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-’new’ registrants list for public scrutiny

December 17 2019


The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has received applications from 14 new political parties for symbols with which they hope to contest the upcoming general and regional elections.

According to GECOM Public Relations Officer Yolanda Ward, a total of 19 political parties applied before the December 13th deadline, including 14 new ones.

The governing coalition APNU+AFC and the parliamentary opposition PPP/C have formally applied to retain their symbols as have Gerald Pereira’s Organisation for the Victory of the People and Vishnu Bandhu’s United Republican Party.

At least four parties which contested in 2015 have not applied. Those are the ealing the Nation Theocracy Party (HTNTP), the Independent Party led by Mark Benschop, the National Independence Party (NIP) led by attorney Saphier Hussain and The United Force (TUF), which in 2015 fielded Marissa Nadir as its presidential candidate.  TUF which was original the UF had participated in national elections since the 1960s and had formed a crucial governing alliance with the PNC in 1964 when it was headed by businessman Peter D’ Aguiar.

In their place have sprung up a plethora of smaller parties hopeful of holding the balance of power between the APNU+AFC and the PPP/C. They include A New United Guyana (ANUG), Change Guyana, the Federal United Party (FEDUP), the Liberty and Justice Party and The Citizenship Initiative.

Also applying for symbols were A Guyana National Service Party, the Democratic National Congress, the Destiny to Oneness, the Horizon and Star – a perennial entrant, the Kingdom Liberal Movement, the National Congress of Progressive Peoples’ Alliance, People’s Republic Party, the Cooperative Republicans of Guyana, the Guyana United Democratic Party and The New Movement.


Meanwhile, members of the public and other stakeholders will be able to review lists of those who were newly registered during the truncated national house-to-house (HtH) registration exercise and also those who were registered during the recently conducted Claims and Objections exercise, according to sources at GECOM.

Stabroek News was told that while it is still not clear when this information will be published or what guidelines would govern its review, it will be available for public scrutiny at various registration offices countrywide.

It is not clear either whether this information will be published as a separate list or as part of the Revised List of Electors (RLE), which is to be published before January 10, 2020, which is Nomination Day for the 2020 general elections.

According to the National Registration (Claims and Objections) Order of 2019, Commissioner of Registration Keith Lowenfield has until December 28th to make alterations, including the addition of new names to the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE), after which the RLE is to be published.

Stabroek News had previously reported that at an extraordinary meeting on Friday, the commission agreed to post for public scrutiny the names of the approximately 20,000 new registrants recorded during HtH.

The commission has supposedly run into problems with the fingerprint cross-matching service provided by overseas service provider Gemalto and is resorting to different methods to see if those persons identified as new are actually new registrants or previously existed as entrants on the National Register of Registrants (NRR).

While the HtH exercise recorded just over 370,000 entries, fingerprint cross-matching as well as a manual examination by GECOM’s Secretariat found that approximately 350,000 of those entries were already on the NRR.

The commission has decided to provide to “stakeholders,” such as political parties, the new names so that they could engage in their own verification and that each registration officer in the presence of party scrutineers would engage in a “desk review” of the list to ensure that those persons are not entered into the NRR.

The commission appears to have dismissed outright a recommendation from the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) to allow for a “joint verification exercise” of any new registrants.

Opposition parliamentarian Anil Nandlall, in a statement to the press on Friday, stressed that the law mandates that not a single name must eventuate on to the OLE without verification.

“GECOM has an unconditional duty to ensure compliance with this legal requirement. Nothing short will suffice,” Nandlall stressed.

According to Nandlall, GECOM was prepared to do a verification by using a 10 per cent random sample but the PPP/C objected on the grounds that even if 80 per cent of the sampling proved accurate, it would allow for 20 per cent of unverified data to eventually reach the OLE.

Another concern raised is that this process and any treatment of the HtH data falls outside of the provisions of Guyana’s elections law. “What happens if a party scrutineer finds someone on the list who is ineligible to be registered? This is not the claims and objections exercise, there is no legal provision for what’s next in such a scenario,” a source indicated.

