(Trinidad Guardian) A self-con­fessed panty thief was sent to prison for four years on Wednes­day af­ter elud­ing of­fi­cers for al­most a year.

Bri­an Mc Ken­zie, 36, was nabbed by un­der­cov­er po­lice of­fi­cers ear­li­er this week near a bar in San­gre Chiq­ui­to, a vil­lage south of San­gre Grande.

Po­lice said Mc Ken­zie was ac­cused of steal­ing var­i­ous items of cloth­ing which were put out to dry by home­own­ers.

He is ac­cused of steal­ing women’s un­der­wear and men’s cloth­ing, house­hold items, fruits, veg­eta­bles and threat­en­ing home­own­ers who con­front­ed him in the San­gre Chiq­ui­to dis­trict.

Mc Ken­zie ap­peared be­fore Mag­is­trate Bramb­hanan Dubay in the First Mag­is­trates Court on charges of bur­glary. He plead­ed guilty to the of­fences.

Po­lice pros­e­cu­tor Sgt Nicholas Ramdeen told the mag­is­trate that the pris­on­er had a long list of pend­ing mat­ters.

PC Ciel­to of San­gre Grande CID laid the charge.