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Fourth Building Expo opens


The fourth International Building Exposition under the theme “Consolidating Partnerships for Sustainable Development” opened in grand style this evening, and will run over the next three days at the Guyana National Stadium at Providence.  It was declared open by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, who was performing the duties of President.


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds examines a model in the booth of the Ministry of Housing and Water

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds examines a model in the booth of the Ministry of Housing and Water


PM Hinds observed that housing and construction has been the leading sector in Guyana over the past three years, providing focus and transforming the landscape across Guyana. He noted that the sector can provide work for persons and stimulate demand throughout the country.


A section of the crowd gathered for the opening ceremony of Building Expo 2013.

A section of the crowd gathered for the opening ceremony of Building Expo 2013.


The Prime Minister in reviewing the road which guided the first Building Expo reflected on the move to regularise squatting areas and the distribution of house lots across the country. This led to pride of ownership in Guyanese and the movement towards building for oneself he explained. He observed that as Guyana’s economy continues to grow, more help would become available for Guyanese to continue to build their homes.


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds listening to the point being made by a worker of Sunset Villas

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds listening to the point being made by a worker of Sunset Villas


PM Hinds commended former Minister Indra Chandarpal for setting up the process of drawing lots from a bag to secure a house lot. This, he explained, had greatly reduced the suspicion that the process was not a fair one.


He also noted that what could not be done at the beginning of the process is being done now; the provision of complete homes already built in developed areas, as is being offered to young professionals and re-migrants.


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds examines the roofing material offered by Marjon Trading

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds examines the roofing material offered by Marjon Trading


The PM urged Guyanese not to lose sight of the path of progressing from stage to stage, which now sees special incentives from the banking sector to help low income earners. This has seen hundreds of millions of dollars being lent to this category of persons who need this kind of assistance.


Minister of Housing and Water, Irfaan Ali noted that a lot of investments from the public and private sectors have been chanelled into the event.  “The private sector has come on board in a strong way, particularly the local and private developers,” Minister Ali highlighted.


The expo is seeing participation from international companies from Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, USA, Canada and Barbados.


Other appliances available for the home were also on prominent display at Building Expo 2013

Other appliances available for the home were also on prominent display at Building Expo 2013


Minister Ali stressed that the Ministry is expecting a very successful expo due to the level of enthusiasm and interest. “We hope that Expo Four brings to the exhibitors and consumers full satisfaction,” he added.


This event, he said, has outdone its predecessors, and this is as a result of greater interest. For instance, the Ministry has had to turn away a lot of large exhibitors because of time (they were late) and in terms of readiness and being on schedule.


This year’s expo focuses on the building of more local and foreign partnerships with the aim of diversifying the manufacturing base, while at the same time ensuring sustainable development.


Silica City is the first real initiative which will take industry, commerce and residential housing to higher grounds. Silica City offers a sustainable and viable solution for the country’s housing needs.


The Building and Construction Exposition showcases exhibits from suppliers of hardware, electrical suppliers and contractors, construction and engineering companies, sawmillers and lumber dealers, housing developers and real estate agencies, furniture manufacturers and suppliers, and suppliers of paints and household items.


The event also hosts the participation of regional and international exhibitors, provides investment opportunities, and creates opportunities for networking between and among local, regional and international businesses.


Meanwhile, Chairman of the Private Sector Commission, Ronald Webster observed that the theme for the Expo is apt for the event. He stressed on the increase in mortgage credit now available for new home owners. Webster also stressed on the importance of construction industry and pointed out that there will soon be more ways created to increase home ownership in Guyana.

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