The treatment of the data collected during the nearly month and a half HtH process has engaged the commission for months. A decision had previously been taken to publish for public scrutiny the entire list but no directive legal or otherwise accompanied this publication so the public remained unaware of how to treat with the information.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I bet at the end of the day if you combined all their votes from the ballot boxes, they will not qualify for one seat.

While the HtH exercise recorded just over 370,000 entries, fingerprint cross-matching, as well as a manual examination by GECOM’s Secretariat, found that approximately 350,000 of those entries were already on the NRR.

This is troubling. PNC trademark.

skeldon_man posted:

I bet at the end of the day if you combined all their votes from the ballot boxes, they will not qualify for one seat.

While the HtH exercise recorded just over 370,000 entries, fingerprint cross-matching, as well as a manual examination by GECOM’s Secretariat, found that approximately 350,000 of those entries were already on the NRR.

This is troubling. PNC trademark.

All these mushrooms parties were PNC supporters, So PNC will have to embrace them and nice them up with new minister portfolios  or minister assistance position or assistance Vice President to the Vice President... this is the biggest joke in Guyana now. 

Ray posted:

everybody and they nanee running...

they like the Democrats  

The Democrats in Guyana ...

-- Democratic National Congress,

-- Guyana United Democratic Party

Last edited by Former Member

Na TK is a snake who does behave like the Hitler Boy Gerhard. Hitler wanted to exterminate Jews but Gerhard and TK put Indos heads on a silver platter and handed it to GrNger. They have cane cutters tears on their hands. Karma is a bytch and will eventually take its course if it already has not. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Na TK is a snake who does behave like the Hitler Boy Gerhard. Hitler wanted to exterminate Jews but Gerhard and TK put Indos heads on a silver platter and handed it to GrNger. They have cane cutters tears on their hands. Karma is a bytch and will eventually take its course if it already has not. 

Hey hey hey...bai coolie gat two ole higue/churile/vampire foh deal wid. De Jagdoe churile/ole higue/vampire does suck coolie from de inside...hey hey hey. And de Granger/AFC churile/ole higue/vampire does suck dem blood pon de outside. Ayoo remember how puppy transcript man who get de bogus transcript from de businessman who shoot Cheddie niece Maria?? he use to chase coolie like daag from housing and hug up dem blackman who does vote 99% foh dem mattie? Hey hey hey...


O rass bai, like me wake up TK jumbie. Last time I checked PPP tied their belly but kept the sugar workers alive. TK and Gerhard was mouthing off how dem coalition was going to diversify sugar. Dem diversify Shyte. Is TK and Gerhard who burn Kulie and put dem heads on a silver platter and gave it to PNC to feast. Dem na gat shame !!!!

Is dem two who polished up the PNC and called them part two. Gerhard even campaigned heavily and publicly for the AFC PNC. Yes Gerhard promised a “good life”

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

O rass bai, like me wake up TK jumbie. Last time I checked PPP tied their belly but kept the sugar workers alive. TK and Gerhard was mouthing off how dem coalition was going to diversify sugar. Dem diversify Shyte. Is TK and Gerhard who burn Kulie and put dem heads on a silver platter and gave it to PNC to feast. Dem na gat shame !!!!

Is dem two who polished up the PNC and called them part two. Gerhard even campaigned heavily and publicly for the AFC PNC. Yes Gerhard promised a “good life”

Hey hey how dem close down LBI and diamond and dem deh plan foh chop Wales? And de chinee mek Skeldon? How much yuh tink de Chinee put in yuh bai bankbook he keep Thailan and India? What yuh bai Robero Pussard do with de EU money foh de sugar worker? Hey hey yuh bai Raj Sing? And de fertilizer scam dem bais deh runnin...hey hey hey.

Labba posted:
Sean posted:

O rass bai, like me wake up TK jumbie. Last time I checked PPP tied their belly but kept the sugar workers alive. TK and Gerhard was mouthing off how dem coalition was going to diversify sugar. Dem diversify Shyte. Is TK and Gerhard who burn Kulie and put dem heads on a silver platter and gave it to PNC to feast. Dem na gat shame !!!!

