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Originally Posted by Nehru:


According to WICR Radio MR Robert Mohammed ha announced that 52% of the Guyanese People were cheated of their RIGHT to Elect a President of their choice. He is concerned about the quick departure of Pres Carter and the possible involvement of the CIA and MI5. He said there were CLEAR EVIDENCES of a Systematic Plan to RIG the Election

Nobody is denying that the election was rigged. That's why Ramotar and Jagdoe were so shocked. They were convinced that their dastardly plan would have assured them of a victory.

The pressure put on some members of GECOM by persons within the PPP must have taken its toll on a few of them. But GECOM needs to and will be reformed. The counting process was one of the worse in the history of the world.


Wow! PPP gets to be victim and bully at the same time. Same old story again. The PPP must ask why all the diplomats from ABCE countries hate it. PPP might have been forced into PR for 1964 election, but it was not cheated. PPP ask yourself why the Western powers hate you. Also ask why Nehru, Cobra and 800K Guyanese live in Western democracies instead of Cuba and China.

Originally Posted by Nehru:


According to WICR Radio MR Robert Mohammed ha announced that 52% of the Guyanese People were cheated of their RIGHT to Elect a President of their choice. He is concerned about the quick departure of Pres Carter and the possible involvement of the CIA and MI5. He said there were CLEAR EVIDENCES of a Systematic Plan to RIG the Election



Robert Mohammed know all this from RH..hahahahahaha


give it up bai


Guess no beer fuh me cause yuh think PPP still in power

Originally Posted by Nehru:


According to WICR Radio MR Robert Mohammed ha announced that 52% of the Guyanese People were cheated of their RIGHT to Elect a President of their choice. He is concerned about the quick departure of Pres Carter and the possible involvement of the CIA and MI5. He said there were CLEAR EVIDENCES of a Systematic Plan to RIG the Election

He was probably drinking his sorrows away when he said this.


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