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Cane Cuttine, Rice Planting, Taxi Driver, Carpenter, Laborer, Canal Cleaners, Restaurant workers, Fisherman all kind of Jobs available for the dropouts.


.....President, PPP/C Member of Parliament, Home Affairs Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister, Attorney General, Commissioner, Pro Chancellor, Ambassador, High Commissioner, Consul General and numerous positions on state boards and other statutory bodies.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

my relatives in Canada hardly pay anything for a University education


Just look at how much money yugi had to stash away:


Average cost of tuition for one academic year in an Ontario college program:

  • Diploma Programs - $2,400
  • Graduate Certificate Programs - $3,600
  • Bachelor’s Degree Programs - $6,100
  • Collaborative Programs - $5,000


P.S.....CAD$1= USD $0.80


How did you ever manage to accumulate and expend these princely sums yugi?


I didn't even mention the vast amounts of available college state welfare grants from the provincial and Ottawa governments.

When my family told me the cost...the thought crossed my mind of sending my kid to Canada


Listening to Guyanese people artfully present a fact juss strain my mind sometimes. It's like a cultural trait.


A Canadian university is not a bad idea, especially if you whip out a Guyanese passport and claim some Commonwealth concession tuition rate. (I think Canada used to or still does that)

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Cane Cuttine, Rice Planting, Taxi Driver, Carpenter, Laborer, Canal Cleaners, Restaurant workers, Fisherman all kind of Jobs available for the dropouts.


.....President, PPP/C Member of Parliament, Home Affairs Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister, Attorney General, Commissioner, Pro Chancellor, Ambassador, High Commissioner, Consul General and numerous positions on state boards and other statutory bodies.

to qualify for this job you have to know how to thief and lie 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mits, My son Graduated College 5 years now in the GREAT USA and cant find a Job!!!!!!!!

Nehru bhai, I wonder what sort of career counselling he got? In 5 years he could have earned another certificate, diploma or degree. Anyone can find a job. He may not get one in his field of studies. There was a Dr. Phil show on this very topic yesterday. You may need to practice tough love with him. Guyana is a different situation. In America and especially in your area there are jobs; in Guyana it's different. Many hope to migrate while some turn to suicide, drugs or burglary.


The Ministry of Education reports that nearly 7,000 children drop out of our primary and secondary schools every year. Youths who do not complete their basic education satisfactorily will find it difficult to get jobs. Joblessness among young people in the Caribbean Community, at an average of 23 per cent, is higher than many other developed and developing countries. The majority of young university graduates in Guyana, unable to find employment, are forced to migrate or remain out-of-work. The National Employment Report published by the International Labour Organisation, estimated that, based on Guyana’s Household Income and Expenditure Survey which was last undertaken over a decade ago, about 44 per cent of the population of working age are β€œnot economically active.” This situation has arisen, in part, because the β€˜one-size-fits-all’ education model has failed. For many students, it has little relevance to the needs in the communities in which they live.

Cane Cuttine, Rice Planting, Taxi Driver, Carpenter, Laborer, Canal Cleaners, Restaurant workers, Fisherman all kind of Jobs available for the dropouts.

I just checked the labour demand  in your area and there are 1,000's of openings. Check it out with Chief. Your son first needs to find a job. Any job. He can then job hop until he settles for  one that he wants. Real estate agents are doing well.


The Ministry of Labour conducts a two-year programme called the National Training Project for Youth Empowerment (NTPYE). Programmes such as the President’s Youth Choice initiative (PYCI) and the President’s Youth Award Republic of Guyana (PYARG) have failed long ago. They had little impact on youths over the years. There are many programmes but there has been little progress in solving the problems facing young people. Despite the ferment of initiatives – CSP; NTPYE; PYCI; PYARG; YAEP and YEST – there have been few new job opportunities. Too many Guyanese youths still leave school unskilled, enter the workforce for the first time and are obliged to resort to the informal sector for employment in low-paying occupations.  Four out of every ten youths face a jobless future.


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