Is dem two who polished up the PNC and called them part two. Gerhard even campaigned heavily and publicly for the AFC PNC. Yes Gerhard promised a “good life”

Hey hey how dem close down LBI and diamond and dem deh plan foh chop Wales? And de chinee mek Skeldon? How much yuh tink de Chinee put in yuh bai bankbook he keep Thailan and India? What yuh bai Robero Pussard do with de EU money foh de sugar worker? Hey hey yuh bai Raj Sing? And de fertilizer scam dem bais deh runnin...hey hey hey.

Seems like you and your "likee" have a brain fart.

LBI estate was NOT closed by PPP, it was down size, the cultivation workers was merge with Enmore, and it make absolute sense because majority of the times LBI estates has mechanical issues and the canes were taken to Enmore.

Diamond Operation was closed in 1980s. and the cultivation filed was close in 2009.. these cultivation field was not producing the quality of cane for harvesting. The land was sold to DDL for industrial purpose and PPP opened housing schemes. Businessmen opens factories that employs some of the sugar workers.

Wales Estate was closed by APNU/AFC.


Dave posted:
Labba posted:
Sean posted:

O rass bai, like me wake up TK jumbie. Last time I checked PPP tied their belly but kept the sugar workers alive. TK and Gerhard was mouthing off how dem coalition was going to diversify sugar. Dem diversify Shyte. Is TK and Gerhard who burn Kulie and put dem heads on a silver platter and gave it to PNC to feast. Dem na gat shame !!!!

Is dem two who polished up the PNC and called them part two. Gerhard even campaigned heavily and publicly for the AFC PNC. Yes Gerhard promised a “good life”

Hey hey how dem close down LBI and diamond and dem deh plan foh chop Wales? And de chinee mek Skeldon? How much yuh tink de Chinee put in yuh bai bankbook he keep Thailan and India? What yuh bai Robero Pussard do with de EU money foh de sugar worker? Hey hey yuh bai Raj Sing? And de fertilizer scam dem bais deh runnin...hey hey hey.

Seems like you and your "likee" have a brain fart.

LBI estate was NOT closed by PPP, it was down size, the cultivation workers was merge with Enmore, and it make absolute sense because majority of the times LBI estates has mechanical issues and the canes were taken to Enmore.

Diamond Operation was closed in 1980s. and the cultivation filed was close in 2009.. these cultivation field was not producing the quality of cane for harvesting. The land was sold to DDL for industrial purpose and PPP opened housing schemes. Businessmen opens factories that employs some of the sugar workers.

Wales Estate was closed by APNU/AFC.

Workers down tools at Diamond Sugar Estate

Scores of workers at the Diamond Sugar Estate yesterday downed tools in protest at a decision by the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) to transfer them to the LBI Estate.

Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) President Mr. Komal Chand told the Guyana Chronicle that the union believes the latest move by the Corporation is to close the 1,694 areas of cane cultivation at the Diamond Estate in keeping with its cost-cutting measures.

He pointed out that GuySuCo has not been carrying out rehabilitation work and application of fertilisers on the estate, and if the Company intends to cease cultivation there, his union will be opposed to the idea.

Chand explained that closure of cultivation at the Diamond Estate would negatively impact GuySuCo’s sugar output and might adversely affect workers of the estate.

The top GAWU official said he has written to GuySuCo seeking a discussion on the matter but is yet to receive a definite response.

Officials of GAWU and GuySuCo met yesterday to look at the problem, and according to Chan, the two parties are expected to meet again on Friday.

Meanwhile, the GAWU President said the stand-off is expected to continue today.

Diamond sugar workers to receive Gy$300M severance package



Two articles from the former PPP government mouthpieces. Refresh your memory.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Labba posted:
Sean posted:

O rass bai, like me wake up TK jumbie. Last time I checked PPP tied their belly but kept the sugar workers alive. TK and Gerhard was mouthing off how dem coalition was going to diversify sugar. Dem diversify Shyte. Is TK and Gerhard who burn Kulie and put dem heads on a silver platter and gave it to PNC to feast. Dem na gat shame !!!!

Is dem two who polished up the PNC and called them part two. Gerhard even campaigned heavily and publicly for the AFC PNC. Yes Gerhard promised a “good life”

Hey hey how dem close down LBI and diamond and dem deh plan foh chop Wales? And de chinee mek Skeldon? How much yuh tink de Chinee put in yuh bai bankbook he keep Thailan and India? What yuh bai Robero Pussard do with de EU money foh de sugar worker? Hey hey yuh bai Raj Sing? And de fertilizer scam dem bais deh runnin...hey hey hey.

Seems like you and your "likee" have a brain fart.

LBI estate was NOT closed by PPP, it was down size, the cultivation workers was merge with Enmore, and it make absolute sense because majority of the times LBI estates has mechanical issues and the canes were taken to Enmore.

Diamond Operation was closed in 1980s. and the cultivation filed was close in 2009.. these cultivation field was not producing the quality of cane for harvesting. The land was sold to DDL for industrial purpose and PPP opened housing schemes. Businessmen opens factories that employs some of the sugar workers.

Wales Estate was closed by APNU/AFC.

Workers down tools at Diamond Sugar Estate

Scores of workers at the Diamond Sugar Estate yesterday downed tools in protest at a decision by the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) to transfer them to the LBI Estate.

Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) President Mr. Komal Chand told the Guyana Chronicle that the union believes the latest move by the Corporation is to close the 1,694 areas of cane cultivation at the Diamond Estate in keeping with its cost-cutting measures.

He pointed out that GuySuCo has not been carrying out rehabilitation work and application of fertilisers on the estate, and if the Company intends to cease cultivation there, his union will be opposed to the idea.

Chand explained that closure of cultivation at the Diamond Estate would negatively impact GuySuCo’s sugar output and might adversely affect workers of the estate.

The top GAWU official said he has written to GuySuCo seeking a discussion on the matter but is yet to receive a definite response.

Officials of GAWU and GuySuCo met yesterday to look at the problem, and according to Chan, the two parties are expected to meet again on Friday.

Meanwhile, the GAWU President said the stand-off is expected to continue today.

What exactly are you trying to say here Django... it does not make sense to when I said Diamond FACTORY was closed in 1980s. majority of the cultivation workers went at Wales estate. 

In plan words, the land was barren and was not economically feasible to plant cane. 


Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Labba posted:
Sean posted:

O rass bai, like me wake up TK jumbie. Last time I checked PPP tied their belly but kept the sugar workers alive. TK and Gerhard was mouthing off how dem coalition was going to diversify sugar. Dem diversify Shyte. Is TK and Gerhard who burn Kulie and put dem heads on a silver platter and gave it to PNC to feast. Dem na gat shame !!!!

Is dem two who polished up the PNC and called them part two. Gerhard even campaigned heavily and publicly for the AFC PNC. Yes Gerhard promised a “good life”

Hey hey how dem close down LBI and diamond and dem deh plan foh chop Wales? And de chinee mek Skeldon? How much yuh tink de Chinee put in yuh bai bankbook he keep Thailan and India? What yuh bai Robero Pussard do with de EU money foh de sugar worker? Hey hey yuh bai Raj Sing? And de fertilizer scam dem bais deh runnin...hey hey hey.

Seems like you and your "likee" have a brain fart.

LBI estate was NOT closed by PPP, it was down size, the cultivation workers was merge with Enmore, and it make absolute sense because majority of the times LBI estates has mechanical issues and the canes were taken to Enmore.

Diamond Operation was closed in 1980s. and the cultivation filed was close in 2009.. these cultivation field was not producing the quality of cane for harvesting. The land was sold to DDL for industrial purpose and PPP opened housing schemes. Businessmen opens factories that employs some of the sugar workers.

Wales Estate was closed by APNU/AFC.

Workers down tools at Diamond Sugar Estate

Scores of workers at the Diamond Sugar Estate yesterday downed tools in protest at a decision by the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) to transfer them to the LBI Estate.

Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) President Mr. Komal Chand told the Guyana Chronicle that the union believes the latest move by the Corporation is to close the 1,694 areas of cane cultivation at the Diamond Estate in keeping with its cost-cutting measures.

He pointed out that GuySuCo has not been carrying out rehabilitation work and application of fertilisers on the estate, and if the Company intends to cease cultivation there, his union will be opposed to the idea.

Chand explained that closure of cultivation at the Diamond Estate would negatively impact GuySuCo’s sugar output and might adversely affect workers of the estate.

The top GAWU official said he has written to GuySuCo seeking a discussion on the matter but is yet to receive a definite response.

Officials of GAWU and GuySuCo met yesterday to look at the problem, and according to Chan, the two parties are expected to meet again on Friday.

Meanwhile, the GAWU President said the stand-off is expected to continue today.

Diamond sugar workers to receive Gy$300M severance package



Two articles from the former PPP government mouthpieces. Refresh your memory.

BTW .. why are you quoting Guyana Times. It suddenly become the becon of truth for your appetite.  


Mr Jagdeo did not close the Diamond and LBI estates

Dear Editor,


GTUC General Secretary, Lincoln Lewis in his column appearing in the September 01 Kaieteur News, among other things, spoke about the sugar industry as he continued his public disagreement with Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo. While we are aware that Messrs Lewis and Jagdeo have for some weeks now been caught up in a war of words regarding opinion and approach, the GAWU, at the same time, finds it necessary to correct some of the inaccurate statements made in the GTUC General Secretary’s column.

Mr Lewis charges that Mr Jagdeo, during his time as President, closed Diamond Estate. This, however, is not true. The Diamond factory was closed in 1985 and a significant section of the estate’s cultivation was retired. It was ironic that the factory was identified for closure in the first place having been upgraded just prior to its closure. In fact, the Diamond factory has the distinction of having the first punt dumper installed in the industry. It appears that the closure of Diamond, like the recent closure of sugar estates, was not thoroughly considered but premised on whims and fancies.

The columnist also charged that the Diamond workers were represented by now Minister Khemraj Ramjattan in order to receive their severance. This too is not correct. It was the GAWU that approached the Courts for its intervention after the GuySuCo did not wish to respect the workers right to severance. In fact, Minister Ramjattan, at that time, indicated to a Union leader that he could not find in the law the relevant section which supported the workers’ right to severance pay. Our Union later withdrew the Court action, after the then Government intervened in 2011 and ensured that the relevant law was upheld. Moreover, many of the affected workers were offered employment at Wales Estate and continued to work there until that estate was closed at the end of 2016. Our Union has drawn attention to these facts on several occasions now.


Of course, Mr Lewis would well know that the incumbent Administration ignored the very section and forced the Union and the workers of Wales to approach the Courts for justice. As we well know, justice prevailed and the Court ruled in the workers’ favour which saw them belatedly receiving their severance payments. Similarly, the workers of East Demerara, Rose Hall and Skeldon estates had some of their severance entitlements wrongly withheld. It was judicial intervention initiated by GAWU that saw that wrong being righted. 

The GTUC General Secretary said too that Mr Jagdeo “…closed down LBI estate. Thousands of sugar workers were put on the breadline”. Again, this is not an accurate statement. In 2011, a decision was made to close the LBI factory.

The decision was taken against the backdrop of the improvement of the Enmore factory and the construction of the packaging plant which yielded a higher price for the sugar produced. Of the workers affected by the closure, some were retained at LBI to work in the enlarged workshop that was created while the others were transferred to work in the Enmore factory and the newly constructed packaging plant. There was a small number that opted for early retirement instead.

We hasten to point out that in April, 2016, the Corporation actually closed the LBI Estate, under the guise of consolidation. In so doing, LBI Estate ceased to exist and a number of workers were shown the door. At that time, the Corporation contended that the decision was taken to safeguard the future operations of East Demerara Estate. As is now well-known, just mere weeks after that decision, the Corporation and the Government announced its intention to fully close East Demerara Estate and put thousands out of work.


We hope that this serves to bring clarity to the reality of the situation at Diamond and LBI Estates and will assist fellow trade unionist Mr Lewis in his future writings on the matter.

Yours faithfully,

Seepaul Narine

General Secretary

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Labba posted:
Sean posted:

O rass bai, like me wake up TK jumbie. Last time I checked PPP tied their belly but kept the sugar workers alive. TK and Gerhard was mouthing off how dem coalition was going to diversify sugar. Dem diversify Shyte. Is TK and Gerhard who burn Kulie and put dem heads on a silver platter and gave it to PNC to feast. Dem na gat shame !!!!

Is dem two who polished up the PNC and called them part two. Gerhard even campaigned heavily and publicly for the AFC PNC. Yes Gerhard promised a “good life”

Hey hey how dem close down LBI and diamond and dem deh plan foh chop Wales? And de chinee mek Skeldon? How much yuh tink de Chinee put in yuh bai bankbook he keep Thailan and India? What yuh bai Robero Pussard do with de EU money foh de sugar worker? Hey hey yuh bai Raj Sing? And de fertilizer scam dem bais deh runnin...hey hey hey.

Seems like you and your "likee" have a brain fart.

LBI estate was NOT closed by PPP, it was down size, the cultivation workers was merge with Enmore, and it make absolute sense because majority of the times LBI estates has mechanical issues and the canes were taken to Enmore.

Diamond Operation was closed in 1980s. and the cultivation filed was close in 2009.. these cultivation field was not producing the quality of cane for harvesting. The land was sold to DDL for industrial purpose and PPP opened housing schemes. Businessmen opens factories that employs some of the sugar workers.

Wales Estate was closed by APNU/AFC.

Workers down tools at Diamond Sugar Estate

Scores of workers at the Diamond Sugar Estate yesterday downed tools in protest at a decision by the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) to transfer them to the LBI Estate.

Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) President Mr. Komal Chand told the Guyana Chronicle that the union believes the latest move by the Corporation is to close the 1,694 areas of cane cultivation at the Diamond Estate in keeping with its cost-cutting measures.

He pointed out that GuySuCo has not been carrying out rehabilitation work and application of fertilisers on the estate, and if the Company intends to cease cultivation there, his union will be opposed to the idea.

Chand explained that closure of cultivation at the Diamond Estate would negatively impact GuySuCo’s sugar output and might adversely affect workers of the estate.

The top GAWU official said he has written to GuySuCo seeking a discussion on the matter but is yet to receive a definite response.

Officials of GAWU and GuySuCo met yesterday to look at the problem, and according to Chan, the two parties are expected to meet again on Friday.

Meanwhile, the GAWU President said the stand-off is expected to continue today.

Diamond sugar workers to receive Gy$300M severance package



Two articles from the former PPP government mouthpieces. Refresh your memory.

Hey hey hey. Me frenno Django resorting to the rag Guyana Times to rebut Davo. Wonders never cease. Never underestimate a rag's usefulness to substantiate a point. 😊

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

Hey hey hey. Me frenno Django resorting to the rag Guyana Times to rebut Davo. Wonders never cease. Never underestimate a rag's usefulness to substantiate a point. 😊

Deliberately done, for reasons of my own. The article about severance pay was in other newspapers.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Hey hey hey. Me frenno Django resorting to the rag Guyana Times to rebut Davo. Wonders never cease. Never underestimate a rag's usefulness to substantiate a point. 😊

Deliberately done, for reasons of my own. The article about severance was in other newspapers.

Hey Django, PNC plans falling apart at the seams it seems!!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Hey hey hey. Me frenno Django resorting to the rag Guyana Times to rebut Davo. Wonders never cease. Never underestimate a rag's usefulness to substantiate a point. 😊

Deliberately done, for reasons of my own. The article about severance was in other newspapers.

Hey Django, PNC plans falling apart at the seams it seems!!

What plans ? the 20,000 new registrants ? when the final voters list comes out will give my analysis on the upcoming elections.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Hey hey hey. Me frenno Django resorting to the rag Guyana Times to rebut Davo. Wonders never cease. Never underestimate a rag's usefulness to substantiate a point. 😊

Deliberately done, for reasons of my own. The article about severance pay was in other newspapers.

Ha Ha, you didn’t expect the example for rebuttal will fly back into your face. 

Give them Sophia bhai that explanation, them gon buy it.

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Hey hey hey. Me frenno Django resorting to the rag Guyana Times to rebut Davo. Wonders never cease. Never underestimate a rag's usefulness to substantiate a point. 😊

Deliberately done, for reasons of my own. The article about severance pay was in other newspapers.

Ha Ha, you didn’t expect the example for rebuttal will fly back into your face. 

Give them Sophia bhai that explanation, them gon buy it.

Two articles from the former PPP government mouthpieces. Refresh your memory.

You all miss the above in my post , the reason i posted the article from Guyana Times was the rosy picture painted about GUYSUCO , and the planned target of 400,000 tons of sugar.

Notice you said Diamond estate lands are barren , how do come to that conclusion. Was the land barren from since 1800's . Do you know how sugar cane planting lands become fertile ,after a few crops of reaping.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Hey hey hey. Me frenno Django resorting to the rag Guyana Times to rebut Davo. Wonders never cease. Never underestimate a rag's usefulness to substantiate a point. 😊

Deliberately done, for reasons of my own. The article about severance pay was in other newspapers.

Ha Ha, you didn’t expect the example for rebuttal will fly back into your face. 

Give them Sophia bhai that explanation, them gon buy it.

Notice you said Diamond estate lands are barren , how do come to that conclusion. Was the land barren from since 1800's 

My dad works with Guysuco for 47 years as a tractor operator, he spend most of his life transporting cane in the back land. He knows the amount of punts were diminishing every crops. 

Canes were brought into the estate lab for testing, soil testing were also done.. hence my conclusion. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Hey hey hey. Me frenno Django resorting to the rag Guyana Times to rebut Davo. Wonders never cease. Never underestimate a rag's usefulness to substantiate a point. 😊

Deliberately done, for reasons of my own. The article about severance pay was in other newspapers.

Ha Ha, you didn’t expect the example for rebuttal will fly back into your face. 

Give them Sophia bhai that explanation, them gon buy it.

Notice you said Diamond estate lands are barren , how do come to that conclusion. Was the land barren from since 1800's 

My dad works with Guysuco for 47 years as a tractor operator, he spend most of his life transporting cane in the back land. He knows the amount of punts were diminishing every crops. 

Canes were brought into the estate lab for testing, soil testing were also done.. hence my conclusion. 

Hope this explanation below provide some answers.

GAWU said that the poor performance also means that canes available to harvest during the second crop cannot be harvested and will have to be reaped during next year.
“The cutting of canes beyond their maturity is almost a taboo in the industry, as those canes tend to experience declining returns. Moreover, such canes are also difficult for workers to harvest as they require additional efforts by them.”

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Hey hey hey. Me frenno Django resorting to the rag Guyana Times to rebut Davo. Wonders never cease. Never underestimate a rag's usefulness to substantiate a point. 😊

Deliberately done, for reasons of my own. The article about severance pay was in other newspapers.

Ha Ha, you didn’t expect the example for rebuttal will fly back into your face. 

Give them Sophia bhai that explanation, them gon buy it.

Notice you said Diamond estate lands are barren , how do come to that conclusion. Was the land barren from since 1800's 

My dad works with Guysuco for 47 years as a tractor operator, he spend most of his life transporting cane in the back land. He knows the amount of punts were diminishing every crops. 

Canes were brought into the estate lab for testing, soil testing were also done.. hence my conclusion. 

Ok... your conclusion gaining information from your dad , isn't  proof the lands became barren. Diamond was a productive estate before nationalization.

Poor husbandry  and resting of fields, will cause reduction in tons of cane per acre. I worked for cane farmers ,cutting canes and the estate for a total about 6 years ,at the estate started, applying fertilizers ,then weeding to cutting canes.

Labba posted:

Hey hey see Django put one upper cut pon we bai Davie aka REV aka Yuji aka we bai pon de board right now aka de man wid de Bahamas catamaran...hey hey hey.

No upper cut bhai.. Django should asked Congress Place if the land was so fertile for cultivation ( which I believe it was then) why  closed the factory in 1985. Nationalization of Sugar was done in the mid 1970s . And as far as I know, Sugar was still growing, no land was left idle when Diamond was closed 

With Djanjo claimed of woking in the cane field .. he didn’t mention if it was Diamond land  he was fertilizing. 


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